Victory Over Rock Music


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I can say over the past year or two the Holy Spirit has done a sanctifying work in me, so that I do not even desire to hear, write, sing, or play any form of Rock music.

I still hear Rock music in a number of places: Public restroom, the supermarket, the neighbors, cars going by or stopped next to me. But now it sounds like the noise of devils. Just noise. Like scraping your fingernails on a blackboard, or a a dog scampering on a tile floor with all those annoying click click click sounds.

The problem before is that it was a part of me. I used to really get into it: headbangin', playing air guitar, singing - or even recording my own stuff. It has no place in the child of God. Christs holiness is far set apart from Rock music and its satanic chords and words. Ezekiel 38:13 shows Satan is fully capable of creating music himself, which many don't believe.

Often I backslid into Rock music because the music wasn't really out of me. Like the unclean Spirit who leaves his house and comes back finding it empty, he brings 7 others worse than he. Those Rock n roll devils must have kept that part of me full, but no more. It has no part in me! HalleluYAH!

If I'm able I'll walk away from such music, or speak scripture, or sing Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to drown out the evil music.

My praise is this: Thank Yahweh God the LORD for His blessed Holy Spirit, who fills to the fullest that all is Christ, and as John the Baptist said, I must decrease and He increase.


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I can say over the past year or two the Holy Spirit has done a sanctifying work in me, so that I do not even desire to hear, write, sing, or play any form of Rock music.

I still hear Rock music in a number of places: Public restroom, the supermarket, the neighbors, cars going by or stopped next to me. But now it sounds like the noise of devils. Just noise. Like scraping your fingernails on a blackboard, or a a dog scampering on a tile floor with all those annoying click click click sounds.

The problem before is that it was a part of me. I used to really get into it: headbangin', playing air guitar, singing - or even recording my own stuff. It has no place in the child of God. Christs holiness is far set apart from Rock music and its satanic chords and words. Ezekiel 38:13 shows Satan is fully capable of creating music himself, which many don't believe.

Often I backslid into Rock music because the music wasn't really out of me. Like the unclean Spirit who leaves his house and comes back finding it empty, he brings 7 others worse than he. Those Rock n roll devils must have kept that part of me full, but no more. It has no part in me! HalleluYAH!

If I'm able I'll walk away from such music, or speak scripture, or sing Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to drown out the evil music.

My praise is this: Thank Yahweh God the LORD for His blessed Holy Spirit, who fills to the fullest that all is Christ, and as John the Baptist said, I must decrease and He increase.
Good for you sir, but I have to tell you, most rock music is not of the devil. Now metal music might be, but Christian metal exists (though, I prefer softer rock).

This is my take, and it is a long take, but here we go bro:

It is important to clarify that not all rock music is of the devil, as this is a common misconception based on certain cultural perceptions and misunderstandings. The Bible does not specifically condemn rock music or label it as being of the devil.

Rock music is a genre that encompasses a wide range of styles and themes, just like any other musical genre. Some rock songs may contain lyrics or messages that are contrary to Christian values, while others do not. It is essential to evaluate each piece of music individually and consider its content in light of biblical principles.

The Bible warns us against the influence of negative influences, including ungodly thoughts and behaviors. In 2 Corinthians 10:5-6, Paul urges us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" and to "destroy arguments and every proud obstacle that raises itself against the knowledge of God."

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and that we should glorify God in them. He urges us to flee from sexual immorality, idolatry, and other sins. Avoiding music with profane lyrics helps us avoid this immorality.

However, the Bible does not specify that we should avoid all forms of music or art because they might be associated with negative influences or that they have the potential to lead us into sin. Instead, it encourages us to use discernment and to focus on the lyrics and messages of the music rather than allowing ourselves to be influenced negatively by external factors.

In Colossians 3:16, Paul encourages us to "let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom." This includes using music as a means of worshiping God and sharing the message of Christ.

Therefore, it is essential to remember that not all rock music is of the devil, and that it is up to each individual to use discernment when evaluating the musical content they consume. We should focus on the lyrics and messages of the music, ensuring that they align with biblical principles, rather than making assumptions based on cultural perceptions or misconceptions.
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Congratulations! It's difficult to lay down secular music because it's ingrained in the culture. Satan is the prince of the power of the air which includes airwaves and things transmitted therein. Music is his domain. While you can produce songs that glorify God the industry is his and does his bidding.

If you've had a stronghold in this area separation may be necessary. I prefer classical music and instrumentals. Positive love songs are fine but I'm not playing it everyday. I don't want it in my head or for the music to inspire sinful acts. You're relaxed, feeling good, etc.

I started paying attention to my thoughts when I listened and noticed when a song would pop in my head I wasn't consciously thinking of. That shouldn't happen and when it does it's a seed from the Lord or the devil. When I stopped listening to heavy metal he'd afflict me with Type O Negative until I reminded him that Pete was a believer when he died as I rebuked him and it stopped.

I did the same with my emotions. That's why metal had to go. I didn't have the heaviness and was no longer in the company of people who enjoyed it and it wasn't that uplifting. It reminded me of something or someone. Rock met a similar fate for the same reasons.

But when I listen to classical I don't think about anything. I just enjoy the music. That's the way it should be. Stick with your convictions and remember Paul's words when you struggle.

All things are lawful [that is, morally legitimate, permissible], but not all things are beneficial or advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things are constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life].

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Jan 1, 2024
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Good for you sir, but I have to tell you, most rock music is not of the devil. Now metal music might be, but Christian metal exists (though, I prefer softer rock).

This is my take, and it is a long take, but here we go bro:

It is important to clarify that not all rock music is of the devil, as this is a common misconception based on certain cultural perceptions and misunderstandings. The Bible does not specifically condemn rock music or label it as being of the devil.

Rock music is a genre that encompasses a wide range of styles and themes, just like any other musical genre. Some rock songs may contain lyrics or messages that are contrary to Christian values, while others do not. It is essential to evaluate each piece of music individually and consider its content in light of biblical principles.

The Bible warns us against the influence of negative influences, including ungodly thoughts and behaviors. In 2 Corinthians 10:5-6, Paul urges us to "take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ" and to "destroy arguments and every proud obstacle that raises itself against the knowledge of God."

In 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, Paul reminds us that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit and that we should glorify God in them. He urges us to flee from sexual immorality, idolatry, and other sins. Avoiding music with profane lyrics helps us avoid this immorality.

However, the Bible does not specify that we should avoid all forms of music or art because they might be associated with negative influences or that they have the potential to lead us into sin. Instead, it encourages us to use discernment and to focus on the lyrics and messages of the music rather than allowing ourselves to be influenced negatively by external factors.

In Colossians 3:16, Paul encourages us to "let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom." This includes using music as a means of worshiping God and sharing the message of Christ.

Therefore, it is essential to remember that not all rock music is of the devil, and that it is up to each individual to use discernment when evaluating the musical content they consume. We should focus on the lyrics and messages of the music, ensuring that they align with biblical principles, rather than making assumptions based on cultural perceptions or misconceptions.

I have to disagree strongly with your theory that not all rock music is of the devil. I've been in that place before and it simply doesn't work. I have a thread on this topic, and I'll quote a portion here:

""The Devil’s Chord, the devil’s interval, the tritone, the triad, and the diminished or flatted fifth are a combination of musical notes that are designed to create a chilling or discordant sound that makes for a foreboding atmosphere.
After all, music is hypnotic and activates specific neuro cortical structures in the brain inducing whatever emotion the musician desires in their listeners...It is used to create tension, discord, or suspense in music and more importantly, it has also been connected with inducing a ‘hypnotic state’ in the listener. The use of music and sound for inducing ‘hypnotic’ and ‘subconscious’ states and capacities etc. is used to artificially produce a build up of emotions, energy and tension within the listener.
The godfathers of metal, Black Sabbath built their music careers using the Devil’s chord. The primary riff used in “Black Sabbath” from the band’s 1970 self-titled first album, which is based on (and begins with) the tritone interval, can be credited to guitarist Tony Iommi. “He came to rehearsal one day,” Ozzy Osbourne remembered of Iommi’s innovation in 2001, “and said, ‘Isn’t it funny how people pay money to watch horror films; why don’t we start playing scary music?’ And then he came up with that ‘Black Sabbath’ riff, which was the scariest riff I’ve ever heard in my life.”
Iommi developed Sabbath’s sound after listening to a piece of classical music he and bassist Geezer Butler enjoyed by Gustav Holst called “Mars, The Bringer of War” from the suite The Planets (written in 1914).
Iommi began experimenting with the sound on guitar by slowing it down to a crawl, and he liked the unsettling feeling it created. Then he added a trill to the flatted fifth, repeatedly wavering from Db to D and added vibrato to the other notes playing at different speeds and with varying chord combinations to emphasize the tension of the music." The Devil’s Tritone: How it induces hypnosis in listeners to control their minds | Gnostic Warrior By Moe Bedard"

Ezekiel 28:13, ""Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created"

People argue that Satan can't make music. He most certainly can, and does! I was into this. I deceived people with music. I used SOUND as well as words. There is a fine line between some contemporary worship music and rock n roll. It's a very fine line that I can tell is crossed when I sense the quenching of the Spirit.
Scripture tells us to abstain from all appearance of evil, and to not do things that could cause our brother to stumble. "that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way" (1 Thess. 5:22 & Rom. 14:13) Rock music and especially metal is a stumbling block to many.

This is what Voluntary Mortification's website says, "We are a Christian deathcore band from Lansing, MI on a mission to proclaim the healing message of Jesus Christ through brutal music."
This album cover looks like any Iron Maiden cover: I almost don't even wanna post this eerie picture. Note "Jesus" in the upper right hand corner with a few believers and what appear to be a Pope or Catholic Bishops. Yet there's some sort of "black Pope" or bishop suspended down in hells pit. The majority of the picture is hellish demonic. I know they're trying to show hell and you don't wanna go there, but I've known a lot of people who will just get this stuff for the "cool pic" (which it's an evil pic) and the sound, while they could care less what is being sung.

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Jan 1, 2024
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Congratulations! It's difficult to lay down secular music because it's ingrained in the culture. Satan is the prince of the power of the air which includes airwaves and things transmitted therein. Music is his domain. While you can produce songs that glorify God the industry is his and does his bidding.

If you've had a stronghold in this area separation may be necessary. I prefer classical music and instrumentals. Positive love songs are fine but I'm not playing it everyday. I don't want it in my head or for the music to inspire sinful acts. You're relaxed, feeling good, etc.

I started paying attention to my thoughts when I listened and noticed when a song would pop in my head I wasn't consciously thinking of. That shouldn't happen and when it does it's a seed from the Lord or the devil. When I stopped listening to heavy metal he'd afflict me with Type O Negative until I reminded him that Pete was a believer when he died as I rebuked him and it stopped.

I did the same with my emotions. That's why metal had to go. I didn't have the heaviness and was no longer in the company of people who enjoyed it and it wasn't that uplifting. It reminded me of something or someone. Rock met a similar fate for the same reasons.

But when I listen to classical I don't think about anything. I just enjoy the music. That's the way it should be. Stick with your convictions and remember Paul's words when you struggle.

All things are lawful [that is, morally legitimate, permissible], but not all things are beneficial or advantageous. All things are lawful, but not all things are constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life].


Amen. I can't worship to Christian metal. I used to get drunk and listen to Trouble, a "Christian" metal band from the 80s whose sound is a lot like Black Sabbath, except for the vocals. I first heard them on the late night Metal hour in 1984 when they were introduced as "a Christian Metal band that sounds a lot like Black Sabbath". They were lumped in with all the other dark metal.
This little bit about Trouble shows how interwoven they were with secular Metal, and even influential,
"Psalm 9 and The Skull are often cited as the cornerstones of doom metal[35] as well influencing other bands of the uprising metal movement during the mid-1980s. A famous story states that James Hetfield and Kirk Hammett of Metallica entered Trouble's stage after a concert, trying to figure out how their amplifiers were set to produce their unique sound.[34]
Trouble's first two albums were critically acclaimed and are respected in the metal scene"

I didn't know Pete Steele had gotten saved, but I can see that, especially knowing he didn't have long to live. If he truly confessed and repented of all his sin and believed on the Lord Jesus, - Jesus took the thief on the cross at the very last moment. It's often people who die suddenly without warning that I worry about. My late wife's favorite band was Type O Neg, but in the months before she passed she kept listening to the soundtrack to Queen of the Damned. Later that year I smashed the DVD and burned it by her memorial. She did return to the LORD towards the end, and was witnessing to former occultist friends, and to her family.

I think the members of Lynyrd Skynyrd who died in the 1977 plane crash probably got saved. At least I hope Ronnie and company put down their stupid whiskey and did some real serious repenting. Some of them were raised in a Christian home. The plane ran out of fuel so they had time as it was going down. And there is this,
"Guitarist Allen Collins was equally apprehensive. “He didn’t want to get on that plane,” Gary Rossington told the Orlando Sentinel in 1988. “He said, ‘I’m not gonna get on it because it’s not right.'” But the band’s frontman remained almost eerily calm. “Ronnie said, ‘Hey, if the Lord wants you to die on this plane, when it’s your time, it’s your time. Let’s go, man. We’ve got a gig to do,'” remembers Rossington."

Well, I'll say praise God and thank Him for your deliverance too!:clap:
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Aug 11, 2023
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I have to disagree strongly with your theory that not all rock music is of the devil. I've been in that place before and it simply doesn't work. I have a thread on this topic, and I'll quote a portion here:

""The Devil’s Chord, the devil’s interval, the tritone, the triad, and the diminished or flatted fifth are a combination of musical notes that are designed to create a chilling or discordant sound that makes for a foreboding atmosphere.
After all, music is hypnotic and activates specific neuro cortical structures in the brain inducing whatever emotion the musician desires in their listeners...It is used to create tension, discord, or suspense in music and more importantly, it has also been connected with inducing a ‘hypnotic state’ in the listener. The use of music and sound for inducing ‘hypnotic’ and ‘subconscious’ states and capacities etc. is used to artificially produce a build up of emotions, energy and tension within the listener.
The godfathers of metal, Black Sabbath built their music careers using the Devil’s chord. The primary riff used in “Black Sabbath” from the band’s 1970 self-titled first album, which is based on (and begins with) the tritone interval, can be credited to guitarist Tony Iommi. “He came to rehearsal one day,” Ozzy Osbourne remembered of Iommi’s innovation in 2001, “and said, ‘Isn’t it funny how people pay money to watch horror films; why don’t we start playing scary music?’ And then he came up with that ‘Black Sabbath’ riff, which was the scariest riff I’ve ever heard in my life.”
Iommi developed Sabbath’s sound after listening to a piece of classical music he and bassist Geezer Butler enjoyed by Gustav Holst called “Mars, The Bringer of War” from the suite The Planets (written in 1914).
Iommi began experimenting with the sound on guitar by slowing it down to a crawl, and he liked the unsettling feeling it created. Then he added a trill to the flatted fifth, repeatedly wavering from Db to D and added vibrato to the other notes playing at different speeds and with varying chord combinations to emphasize the tension of the music." The Devil’s Tritone: How it induces hypnosis in listeners to control their minds | Gnostic Warrior By Moe Bedard"

Ezekiel 28:13, ""Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created"

People argue that Satan can't make music. He most certainly can, and does! I was into this. I deceived people with music. I used SOUND as well as words. There is a fine line between some contemporary worship music and rock n roll. It's a very fine line that I can tell is crossed when I sense the quenching of the Spirit.
Scripture tells us to abstain from all appearance of evil, and to not do things that could cause our brother to stumble. "that no man put a stumblingblock or an occasion to fall in his brother's way" (1 Thess. 5:22 & Rom. 14:13) Rock music and especially metal is a stumbling block to many.

This is what Voluntary Mortification's website says, "We are a Christian deathcore band from Lansing, MI on a mission to proclaim the healing message of Jesus Christ through brutal music."
This album cover looks like any Iron Maiden cover: I almost don't even wanna post this eerie picture. Note "Jesus" in the upper right hand corner with a few believers and what appear to be a Pope or Catholic Bishops. Yet there's some sort of "black Pope" or bishop suspended down in hells pit. The majority of the picture is hellish demonic. I know they're trying to show hell and you don't wanna go there, but I've known a lot of people who will just get this stuff for the "cool pic" (which it's an evil pic) and the sound, while they could care less what is being sung.

View attachment 345277
Man, that album art is dark, and evil. This is why I hate metal with a passion.

But not all softer forms of rock are Satanic. We just have to check the lyrics, and see if they are uplifting to God.
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Jan 1, 2024
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Man, that album art is dark, and evil. This is why I hate metal with a passion.

But not all softer forms of rock are Satanic. We just have to check the lyrics, and see if they are uplifting to God.

That's where that fine line comes in. For example, I like the song "Lion" but I've heard it done in a way that's too heavy. And I don't agree with the theology of Elevation worship.
I love the song "The Blessing" based on Numbers 6:24-26, which is also done by Elevation with Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes, but I've seen that done live in church where the lead guitarist I feel went over the line.
I like "Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone" by Chris Tomlin.

There's also the older "contemporary" Gospel I'm fine with, like Awesome God, Jehovah Jireh, El Shaddai, They'll Know We are Christians by our Love, Create in Me a Clean Heart (Psalm 51), etc. Those songs come from the 1960s - 80s. The only one I've seen musicians go a bit overboard on is Awesome God. All depends who's playing really.
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That's where that fine line comes in. For example, I like the song "Lion" but I've heard it done in a way that's too heavy. And I don't agree with the theology of Elevation worship.
I love the song "The Blessing" based on Numbers 6:24-26, which is also done by Elevation with Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes, but I've seen that done live in church where the lead guitarist I feel went over the line.
I like "Amazing Grace, My Chains are Gone" by Chris Tomlin.

There's also the older "contemporary" Gospel I'm fine with, like Awesome God, Jehovah Jireh, El Shaddai, They'll Know We are Christians by our Love, Create in Me a Clean Heart (Psalm 51), etc. Those songs come from the 1960s - 80s. The only one I've seen musicians go a bit overboard on is Awesome God. All depends who's playing really.
I should check out "The Blessing". Well hey, don't get me started on the worldly stuff that Hillsong has done recently. There is an article all about the Hillsong scandal*. I love Chris Tomlin's music. Lauren Daigle is another good Christian artist.

*Hillsong issues: Should We Keep Singing Hillsong?
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I should check out "The Blessing". Well hey, don't get me started on the worldly stuff that Hillsong has done recently. There is an article all about the Hillsong scandal*. I love Chris Tomlin's music. Lauren Daigle is another good Christian artist.

*Hillsong issues: Should We Keep Singing Hillsong?

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater? I've known about the candles, and Hillsong is also into the same prosperity dominion theology Elevation is, but some of the the songs mentioned, "Shout to the Lord," and "What a Beautiful Name" I like, and can worship to. However, I can't really feel right in the Spirit with "Who You Say I Am." Way too many "I AM's" directed at ME. It basically is a declaratory song about positional authority and I've heard it sung before services where dominion theology and the "we are little gods" heresy were preached.
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Aug 11, 2023
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Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater? I've known about the candles, and Hillsong is also into the same prosperity dominion theology Elevation is, but some of the the songs mentioned, "Shout to the Lord," and "What a Beautiful Name" I like, and can worship to. However, I can't really feel right in the Spirit with "Who You Say I Am." Way too many "I AM's" directed at ME. It basically is a declaratory song about positional authority and I've heard it sung before services where dominion theology and the "we are little gods" heresy were preached.
Same here, some of the Hillsong music, especially the older stuff before the scandal could be used in worship. Yeah, prosperity gospel stuff is not that good, and is detrimental to Christians (in fact, the prosperity gospel is a lie from the devil himself).
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This is the instrument I'm best at, but haven't touched one since 2000. I made 4 recordings in 1999. I can play fast like this guy but I'll probably miss some beats, LoL.. One ancient cassette might still exist somewhere. Others were lost in storage on either the east or west coast long ago!

I can do some of this. I can do the Swing music pretty easy. That Metallica I could do better than that, but I wouldn't go there now. No Metal on harp! I'd use more bass on House of the Rising Sun. Honestly I could play a lot of that Celtic genre but I'd have gone crashing in there with the long strings making it sound like a Sabbath tune.
Man, I never tried that Journey song, but I knew right where her "extra hands" should go: she just needs to use 2 or 3 fingers and she's get those missed notes.

I want to get one again, but I also know I must be very careful NOT to cross that fine line. No Doors "The End" Too spooky and I was able to pull off quite a few Doors sounds.
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Ok, for the Threadstarter and the others, can I ask your perspective? Being a former rock fan.

I have been playing this Hallelujah singing of true angels (the 1987 Kansas incident), and the Gospel presentation. My neighbors are Unbelievers, but they definitely go to the Catholic church sometimes. Why do they get agitated, throw tantrums and call me names when I play these two, then eventually get quiet (contrary to their being very noisy and inconsiderate)? What is going on? I am just so curious. Thank you very much.
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Just a note, this forum is for Praise Reports, not for debating someone else's praise report. We may disagree privately, but if they find praise in their situation or report, then we are not to debate it.

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I can say over the past year or two the Holy Spirit has done a sanctifying work in me, so that I do not even desire to hear, write, sing, or play any form of Rock music.

I still hear Rock music in a number of places: Public restroom, the supermarket, the neighbors, cars going by or stopped next to me. But now it sounds like the noise of devils. Just noise. Like scraping your fingernails on a blackboard, or a a dog scampering on a tile floor with all those annoying click click click sounds.

The problem before is that it was a part of me. I used to really get into it: headbangin', playing air guitar, singing - or even recording my own stuff. It has no place in the child of God. Christs holiness is far set apart from Rock music and its satanic chords and words. Ezekiel 38:13 shows Satan is fully capable of creating music himself, which many don't believe.

Often I backslid into Rock music because the music wasn't really out of me. Like the unclean Spirit who leaves his house and comes back finding it empty, he brings 7 others worse than he. Those Rock n roll devils must have kept that part of me full, but no more. It has no part in me! HalleluYAH!

If I'm able I'll walk away from such music, or speak scripture, or sing Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs to drown out the evil music.

My praise is this: Thank Yahweh God the LORD for His blessed Holy Spirit, who fills to the fullest that all is Christ, and as John the Baptist said, I must decrease and He increase.

Glory to God!

I myself have never been able to tolerate rock music or most forms of popular music: it causes me actual pain to endure it. I only really want to hear the traditional sacred music of Christianity and Judaism, and also classical music and jazz music, which overlap to some extent in compositions by the likes of Maurice Ravel, and which require an extremely high level of talent.
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