Fellowship The gifts of healings (Read the ruleset before you post)


Aug 12, 2007
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I'm gonna open a thread on the gifts of healings since there have been so many threads on that subject here lately. I don't think people really understand how GOD utilizes the gifts in most situations and they revert back to just trying to get answers through prayer. GOD has provided more than just that.

First the ruleset:

Use this tag for any thread where you just want to share chit chat or discuss a topic with other like-minded members. There should be No debate at all, it is strictly fellowship in nature. The OP of these threads can report their own thread if it crosses the line into debate and staff will assist in a thread clean up (please see above for a definition of debate).

If something is posted which you do not agree with, please make one post only and state, "I do not agree with the topic or viewpoints shared in this thread. I have opened a separate thread to discuss my point of view. The thread is located here." There should be no further points made. The members who are participating in the fellowship thread should not respond to the post because the opposing member is not allowed to reply again in the thread. If anyone thinks a rule is being violated in the fellowship thread they should report it. They should not state that they think the rules are being violated when they make their one post.

Second, I don't mind if someone wants to relate their experiences and such with the gifts of healings, but I'm not the least bit interested in anyone's hyper-faith ideas, I'm only interested in the divine healings available through this gift.

With that said, on with the subject.
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Aug 12, 2007
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I have relied upon the works of Howard Carter for my basic understand of this gift over the years. His works are seen in a couple of books,...

- Questions and Answers on the Gifts of The Spirit, Howard Carter
- The gifts of The Spirit, Harold Horton

Horton jotted down all the studies from when Carter taught at a Women's Bible College over a period of several years.

There was some other material that I looked at, such as the stuff that Hagin taught in his books, but it was mostly a rehash of what Carter taught, with a few insights on the other gifts.

From those books as well as enlightment from The Holy Spirit, here is my definition of the gift,....


A. DEFINITION - The gifts of healings is a manifestation of the sovereign power of GOD whereby the laws of nature and science are positively altered to miraculously heal and restore. This gift supernaturally destroys the works of satan and sin, and makes repairs/restoration to the bodies of believers/non-believers, as well as animals.

B. APPLICATION - This gift can operate in 3 areas through a believer:

1) Spiritual healing - Deliverance from evil spirits whereby sickness, disease, physical issues, mental instability, etc, are the result of demonization as revealed unto the believer by the gift of discerning of spirits.

2) Emotional/Inner healing - Healing of the broken-hearted, the emotionally scarred, the downtrodden, traumas of the soul, etc.

3) Physical healing - Healing of physical bodies, such as from debilitating diseases, infirmities, etc, whether functional, organic, or nervous, as well as the restoration of bodies from dismemberment, defect, etc.

C. METHODS - This gift can be manifested 2 ways through a believer:

1) Actively - By the laying on of hands, or by vocal utterance of The Holy Spirit through the believer.

2) Passively - By the power/virtue of GOD flowing strongly through a believer who has a ministry in this gift, such as in the case of Peter passing by folks in the street, and GOD healing them without Peter doing or saying anything to them.

The examples in scripture given by The Lord Jesus are to be strictly adhered to. Jesus never cast out demons by the laying on of hands, and so it is best that we are both knowledgeable and obedient to scripture and the leading of The Holy Spirit in the proper use of this gift. This gift is always operated by the will of The Holy Spirit, and cannot be activated by the believer's will or personal faith.

I categorize the gift as the third of the power gifts, the other two being the working of miracles and the gift of faith.
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Aug 12, 2007
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A couple years ago I found studies online over the various gifts put together from the Horton's book, so I copied them down, and I present the one about the gifts of healings. There could be a couple areas that I could challenge, but I present it basically untouched from what Horton copied down from Carter,...

The Gifts of The Holy Spirit in the New Testament Church.

Study based upon the teaching from the textbook: The Gifts of The Spirit, by Harold Horton (1934)

Lesson Title:
The Gifts of Healings

Text: ‘...to another the gifts of healings.’ 1 Cor. 12:9.


The three gifts of Power: Healings, Miracles, and Faith. Healings is the most widely distributed. Healings is the least of the Gifts in its own group.

1) Plurality - it is not the gift of Healing. It is the gifts of Healings. Three times in this twelfth chapter it is mentioned (9, 28, 30) and each time in the original the two nouns are in the plural.

2) These gifts are for the supernatural healing of diseases and infirmities without natural means of any sort.

3) The Lord Jesus Himself forced it into prominence by the innumerable deliverances He wrought by it in His public ministry and,

4) In the authority He gave His disciples to accomplish the same beneficent works through the same endowment.

The command to “heal the sick " stands in the van of the royal commission He gave them, that their divine words might be confirmed as they preached by miraculous signs and wonders (Matt. 10:8).

This is the gift that more than any other lifted common fishermen and artisans into prominence in the early Christian Church while the envious professionals were wilting under the exposure of their failure, in the light of these non-professional triumphs.

1. The supernatural character of the gift.

Gifts of Healings are commonly confused with a high degree of medical or surgical or manipulative or scientific ability. These are all of the natural man. Healings through these Gifts are wrought by the power of Christ through The Spirit, by ignorant believers with no knowledge of physiology, diseases, symptoms, drugs or surgery.

Luke was the beloved physician. When Paul and Luke, and others, arrived at the island of Melita and found people desperately sick, it was not Luke the physician with his medicine chest who healed them, but Paul the tent-maker by the laying on of hands and the working of these mighty gifts.

True it is that even in human healing GOD is the source.


Last year I had the pleasure of hearing one of the world's "greatest preachers. He was expounding most profitably Psalm 103. When he came to the much cherished third verse, "Who heals all your diseases," his hearty comment was, "I believe in divine healing." At this a brother in the front (whom I judged, of course, to be Pentecostal) shouted a lusty ‘Hallelujah!’

This [bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse][bless and do not curse] in the dead silence of that respectable nonconformist congregation produced mild consternation, and directed all eyes, including the somewhat apprehensive speaker's, upon the inspired and perfectly scriptural "delinquent." "But then," continued the preacher with an air of assured defiance, "I believe all healing is divine!" There was of course an amused titter going round the crowded pews of even that orderly church. A titter which grew boldly into an undisguised chorus of laughter when the speaker demanded, addressing the solitary son of Jehoshaphat, "Why don't you shout Hallelujah now?"

My hearty sympathy was on the side of the good Pentecostal praiser, not only in his original outburst of praise, but in his subsequent silence as this dart from the opponent's bow whizzed noisily and flashily wide of its destined mark. For to cry Hallelujah at that statement would be to seem to approve the statement as the speaker said it, whereas it is only true in a sense that would have needed more time for explanation than courtesy permitted in the circumstances. The statement was certainly not true in the meaning of the Psalmist's verse, nor, logically, of the speaker's original comment.

No thinking person can really believe that poisonous drugs and cruel scalpels have anything to do with divine healing. Is it not just that as one disease begins to relax its mortifying hold another more terrible most relentlessly adjusts its grasp?

The Lord still has compassion on the sick. He still has a way of deliverance from the power of the enemy.

It is still the way revealed in His Word. The sick will do well to seek it out and bring their diseases to Him as the distressed their maladies of old. It is a safe way; a painless way; a free way and a holy way. Because it is HIS way.

2. The workings and purpose of Gifts of Healings as seen in the Scriptures.

(a) First of all they are to deliver the sick and destroy the works of the devil in the human body.

The Scriptures are full of examples. What a blessed relief for the incurably sick to know that like the leper of old they can come to One who will not cast them off. And if there are those who have been put off by the enemy's suggestion that though The Lord CAN heal them it may not be HIS WILL to heal them - let them read for themselves, now, the repeated " I WILL " in Matthew 8:3 and 7, and take heart as they believe that that test question and answer were put in the Word for our encouragement today.

It is THE LORD'S DECLARED WILL to heal the sick. But they must come to HIM in the way plainly indicated in the WORD.

As of old "Jesus of Nazareth .. · went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed of the devil" (Acts 10:38), so today He is going about with Spirit-filled believers continuing His ministry of healing as He promised, through these gifts.

(b) To establish Jesus' astonishing claims.

How can men really be convinced that Jesus has power to forgive sinners' sins?

Here at His feet is a dreadful case--paralysed in body and sick in soul.

Which would be the “easier" task: to heal his paralysis or forgive his sins?

Surely power to work the one miracle involves power to work the other!

That all may know for ever that Jesus has power to forgive sins He says to the palsied one, Arise, and he immediately arises.

“Priest" in your "confessional," when you can in public say to the hopelessly paralytic, Arise!--and he arises whole--we may be willing to consider your claim to remit men's sins according to the Lord's declaration. Not before. One is as "easy " as the other. But talk is neither healing nor remission.

“Say ye ... Thou blasphemest; because I said, I am the Son of God~ If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not. But if I do, though ye believe not me, believe the works" (John 10:36-38). Transcendent mystery of the divine Sonship of Jesus confirmed by transcendent works of healing! Ought not such claims to be attested by similar signs today?

(c) To authorize the gospel message as preached by God's servants.

"And now Lord, behold their threatenings," prayed Peter when preaching the pare gospel (as it always will do) had brought the religious formalists' anger upon his head, " and grant unto thy servants that with all boldness they may speak thy word, by stretching forth thy hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of thy holy child Jesus" (Acts 4:29, 30). How swift was the divine response! "With great power gave the apostles witness. ... And by the hand of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people" (Acts 4:33; 5:12).

And later in Philip's ministry "the people with one accord gave heed unto those things which Philip spake, hearing and seeing the miracles which he did. For unclean spirits ...came out ... and many taken with palsies, and that were lame, were healed " (Acts 8:6, 7). Is there less need for miracles to confirm the gospel message in the ungodly unbelieving world today? Less need than in Capernaum or Corinth or Samaria or Sarepta?

(d) To establish the Resurrection of Jesus.

"Ye ... killed the Prince of Life, whom God hath raised from the dead; whereof we are witnesses. And his name through faith in his name hath made this man strong ... given him this perfect soundness in the presence of you all" (Acts iii, 15, 16). There is nothing like a mighty miracle of healing today for arresting the rotting confidence of the churches concerning even this fundamental of Christ's resurrection. When lifelong cripples suddenly leap into fullness of vigorous life, and blind eyes are suddenly opened in response to prayer, surely the most sceptical, present knows that Jesus is ALIVE!

(e) To draw people within the sound of the gospel.

"And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased" (John 6:2). Let the reader trace out in the gospels this connection between crowds and healings. Is it not still, even apart from the chief aim of these Gifts in delivering the sick, a good thing to have crowds come within sound of the saving Word? Those who have been fortunate enough to see multitudes waiting for hours and hours outside great city halls, attracted by the grand news of sicknesses suddenly banished and infirmities miraculously cured--waiting to hear the simple evangelist proclaim the way of salvation --waiting eagerly for their turn to be healed of their diseases--these will have no doubt about the purpose of these Gifts in our day as well as in the Lord's! There is nothing so powerfully recommends Jesus the Saviour as Jesus the Healer! That is why in these awful days of increasing iniquity and satanic power every evangelist and missionary positively needs these Gifts of supernatural Healings to authenticate his heavenly message.

(f) To turn people to God.

This is even better than bringing them within sound of the gospel! It is the end of all true preaching and service. When Peter said to Aeneas, the eight-year-bedridden paralytic of Lydda, “Christ Jesus maketh thee whole!" and when Aeneas immediately arose by the dynamic of that mightiest Name, "all that dwelt in Lydda and Saron saw him, and turned to the Lord." The inhabitants of a good town and its "county" saved en masse as the result of one gracious work of the Lord! Can such Gifts be lightly neglected in the face of the needs of today?

(g) To convince unbelievers of the truth of God's Word, mysterious though it may be.

"Believe ;me... or else believe me for the very works' sake," said Jesus, striving with all His gracious strength and argument to get men to believe for their temporal and eternal good. Present-day healings authenticate the Bible for those who have been taught to doubt it by modernistic blind guides. There are no miracles in modernism!

(h) To bring glory to God. Hallelujah!

"They were all amazed, and glorified God, saying, We never saw it on this fashion." "And all the people rejoiced for all the glorious things that were done by him" (Mark 2:12; Luke 13:17). Can the loudest critics of divine healing deny that the rejoicing of those who are suddenly loosed from palsy and spinal curvature and other hopeless diseases brings glory to our blessed Lord? And is there anywhere a people who praise God so continuously as those who believe in the Gifts of the Splrit? Or those who have been healed by the Lord?

(i) To inspire faith and courage in God's people.

As in their day the former servants of the Lord were enheartened in spite of surrounding scepticism, beholding the glorious triumph of their miracle-commission as the risen Lord worked continually with them still; so may His servants shout for joy today as they behold the working of the self-same commission under the Spirit's might, through these potent Gifts of Healings. JESUS IS ALIVE! is the trumpet voice of every miracle in our assemblies!

3. A few closing observations.

The plural title of the Gifts of Healings has been emphasized.

They are many, not one, as is generally supposed.

A believer possessing one or more of them will be used of God in certain cases of sickness, but not necessarily in others.

Some have great success in cases of blindness; some in deafness; some in cancer cases; some in internal disorders; some in fractures or distorted bones.

The principle in all the Gifts is " as the Lord will."

The Gifts may operate by a touch or a word: in the latter case distance is no object (Psalm 107:20; Matt. 8:8).

In exceptional cases healings may result from the operation of the Gifts without a word or a touch
, by the very presence of the one possessed of them, as Peter, whose very shadow streamed forth like a mighty overflow of divine unction, sweeping all diseases before it (Acts 5:15); or from fabrics or garments which have been in contact with those possessed of the Gifts, as Paul: at Ephesus (Acts 19:12).

Healing by anointing with oil. (James 5:14) is not through the operation of these Gifts, but in response to obedience and in answer to believing prayer. In James it is the elders who are to anoint. In Mark 6:15, Jesus' disciples also healed through anointing with oil. There is no authority for promiscuous anointing by men and women generally. But elders will not forget that their pastor is not only an elder with them, but that he is the presiding elder. This simple fact seems sometimes to be overlooked.

The laying on of hands as in Mark 16:18, is not limited to those possessing the Gifts of Healings. It is an act of faith for any "believer" as the context shows; for on the promise contained in it the Lord will graciously heal in response to living faith. The only condition here is " believing" (verse 17). While anointing with oil is for sick believers only, hands may be laid on the saved or the unsaved, providing the unsaved make request for prayer or are willing to be prayed for (John 5:6; 6:37). The only question is "Wilt thou be made whole?" Indeed experience reveals the marvellous circumstance that sinners are more readily healed than saints! Which enforces what has been said under (e) above.

The power Jesus gave to the apostles and the seventy (Matt. 10:1; Luke 10:1) was not permanent (Matt. 17:16).

It began to wane as Jesus was about to leave this world. I have discussed this in the early chapters of this hook. But the Gifts of the Spirit are "without repentance." Even so they operate only as the Spirit wills, and there must be a response of active faith on the part of the sick one (Matt. 9:22; 13:58).

Faith is positively necessary in the operation of these-or indeed any of the Gifts. It may be (1) substitutionary faith where the sick one is too feeble to believe for himself (Mark 2:5); or (2) the faith of the sufferer alone (Matt. 9:22); or (3) the faith of the minister alone in special circumstances such as coma or unconsciousness (Matt. 9:25); or (4) the combined faith of sufferer and minister (Matt. 9:28, 29). This last seems to be the most usual. But those who claim to possess the Gifts of Healings must personally shoulder the burden of faith and blame themselves, not the sufferer, for failure or only partial success. It is of course different with anointing and prayer and laying on of hands. Faith is the indispensable requisite in healings.

And from what has already been said it is clear that the Gifts do not work indiscriminately at the will of the possessor.

1) Not every blind man or deaf man or sick man can be healed at will by the Gifts. Bethesda's porches were filled with sick folk, all believers in divine healing, for they were all waiting for a heavenly miracle. And the Minister on this occasion was One supremely gifted with the power of the Spirit. Yet only one was actually healed--the one who actually got into touch with Jesus' living power.

2) All who really got into vital touch with the Lord, however, were healed, not only on this occasion, but on every other occasion. It is not possible to state dogmatically why, among those who are prayed for today, some are healed and some are not. And certainly here is no room to discuss so large a problem.

3) But here is a man who, it is quite certain, will never be healed, though he travel round all the assemblies and seek the ministrations of those most mightily endowed with divine power. He is desperately sick, and no doubt he has a Bible and believes. Ask him his name. It is Gehazi! His sickness shall cling to him so long as there is breath in his mortal body. For the Lord has decreed it. For we must remember that on the obverse side of divine healing is divine sickness (2 Kings 5:27).

But here are many others, all sick of a deadly sickness under God's corrective hand. Not one of them will ever be healed by all the expert physicians the ages could muster. Yet EVERY ONE MIGHT BE HEALED--in God's appointed way, a supernatural way; by the world called a foolish way. The way of the uplifted serpent of brass! The way of the Word of God (Num. 21). There is healing by way of the Cross, brother--sister. Bring your sicknesses to Jesus!

We will not too greatly distress ourselves by asking how many stricken "Israelites " are today "seeking unto the physicians' instead of unto the Lord (2 Chron. 16:12), nor how many "Gehazis" walk into our meetings unrecognized.

Neither will we make the mistake of Job's friends in supposing our sicknesses and others' are connected with personal sin.

Neither let us, as those at Nazareth, and thousands today, prevent the operation of authentic Gifts by a heavy insulation of personal unbelief (Matt. 13:58).

Rather let us seek the face of the Lord for Gifts and mightier Gifts and use them as He instructs, to make straight crooked little children, to set at ease tortured men and women and to turn the awful groans of the constant sufferer into shouts of joy and praise to our lovely delivering Jesus!
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Come Lord Jesus
May 17, 2011
Manhattan, KS
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I just finished my daily reading, and this was part of what I covered.

My message and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith would not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (BSB)

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 1 Corinthians 4:20 (BSB)

I'll try to read through everything you posted here as it'll be great for faith building. But how I long for preachers who will stop trying to reason people into faith and just depend on God to show up. As you posted:

(e) To draw people within the sound of the gospel.

"And a great multitude followed him, because they saw his miracles which he did on them that were diseased" (John 6:2). Let the reader trace out in the gospels this connection between crowds and healings. Is it not still, even apart from the chief aim of these Gifts in delivering the sick, a good thing to have crowds come within sound of the saving Word? Those who have been fortunate enough to see multitudes waiting for hours and hours outside great city halls, attracted by the grand news of sicknesses suddenly banished and infirmities miraculously cured--waiting to hear the simple evangelist proclaim the way of salvation --waiting eagerly for their turn to be healed of their diseases--these will have no doubt about the purpose of these Gifts in our day as well as in the Lord's! There is nothing so powerfully recommends Jesus the Saviour as Jesus the Healer! That is why in these awful days of increasing iniquity and satanic power every evangelist and missionary positively needs these Gifts of supernatural Healings to authenticate his heavenly message.

(f) To turn people to God.

This is even better than bringing them within sound of the gospel! It is the end of all true preaching and service. When Peter said to Aeneas, the eight-year-bedridden paralytic of Lydda, “Christ Jesus maketh thee whole!" and when Aeneas immediately arose by the dynamic of that mightiest Name, "all that dwelt in Lydda and Saron saw him, and turned to the Lord." The inhabitants of a good town and its "county" saved en masse as the result of one gracious work of the Lord! Can such Gifts be lightly neglected in the face of the needs of today?
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Aug 12, 2007
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I just finished my daily reading, and this was part of what I covered.

My message and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith would not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (BSB)

For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power. 1 Corinthians 4:20 (BSB)

I'll try to read through everything you posted here as it'll be great for faith building. But how I long for preachers who will stop trying to reason people into faith and just depend on God to show up.
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Aug 12, 2007
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I'm not sure how I want to arrange things on this topic, so I'm going to post things as The Holy Spirit prompts me.

Something I do want to point out in relation to this subject, and this came from Hagin's book "The Ministry Gifts",....

If God did call you to an office, you couldn't step into it immediately. You'd make a mess of it if you did . But God will add a little here and a little there . If He does have in mind to put you in that office, eventually, if you'll be faithful, when He sees He can trust you with it, He will set you in it .

God will not violate the principles set forth in His own Word . The Spirit of God said through Paul not to put a novice in office, ". . . lest being lifted up with pride he fall into the condemnation of the devil" (1 Tim. 3:6) .

The same is true in other offices . If novices were put into these offices, Satan would tempt them and they would be lifted up and destroyed . I think some have been destroyed because they sensed in their spirits the calling, but instead of waiting for God to set them into that office, they tried to set themselves into it.

Power gifts like the gifts of healings are not learned overnight, they are taught by The Holy Spirit "little by little." Different aspects such as the laying on of hands, and the sort of anointing upon your hands that is associated with it, and the leading of The Holy Spirit in such a gift, etc, normally takes a while to learn and be proficient with them.

If GOD has it in His mind to operate in some of the power gifts through you, do yourself a favor and keep it to yourself. When your trials are over and GOD is ready to move through you, and you have GOD finally healing some people through you, then you can somewhat be assured you have this gift finally operating. Until then, don't try to place yourself into it. You can do nothing of yourself.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Operating the gifts of healings as a ministry,...

Anyone that has received the filling of The Holy Spirit can have this gift as well as the others. It is my contention that all the gifts are given by The Holy Spirit, just that some work and some don't, and we have to pursue having them all operate in our lives.

Let's look at something,...

1Co 12:28 And God hath set some in the church, first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, governments, divers kinds of tongues.
1Co 12:29 Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
1Co 12:30 have all gifts of healings? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret?
1Co 12:31 But desire earnestly the greater gifts. And a still more excellent way shew I unto you.

Paul is describing ministries and offices here. Not everyone is going to be an apostle, or prophet, etc,. but we all must desire these sorts of greater gifts in our lives. We must pursue having some sort of ministry/office in our lives for the furtherance of the gospel and the maintenance of the body. It is The Holy Spirit that draws people into your churches, and where the anointing is for a ministry/office, there He is also.

When did The Father begin healing people through Jesus? After He came back from His trials in the wilderness and was anointed by GOD. With that anointing, The Holy Spirit rested upon Him,... as we see stated by Him,...

Luk 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor: He hath sent me to proclaim release to the captives, And recovering of sight to the blind, To set at liberty them that are bruised,
Luk 4:19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.

With the anointing upon His head, and The Holy Spirit resting upon Him in power, He was fully equipped for the work that The Father had for Him to do. We also see Jesus pass this authority and power on to the disciples before His ascension,....

Act 1:8 But ye shall receive power, when the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be my witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea and Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.

They were going to be born again, filled with The Holy Spirit, anointed upon their heads, and the power of The Holy Spirit was to rest upon them all in succession after Pentecost. These witnesses of Him were granted everything at the start, they didn't have to seek for the filling of The Spirit or an anointing, or the operation of the greater gifts in their lives,.... they received it all right at the start.

My point in all of this is this,..... we need to have a similar structure in our Christian lives if we want these power gifts to operate. They don't operate in any real capacity without The Holy Spirit resting upon us. It is He who operates these greater gifts, not us.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Saints of Old,...

There have been Christians of old who operated in this gift. Some of the greats like Wigglesworth, Lake, the Jeffrey brothers, etc., but the one I find that GOD moved the most through was Maria Woodworth Etter,....

GOD had her document in various books about her travels across America for 45 years. This was done at a time before the automobile. Everything was done by horse and carriage.

Take a look at her travels,....


All of her books have great testimonies from people who received their healings under her ministry. She didn't seem to have any sort of area that GOD specialized through her on healing, anyone she laid hands upon straightway received their healing. She was an Evangelist, and GOD did amazing things through her. She is definitely one of the old Saints that we can learn from.
  • Wow
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Beloved, Let us love one another
Nov 10, 2006
Under the Shadow of the Almighty
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Saints of Old,...

There have been Christians of old who operated in this gift. Some of the greats like Wigglesworth, Lake, the Jeffrey brothers, etc., but the one I find that GOD moved the most through was Maria Woodworth Etter,....

GOD had her document in various books about her travels across America for 45 years. This was done at a time before the automobile. Everything was done by horse and carriage.

Take a look at her travels,....

View attachment 336349

All of her books have great testimonies from people who received their healings under her ministry. She didn't seem to have any sort of area that GOD specialized through her on healing, anyone she laid hands upon straightway received their healing. She was an Evangelist, and GOD did amazing things through her. She is definitely one of the old Saints that we can learn from.
I was just reading (audiobook) some of her thoughts today.
This looks like a sweet thread!
I hope to go through it soon.
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Aug 12, 2007
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I was just reading (audiobook) some of her thoughts today.
This looks like a sweet thread!
I hope to go through it soon.
I'll have more to add. The Holy Spirit was already identifying more subjects for me to expound on her while I was working this evening.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Let's look at some of the information on that website I linked about Mrs Etter,..

Maria Woodworth-Etter (1885 – 41 years old)

This is not an account of one revival, but of many, extending over a period of 45 years (1879-1924), and they are observed in the ministry of Ohio-born evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844-1924).

Maria was a Pentecostal before there were Pentecostals. That is, she was already preaching and experiencing the message of Pentecost in her services as early as 1883, with all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit being manifested. And this was long before historians began to write about Pentecostals.
► 13 years before the 1896 Shearer Schoolhouse Revival
► 18 years before the 1901 Topeka Outpouring
► 23 years before the 1906 Azusa Street Revival

The baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the accompanying gifts of the Holy Spirit including speaking in tongues, has been a historically documented occurrence throughout Church history (see our post).

The “revivals” that Maria experienced came through protracted meetings, meaning they were planned services that were conducted multiple days in a row, and sometimes extending close to six months in duration, all in one location. Many of these revivals involved two, and at times three, meetings per day, with the meetings occasionally running together.

Could you imagine that sort of continuous revival happening nowadays? People would lose their mind.

2or 3 meetings each day?!?!,......that's completely unheard of nowadays.

Full Schedule
From the very beginning of her ministry, Maria’s preaching was so effective that there were always churches–from over 8 different denominations–continually contacting her to come and preach. During her first 1 ½ years of ministry she:
► preached 200 sermons.
► held 9 planned evangelistic events (revivals).
► planted 2 churches.
► preached in 22 churches.
► preached in 4 schoolhouses.

By 1889 her accomplishments, outside of souls saved and physical healings, were:
► starting 12 churches.
► building 6 church buildings.
► starting several Sunday Schools.
► bringing up 12 new preachers who became licensed.

I actually didn't know she had done so much for The Lord. This completely outdoes anyone during her time and afterwards in my opinion.
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Let's look at some of the information on that website I linked about Mrs Etter,..

Maria Woodworth-Etter (1885 – 41 years old)

This is not an account of one revival, but of many, extending over a period of 45 years (1879-1924), and they are observed in the ministry of Ohio-born evangelist Maria Woodworth-Etter (1844-1924).

Maria was a Pentecostal before there were Pentecostals. That is, she was already preaching and experiencing the message of Pentecost in her services as early as 1883, with all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit being manifested. And this was long before historians began to write about Pentecostals.
► 13 years before the 1896 Shearer Schoolhouse Revival
► 18 years before the 1901 Topeka Outpouring
► 23 years before the 1906 Azusa Street Revival

The baptism in the Holy Spirit, with the accompanying gifts of the Holy Spirit including speaking in tongues, has been a historically documented occurrence throughout Church history (see our post).

The “revivals” that Maria experienced came through protracted meetings, meaning they were planned services that were conducted multiple days in a row, and sometimes extending close to six months in duration, all in one location. Many of these revivals involved two, and at times three, meetings per day, with the meetings occasionally running together.

Could you imagine that sort of continuous revival happening nowadays? People would lose their mind.

2or 3 meetings each day?!?!,......that's completely unheard of nowadays.

Full Schedule
From the very beginning of her ministry, Maria’s preaching was so effective that there were always churches–from over 8 different denominations–continually contacting her to come and preach. During her first 1 ½ years of ministry she:
► preached 200 sermons.
► held 9 planned evangelistic events (revivals).
► planted 2 churches.
► preached in 22 churches.
► preached in 4 schoolhouses.

By 1889 her accomplishments, outside of souls saved and physical healings, were:
► starting 12 churches.
► building 6 church buildings.
► starting several Sunday Schools.
► bringing up 12 new preachers who became licensed.

I actually didn't know she had done so much for The Lord. This completely outdoes anyone during her time and afterwards in my opinion.
Fantastic write-up. I have a small family-run publishing business that specializes in Large print Bibles, Bible portions, and classic Christian and non-Christian books. I have several famous authors like Wigglesworth, Lake, Finney, A B Simpson, etc etc. in reprint.
I am thinking of doing a collected works of Woodworth-Etter. If her publications are over 70 years old and no publishing house has copyrighted them, I can take the works, compile them, put them in large print, and sell them for a reasonable price. Thanks for sharing.
  • Wow
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Aug 12, 2007
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Fantastic write-up. I have a small family-run publishing business that specializes in Large print Bibles, Bible portions, and classic Christian and non-Christian books. I have several famous authors like Wigglesworth, Lake, Finney, A B Simpson, etc etc. in reprint.
I am thinking of doing a collected works of Woodworth-Etter. If her publications are over 70 years old and no publishing house has copyrighted them, I can take the works, compile them, put them in large print, and sell them for a reasonable price. Thanks for sharing.
I think Roberts Lairdon beat you to the punch on that one.
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Here is a compiled list of Maria's works as I have been able to date somewhat,...

1) 1885 Life and Experience of Maria B. Woodworth, 80 Pages

2) 1886 Trials and Triumphs of the Evangelist Mrs. M.B. Woodworth, 239 Pages

3) 1888 Revival Songs by Maria Beulah Woodworth Etter, 62 Pages

4) 1888 Life and Experience of Maria B. Woodworth, 2nd Edition, 528 Pages

5) 1891 Revival Hymns by Maria Beulah Woodworth Etter, 152 Pages

6) 1894 The Life, Work, Experience of Maria Beulah Woodworth, Evangelist, 451 Pages

7) 1904 Life and Experience Including Sermons and Visions of Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter

8) 1912 Acts of The Holy Ghost, or The Life, Work, and Experience of Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter Evangelist, 581 Pages

9) 1916 Signs and Wonders GOD Wrought in the Ministry for Forty Years By Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter Evangelist, 584 Pages

10) 1918 Holy Ghost Sermons Preached By Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter Evangelist, 190 Pages

11) 1919 Questions and Answers on Divine Healing By Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter Evangelist, First Edition

12) 1921 Spirit Filled Sermons Preached by Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter Evangelist, 208 Pages

13) 1922 Marvels and Miracles GOD Wrought in the Ministry for Forty-Five Years By Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter Evangelist, 568 Pages

14) 1922 Questions and Answers on Divine Healing By Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter Evangelist, Revised Edition, 40 Pages

15) 1925 Life and Testimony of Mrs. M.B. Woodworth-Etter Evangelist

I've not gone through every book,, but I do believe all her documentation type books contain big sections with testimonials that people wrote her about their healings. She always printed them in her books from what I can tell.

Edit: I recently purchased an out of print book about Maria by a Wayner E Warner he printed in the 80's that had a bibliography that was more up-to-date and researched. I updated the list here from it.
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