The Twilight de do doo.........


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2004
In my insanity, I like to play thru certain scenarios and see just how to apply Gods word and the Spirit of that Word to different life situations.

Consider the following.
This is not about Athiests......just non-christians in general.
And there is a point beyond simple belief, so please dont anyone get offended.

Athiest Boy falls in love with Athiest Girl.
They date and do things innocent young folks do when theyre courting as we all did.
One day Atheist Boy proposes to Atheist Girl and soon they become Atheist Couple.

Oddly, in 12 months to the day, little Atheist Jr is born and Atheiest Dad and Atheist Mom are so pleased.
Theyre just 21 and life has begun in Athiest Homestead.

Normally, we may get an ''And they lived happily ever after, but no so in this case.
Little Atheist Jr is a rather collicky baby and screams and cries thru the night, causing Athiest Mom and Athiest Dad much dismay and loss of needed sleep.

Athiest Mom and Atheist Dad are very worn out and stressed in some short time, and are at wits end.

Atheist Dad is a working man who Works at the Atheist Powerplant with all his little Athiest Buddies.
WHile Athiest Mom is at home each day dealing with the stresses of an child who cries and fits a lot.

Atheist Dad is on the job talking to his Athiest buddies who council him that he needs to put his foot down and make his young bride handle the child so that he can sleep so he performs properly on the job.

Atheist Dad goes home and shares with his little lady that he will no longer be helping with getting up in the night with Atheist Jr.

Of course, all young mothers immediatly know that this situation is no longer right as moms job is 24 hours a day and she needs help thru the night.............why should he only have to work 8 hours a day, leaving her to work the other 16.

So of course arguing begins.
They argue and argue and things that arent even part of the issue are thrown into each others faces until Dad can control himself no longer and stikes Mom across the face knocking her to the floor.
Bleeding and crying she quiets down and does her wifely duty as shes told to do.

Well, one day Atheiest mom has worked so hard taking care of Athiest Jr, that when Athiest Dad comes home, there is no dinner on the table.
They argue, she defends herself with the fact that shes been trying the whole day to take care of collicky Athiest Jr.
But as before, the arguing brings Dad to the point of no self-control and he strikes young mother knocking her to the floor.

After a few weeks the stress and the situation cause many arguement in Atheist Homestead and many more strikes to young Athiest Moms face and body.

Holding out for 4 years and many Emergency Room visits, Athiest Mom leaves and goes to stay with Her mother.
Over the next year, Athiest Mom forgives and gives Athiest Dad many chances, each ending in more Hospital trips and even stitches and casts at a point or two.

Athiest Mom decides shes Given Atheist Dad too many chances and she files for divorce, determined that men are dogs and not ever to be trusted.

She lives in solitude with Her mother for a while, then decides to make a move 500 miles to a new town and a new home.
She never hears from Atheist Dad again.

She lives her life in quiet and comfort as little Athiest Jr is growing to be a fine young man.

One day at her job she meets Atheist Man and he seems very nice, but she knows how this works.
She will remain single and never give a man a chance agian.

After 3 years of dealing with Athiest Man on the job she starts to realixe that this is a good man.
Hes stable and at work everyday....always pleasant and at the company outings he has just fallen in love with Athiest much so that he takes him to ball games and movies on occasions.

One day Atheist Man asks Atheist Mom for a date, and reluctantly she agrees.

She has the time of her life......this man is all that he seems to be and more.
Hes kind and gentle and seems to want to know her every care.
They continue to date and over 3 years they fall in love.

One day Athiest Man brings out a ring and POPs the question .
Atheist Mom almost shouts a yes as the couple hug and then spend the rest of the day talking and making plans.

Two months later Atheist Man and Atheist Mom marry and live happily ever after...............
For about 6 months.
One day for no apparent reason, both are asked to church with a friend we'll call Christian Friend.

Christian Friend is a friend at Athiest Moms job and has been asking her to come to church with them for the last couple years.

The couple know nothing really of the Lord Jesus except that a couple of very polite Jehovahs Witnesses have left a tract or two at their door.

In the service, both Atheist Man and Atheist Mom realize the truth that they are fallen from grace and in need of salvationL
In joy and much tears, both accept their Lord into their lives and vow to make everyday day a day unto the Lord thier God.
The two Now become Christian Couple. They are a New Creation.

Well they are just overjoyed at this salvation thing and imediatley start to teach Atheist Jr all about the saviour.
Eventually he begins to understand and also becomes one of the brethren.

Then one day, Christian Friend comes by for a visit.
Wonderful Christain Friend who is now truley a brother to them all.

Christian Friend has brought his bible along and is wanting to have a little bible study.

Christian friend takes them thru passages here and passages there.
Showing things said by the Saviour and things by Paul and is piecing together a larger picture for them.

Little by little with a passage here and a passage there, Christian Frined has brought together this wonderful new message for Christian Couple.

This wonderful new relationship with Christ has annulled their marriage and to live together any longer as man and wife would surely mean living in sin as God the Father does not recognise this union between them that existed even before they knew Him.

Christian Mom must divorce wonderful Christian Man unless she can track down Atheist Dad from long ago and assure that he has indeed had sex with another woman.

If Atheist Dad Held up all this time and did not, then she must divorce her wonderful Christian Man and remain single and unhappy now.........or return to Athiest Dad whom she has learned is even MORE violent than when she left.

No Animals were harmed in the making of this story................

just my take on some doctrinal views on divorce.

well what do you think?


Feb 16, 2004
Hesperia, CA USA
Marital Status
I agree with optocarol--The conclusion or doctrine stated at the end is incorrect. My pastor has addressed this issue before because it is a sticky problem for many. He says, and I agree, that once someone accepts Christ, they become a new creation. Whatever they did previously is covered by the blood of Christ. Previous marriages are not an issue. How can getting a divorce now, after you've been saved, be right?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2004
onetenth said:
I agree with optocarol--The conclusion or doctrine stated at the end is incorrect. My pastor has addressed this issue before because it is a sticky problem for many. He says, and I agree, that once someone accepts Christ, they become a new creation. Whatever they did previously is covered by the blood of Christ. Previous marriages are not an issue. How can getting a divorce now, after you've been saved, be right?



Could not agree more......
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