St. Jerry's Cup "A Lament"


66 pages + the Lord Jesus
Jan 12, 2021
Skipperville, AL, USA
United States
Marital Status
St. Jerry and his angels arrived at the party in the ballroom with the rest of the families to see the Royal Diadem Himself. As the servant angels attending the party walked around filling the guest wine goblets with the wineskins they were carrying, Jerry looked at all of the families of the party and noticed something was bothering him.
Jerry felt a hand on his left shoulder; "Jerry" He turned to look although he already knew who it was. "What would you ask of me Lord?", "Something is bothering you beloved, why do you distress?", "I look around this room and I feel as if everyone's goblets have been filled but ours". "I don't mean to hurt you but I Remember when I was on the old earth in the hollers and stills of my infractions, I hear moonshine rots your insides. Thank You I never tried the counterfeit liquor, but I was never allowed to try the quality stuff either. And now because of you and me just reiterating what I said earlier and turning from all that, I am now here, I live on a farm instead of the city, imagine how much closer we would have been".
"You are welcome to come see Me any time; but I got to ask, why did you not say anything sooner?"​