Sudan, jets, and intimidation


I will give you the keys of the Kingdom of heaven.
May 18, 2022
Marital Status
I am watching the news, here in Australia, and the summary of stories included some commentary and shots of Sudanese jets thundering loudly across the screen, low to the ground, and it seemed so intimidating to me, even though I am sitting half a world away; so, I cannot imagine how frightening it is for the people living there.

And now the thought occurs to me that even though we live in democracies, and our governments don't use jets to scare us half to death, it would be so easy to turn those jets and other military instruments into instruments of terror. It makes me realise what a thin veneer of civility we live under and depend upon for safety. How easy it has been in the past for civility to suddenly disappear.

I hope we all can keep these things in mind when we vote and when we hear news reports about the alleged intentions of other governments and our own governments; I feel like I must say, it is just so important to be vigilant. So very important to not go along with the latest media propaganda. It is so frighteningly easy to slide into war.
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