Praise to GOD for a new friendship


Jun 24, 2007
Praise to GOD for friendship. FYI...a little background , I am someone who struggles with social anxiety and often times am just plain awkward in connecting with other people. it may be phrased this way..."what most take for granted, some have to fight for." That is me, friendships or even positive interactions with others don't come easy for me. People have a tendency to look down their noses at me...because of my anxiety and awkwardness.

Anyway I have been posting threads in the prayer section asking for for a friendship between individual, Daniel and myself to develop. I won't elaborate any further because it is complicated and you can always read the threads that I posted under prayers for clarification.

The purpose is to give GOD the glory and Praise for allowing this to happen , to bring us together. To help me not be so lonely.

So give HIM Praise, he is the miracle worker!