Fellowship The gifts of healings (Read the ruleset before you post)


Aug 12, 2007
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I have a pdf copy of Maria's book called Questions and Answers on Divine Healing. I'll try to split it up enough to post it here. It is not copyright, that went out long ago. The book is longer, but I'm only posting the actual questions and answers section for the most part,...

Questions and Answers on Divine Healing

Q. What is divine healing?

A. Divine healing is an act of GOD's grace, by the direct power of The Holy Spirit, by which the physical body is delivered from sickness and disease and restored to soundness and health.

Q. Have we any promise in the Bible that divine healing was ever intended to be an attainable blessing for the people of GOD?

A. Yes. There are many such promises. We find it promised to the people of Israel in a special covenant promise. "If thou wilt diligently hearken to the voice of The LORD Thy GOD, and wilt do that which is right in His sight, and wilt give ear to His commandments, and keep all His statutes, I will put none of these diseases upon thee, which I have brought upon the Egyptians, for I am The LORD That Healeth Thee." Ex. 15:26 "And ye shall serve The LORD Thy GOD, and He shall bless thy bread, and thy water, and I will take sickness away from the midst of thee." Ex. 23:25 "And He said unto them: 'Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature,…and these signs shall follow them that believe: In My name shall they cast out devils, they shall speak with new tongues,… they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.' Mark 16:15, 17, 18

Q. Does the Bible prove that any of the people of GOD ever enjoyed this blessing?

A. Yes. We read that even before this covenant blessing was promised, the physical condition of the people was perfect, which indicates plainly that GOD had a special interest in their health. See Ps. 105:37 There were at least two and one-half million people in the Exodus from Egypt: "And there was not one feeble person among their tribes." Moses enjoyed this blessing in a special manner. Deut. 34:7 "And Moses was 120 years old when he died, his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated." So also did Caleb, in an unusual experience of preservation and health, live to an old age. Josh. 14:10-11 David personally knew of the benefits and blessings of healing. Ps. 6:2; 30:2; 103:1-4 Whenever Israel lived up to the covenant conditions, they all had the benefits of healing and health. Ps. 107:20; 2Chron. 30:20 Hezekiah had a personal experience of the same. 2Kngs 20:1-5

Q. Was this blessing ever promised to anyone else than the Jew?

A. Yes. It is given in prophecy as a redemption blessing, which, together with all other gospel blessings through Christ, is offered to both Jew and Gentile. Gal. 3:27-29

Q. What does prophecy say about divine healing?

A. There is more said about it in prophecy than we have time at present to read, but I will just quote a few verses, and the rest can be read at your leisure. "Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall be unstopped. Then shall the lame man leap as an hart, and the tongue of the dumb sing." Isa. 35:5-6 This very prophecy is referred to by Jesus Himself in Matt. 11:5-6, when it was daily being fulfilled. "The blind receive their sight, and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, and the poor have the gospel preached to them." Another very plain prophecy is found in Isaiah 53:4 -- "Surely He hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows." The fulfillment of this wonderful voice of inspiration is found in Matt. 8:17 -- "Himself took our infirmities, and bore our sicknesses." It is admitted by all reliable translators and the most eminent Hebrew scholars, such as Barnes, Magee, Young, and Leeser, that Isa. 53:4 in its literal rendering corresponds exactly with Matt. 8:17. We see, therefore, that the latter is a direct reference to the former. Then the beautiful prophecy of salvation and healing is found in the following verse, viz.: Isaiah 53:5 -- "But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon Him, and with His stripes we are healed."

These prophecies all point to the redemptive work of Jesus, and find their center in the cross. The Apostle Peter refers to the verse just quoted in the following language: "Who His own self bare our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, being dead to sins, should live unto righteousness: by whose stripes ye were healed." 1Peter. 2:24 The following references also will enable you to see that there is more said in prophecy about healing: Isaiah 42:7; Isaiah 61:1. Fulfilled in Luke 4:18-21. Prophecy in Mal. 4:2. Fulfilled in Matt. 4:16; Luke 1:78-79. These are all fulfilled in redemption.

These promises of GOD are all fulfilled in this day of grace and Holy Ghost dispensation. They are all part of GOD's glorious redemptive work. It is His holy will to glorify Himself by restoring His children to perfect bodily health, and thus manifesting to all mankind His love, faithfulness, tender mercy and truth.

The deliverance of the body from the destructive power of satan and its restoration to health is an integral part of salvation. Were this lacking, GOD's glorious perfect salvation would be incomplete and imperfect. The Lord Jesus would have failed to completely deliver us from satan’s dominion and destructive power, and this marvelous, wonderful, and glorious salvation of the human race, the product of the wisdom, love and power of The Almighty, would have been a partial failure after all!
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Aug 12, 2007
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Q. Do you believe that the Bible teaches divine healing as a redemption blessing?

A. Yes. Do you not see how plain this is made in the prophecies just quoted and in their fulfillment? Jesus worked in every respect, in His life, ministry, death and resurrection, according to the redemption plan. His words and deeds are the divine expression of this redemption plan, and we can clearly see that healing for the body is placed upon an equality with healing for the soul. Both are obtained upon the same grounds, obedience and faith.

Q. Can a person possess salvation without healing?

A. Yes, he may. While both are obtained by faith, yet they may not both be obtained by the same act of faith. Jesus will be to us just what our faith takes Him for.

Q. Did Jesus heal everybody?

A. Yes, all who came to Him in faith. Read Matt. 4:23-24 and Matt. 12:15.

Q. But they did not seem to have faith, did they?

A. Yes. If you read the references just mentioned, you will notice the people "came to Him" for healing, and "followed Him." At Nazareth, His own town where He had been brought up, He could do no great work among them, because of their unbelief. At Capernaum, where some of the most remarkable healings were wrought, the people were a believing people. Out of nineteen of the most prominent individual cases of healing in the ministry of Christ and the Apostles, there are twelve of these where their faith is spoken of. The rest are mentioned sufficiently plain to show that faith brought the healing in every case.

Q. Did Jesus heal arbitrarily for the sole purpose of establishing His divinity?

A. No. He healed according to the law of redemption, and because of His great compassion to suffering humanity. Matt. 14:14

Q. Did not healing cease when Jesus finished His earthly ministry?

A. No. It was still more wonderfully manifested in the ministry of the Apostles, after the day of Pentecost. Acts 3:1-16; 5:12-16; 8:6-8; 9:17-18, 33-42; 14:8-10; 14:19-20; 19:11-12, 33-42; 20:8-12; 28:3-6, 8. This proves clearly that divine healing is a redemption blessing for the entire Holy Spirit dispensation.

Q. But we are taught that it was only for the beginning of the gospel dispensation. How about that?

A. The Bible does not teach any such doctrine.

Q. But it does teach that, "when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away." 1Cor. 13:10 How about this?

A. This scripture has no reference to divine healing or any of the redemption blessings that they shall be done away within this dispensation. If there ever has been a time in this dispensation when it could have been said with reference to the full possession and manifestation of the gospel blessings, that: "that which is perfect is come," it was when The Holy Spirit came at Pentecost, but we see after this mighty works of salvation and healing, and they were in no sense "done away" with, but were greatly increased. So you see the "done away" argument has no scriptural basis whatsoever. As long as the dispensation of grace shall last, so long shall the benefits of grace be extended to "Whomsoever will."

Q. Well then, when was divine healing done away?

A. In the design of GOD it was never done away, nor was it ever taken away, abolished or withdrawn. There is not a single word in the Bible to that effect. The statement originated from the adversary of mankind in an endeavor to retain his power and deprive mankind of some of the great advantages of the atonement, and to prevent his victims, bound, oppressed, and tortured by him, from obtaining their freedom.

The Lord Jesus came to set the captives free, and to deliver those who are bound (Isa. 61:1), and His work is being continued today by His representatives on earth. He is with them always, even unto the end of the dispensation, or "Consummation of the Age" (Matt. 28:20 R.V.), working with them, accompanying the proclamation of the gospel of deliverance and salvation from satan's power, with the manifestation of His presence and healing power. "They shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover." Mark 16:18

This great salvation is declared by His messengers and confirmed by "GOD also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of The Holy Ghost." Heb. 2:4

Q. Do you mean to say that it was perpetuated and in the primitive Church?

A. Certainly it was. History shows that for several centuries there was no other means of healing practiced in the Church.

Q. But what happened after that?

A. Just what crowded out all other gospel truths -- the superstitions and unbelief of apostasy. But, thank GOD, the darkness is past and the Sun of Righteousness with healing in His wings is shining salvation and health to all who will forsake all their old doctrines, creeds, and superstitions, and get back upon the old Apostolic foundation, the Word of GOD.

Q. But how may I know that it is still GOD's will to heal?

A. Just as you may know that it is still His will to save -- by His word. His word is His Will. Whatever is for GOD's glory that is what He wants to do. It is for His glory to heal His servants. It shows how much He loves them and manifests His power. One case of healing in the name of Jesus, accompanied by the joy of the knowledge of sins forgiven, and the peace that passeth all understanding, is sufficient to demonstrate the divinity and resurrection of Jesus Christ and therefore convict and convince sinners.

Q. But it may be His will not to heal me.

A. You must go outside of GOD's word to find any statement or standing ground for such a conclusion, for there is nothing inside of the Bible about healing but what corresponds with our blessed text: "Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses." Most people who argue that it might not be GOD's will to heal them, are at the same time taking medicine and employing every possible human agency to get well. Why be so inconsistent? Why fight against GOD's will? If you think it is His will for you not to get well, then die. Stop fighting against GOD.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Q. But does not sickness come from GOD as a blessing?

A. No. It never comes from GOD only in a permissive sense, the same as a temptation comes to us, and sickness is never a blessing to us only as any other temptation or trial may be considered a blessing. The blessing is in the deliverance and healing. Every person who has ever experienced the healing touch of GOD knows what a blessing to the soul comes with it. Sickness is an abnormal condition of the body and cannot be a blessing from GOD.

Q. If it does not come from GOD, then where does it come from?

A. It comes from the devil and was always dealt with by Jesus in His earthly ministry as a work of the devil. The word of GOD plainly teaches us that the devil is the author of disease. Read Job 2:7; Luke 13:16; Acts 10:38.

Q. But are there not some other scriptures that teach us that sickness comes from GOD?

A. Only in a permissive sense.

Q. Does the Bible teach us that GOD intends to be the healer of His people without the use of medicine?

A. Yes. It nowhere recommends or commands the use of medicine with prayer and faith.

Q. But how about Hezekiah's figs, the blind man’s clay, and Timothy's wine?

A. It is true Isaiah told Hezekiah to take a lump of figs, but this has nothing to do with the New Testament means of healing. Also it is very evident that the figs did not heal him, but GOD said: "I will heal thee."

Jesus did not use the clay on the eyes of the blind man for any curative power, for He commanded the man at once to go and wash it off. No one has heard of blindness from birth being healed by the use of clay as a medicine since then, or ever before. It is evident that the spittle and clay were used by Jesus as a requirement of submission and obedience from the blind man. The thought must have been repulsive and humiliating to him as the clay was applied to his eyes, but like Naaman, he submitted and obeyed, and received the unspeakable blessing of healing.

The juice of the grape was recommended to Timothy as an article of diet, and would not be objectionable today, in its proper use, under similar circumstances.

Q. Are not medicines recognized in the word of GOD?

A. Yes. Let us read how it recognizes them. "Thou hast no healing medicines." Jer. 30:13 "In vain shalt thou use many medicines." Jer. 46:11 "A merry heart doeth good like medicine" (margin, to a medicine, showing that the merry heart is better than the medicine). Prov. 17:22. "And the fruit thereof shall be for meat, and the leaf thereof for medicine." Ezek. 47:12 This latter reference does not mean any material remedy but is prophetical of the tree of life and divine healing. See Rev. 22:2 Thus we see the word of GOD places no intrinsic value upon medicine.

Q. Is not the ministry of physicians for the body designed of GOD, the same as the ministry of the gospel for the soul?

A. No. The greater portion of the physicians of the land are ungodly people, many of them professed infidels, and were never designed of GOD to administer drugs and poisons to anyone, much less to the people of GOD, whose bodies are the sacred temples of The Holy Spirit. The Lord for the body. 1Cor. 6:13 The ministers of the gospel are the ministers for soul and body. "And they departed, and went through the towns, preaching the gospel, and healing everywhere." Luke 9:6 "And they went forth, and preached everywhere, The Lord working with them and confirming the word with signs following." Mark 16:20

Q. But is not the ministry of physicians recognized in the Bible?

A. Yes. Let us read how it recognizes them. "But ye are forgers of lies, ye are all physicians of no value." Job 13.4 "And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceedingly great, yet in his disease he sought not to The Lord, but to the physicians. And Asa slept with his fathers," he died. 2Chron. 16:12, 13 "And had suffered many things of many physicians, and had spent all that she had, and was nothing bettered, but rather grew worse." Mark 5.26 These scriptures show that the Bible gives no very favorable recognition of physicians.

Q. Was not anointing with oil the mode of doctoring in Bible times?

A. No. While some kinds of oil may have medical value for certain kinds of disease, it was not at all designed for any such use in connection with the prayer of faith in healing the sick. If anointing was the mode of doctoring, the church would have had no need of instruction in this respect, for it would have been a common practice everywhere by the doctors. Had this been the mind of the Apostle, then he would have assigned the work of anointing to the doctors, and his instructions would have to have been given something after the following ridiculous manner, which ought to make every divine-healing-fighter hide his face with shame: "Is any sick among you? Let him send for the doctor and let him anoint him, and the anointing shall save the sick. The effective fervent use of such anointing availeth much." It would be wisdom for professed ministers of the gospel to take an attitude toward GOD's word which would harmonize with it. It would be more honest for them to declare outright that they do not believe the Bible than to try to cover up their unbelief by perverting its teachings. GOD has assigned this sacred ministry of anointing and praying the prayer of faith for healing the sick, to the elders of His Church.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Q. But do you not think we ought to employ a physician and then ask GOD to bless the medicine?

A. No. That is not GOD's way of healing, and furthermore, it is a question to many intelligent and scientific people as to whether good or evil results from the use of poisonous drugs and medicines which are so generally used today.

Q. What! Do you mean to say there is no healing virtue in medicines and drugs?

A. According to many of the medical authorities there is not. Whatever benefit there may be derived from them, there is evidently much more harm done by their use than good. Dr. J.B. of Boston, and eminent physician and believer in divine healing, in writing about the blind faith of people in the use of patent medicines, says: "But to be faithful I must also warn you against the use of drugs by physicians: narcotics, sedatives, stimulants, tonics, quinine, antipyrine, and hundreds of others are injuring brains and nerves, stomachs and livers, bringing on heart failure, and doing far more harm than good."

Where is Koch's Tuberculosis Lymph that was to cure that disease? Dr. Talmage preached a sermon about that salvation of humanity from Tuberculosis by Dr. Koch. The Emperor of Germany ennobled him, and they gave him a large sum of money for his wonderful discovery. But Prof. Virchow, the greatest pathologist in Germany, dissected more than a score of bodies of persons who had died after taking Koch's lymph. He found that the effect of the lymph was to drive the parasites out of the tubercles which they had formed, increase their number, drive them into the healthy tissues and quickly destroy life. Dr. Virchow demonstrated that Koch's lymph was a creator of tuberculosis (consumption) and not a destroyer. You would not find a doctor in Chicago today that would give a drop of it, and yet they nearly all praised it at first as a wonderful discovery. The last I read of Prof. Koch was that he was dying of tuberculosis.

Dr. W. H. said that if all the drugs were cast into the sea, it would be better for humanity but worse for the fish.

Dr. Bell said: "I believe that if the advice of Dr. H. were followed, and physicians would confine themselves to giving good advice, and mechanical and surgical aid when needed; the mortality would improve four or five percent, or, in other words, there would be a saving of about three thousand lives (annually) in New England alone, and probably much more than that." In speaking of the belief of some who would take medicine and then ask GOD to bless it, he says: "If what Dr. H. says is true, it would require a miracle to save the fish, and how much more to save the people; how much more divine power, so to speak, to overcome both the disease and the ill effect of the drug?" Many testimonials of' noted and honored men who have spent their lives in the study and practice of medicine can be given, which show the danger and uncertainty of drugs. Watson, a renowned author of London, says: "After all, it is GOD that healeth our diseases, and redeemeth our life from destruction."

Q. Would you advise every child of GOD to trust GOD alone for healing and health?

A. Certainly, for this is GOD's way. It is what He desires us to do. "It is better to trust in The Lord than to put confidence in man." Psa. 118 It honors Him to get in line with His divine plan, and it is a great spiritual benefit to everyone.

Q. But would not such a position, if every child of GOD take it, affect the practice of many Christian physicians?

A. Well, yes, it might affect it somewhat, but we are not responsible for that. And then there will at all times be plenty of sinners and unbelieving Christian professors, who will always furnish employment to every reliable and worthy physician, and we shall always appreciate and feel grateful if there does prove to be a worthy physician, who may be a blessing to those who know not the way of The Lord.

Q. What attitude do physicians generally take toward divine healing?

A. We will let Dr. B. answer. He says: "I would say…There can be no antagonism between the medical profession and divine healing. (Of course, he must have reference to good, conscientious people of the profession.) First, because of the vast number of incurable cases for which medical or surgical treatment can do little or nothing. New England has 4,600,000 inhabitants, of whom 1,500 die every year of cancer, 15,000 of consumption, and about 80,000 from all causes." Can you believe that the medical profession would not welcome the incoming of a measure of divine power which should save all this suffering, and prolong all these lives, or, at least, of the useful and saved ones, till three score years and ten? Or if only a few should have the faith to grasp this blessing, what physician can there be found who would not rejoice? It is not the M.D.'s but the D.D.'s who oppose this teaching.

Q. Why do the D.D.’s oppose it?

A. Because of their shameful cowardice. Many of them, if not all, cannot but see the precious doctrine in the Bible, but there are very few, if any, of these men, who are preaching for salary, who have the moral or Christian courage to preach the full gospel. Their salary and reputation are at stake, and they are very careful to preach nothing that will offend their worldly supporters. This is a great wrong, and every man who thus keeps back the truth from the people will have to answer for it at the great day of reckoning. Because they are afraid to preach the truth, they try to make themselves and others disbelieve it, and to justify themselves, they must oppose it.

Q. Was not Luke spoken of as the beloved physician?

A. Yes (in Col. 4.14), but this does not signify that he was practicing after he went into the gospel work. There is no record, nor the slightest intimation, that he did. It was evident that he was present with Paul at Troas, where the young man Eutychus was restored to life. However, there is nothing said about Luke interfering by offering any medical suggestions. He was called the physician in this reference, very likely because of his former profession.

Q. If healing is for us all, how can we ever die?

A. The same as the patriarchs, prophets, Apostles, the saints of the first three centuries, and many of them in the nineteenth century, without disease. "Like as a shock of corn cometh in, in his season." There were many also whose lives were cut short by martyrdom. There is not the slightest shadow of intimation in the Bible that we must die from disease.

Q. Why is it then that so many of our fathers and mothers have died with disease?

A. Because divine healing has been so little taught. Many never heard anything about it only that it could not be obtained in this life.

Q. Why are there some who believe in healing and seemingly fail to obtain it?

A. There are many reasons why. Many people do not give GOD a fair chance to heal them, because they will not meet all the conditions of His word. There are thousands of secret sins, each one of them enough to hinder their faith from laying hold upon GOD. The Apostle says: "Beloved, if our heart condemns us not, then we have confidence toward GOD. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of Him, because we keep His commandments and do those things that are pleasing in His sight." 1John 3:21, 22 It means much to live in GOD's sight where our hearts condemn us not.

Some also who come to GOD for healing, come only to "try healing" as they would try some new doctor. They would be glad to buy it with money, but when they find that it costs every sin, and requires a holy walk with GOD, they become offended and get nothing from GOD. Jesus said in connection with healing (Matt. 11.6): "Blessed is he, whosoever shall not be offended in Me." Others whose faith is not sufficient at the time to grasp the promises and get the blessing, become discouraged and give up, whereas, they should keep upon believing ground until the blessing comes.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Q. But are there not a few who seem to have met every condition and still fail to get the blessing?

A. Yes, apparently so. Yet it is evident that some of the conditions have not been met. It may be no fault on the part of the individual, only that it may be the lack of determined faith, but whatever it may be, there is a lack on the part of the individual somewhere, for GOD's part is complete, and when ours is, the work must be done. As the Church advances in spiritual light and power, there will be a better understanding of some of these cases.

Q. What are the conditions on which GOD promises to heal us?

A. - We must forsake all our sins, and then claim the virtue of the atoning blood, by faith, till we come to know that the free and unmerited divine favor and promises are ours.

- We must have way down in our hearts a settled resolve to serve GOD better than we ever have before.

- We should be willing to minister to the saints as opportunity offers, and cooperate with them in GOD's work. GOD's work is the turning of sinners from sin unto holiness.

- We should have compassion for all men and a desire to help them. We should be seeking to know GOD's will better, and be zealous in carrying it out in our lives.

- We should search the scriptures, and study and meditate on them till we know it is GOD's will to heal us. And believe when prayers are offered on our behalf that GOD hears and answers them.

Q. Should a person who cannot seem to get the blessing then go to taking medicine?

A. No. He should get nearer to GOD, and wait upon him in importunity until faith brings the blessing.

Q. How about innocent children, and persons whose afflictions render them incapable of exercising faith?

A. In such cases, intercessory faith will bring the blessing for them.

Q. What is intercessory faith?

A. It is the exercise of faith by one person for another. Parents can exercise faith for the healing of their children, or any child of GOD can help another.

Q. Can intercessory faith bring healing to another person who is responsible to obey and believe for himself?

A. Yes. There may be cases where this is done for the time, but in every case each responsible person must, sooner or later, come to the time where his individual responsibility must be acted upon, and perfect obedience rendered to GOD.

Q. What steps must be taken to obtain healing?

A. Obedience and faith. People seeking healing should come forsaking all their sins forever, claiming the atonement of the blood of Christ on their behalf, believing the word of GOD and His promises, and with determination to serve GOD better than before, and to walk in all the light from His word.

Q. What means must be used?

A. There are different scriptural means:

1. Anointing with oil and the prayer of faith. James 5:14, 15

2. Laying on of hands of them that believe. Mark 16:18

3. The prayer of faith individually. John 15:7; 2Kings 20:1,5

4. The prayer of faith through one or more intercessories. John 4:49, 50; Matt. 8:5-13; 9:2-8

Q. Is Christian Science the same as divine healing?

A. No. It is vastly different. In its origin it differs as widely as night from day. Christian Science is less than forty years old, while the first mention of divine healing dates back to Abraham when he prayed for Abimelech. Christian Science was conceived and given birth to by Mrs. Mary B.G. Eddy of Boston, Mass. Divine healing is given to man by the GOD of heaven.

As a science, Christian Science is a conglomeration of illogical, ridiculous and impractical theories, which no Christian Scientist (so-called) has ever yet, nor ever will be, able to demonstrate. It claims that there is no sickness, pain, sin, evil, devil, nor death -- all these things are but delusions and can be overcome by intelligence and understanding. It is known also as a mind cure, mental medicine, and metaphysical healing. If it made no other claim than scientific, there would be little danger of it doing any harm, but its doctrines as a religion make it a dangerous and Christ-dishonoring foe. It perverts the sacred word of GOD and assails the plan of redemption, ignoring the blood of Christ, and denying the deity of The Lord Jesus Christ.

A few points only can be noticed here. It denies the depravity of man, and teaches that every man is the reflection of GOD, and possesses inherent divinity regardless of regeneration. It rejects the second and third chapters of Genesis, the history of the fall of man. It teaches that man has never fallen and needs no redemption, only in the sense that he must be brought to an understanding of Christian Science. It totally ignores the doctrine of vicarious atonement, and therefore is of the devil. Its doctrines are based upon such skillfully perverted and misapplied texts of scripture, that many souls are led astray by its delusions.

Q. How about Spiritualism?

A. Spiritualism is closely allied to Christian Science. It is another of the anti-Christ doctrines that denies the plan, being direct counterfeits of divine healing.

Q. Is it possible that people may be healed through satanic power?

A. Yes. The devil has the power to work miracles (Rev. 16:13, 14), and when souls can be the easier deceived by them to their eternal destruction, he will give the deception. He is the author of disease, and has the power to remove it, if by so doing he can more easily hold his subjects in darkness. Every professed healer, or teacher of healing, and everyone who claims healing, who denies the blood of Christ as the sacrifice for sin, is anti-Christ and of the devil, no matter what miraculous manifestations of healing, or otherwise, they may claim to produce. Gal. 1:8, 9

Q. Can any be healed by animal magnetism?

A. There may be some material results upon disease through this power, but this is not divine healing. It is but a natural cause producing a natural effect, and can be practiced by any person who may possess it, regardless of any scriptural or true spiritual condition. In many cases these professed healers have proved to be hypocrites and frauds, claiming to possess divine power to heal, deceiving souls for advantage and gain, and reproaching the cause of Christ.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Q. How may we know the difference between these counterfeits and the teachers of divine healing?

A. Every true minister of the gospel preaches divine healing to a greater or less extent, depending upon the light received, and always demands the Bible requirements of every sinner -- "repentance toward GOD, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ" -- and never claims to heal anyone, but simply prays the prayer of faith, and attributes all healing power to GOD through Jesus Christ.

Q. Does not GOD give the "gifts of healing" to some?

A. Yes. This is one of the gifts of The Holy Spirit (1Cor. 12:9 and 30), which is given to such persons in the Church of GOD as can glorify Him therewith. The gifts of healing are the various spiritual means designed of GOD to be used in cases of emergency by every true minister and child of GOD, but, as an individual endowment, it is given to certain ones who are called and qualified by The Holy Spirit to the ministry of healing, in casting out devils and laying on hands.

Q. What is the grace of healing?

A. It is our redemption right to healing the same as justification and sanctification, purchased for us through the atonement, and offered to all who will meet the Bible conditions.

People seeking healing should believe it is GOD's time to heal them, and have faith enough to believe He hears the prayers offered on their behalf. When they are prayed for they should believe the disease is gone, and try to act their faith. The cause is gone and the effects of the disease sometimes do not go till later.

If you say: "If it is GOD's will He will save me" you could pray till the judgment trumpet sounds and you would not get salvation. So it is with healing. You should be convinced all disease is from satan, and that it is GOD's will to heal you, if you are unsaved, when you forsake all your sins, if you are saved, when you are prepared to keep all your vows to The Most High, and to walk in all the light He gives you.

You never get faith to be healed till you surrender. Give up your own will, and way, and mode of life, and yield yourself to Christ, carrying out the directions of His word and Spirit, and desiring Him to work through you to establish His kingdom amongst men.

Do not say: "I will be healed if it is His will." "If" implies doubt. Let not him that doubteth think that he shall receive anything from The Lord. When we waver and doubt it is like the waves of the sea casting up filth in the face of The Almighty.

"If ye abide in Me and My words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you." John 15:7 We should abide in Him, in His service, having His mind, filled with His Spirit.

Whatever is for GOD's glory that is what He wants to do. It is for His glory to heal His saints, it shows how much He loves them, and manifests His power. One case of healing in the name of Jesus, accompanied by the joy of the knowledge of sins forgiven, is sufficient to demonstrate the divinity and resurrection of Jesus, and therefore convince sinners.

"If ye ask anything in My name I will do it." John 14:14 This is not merely making mention of His name, it means anything that is for the good of His kingdom.

If a clerk obtains anything in the name of the firm he represents, it is understood it is for the glory and up-building of the firm and to be used to carry on their business. He would not be allowed to obtain things in the name of the firm and then use them for his individual private use. The firm we work for is The Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Some ask in the name of Christ but He is not going to get any good out of it, because they do it from a selfish motive. GOD cannot be deceived, and He does the healing. Is He going to get anything out of your healing? Is His Kingdom and mankind going to be benefited?

Q. Is it right then for us always to pray for each other's healing and health?

A. Yes. "Beloved, I wish (pray) above all things, that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth!" 3John 2 "Confess your faults one to another and pray one for another, that ye may be healed." James 5:16


Q. Do the intercessions of Jesus mean much to us?

A. The most pathetic aspect of the redemptive methods is the intercession of The Lord Jesus. Our great High Priest gone into the heavenly place, hidden behind the veil, re-appearing at the high court of The Majesty on High, as the advocate of men, suing for mercy and reconciliation, The Eternal God listening to His plea for sinners who, coming in their own name, would be refused audience, would be consumed by the divine indignation. Had any common Jew appeared in the presence of Ahasuerus to ask the revocation of the royal edict, he would have been slain in the courts of the palace, but to Esther the queen, clad in her royal attire, the insignia of state, the King could hold out the golden scepter.

The Most High GOD of holiness and truth, at the head of His universe framed in purity and fashioned for righteousness could not treat, face to face, in His open court, in presence of His holy and law-abiding angels, with rebels and conspirators, with creatures who had denied His name and joined hand and cause with an invading traitor. The first effect of sin was to suspend communication between GOD and man. The Almighty could not listen to His enemies in arms, or to any being spotted by disloyalty.

Q. But is not The Heavenly Father eternally and infinitely pitiful?

A. Yes, and eternally just, as well. And if a holy Sovereign would have a loyal universe He must rule the moral races in exact equipoise of divine attributes. His scepter must be held in the clasped hands of justice and mercy. To make mercy "a darling attribute" would unsettle the integrity of the divine administration. To have condoned the offense of the first pair, and through them, of the whole race, by a great act of amnesty, would have set a premium on rebellion -- a bestowment of special favor because of treason. A finite ruler can rarely do this with safety with finite subjects, an infinite Sovereign with finite rebels, never. Justice must not waver in the hands of one who demands the allegiance of all worlds, there must be no compromise with evil in a perfect jurisprudence. This, we may believe, is the reason why the offended Lord did not call the faithless twain to repentance and pardon directly, without the intervention of a third person. For some will not cease to make light of the doctrine of Christ's expiation in vicarious suffering for the race, and ridicule the necessity of a mediator between a loving GOD and penitent offenders. But the necessity of an intercessor at the court of heaven is as clearly taught in both testaments, as of a sin-bearer -- a Savior. Even pardoned and renewed men, while in a state of probation have no privilege of access to The Father save through the mediation of another, even Jesus The Lamb of GOD "Wherefore also He is able to save to the uttermost them who draw near unto GOD through Him seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them." Heb. 7:25 R.V.

Q. Just what do the scriptures mean by "Intercession," "Intercessor," "Advocate"?

A. Intercession -- To meet with, to come between, to intercede, as in our text, Heb. 7:25 and Rom. 8:27, 8:38 and 11:2. Intercessor -- one who intercedes, or comes between parties who are unable to meet in their own name, for some reason. Advocate -- one called in, a helper, as in 1John 2:1. "If any man sin we have an Advocate (at the throne), Jesus Christ The Righteous." He pleads our cause, presents our case.

Q. On what ground does Jesus undertake and maintain our case?

A. Not merely in suppliance for mercy, or pleading for clemency, but His plea is righteousness, not in His client, but in Himself. "We have an Advocate, Jesus Christ The Righteous." He presents not our merits but His own. Wherein our cause is weak, He covers it with His own virtue. The claims of justice against us He meets and cancels by the merit of His suffering in our stead. To the record of our sins He pleads that He: "Bore them in His own body on the tree." If justice flaunts its death warrant against us, running forever, He nullifies it by the testimony that "He tasted death for every man." If some angel, jealous for the dignity of the throne, insists that The Holy Lord cannot treat with sinners, He enjoins that it is not sinners who are speaking, but Himself in the sinner's stead, and He "knew no sin," He is "righteous."

We may be reminded that it is said in the book that The Spirit intercedes for us. True. And a glorious truth it is, for the exposed and hunted people of GOD, surrounded by evil and pursued by devils, need special divine attention in both worlds, not only an advocacy at the throne, but also defense and guidance in their struggle to maintain, against principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places, vital and vigorous relations with Him Who represents them before The Father. Someone has beautifully said: "Christ pleads for us above, and The Spirit pleads in us here below." -- Selected.

Facts Worth Remembering

GOD IN PERSON DOES THE HEALING -- Jesus said: "I am The Way, and The Truth, and The Life," and He has ever been revealed to His people in all the ages by the covenant name, JEHOVAH-ROPHI, or "I am JEHOVAH That Healeth Thee." John 14:6; Exodus 15:26

THE LORD JESUS, THE CHRIST, IS STILL THE HEALER -- He cannot change, for Jesus The Christ, is the same yesterday and today, yea and forever, and He is still with us, for He said: "Lo, I am with you all the days, even unto the consummation of the age" (Hebrew 13:8; Matthew. 28:20). Because He is unchangeable, and because He is present in Spirit, just as when in the flesh, He is the Healer of His people.

DISEASE CAN NEVER BE GOD'S WILL -- It is the devil's work, consequent on sin, and it is impossible for the work of the devil ever to be the will of GOD. The Christ came to "destroy the works of the devil," and when He was here on earth He healed "all manner of disease and all manner of sickness," and all these sufferers are expressly declared to have been "oppressed of the devil." (I John 3:8; Matthew 4:23; Acts 10:38)

THE GIFTS & HEALING ARE PERMANENT -- It is expressly declared that the "gifts and calling of GOD are without repentance," and the gifts of healings are amongst the nine gifts of The Spirit to the Church. (Romans 11:29; I Corinthians 12:8-11)

PARTAKING WORTHILY OF THE LORD'S SUPPER SHOULD INSURE HEALTH -- We can also see that divine healing was included in the atonement because it is shown in 1Cor. 11:29, 30, that those who eat The Lord's Supper worthily will not die a premature death or be sick.
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Aug 12, 2007
United States
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I would post the questions and answers book from Howard Carter but it is still under copyright, and I'm not trying to cause problems with that, but I do want to show you something from that book,....

Should one classify the casting out of demons under the heading of healings?

Hardly. The casting out of unclean spirits is not, perhaps, included under healing, as the subject is not disease but a demon spirit. The casting out of unclean spirits should be classified under the gift of faith, where spirit forces are dealt with. Nevertheless, when evil spirits are expelled, organs of speech, etc., are often liberated, which suggests “healing.” Actually of course, this is a release, rather than a recovery, of the diseased organ.

Carter, Howard. Questions and Answers on Spiritual Gifts (p. 73). Harrison House Publishers. Kindle Edition.

The Holy Spirit led me to this particular section on the gifts of healings from Carter a few weeks back. I highlighted the questionable section, now let's take a look into scripture on this,...

Luk 7:21 And in the same hour He healed many from diseases and plagues and evil spirits. And He gave to many blind ones ability to see.
Luk 8:2 and certain women which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities, Mary that was called Magdalene, from whom seven devils had gone out,

This is just one of the gospel accounts. Peter demonstrated healing from evil spirits also,...

Act 5:15 insomuch that they even carried out the sick into the streets, and laid them on beds and couches, that, as Peter came by, at the least his shadow might overshadow some one of them.
Act 5:16 And there also came together the multitude from the cities round about Jerusalem, bringing sick folk, and them that were vexed with unclean spirits: and they were healed every one.

This is why we MUST rely upon The Holy Spirit's teaching, and not mankind's. Deliverance from evil spirits is considered a healing. I think Carter's teachings on the gifts are really great, much more biblical than any modern day types, but he can be wrong also. Everything must be filtered through the lens of The Holy Spirit inside us. He will show us the truth.
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