Reply to Ed Jones

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Senior Member
Mar 6, 2002
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In a separate thread started by Crowss, edjones inserted the following list:
#1 Lent not in Bible
#2 No one is ever to confess to a preist
#3 No
#4 Sin is sin
#5 Pass the salt
#6 Infant Baptism is not in or never done in the Bible

Reply to #1: You haven't been paying attention. After passing through the Red Sea and being baptized into Moses, Israel spent forty years in the desert. After being baptized by John, Jesus was driven into the desert by the Holy Spirit and spent forty days and forty nights in fasting and prayer. In imitation of this, the Christian devotes forty days of the year to fasting and prayer in preparation for the Sacred Triduum. This is called Lent, and it is one of the most ancient things in the Church.

Reply to #2: "Receive the Holy Spirit. Whose sins you shall forgive, they are forgiven them. Whose sins you shall retain, they are retained." But how are the successors of the Apostles supposed to exercise this ministry if no one confesses their sins?

Reply to #3: Yes.

Reply to #4: "There is sin and there is sin unto death." One of the epistles of St. John somewhere. Also, Jesus says to Pilate, "He who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." Therefore, some sins are more serious than others, and some sins are mortal, unto death.

Reply to #5: We have already done this, for scripture says, "Let your conversation be seasoned with salt."

Reply to #6: Does it not say in several places in scripture, of more than one family, words to this effect, "And he was baptized, together with his whole family." I think this is said of both the jailer and the centurion in Acts. Nothing in the passage excludes infants, and we know that infants were baptized in the early Church.
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