Saw Jesus as a Seraph


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
The dream started out where I seemed to be chased by a creature that looked like a Seraph.

I was scared at first. I didn't know what the creature was. Without knowledge of what Seraph exactly looked like, it looked like an alien man-eating monster to me.

Then dad came up to me in the dream and told me there's nothing to be afraid of. He told me it's the Lord. In that instant, the Seraph transformed into a human and looked and smiled at me and told me to come closer.

Recently, I saw a movie, a month after the dream where the main character(s) wore a pendant of a creature they called a Seraph. It had six wing-like appendages and had many "eyes". I did a quick search in the internet and saw the same images. The Seraph in my dream looked a little different. It did have an eye at the center. The "eyes" on the wings weren't exactly eyes, they seemed like the suckers on the tentacles of creatures like octopus. It is shiny black in color. It seemed covered in shiny black fur or feathers.

It doesn't seemed canonical description of these creatures referred to any color except that they glowed or "on fire".

And then the creature transformed back into the seraph form. It continued talking to me. It said to me, it will make many more like it. Something like an army and it will send forth that army to Earth.

It really felt like Jesus. The way it talked, the way it made me feel. But the physical appearance of the creature / form was scary to say the least if you didn't know what it is. It looked like something out of a sci-fi/horror movie.

I bet if one day, millions of these suddenly appeared in our skies, in our streets, it will cause widespread panic. The military will be unleashing all its might against it. Yet, I felt great hope. My late dad was happy in that dream. The creature told me not to worry.


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
Don't think what you described is from the LORD?
Heavenly angels aren't black nor is the LORD an angel?
This is just my opinion though.

I can't find any reference to color concerning Seraphs. Although most illustrations are in the yellow color or gold which may represent the state of being on fire or glowing.

Satan can also appear as an angel of light. In any manner of form to deceive so I suppose physical form is of less importance.

Sometimes fire is used to obscure so I'm wondering if the creature not on fire so I can see it very clearly could mean the Lord is revealing Himself to me.

I know the Lord is not an angel but if He can change form, he seemed able to do the form of a Seraph.

It was quite intimidating though. It reminded me of the "reaping angels" because at one point, the "appendages" or "wings" started looking like a scythe or a sickle as if it was poised to kill. And the creatures moved quite rapidly. They are being sent to Earth.

It was terrifying to say the least like they're poised to take possession of our planet but the Lord told me not to be scared. Everything will be alright. Like they will come to our rescue against the people of the world.
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