Question - Can America be saved?


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Dec 9, 2021
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You can add in this thread... I'm curious what your saying.
Yeah thanks but it it would get confusing for people . Their would be people posting on your OP and people posting on what I would be talking about. And when I start using words like non human entities or off worlders as they are calling them , then people are going to wonder what in the world has that to do with
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Jan 16, 2019
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It doesn't matter what we think. You've read enough scripture to hear the truth. You're aware of the Father's words about sin reaching its full in respect to nations which tells you there's a limit. You're aware of the laws of reaping and sowing and understand they're always in play.

You've lived through an unprecedented event four years ago that resulted in death and suffering. But there was no global call for prayer. No outpourings of assistance. No one manning phone lines to offer comfort and encouragement for the scared and hurting. The church was largely silent. And you wonder if it's too late?

David was a man after the Father's own heart. He loved what the Father loved and despised what He loathed. We need men and women like him. We're beset with feckless people who've yoked themselves to the land, politicians, institutions and causes. Now they're tugging their tresses because the rouse is up. The betrayal is evident and they're not hiding it.

There comes a time when we must take our medicine and admit our mistakes. While we slept the enemy worked and his reward draws nigh.

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.

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Marilyn C

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Dec 26, 2013
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I really don't know where this belongs but I want to ask people a question.

I follow politics, one of the relatively few in this country who do, so this question stems from what is happening surrounding politics.

I am Amil, I don't believe in any rapture, and I recognize through history the fall of any civilization doesn't necessarily mean Jesus is coming back tomorrow.

This is the mindset I am coming from.

Also, I am a former Muslim, current reformed Baptist and saved child of God, once upon a time was married to a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.

I'm not a Zionist, but I support Israel in this war.

So... That's my background and where I'm coming from.

In the last couple days I started feeling like it's too late. Things are now beyond us. It doesn't matter anymore who wins this election.

In the last couple days I feel this strongly that something serious changed. Almost like some invisible switch was pulled and it's just too late to save us.

But I can't find anything different or any particular reason to feel this way so suddenly.

But for some reason I quite calmly (it's not an upsetting feeling, oddly or paradoxically so) suddenly feel like it's too late to save America.

Anyone else in this same position very recently?

Until now I guess I really somewhere deep inside thought we could pull this back politically and get back to a better path as Americans. But all of the sudden I don't think that anymore.

Does anyone know why that is?
Hi Hazel,

Now we know that God`s word says that` the whole world (system) lies under the sway of the evil one.` (1 John 5: 19) Thus we are seeing the coming together of Satan`s final Global Government.

When we read the prophet Daniel in Chapter 7 we see that when God sets up His rule through Israel, then the great powers of the `Lion & Eagle, & bear & leopard, ` all continue but not with the same authority and power. (Dan. 7: 12)

Islam will rule soon and then after nearly 7 years God will judge them and all who come under their Satanic rule. (Rev. 18 & 19)
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Jun 25, 2018
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It doesn't matter what we think. You've read enough scripture to hear the truth. You're aware of the Father's words about sin reaching its full in respect to nations which tells you there's a limit. You're aware of the laws of reaping and sowing and understand they're always in play.

You've lived through an unprecedented event four years ago that resulted in death and suffering. But there was no global call for prayer. No outpourings of assistance. No one manning phone lines to offer comfort and encouragement for the scared and hurting. The church was largely silent. And you wonder if it's too late?

David was a man after the Father's own heart. He loved what the Father loved and despised what He loathed. We need men and women like him. We're beset with feckless people who've yoked themselves to the land, politicians, institutions and causes. Now they're tugging their tresses because the rouse is up. The betrayal is evident and they're not hiding it.

There comes a time when we must take our medicine and admit our mistakes. While we slept the enemy worked and his reward draws nigh.

All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty.


I actually think you may have hit on something here in that, from a Christian standpoint I'm not sure what the mistakes are....

It's easy to say people aren't trusting in God, but God doesn't physically live our lives for us. We have to take an initiative...

The constitution acknowledges that we have rights that come from God alone, which the governments of man are biblically required to uphold and protect. Then also, the governments of man have certain responsibilities as well, defense of the citizenry etc.

I think our constitution was actually set up biblically sound. It leaves people free to live out their faith and have the fullest possible life. A safe place to raise the next generation etc.

But it can't dictate faith to people...

So, where did Christians actually go wrong?

Was this always going to happen, with the freedom to choose faith and practice?
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God is Love
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Nov 14, 2017
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I really don't know where this belongs but I want to ask people a question.

I follow politics, one of the relatively few in this country who do, so this question stems from what is happening surrounding politics.

I am Amil, I don't believe in any rapture, and I recognize through history the fall of any civilization doesn't necessarily mean Jesus is coming back tomorrow.

This is the mindset I am coming from.

Also, I am a former Muslim, current reformed Baptist and saved child of God, once upon a time was married to a member of the Muslim Brotherhood in America.

I'm not a Zionist, but I support Israel in this war.

So... That's my background and where I'm coming from.

In the last couple days I started feeling like it's too late. Things are now beyond us. It doesn't matter anymore who wins this election.

In the last couple days I feel this strongly that something serious changed. Almost like some invisible switch was pulled and it's just too late to save us.

But I can't find anything different or any particular reason to feel this way so suddenly.

But for some reason I quite calmly (it's not an upsetting feeling, oddly or paradoxically so) suddenly feel like it's too late to save America.

Anyone else in this same position very recently?

Until now I guess I really somewhere deep inside thought we could pull this back politically and get back to a better path as Americans. But all of the sudden I don't think that anymore.

Does anyone know why that is?
We have great turmoil in America right now (also across the globe) ... so that reality that we see causes nervousness on what the future might hold.

The Bible teaches a slow yet progressive decline in humanity (like birth pangs) ... there is still some prophesy that needs to be played out ... how long that takes is unknown ... but ... we can rest in the fact no matter how terrible this world gets .... the major war (between good and evil) has been won .... we just endure whatever may come until Jesus returns and actually are to be in good cheer about it.

John 16:33 KJV These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

We trust and wait until His return. Amen.
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