Redeeming the time….

Not me

Righteousness is right and not me.
Feb 26, 2018
United States
Marital Status
Ephesians 5:16 (NKJV)
redeeming the time, because the days are evil.


What is righteousness…? The question every heart that would want to redeem one’s time should be constantly asking oneself….. For in the asking of this question is one asking for and looking to the will of God….

For in the doing of righteousness does God’s will in one’s life become manifested, known, tasted and experienced…. For God live’s, waits, and works in righteousness for those willing to search after and into righteousness… One does not have to see and understand all righteousness just be willing to search after the righteousness that stands before one in the immediate now….

For in the searching after righteousness will the growing in God be found, for all things of this world mean nothing if one is not growing in God…. For at the very moment of one’s departure from this world, the only thing of any value will be how much of the life of Christ has been brought to life in one, for the expressing of righteousness being the manifestation of the life of Christ…

For it is faith that searches into and after righteousness, believing that it does exist and it stands before one as a constant thing waiting to be embraced and given leave to manifest itself…. For faith in God manifesting righteousness is faith in God manifesting the growing of Christ’s life in one pointed towards all…

For the growing of the life of Christ in one is that which redeems the time….

Be blessed in the redeeming of the time given, Not me