The Rapture theory is true?


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Dec 10, 2017
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Bible Proof: The Rapture Theory is False.

John 17:15

There is a teaching today that is rife within the Christian world, called rapture. What is the rapture theory? It is to believed by those who hold to this theory (and there are MANY who do), that the "church" will be raptured away to heaven and then the earth will continue for a period of seven years (called the tribulation) in which the inhabitants of the earth will be plunged into a time of great trouble and strife (more so than now). So according to this teaching there is a separation to take place between the saved and the lost BEFORE the end of the world.

In this teaching we are also that Christ will return in two "phases". The first will be a "quiet" affair with the saints being raptured away. And then the second phase after the seven year tribulation will be the "glorious, triumphant" return, which according to this teaching, will usher in the 1000 year millennial reign on earth (which is also a false teaching).

Let me quickly show you an example of the weakness of the rapture doctrine - I came across a recent article stating '10 Irrefutable Proofs' for the rapture. Here are the first two 'irrefutable proofs' they quoted:

Number 1. "THE RAPTURE IS THE 'BLESSED HOPE' WHILE THE SECOND COMING IS A DAY TO BE GREATLY FEARED" ... They separate the rapture and second coming saying that the rapture is the 'blessed hope' quoting Titus 2:13, and the second coming is the 'FEARED day of the Lord', quoting Amos 5:18. They believe these must be different events, because one is to be hoped for, and the other is to be feared. But they fail to realize the simple truth that the second coming is the 'blessed hope' for the saved in Jesus, and to be 'greatly feared' by those who reject the Lord. Simple, logical truth.

Number 2.
"IN THE RAPTURE, JESUS COMES FOR HIS CHURCH, AT HIS SECOND COMING HE BRINGS THE CHURCH WITH HIM" ... They say that Jesus takes His church away in the rapture, quoting 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. And then Jesus comes back with the church at the second coming, quoting Revelation 19:14, which says: 'the armies which were in heaven followed him upon White horses." But what they fail to realize is that the 'armies' whom Jesus returns with are His angels, as Matthew 25:31 confirms, not the church.

"But what about 1 Thessalonians 4:14, where it says that those who sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him? This surely is talking about the church coming back from heaven after the rapture with Jesus at His physical return?" - No it's not. Rapture adherents love this verse, but they completely miss the context of what is being said here. Look at both vs. 13 and 14. Paul is clearly talking about those who are asleep in Christ, those who are in their graves waiting for His return. And what does Paul say to give encouragement concerning those who have died? He says that just as God raised Jesus from the dead, so He will bring with Jesus those who sleep in Him. In other words, those who have died, God will raise them from the dead, just like He rose Jesus from the dead.

The rest of the so called 'Irrefutable proofs' are of the same mold. They are not proofs at all, but just twisting of scripture to suit their wrong belief. It's interesting that they also believe the 'antichrist' will not be revealed until AFTER the rapture. This is a deception of the Roman Church. The Bible and historic Protestantism already revealed the antichrist - The Papal Church of Rome!

NOTE: If the rapture theory is a true Biblical teaching. Why was it not well known and popularized until the early 20th century?


John 17:15

Let me get one thing out of the way first. The word "rapture" is not found anywhere in the Bible. So where do they get the word from? It was coined from the words "caught up" found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. And I will deal with those verses later on.

What I would like to do is drop a Biblical bomb straight away on the pre-tribulation rapture teaching and expose it's weakness. That Bible bomb is found in Matthew, chapter 13. In this chapter, Christ Jesus is telling a parable and teaching a lesson concerning the events of the last days and the second coming. Let's look at what He says:
Matthew 13:24-30

WoW! I love the Word of God. It is so clear that we need not second guess what is going to happen. So what are we told in the pre-tribulation rapture theory? We are told that Christ will "gather" His people BEFORE the tribulation and separate the "wheat and the tares" BEFORE the harvest. And yet what does it clearly state in the Bible verse above? That the separation only takes place AT the harvest.

"Oh but the rapture IS the harvest!"

Ok. So according to those who hold to the pre-trib rapture theory, the harvest takes place BEFORE the tribulation and BEFORE the end of the world. This is clearly what they believe because according to this teaching, the world continues for another 7 years and then another 1000 years AFTER the rapture. Well, what does Christ Jesus our TEACHER say about this?
Matthew 13:38-40

Thank you Jesus for giving us the clear truth on this matter, so that we should not be deceived! Do you see the truth on this friend? The church and the wicked continue to live together on earth until the END OF THE WORLD. And it is only at the end of the world that the separation takes place. The pre-trib rapture theory is now blown to bits by the Word of God!

Please understand that VITAL point. The rapture theory teaches a separation BEFORE the end. But the Bible clearly teaches that there is NO separation before the end.

This Also proves the mid-tribulation rapture teaching to be false

Those who hold to the mid-tribulation rapture theory, believe (just like the pre-trib teachers),that the separation takes place BEFORE the end of the world. But as I have shown from the Bible above, the separation takes place ONLY at the end of the world. Need more proof? Take a look at these Bible verses and you will notice that the focus is NOT about the church being taken away before the end, but rather AT the end of the world and the LAST DAY.
John 6:40. John 11:24. John 12:48.
Eternal life is given on the LAST DAY. The resurrection happens on the LAST DAY. Judgment is given on the LAST DAY.

Notice also what Jesus says in Matthew 28:20.
Now why would reassure us that He would be with us until the END OF THE WORLD, if we were to be raptured away BEFORE the end of the world? Doesn't make sense does it? Friend, the rapture teaching is a false one invented by Satan to cause God's people to be unprepared for the time of trouble ahead, that we WILL go through.


Those who believe in a rapture say that the Greek word "parousia" refers to the secret coming of Jesus with the rapturing of the church and that the Greek word "apokalupsis" refers to the visible glorious coming of Jesus in power seven years later. So they believe from these Greek words that Christ will return in two phases, separated by the 7year tribulation. Well I have already proven from the Bible that there is no separation between the church and the wicked until the END OF THE WORLD. But let's take a look at "parousia" and "apokalupsis", and what we will show you is that BOTH are used to describe the SAME second coming, not two comings.

Paul uses the word "parousia" in 1 Thessalonians 4, which I have discussed above, when speaking of the coming of Christ and our gathering together unto Him. But Paul then shows that this "parousia" will destroy the man of sin; the Antichrist ... "whom the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming [parousia]." 2 Thessalonians 2:8. So we have a problem. Paul is saying that it is DURING the "parousia" of Christ that the man of sin will be destroyed. And yet those who hold to the rapture teaching say that the man of sin will reign AFTER the "parousia". And will be destroyed until the physical "apokalupsis" coming of Christ.

"Apokalupsis" [revelation] is also used in a way that indicates it is NOT a separate coming from the time the believers are gathered up. Peter said in 1 Peter 1:13 ... "be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation [apokalupsis] of Jesus Christ;" Now why would Christians be exhorted to continue hoping to the end of the world for the grace brought through the revelation of jesus Christ if their real hope was a rapture seven years before the revelation? Fo you see the problems with this teaching? I hope so.

These following verses which give Matthew and Luke's account of the same event prove that the words "parousia" and "apokalupsis" do refer to the SAME ONE COMING OF CHRIST. In Matthew 24:37 it says ... "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming [parousia]of the Son of man be." ... And the same account in Luke 17:26,30 says ... "As it was in the days of Noah ... Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed [apokalupsis]." This is how we are to find out the TRUTH. We need to compare scripture with scripture.

So why are the two Greek words used? It's quite simple. Parousia means "presence", a VISIBLE return. And Apokalupsis means "to reveal", a REVEALING OF THE TRUTH. So to turn these two words into two separate comings make no sense whatsoever. They both describe the ONE event, the physical, visible, loud, fiery second coming of Christ, in which the truth will be REVEALED!!


There are many Christians who hold onto those few words ... "coming as a thief" ... separating them from the context and believing that Jesus is coming as a thief for the church. But let us look at what the apostle Paul says regarding Jesus coming 'as a thief'. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5

These things become so clear when we read the context, rather than separating small pieces of scripture and building a faulty teaching on them. Can you see what Paul is saying above? WHO is Jesus going to return 'as a thief' for? THE WORLD! For whom does Jesus 'come suddenly', without them being aware? THE LOST. Which ties in perfectly with the parable of the wheat and tares, wherein the LOST are gathered FIRST. Paul confirms above in 1Thessalonians 5 that the saints are NOT overtaken 'as a thief', because we will be watching and waiting for the Lord, expecting His return.
Matthew 24:42-43
Can we know what "watch" the Lord is coming in? YES! This is why we are given signs of the times in the Bible, so we can know in which watch the Lord will return. We do not know the hour, but we CAN know in what 'watch', which is why the the 'goodman of the house' (the saints) ARE WATCHING AND WAITING!

John 10:10

What does a thief come to do? To steal and destroy! Is Jesus coming to steal and destroy! His church? No! He is coming back to steal and destroy the wicked. This is who Jesus is coming back as a thief for - the lost! But the church will be watching,and will NOT "suffer their house to be broken up." Oh how the truth becomes so clear when we read things in context!

Jesus is NOT coming back as a thief for the church. He is coming as a thief for the world!


For Jesus to say "end of the world ",there must be some destructive event to take place right? So what event is coming that would be an "end of the world" event? THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST JESUS! Take a look at the following Bible verses describing the second coming and you will see that THIS is the event that will "end this world" as we know it.

Revelation 1:7. 2 Peter 3:10. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8. Psalm 50:3-4. Isaiah 34:8-10
Sounds like an end of the world event doesn't it? The destroying force of the second coming of Christ Jesus, as shown in the Bible verses above, will cause the earth to be "laid waste" as described in Isaiah above. Which means that the world will NOT continue on as we know it now, which the rapture theory proclaims. Instead, the wicked will be destroyed and the earth will be laid waste. And it is AT THIS TIME that the saints are taken to heaven, not before.


Matthew 24:37-42

This is such misunderstood passage of scripture today. Take a look at the context of the above Bible verses. Do you see that Jesus is telling us that His second coming will be like what happened in Noah's day? And what happened in the days of Noah? The above verses tells us. The flood DESTROYED the earth, taken away the wicked and leaving behind God's people (Noah's family). Who was "taken away" and who was "left behind" in Noah's day? Take a look at the above verses again. It was the wicked who were TAKEN and Noah was LEFT BEHIND! And this is what Christ is pointing us to. He is saying that the day is coming when the earth will be destroyed again and the wicked will be TAKEN and the saints will be LEFT BEHIND.

Please take note of the following VITAL point.

Luke 17:35-37

Why did the disciples ask 'WHERE, LORD'? Were they wondering where the one left behind was? No, that person would be in the same place as they were. So the disciples are clearly asking where has the one taken gone. And what did Jesus say? "Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together." The body? In the original language, the word Eagle can also mean Vulture. And where do Vultures gather? Where there is a dead body! And look what Job says about the Eagle:
Job 39:27-30

And in Matthew 24, Jesus even makes it clearer by saying it is a CARCASS! So the one taken is the wicked who will be killed.

And what did we already confirm would happen during the harvest at the end? Let's read it again ... 'and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, gathered ye together FIRST the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.' (Matthew 13) ... The wicked are "taken" first and the saints are left behind to then be "gathered into My barn" (taken to heaven).

The whole context of Matthew 24 is a warning for us to "watch and be ready" so that the "sudden destruction" that is to come upon the world (1 Thessalonians 5:3) will not TAKE US by surprise. Just like what happened in Noah's day. Who were taken? The wicked. Who were left behind? Noah and his family!


In light of what we have learned above. What does it mean when the Bible says we will be "caught up" to meet the Lord in the air? Exactly as it says! You see, those who hold to the rapture theory try to get something out of this verse that just isn't there! The truth is, when Christ Jesus returns at the second coming, the wicked will be destroyed, the dead saints will be resurrected and the saints who are still alive will be "caught up" to meet Jesus in the air. And then we will be taken to heaven to start the 1000 year millennium.

And why do we "meet the Lord in the air? Because Jesus is NOT going to set foot upon the earth during the second coming. And the second phase of His return with the saints will be the END of the 1000 year millennium. This is another misunderstanding that the rapture theory causes. Jesus is not going to rule on earth during the 1000 years. Instead, we are going to be in heaven with Him during this time, and the earth will be "laid waste" from His second coming. And only AFTER the 1000 years will we return to earth with Christ.
The rapture theory is a false teaching, and the Bible proves that fact. But please know that if people do suddenly "disappear", Satan and his angels will be behind it!



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Jul 21, 2015
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I'm sorry that I didn't read your whole post, but I agree that there certainly seem to be a very active heresy alive within different Christian communities, and this can be traced back to the fiction books called "Left Behind" and nothing else. I don't think the author have claimed that these books have anything to do with reality, but if he/she have, then it have been one of the most efficient heresies to ever strike the Church of God and the author certainly most cursed.

By reading the New Testament it couldn't be more clear what Jesus or the apostles have to say about the end times, and this is that it will come as a surprise. That people will live normal lives, get married etc. until the end. That it will come as a thief in the night (at any time), and that only God know the time. That we should be prepared. That unbelievers will be blaspheming God because of the long time that have passed. That many false prophets will come. That false Christs will come. But that we should live as Christians as if the end is upon up, at the same time live our early lives as everything is OK. That's basically what I've understood the bible to be saying about this.
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And why do we "meet the Lord in the air? Because Jesus is NOT going to set foot upon the earth during the second coming. And the second phase of His return with the saints will be the END of the 1000 year millennium. This is another misunderstanding that the rapture theory causes. Jesus is not going to rule on earth during the 1000 years. Instead, we are going to be in heaven with Him during this time, and the earth will be "laid waste" from His second coming. And only AFTER the 1000 years will we return to earth with Christ.


But did you define what you mean by "rapture theory"??
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Dec 10, 2017
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I'm sorry that I didn't read your whole post, but I agree that there certainly seem to be a very active heresy alive within different Christian communities, and this can be traced back to the fiction books called "Left Behind" and nothing else. I don't think the author have claimed that these books have anything to do with reality, but if he/she have, then it have been one of the most efficient heresies to ever strike the Church of God and the author certainly most cursed.

By reading the New Testament it couldn't be more clear what Jesus or the apostles have to say about the end times, and this is that it will come as a surprise. That people will live normal lives, get married etc. until the end. That it will come as a thief in the night (at any time), and that only God know the time. That we should be prepared. That unbelievers will be blaspheming God because of the long time that have passed. That many false prophets will come. That false Christs will come. But that we should live as Christians as if the end is upon up, at the same time live our early lives as everything is OK. That's basically what I've understood the bible to be saying about this.
It is better to read it completely with your Bible, so you don't need to doubt about God's true.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2020
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Yes, I used to believe in the pretrib rapture because I was "taught" that in my church growing up. I dropped that belief (and many others) when I finally read and studied for myself some almost 20 years ago. Christ and Paul couldn't not make it any clearer what must happen before he returns (just once) as well as John in Revelation.
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anytime rapture, non-dispensationalist, futurist
May 28, 2009
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The rapture is in 1Thessalonians4:15-18 and in 1Thessalonians5:9-11.

The rapture is also Luke 21:34-36.

Matthew 24:15-31 is a message to the Jews (non Christians) who will have to go through the great tribulation.

Matthew 24:32-51 is a message to Christians on how to avoid going through the great tribulation.

In Matthew 24:28 is the where the carcass is the eagles will gather. To avoid that physical destruction, them in Judea are told to flee to the mountains in Matthew 24:15-28.


In Matthew 24:40-42 the one taken, one left is not followed by where the eagles will gather, but to watch for the coming of our Lord - i.e. the rapture.

Concerning Jesus returning with the raptured saints, in Jude 1:14-15, Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints.

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Dec 10, 2017
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The rapture is in 1Thessalonians4:15-18 and in 1Thessalonians5:9-11.

The rapture is also Luke 21:34-36.

Matthew 24:15-31 is a message to the Jews (non Christians) who will have to go through the great tribulation.

Matthew 24:32-51 is a message to Christians on how to avoid going through the great tribulation.

In Matthew 24:28 is the where the carcass is the eagles will gather. To avoid that physical destruction, them in Judea are told to flee to the mountains in Matthew 24:15-28.


In Matthew 24:40-42 the one taken, one left is not followed by where the eagles will gather, but to watch for the coming of our Lord - i.e. the rapture.

Concerning Jesus returning with the raptured saints, in Jude 1:14-15, Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints.

View attachment 285524
I see that you didn't read what my statement state! Because if you have read and with your Bible, then you have shall study why every things that I have wrote is BIBLICAL. Read it again. Only person that have read it with their Bible has seen the truth. That the rapture theory is a false one. Please seek the truth.
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Active Member
Dec 10, 2017
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Yes, I used to believe in the pretrib rapture because I was "taught" that in my church growing up. I dropped that belief (and many others) when I finally read and studied for myself some almost 20 years ago. Christ and Paul couldn't not make it any clearer what must happen before he returns (just once) as well as John in Revelation.
Now you know the complete truth about what is going on now! Bless.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2020
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Bible Proof: The Rapture Theory is False.

John 17:15

There is a teaching today that is rife within the Christian world, called rapture. What is the rapture theory? It is to believed by those who hold to this theory (and there are MANY who do), that the "church" will be raptured away to heaven and then the earth will continue for a period of seven years (called the tribulation) in which the inhabitants of the earth will be plunged into a time of great trouble and strife (more so than now). So according to this teaching there is a separation to take place between the saved and the lost BEFORE the end of the world.

In this teaching we are also that Christ will return in two "phases". The first will be a "quiet" affair with the saints being raptured away. And then the second phase after the seven year tribulation will be the "glorious, triumphant" return, which according to this teaching, will usher in the 1000 year millennial reign on earth (which is also a false teaching).

Let me quickly show you an example of the weakness of the rapture doctrine - I came across a recent article stating '10 Irrefutable Proofs' for the rapture. Here are the first two 'irrefutable proofs' they quoted:

Number 1. "THE RAPTURE IS THE 'BLESSED HOPE' WHILE THE SECOND COMING IS A DAY TO BE GREATLY FEARED" ... They separate the rapture and second coming saying that the rapture is the 'blessed hope' quoting Titus 2:13, and the second coming is the 'FEARED day of the Lord', quoting Amos 5:18. They believe these must be different events, because one is to be hoped for, and the other is to be feared. But they fail to realize the simple truth that the second coming is the 'blessed hope' for the saved in Jesus, and to be 'greatly feared' by those who reject the Lord. Simple, logical truth.

Number 2.
"IN THE RAPTURE, JESUS COMES FOR HIS CHURCH, AT HIS SECOND COMING HE BRINGS THE CHURCH WITH HIM" ... They say that Jesus takes His church away in the rapture, quoting 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. And then Jesus comes back with the church at the second coming, quoting Revelation 19:14, which says: 'the armies which were in heaven followed him upon White horses." But what they fail to realize is that the 'armies' whom Jesus returns with are His angels, as Matthew 25:31 confirms, not the church.

"But what about 1 Thessalonians 4:14, where it says that those who sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him? This surely is talking about the church coming back from heaven after the rapture with Jesus at His physical return?" - No it's not. Rapture adherents love this verse, but they completely miss the context of what is being said here. Look at both vs. 13 and 14. Paul is clearly talking about those who are asleep in Christ, those who are in their graves waiting for His return. And what does Paul say to give encouragement concerning those who have died? He says that just as God raised Jesus from the dead, so He will bring with Jesus those who sleep in Him. In other words, those who have died, God will raise them from the dead, just like He rose Jesus from the dead.

The rest of the so called 'Irrefutable proofs' are of the same mold. They are not proofs at all, but just twisting of scripture to suit their wrong belief. It's interesting that they also believe the 'antichrist' will not be revealed until AFTER the rapture. This is a deception of the Roman Church. The Bible and historic Protestantism already revealed the antichrist - The Papal Church of Rome!

NOTE: If the rapture theory is a true Biblical teaching. Why was it not well known and popularized until the early 20th century?


John 17:15

Let me get one thing out of the way first. The word "rapture" is not found anywhere in the Bible. So where do they get the word from? It was coined from the words "caught up" found in 1 Thessalonians 4:17. And I will deal with those verses later on.

What I would like to do is drop a Biblical bomb straight away on the pre-tribulation rapture teaching and expose it's weakness. That Bible bomb is found in Matthew, chapter 13. In this chapter, Christ Jesus is telling a parable and teaching a lesson concerning the events of the last days and the second coming. Let's look at what He says:
Matthew 13:24-30

WoW! I love the Word of God. It is so clear that we need not second guess what is going to happen. So what are we told in the pre-tribulation rapture theory? We are told that Christ will "gather" His people BEFORE the tribulation and separate the "wheat and the tares" BEFORE the harvest. And yet what does it clearly state in the Bible verse above? That the separation only takes place AT the harvest.

"Oh but the rapture IS the harvest!"

Ok. So according to those who hold to the pre-trib rapture theory, the harvest takes place BEFORE the tribulation and BEFORE the end of the world. This is clearly what they believe because according to this teaching, the world continues for another 7 years and then another 1000 years AFTER the rapture. Well, what does Christ Jesus our TEACHER say about this?
Matthew 13:38-40

Thank you Jesus for giving us the clear truth on this matter, so that we should not be deceived! Do you see the truth on this friend? The church and the wicked continue to live together on earth until the END OF THE WORLD. And it is only at the end of the world that the separation takes place. The pre-trib rapture theory is now blown to bits by the Word of God!

Please understand that VITAL point. The rapture theory teaches a separation BEFORE the end. But the Bible clearly teaches that there is NO separation before the end.

This Also proves the mid-tribulation rapture teaching to be false

Those who hold to the mid-tribulation rapture theory, believe (just like the pre-trib teachers),that the separation takes place BEFORE the end of the world. But as I have shown from the Bible above, the separation takes place ONLY at the end of the world. Need more proof? Take a look at these Bible verses and you will notice that the focus is NOT about the church being taken away before the end, but rather AT the end of the world and the LAST DAY.
John 6:40. John 11:24. John 12:48.
Eternal life is given on the LAST DAY. The resurrection happens on the LAST DAY. Judgment is given on the LAST DAY.

Notice also what Jesus says in Matthew 28:20.
Now why would reassure us that He would be with us until the END OF THE WORLD, if we were to be raptured away BEFORE the end of the world? Doesn't make sense does it? Friend, the rapture teaching is a false one invented by Satan to cause God's people to be unprepared for the time of trouble ahead, that we WILL go through.


Those who believe in a rapture say that the Greek word "parousia" refers to the secret coming of Jesus with the rapturing of the church and that the Greek word "apokalupsis" refers to the visible glorious coming of Jesus in power seven years later. So they believe from these Greek words that Christ will return in two phases, separated by the 7year tribulation. Well I have already proven from the Bible that there is no separation between the church and the wicked until the END OF THE WORLD. But let's take a look at "parousia" and "apokalupsis", and what we will show you is that BOTH are used to describe the SAME second coming, not two comings.

Paul uses the word "parousia" in 1 Thessalonians 4, which I have discussed above, when speaking of the coming of Christ and our gathering together unto Him. But Paul then shows that this "parousia" will destroy the man of sin; the Antichrist ... "whom the Lord shall destroy with the brightness of his coming [parousia]." 2 Thessalonians 2:8. So we have a problem. Paul is saying that it is DURING the "parousia" of Christ that the man of sin will be destroyed. And yet those who hold to the rapture teaching say that the man of sin will reign AFTER the "parousia". And will be destroyed until the physical "apokalupsis" coming of Christ.

"Apokalupsis" [revelation] is also used in a way that indicates it is NOT a separate coming from the time the believers are gathered up. Peter said in 1 Peter 1:13 ... "be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation [apokalupsis] of Jesus Christ;" Now why would Christians be exhorted to continue hoping to the end of the world for the grace brought through the revelation of jesus Christ if their real hope was a rapture seven years before the revelation? Fo you see the problems with this teaching? I hope so.

These following verses which give Matthew and Luke's account of the same event prove that the words "parousia" and "apokalupsis" do refer to the SAME ONE COMING OF CHRIST. In Matthew 24:37 it says ... "But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming [parousia]of the Son of man be." ... And the same account in Luke 17:26,30 says ... "As it was in the days of Noah ... Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed [apokalupsis]." This is how we are to find out the TRUTH. We need to compare scripture with scripture.

So why are the two Greek words used? It's quite simple. Parousia means "presence", a VISIBLE return. And Apokalupsis means "to reveal", a REVEALING OF THE TRUTH. So to turn these two words into two separate comings make no sense whatsoever. They both describe the ONE event, the physical, visible, loud, fiery second coming of Christ, in which the truth will be REVEALED!!


There are many Christians who hold onto those few words ... "coming as a thief" ... separating them from the context and believing that Jesus is coming as a thief for the church. But let us look at what the apostle Paul says regarding Jesus coming 'as a thief'. 1 Thessalonians 5:1-5

These things become so clear when we read the context, rather than separating small pieces of scripture and building a faulty teaching on them. Can you see what Paul is saying above? WHO is Jesus going to return 'as a thief' for? THE WORLD! For whom does Jesus 'come suddenly', without them being aware? THE LOST. Which ties in perfectly with the parable of the wheat and tares, wherein the LOST are gathered FIRST. Paul confirms above in 1Thessalonians 5 that the saints are NOT overtaken 'as a thief', because we will be watching and waiting for the Lord, expecting His return.
Matthew 24:42-43
Can we know what "watch" the Lord is coming in? YES! This is why we are given signs of the times in the Bible, so we can know in which watch the Lord will return. We do not know the hour, but we CAN know in what 'watch', which is why the the 'goodman of the house' (the saints) ARE WATCHING AND WAITING!

John 10:10

What does a thief come to do? To steal and destroy! Is Jesus coming to steal and destroy! His church? No! He is coming back to steal and destroy the wicked. This is who Jesus is coming back as a thief for - the lost! But the church will be watching,and will NOT "suffer their house to be broken up." Oh how the truth becomes so clear when we read things in context!

Jesus is NOT coming back as a thief for the church. He is coming as a thief for the world!


For Jesus to say "end of the world ",there must be some destructive event to take place right? So what event is coming that would be an "end of the world" event? THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST JESUS! Take a look at the following Bible verses describing the second coming and you will see that THIS is the event that will "end this world" as we know it.

Revelation 1:7. 2 Peter 3:10. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-8. Psalm 50:3-4. Isaiah 34:8-10
Sounds like an end of the world event doesn't it? The destroying force of the second coming of Christ Jesus, as shown in the Bible verses above, will cause the earth to be "laid waste" as described in Isaiah above. Which means that the world will NOT continue on as we know it now, which the rapture theory proclaims. Instead, the wicked will be destroyed and the earth will be laid waste. And it is AT THIS TIME that the saints are taken to heaven, not before.


Matthew 24:37-42

This is such misunderstood passage of scripture today. Take a look at the context of the above Bible verses. Do you see that Jesus is telling us that His second coming will be like what happened in Noah's day? And what happened in the days of Noah? The above verses tells us. The flood DESTROYED the earth, taken away the wicked and leaving behind God's people (Noah's family). Who was "taken away" and who was "left behind" in Noah's day? Take a look at the above verses again. It was the wicked who were TAKEN and Noah was LEFT BEHIND! And this is what Christ is pointing us to. He is saying that the day is coming when the earth will be destroyed again and the wicked will be TAKEN and the saints will be LEFT BEHIND.

Please take note of the following VITAL point.

Luke 17:35-37

Why did the disciples ask 'WHERE, LORD'? Were they wondering where the one left behind was? No, that person would be in the same place as they were. So the disciples are clearly asking where has the one taken gone. And what did Jesus say? "Wheresoever the body is, thither will the eagles be gathered together." The body? In the original language, the word Eagle can also mean Vulture. And where do Vultures gather? Where there is a dead body! And look what Job says about the Eagle:
Job 39:27-30

And in Matthew 24, Jesus even makes it clearer by saying it is a CARCASS! So the one taken is the wicked who will be killed.

And what did we already confirm would happen during the harvest at the end? Let's read it again ... 'and in the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, gathered ye together FIRST the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them: but gather the wheat into my barn.' (Matthew 13) ... The wicked are "taken" first and the saints are left behind to then be "gathered into My barn" (taken to heaven).

The whole context of Matthew 24 is a warning for us to "watch and be ready" so that the "sudden destruction" that is to come upon the world (1 Thessalonians 5:3) will not TAKE US by surprise. Just like what happened in Noah's day. Who were taken? The wicked. Who were left behind? Noah and his family!


In light of what we have learned above. What does it mean when the Bible says we will be "caught up" to meet the Lord in the air? Exactly as it says! You see, those who hold to the rapture theory try to get something out of this verse that just isn't there! The truth is, when Christ Jesus returns at the second coming, the wicked will be destroyed, the dead saints will be resurrected and the saints who are still alive will be "caught up" to meet Jesus in the air. And then we will be taken to heaven to start the 1000 year millennium.

And why do we "meet the Lord in the air? Because Jesus is NOT going to set foot upon the earth during the second coming. And the second phase of His return with the saints will be the END of the 1000 year millennium. This is another misunderstanding that the rapture theory causes. Jesus is not going to rule on earth during the 1000 years. Instead, we are going to be in heaven with Him during this time, and the earth will be "laid waste" from His second coming. And only AFTER the 1000 years will we return to earth with Christ.
The rapture theory is a false teaching, and the Bible proves that fact. But please know that if people do suddenly "disappear", Satan and his angels will be behind it!
This is post millennium doctrine. Revelation 20:9
9 and they came up over the breadth of the Land and surrounded the camp of God’s people and the city he loves.

This is on earth, not in heaven. Gog and Megog are places on the earth, not heaven.
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This is post millennium doctrine. Revelation 20:9
9 and they came up over the breadth of the Land and surrounded the camp of God’s people and the city he loves.

This is on earth, not in heaven. Gog and Megog are places on the earth, not heaven.

yep that happens after the then is that why you call it "post millennium doctrine"? (I assume)
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Feb 19, 2018
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Though disbelief in a rapture to heaven is a growing belief among Christians and others, it is a false belief that attempts to make one's heart sad (read Ezekiel 13), let me present two examples of how it is contrary to scripture.

1. Jesus rose again (anistemi, G450) from the dead and ascended to the Father. And then he arose from the dead (egeiro, G1453) and appeared to his disciples 3 times in the book of John. When Jesus taught his disciples about rising from the dead, anistemi, the disciples did not understand what Jesus was talking about.

Verse list: Mar 9:10 KJV And they kept that saying with themselves, questioning one with another what the rising from the dead should mean.

Mar 9:31-32 KJV For he taught his disciples, and said unto them, The Son of man is delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him; and after that he is killed, he shall rise the third day. But they understood not that saying, and were afraid to ask him.

Luk 18:33-34 KJV And they shall scourge him, and put him to death: and the third day he shall rise again. And they understood none of these things: and this saying was hid from them, neither knew they the things which were spoken.

Joh 20:9 KJV For as yet they knew not the scripture, that he must rise again from the dead.

But when Jesus spoke of him rising from the dead, egeiro, [which is how NT writers referred to someone being raised from the dead, as if they were only sleeping] , that truth merely served to make the disciples sad, because they understood what Jesus meant when he talked about egeiro.

Verse list: Mat 16:21-22 KJV From that time forth began Jesus to shew unto his disciples, how that he must go unto Jerusalem, and suffer many things of the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and be raised again the third day. Then Peter took him, and began to rebuke him, saying, Be it far from thee, Lord: this shall not be unto thee.

Mat 17:23 KJV And they shall kill him, and the third day he shall be raised again. And they were exceeding sorry.

When Paul spoke of the dead in Christ rising from the dead first, he used the word anistemi, that points to when Jesus first ascended to the Father. Jesus said to Mary Magdalene, Touch me not for I have not yet ascended to the Father. This is in regards to the disciples continued and current failure to understand what Jesus meant by anistemi found in John 20:9.

Our more enduring substance is found in the heavens,

Heb 10:34 KJV For ye had compassion of me in my bonds, and took joyfully the spoiling of your goods, knowing in yourselves that ye have in heaven a better and an enduring substance.

Verse list: 1Pe 1:10-13 KJV Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the REVELATION of Jesus Christ;

The essence of 1 Thess 4 is that of Jesus coming for the saints to take them, arise to go to the Father for their reward. Paul states that we will rise, anistemi, to [go] meet the Lord in the air. We will rise to meet him. The great truth that is missed in 1 Thess 4 is that we must be taken to the Father to receive our resurrection body...our more enduring substance that the prophets enquired of, but were not privy to "the glory that should faith". The end of our faith is "the salvation of our soul". This essentially makes the resurrection of 1Cor 15, at the last trumpet, a different trumpet event from 1 Thess 4. The kingdom of God does not come unto the resurrecting of the saints. Jesus shall reward the saints "at his appearing and his kingdom".

2Ti 4:1 KJV I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom;

2. Not only is the parousia a distinct coming of the Lord Jesus, it is identified as such in the O.D. Daniel 7 says that Jesus was seen coming with clouds of glory, going to the Ancient of days,

Dan 7:13 KJV I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him...And there was given him dominion and glory and a kingdom...

Jesus himself said,

Mat 25:31 KJV When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:

When the gospel writers speak of Jesus coming with clouds of glory and the angels with him, it is predatory to when Jesus is to receive the kingdom. It is also says that this is when he shall reward every man,

Mat 16:27 KJV For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.

A close examination of the parable of the fig tree at the end of the olivet discourse, reveals that "Jesus's coming in the clouds" is included in the list of things that will happen before his coming can become imminent. Jesus coming in the clouds of glory is not at the time of Armageddon.

Mat 24:33 KJV So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
Mar 13:29 KJV So ye in like manner, when ye shall see these things come to pass, know that it is nigh, even at the doors.
Luk 21:31 KJV So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the kingdom of God is nigh at hand.

What is near/ nigh in these verses?
According to Matthew and Mark, it is his coming like a thief. According to Luke, it is the kingdom. The kingdom comes at the sounding of the last trumpet. This is when God gives reward to the dead.

Rev 11:15-18 KJV And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever. And the four and twenty elders, which sat before God on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped God, Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned. And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.

Then shall come the reign of the beast for the final 42 months, but that is another long answer, that I'm sure you are not ready to receive.

Be Blessed
The PuP
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Dec 10, 2017
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This is post millennium doctrine. Revelation 20:9
9 and they came up over the breadth of the Land and surrounded the camp of God’s people and the city he loves.

This is on earth, not in heaven. Gog and Megog are places on the earth, not heaven.
I will write what and where is the millennium take place.
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Jun 29, 2020
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yep that happens after the then is that why you call it "post millennium doctrine"? (I assume)
The rapture and second coming happens after the millennium is post millennium. The earth is desolate for 1000 years.

That is why amill took over and moved it into the church age.
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The rapture and second coming happens after the millennium is post millennium.


But the 2nd coming (Rev 19) is before the millennium (Rev 20)
and the Rapture 1 Thess 4:13-18 happens at the 2nd coming event.. where "the dead in Christ rise first"... at the "first resurrection" Rev 20:5 - which starts the clock for the 1000 years.

The earth is desolate for 1000 years.

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But the 2nd coming (Rev 19) is before the millennium (Rev 20)
and the Rapture 1 Thess 4:13-18 happens at the 2nd coming event.. where "the dead in Christ rise first"... at the "first resurrection" Rev 20:5 - which starts the clock for the 1000 years.

How can the earth be desolate? The point is a physical earthly Sabbath/Lord's Day. It is not for God, it is God’s gift to those resurrected who were the final harvest. The church is not on earth. Not until New Jerusalem comes down and takes up a good chunk of real estate in the NHNE.

Amil do not think it is desolate. They deny it even exist. People can die, but they cannot go to heaven. Death will still end you up eventually at the GWT. It is not a second chance join the church existence. It is an obey Christ or die forever separated from God existence. It could be the return of the prodigal son, and the church is the jealous older brother, but this is just thoughts on Scripture itself, though I will be accused of just making it up.

I do not see it as a reject Christ now plan and accept later. Revelation 22 says there is a time that seals ones choice. One cannot change, once righteous always righteous. Choose your own way, remain reprobate from the truth. When a person is harvested as in the wheat, they will know they are wheat. Obviously if sheep are on the right hand and goats on the left, one will know they are a sheep. But that is just symbolic metaphor. All in this body has to die to be resurrected.

Revelation 20 says no human walks into the millennium on their own two feet in this fleshly body. It says they are resurrected and judged before thrones. These thrones are the church, doing the judging. The church is not being judged so they can live in heaven or earth as they choose. The final harvest and those beheaded for not taking the mark are resurrected and live with Christ forever. They do get to skip the GWT. It is the 30th generation or more that rebel, not the first generation already judged. I mean the 2nd to 10th can rebel, but why would they after living for 700+ years, and then just give up on life? Why is it hard to comprehend having a new generation every 20 years for 900 years without any problems related to the current conditions. The only issue, thinking you can do a better job than Jesus Christ can ruling the earth.
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I'm sorry that I didn't read your whole post, but I agree that there certainly seem to be a very active heresy alive within different Christian communities, and this can be traced back to the fiction books called "Left Behind" and nothing else.
As a teenager in the late eighties, I remember watching the left behind movie with Kirk Cameron on a Sunday morning showing during our regularly scheduled Pentecostal church service. Given that it was being shown by our church and our leaders, who I believed at that time to infallibly understand the scriptures, the idea that the film might not actually be a reflection of the truth never even occurred to me. I took it as gospel.

It was only years later that I actually studied my bible and immediately saw that scripture teaches something very different.
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As a teenager in the late eighties, I remember watching the left behind movie with Kirk Cameron on a Sunday morning showing during our regularly scheduled Pentecostal church service. Given that it was being shown by our church and our leaders, who I believed at that time to infallibly understand the scriptures, the idea that the film might not actually be a reflection of the truth never even occurred to me. I took it as gospel.

It was only years later that I actually studied my bible and immediately saw that scripture teaches something very different.

The pre-trib rapture is not a heresy. The mistake is not understanding the Second Coming at all. Not many people ever have, nor was it even possible 2000 years ago, nor even 1000 years ago. Only the last days would be understood by those living in the last days. Most of people today though, are still holding on to old traditions.

The issue with the Left Behind series is that there are second chances. The church is complete way before Satan comes on the scene. Satan is revealed before the Antichrist. That is why the Left Behind series is wrong. There is no Antichrist revealed before the rapture or because of the rapture. That is fiction and makes for great action thrillers. Why the church teaches it as truth is beyond comprehension.

There is no post trib rapture. That is as fictional as the view of an Antichrist deceiving the church in the last days.
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