Table top Role Playing Game, Christian Themed


New Member
Apr 8, 2019
United States
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Fight the Good Fight of the Faith, home brew Rule system

Looking for Players
Righteous heroic themed ongoing game
10 four hour sessions.
Day of week and time: Monday 6:00-10:00 PM PDT, Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time e.g. SEATTLE or L.A. (not holidays)
Planned Frequency: Weekly
Planned start date: April 15th 2019 (there is no 0 session, character creation is 10 min, then you hit the ground running)
Voice Required: Discord
Role-play & Combat mix: 60/40
Number of Players in game & needed: 5-6
Rules system: Is Shadow of the Demon Lord

Fight the good fight of the faith.

In this campaign you will start out as a loyal servant of the Dragon Binder. Living in a fallen cursed world, a world of demonic incursions, the oppression of the weak, murder of the helpless, and the truth is always under attack. your country was invaded and servants of the evil one have kidnapped and enslaved many of your young people and women. Your country in one of the last bastions of hope, and a sanctuary for many peoples. The other tribes across the sea, is a land of people in bondage to the oppression of an ancient evil, one who comes to steal, kill, and destroy the lives of families and villages, you are a member of a small remnant of righteous disciples of the Dragon Binder, you decide to stand up and fight the good fight of the faith, this is an insurrection against the ruling power of an ancient great evil with many names, the Great Red Dragon, Beelzebub, the Demon Lord, Ancient Serpent, the Accuser.

Who's the Great Red Dragon?

At the dawn of time, all we know came to be, by the power of the creator, mankind being his masterpiece. There was life, there was peace, and the world was under the blessing of the creator god, the people grew in number and lived in unity with the maker and each other. There came a devious creature, the Great Red Dragon, bent on conquest, wishing to rival the creator, the Dragon was followed by a third of the creators servant spirits, which he transformed into dragons. The Great Red Dragon deceived the people, through lies and false promises, he persuaded them, that their creator wanted 'to keep them ignorant and in servitude,' he promised them great knowledge, great wealth, pleasures and true freedom apart from their creator, the people accepted the new plan. Then dragon guided them in a rebellion against their maker. Along with many other dragons that were in union with the Great Red Dragon. A schism between the creator and the people had begun, and through countless ages many schisms continued, factions, sects, divisions in all the land and peoples. The people had forsaken their creator, and made their own gods, and made themselves gods, under the favor of the Dragon. Men and women grew in power and rose above others to rule with sword and sorcery, these powerful icons were dubbed Dragonlords by their dragon masters. As time went on the people realized that their forefathers, that had formerly been united with the creator, had more than them, more security, more health, more freedom, and immortality. They had slowly been losing the freedom to be their true self, to be the best version of themselves, they had become enslaved to the Dragon. Living a life of submission to the Dragons desires, to only fade to death in ashes at the end of their toil.

All the characters role play worshipers of the Dragon Binder.

Who's the Dragon Binder?

At the appointed time, a great hero rose up to confront the dragons, His prowess is undeniable, his intellect as clear as a diamond. In his right hand he wields a double edged sword of brilliance, that can sever bone and marrow, both soul and spirit. In his left hand a great unbreakable chain, which he can bind dragons with ease. He wears armor made of dragon scales, that he crafted himself, from the spoils of his conquest, he had eyes of fire that could can peer into the hearts of men. He wears a cloak of gold, which he inherited from the bloodline of his mother, traced back to the beginning. Most of the people rejected him and doubted that he could succeed against all the wiles of the Dragon. There were a few that followed him, those people called him the Dragon Binder, and they were his disciples and his friends, they followed him, they were trained by him, they were taught many things and gained gifts of power to battle against the Dragons. Then there came a day were a great battle occurred in the heavens, the sun turned dark, comets streaked through the skies, the mountains spewed fire, the earth quaked below our feet. Through a great act of sacrifice the Dragon Binder died. However, the ordeal did not end in death, but through miraculous self resurrection, He preserved his followers and mortally wounded the Dragon in a mystical way. Although weakened the Dragon fights on with great vengeance, for he knows his time is limited, he has changed is strategy and makes war against the Dragon Binders servants. Although, the Dragon Binder has gone, in a way explainable by seers and mystics, he remains in the hearts of his disciples. They are now the disciples of the Dragon Binder, they are more than mere humans, empowered with supernatural courage. They possess power over dragons, they know the way of liberation for the people oppressed by the ways of the dragon. They posses the arcane knowledge of the Dragon Binders words. Their acts of honor cannot be denied. They carry on in an epic struggle until they either experience death, or the trumpet of the Dragon Binder sounds at the end of the age.

You will start out as one of four classes, but that's just the starting point your character choices are vast and include almost any character class you have experienced in other games.

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?" And I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

The clash of steel, and the hail of arrows about you, you stand as a bulwark against the darkness, with weapons of righteousness and the armor of your god. You go forth a warrior of the Dragon Binder not knowing if this battle is your last. A true and loyal ally. Like a rock your strength is a gift, your quality of faith a rarity few find. the fire of the Dragon Binders spirit in your heart, empowers you to live by a code, the ideal that you will stand in the gap for others, a defender of the faith, with word or deed, be it will or woh upon you, your hope that the brave live forever.

An ambassador of the Dragon Binder, and servant of all, you felt a calling, you answered that call when asked, who will go? You have laid everything at the altar of your god, wealth, family, and home.You are his hands and feet, you go forth wielding the miracles of your god. Wisdom is you watchword, knowing the time and place, and for whom to impart these miracles. You are the backbone of your party, their link to blessings. you answer to a hierarchy, and are accountable to them for everything your party does and fails to do.

The Dragon Binder gifted you with versatility. Covering over the weaknesses of others. A rope of three strand is not easily severed, so too your many skills are rarely found wanting. You're adaptable and comfortable in many environments. Rain or shine, wilderness or town, your devotion does not wain. In your training you learned that ‘there’s more than one way to cook and egg.' There are many Avengers but rarely do they operate the same way. You may embody that ideal by practicing subterfuge, or stand afar with bow and arrow, or some other form of guerrilla warfare.

You wield great powers. Some of them destructive, you call upon the vengeance of your deity, upon evil. You hold great authority, the 'keys' of the kingdom, binding and loosening. Whether your calling down fire upon a servant of darkness, or shutting the mouths of fools. Yet you are thorough and thoughtful, for you will answer for how your powers were wielded. You may prophesy the future, you may bend the laws of physics. Face to face, you may confront the demons of the great red dragon. You struggle to stay humble, reminding yourself that your powers are not your own, but flow from the Dragon Binder.

How to join, or ask me questions: Email, you will then be given an invite to our discord channel.

Disclaimer: I'm sure you would agree that J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, which is credited as an inspiration to many of us, used Christian principles as the framework for his writing, also C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia, which also uses allegory to relate scriptural truths. Two timeless works that helped in there own way to make TRPGs what they are today. The campaign I have prepared is heavily saturated with Christian ideals. it is an exciting experience and a deliberate effort by all players and the GM to cooperatively develop an epic tail of extreme heroism and unparalleled devotion to an eternal ideal. I'm offering you hours of enjoyment while we inspire one another and discover the best strategies to overcome evil, counter deceptive arguments, and build moral and spiritual character. Players will meet challenges, discover how faith can shape behavior developing not only the best version of your character, but also the best version of players, and reflect on what is really worth living and dying for. This campaign differs significantly from others, though it employs the same game mechanics and rules you are familiar with . It doesn't matter if you are new to tabletop role playing games, in a lot of ways this is the same fantasy your familiar with, however, there are intentional goals to give players deeper insight into spiritual truth and help them mature in their day-to-day relationships, you will be challenged, there will be tough decisions to make, it will not always be cut and dry. and I as a GM will learn just as much from you. Together you will face moral dilemmas, trying to overcome deception and discern the truth, to find a way through the darkness. By joining this campaign you are making a commitment to role play a iconic hero, under the lordship of Jesus Christ, that means you are striving to follow the teachings of your Lord, to free the oppressed, to guard and protect your party to learn and grow together? Iron sharpens iron. I did not create this campaign for just Christians or any specific religions, regardless of your beliefs your welcome to join this game. Fun is the goal, build a close knit team, develop camaraderie, as you all stand back to back facing the fires of hell.

"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it"
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