The Face of Grace



Surrounded by unusual light, reflecting here and there,

A mass of colour, the full array of the rainbow

Surging like the waves of the ocean

Such beauty to behold

Where was this place, what destination is this,

Never had I seen such a place

Yet it feels so familiar, as if

I was meant to be here

Face upon face that I come across

Appeared to reflect such brilliance

Glimpses of which I had only seen

On rare occasions before

The past seemed to be just as if

A breath had been taken

Time was still, yet things continued

Where was this place?

It was not anywhere that I had known

I gazed around to ask

Greeted by face after face

That looked familiar

Each face reflected such beauty

It seemed to come from one direction

As I turned, the light got stronger

My heart began to beat faster

The most brilliant figure that you could imagine

Stood there in front of me

His face shone with such brilliance

His features were hidden by it

But then I realised that I was

In the presence of the creator Himself

Falling down in awe of Him

I heard Him say

Child, let me take your hand

I want to show you who you are

It was then that I realised

That I had met the

Face of Grace