Perfect Situation - A script I'm on/off working on

Guy Incognito

Matt 6:25-34
Sep 27, 2009
Hamilton, Ontario
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Hey, so, this is my first real script (kinda, as it this point it's just dialuage and some little reminders of what to do later). At this point it's still a work in progress, where it has a beginning, and (one of) the endings. If I had to sum it up, it's a story about friendship, and struggle of faith due to death of a loved one.

Hope you enjoy whats there, and please give me any feedback and/or tips/constructive critism:

Perfect Situation

Intro dialogue:

Unidentified woman: Jim, Jim get down here!
Jim: What?! What is it?
Unidentified woman: Look. *the woman hands Jim a letter she found taped to the TV*
Voiceover: Dear family. If you are reading this, it means one of several things; the first, you are up past your bed time (I’m looking at you Jim). The second thing it means is that I have left the proverbial nest. As you read this, I will be on a bus on its way out to St Catherine’s. I had to leave. I won’t disclose why, as I don’t want to even mention it, much less think about it, but I’m sure that you’ll find out soon enough. Just know that you guys had nothing to do with my leaving, it was nothing you did. After tonight I just had to get the hell out of here…or there, at this point. It’s for the best. I’ll call you guys in a couple weeks when things have settled down, we’ll talk then. Love you both.
PS: Should you be reading this in the morning, disregard that “past your bed time” stuff.
-cut to bus terminal-

Ticket man: Next
Billy (at this point, an un-identified male): Yeah I’d like a student ticket to St. Catherine’s please.
Ticket man: Return? Round trip? …
Billy: One way please.

Ticket man: Alright, coming right up. *rings up the ticket*. The next bus will be here around 1am.

Billy: Thank you sir.

*cue intro music*

- Billy puts on his iPod, and sits in an area on the bus where he is alone. During this time, we see various people getting on and off the bus. We see Billy unplug one of his ear phones and pull out his cell phone and he starts dialling a number-
Aidene: (While phone rings; groggily) It’s two bloody am in the morning. Who the heck would be calling at this time?! *Picks up* Hello?
Billy: Hey…Aidene?
Aidene: Who is th…Billy? What’s up? It’s two in the morning.
Billy: I’m on a bus on my way to St Kitts.
Aidene: Why what’s going on?

Billy: *forcing himself to ‘keep cool’ * I just had to get out of the city, out of my house…just out of there. I’m sorry for calling so late, it’s just…you’re the only person I could think to call...can I crash at your place for awhile?
Aidene: Yeah…sure thing Bill. When will you be getting in?
Billy: I should be getting to the station in about an hour… Aidene thank you so much. You don’t know how much this means to me.

Aidene: No problem hun. I’ll be there around 3.
Billy: Sounds good. I’ll see you then.
Aidene: Bill…what happened?
Billy: If it’s cool…I’d rather not talk about right now…especially on the phone…
Aidene: Yeah…that’s cool. I’ll see you soon.
Billy: (struggling to keep his cool) Thanks again love…see you soon…bye. *hangs up*

- Billy puts his headphones back on and resumes listening to the song. During this time, we see a couple happily sleeping in their seats, a group of people chatting, and a couple kissing. During this, Billy is blankly stares out the window of the bus as the screen fades to black.
Next morning:
Aidene: Alright doofus, time to get up.
Billy: Ugh…ten more minutes.
Aidene: It’s 11:30, get up already.
Billy: No. *Rolls over*
*Aidene yanks off the covers*
Billy: Fine…but you owe me a coffee.
Aidene: There’s already a pot out. Why don’t you take a shower, I’ve got to run to the store to grab some things. We’ll talk over breakfast.
Billy: Thanks again Aidene, for everything.
Aidene: No problem love, now shower up.
- At this point, Billy heads for the shower, and Aidene heads out to the local convenience store to pick up some odds and ends. Upon returning, she walks into the kitchen as Billy is coming down the stairs, wearing jean shorts and a signed One Cross tshirt.
Aidene: Oh my gosh…you still have that shirt?
Billy: No I don’t, it’s a figment of your imagination, I’m actually wearing one of your bikini tops.
Aidene: *throws a playful punch* Shut up. I just mean like…I had no idea you still had that. That show was like…
Billy: Seven years ago…I know. *Chuckles* That was the night we all met.
Aidene: A lot’s changed since then. You’ve changed.
Billy: That’s right, back then I was a “know it all” teen who was confused and angry…and now…I have facial hair.
Aidene: Oh come on Billy. You had facial hair then too. *Laughs*
Billy: *Playfully* Ouch haha…I guess the only thing that has changed since then is my new and improved 10 000 Giga gut.
Aidene: Well I can see the self-deprecating hasn’t changed.
Billy: That it has not my dear Watson.
Aidene: You shouldn’t be so hard on yourself dude, you have a lot of good things going on for you, like your youth ministry…
Billy: Had a lot of good things going on my friend. So do you still keep in touch with any of the old posse?
Aidene: What do you mean “had”…and kind of.
Billy: Well, due to recent developments, I don’t exactly have or want some of those things at the moment.
Aidene: …I’m sorry Bill, I didn’t meant to..
Billy: It’s cool love, don’t worry about it. So tell me, how is everyone?
Aidene: Well, Sarah got married recently; she actually lives up in Toronto now. Miss Rabideau is travelling Europe.
Billy: Why doesn’t that surprise me? She always talked of travelling Europe, and had those French dudes living with her fam a couple years ago.
Aidene: Yeah I remember that. Those were good times.
Billy: They were…part of me wishes we were still there, you know? Things were a lot simpler. I mean, we were teens and we thought we had it rough and that we knew everything…but honestly, despite some of the crap that went down at the time…we had it pretty easy.
Aidene: Billy, are you alright?
Billy: Yeah I’m fine.
Aidene: Billy it’s ok if…
Billy: Roxy sends her love.
Aidene: When did you talk to her?
Billy: Last week, but I know if she knew I was here she’d tell me to say “hey” and what not, so..
Aidene: You should call and talk to her Billy, it might help you feel better.
Billy: She’ll find out soon enough, she’ll call, I’ll talk to her then.
Aidene: Billy…
Billy: So any word on how Liz is doing?
Aidene: You don’t know?
Billy: Well, we kinda lost touch over the years. I mean, I tried to keep in contact, but after we broke up and she went to university…I got the impression that she didn’t want me around much as a friend anymore.
Aidene: I think we all got that impression. It was like that with all of us, but she was roughest on you eh?
Billy: Pretty much. I kept myself available to chat, like if she needed it…but we haven’t really talked in years, which sucks, cause we use to be best friends.
Aidene: I’m really sorry to hear that. From what I’ve heard, things haven’t exactly been the best for her recently either, she just went through a divorce.
Billy: Oh man…that’s a real shame. That really sucks.
Aidene: Yeah…we’re keeping her in our prayers, you should too.
Billy: I would if I was praying, but me and the Lord aren’t exactly on speaking terms at the moment.
Aidene: Billy…you can’t blame him…or yourself for what happened.
Billy: Well, I’d blame OJ, but he’s been taken already.
Aidene: Billy, come on.
Billy: Aidene, I really appreciate what your trying to do, but, I just don’t feel like or want to talk about it.
Aidene: Alright, I’m sorry. But please Billy, when you’re feeling up to it; talk to me.
Billy: Will do love. But actually, there is something I wanted to talk to you about.
Aidene: Yeah? What is it?
Billy: Well, I noticed your place had a spare room…and…I’m not exactly in a rush to head back home anytime soon.
Aidene: Yeah…
Billy: I was wondering, would it be cool if I lived here for awhile? I mean, it’d just be till I went back or got my own place. I’d get a job, I’d pay rent…I just, I don’t want to be alone right now, and you’ve always been one of my best friends…
Aidene: I’d be thrilled to have you here Billy.
Billy: AWESOME Aidene!! Thank you so much!
Aidene: No problem love, (in a joking/teasing tone) but you should probably get a job soon, I hear the land lady is real pricey.
Billy: Oh I’ll get right on it in a couple of days *chuckles*.
Aidene: Don’t rush too much though haha.
Billy: I won’t haha, I’ll rest a couple days before I go scouting. But I have another question for you my dear.
Aidene: Aha, and what would that be good sir?
Billy: When do I get to meet this terrific boyfriend of yours that I’ve heard so much about?
Aidene: Good thing you asked.
Billy: Why?
Aidene: You reminded me that he was coming over tonight haha.
Billy: Oh well then haha, I should fancy myself up.
Aidene: *Teasingly* Well, make up’s on the cabinet, but I don’t think it’s your colour.
Billy: Hmmm… and I don’t think any of your tops will be in my size…
Aidene: Sucks for you, so much for your plan of grabbing his attention.
Billy: Nah you know me, just want to make sure his attention is fully on you, where it should be…cause you’re awesome.
Aidene: Well thank you my dear, so are you.
Billy: Perhaps I have my moments…but they are few and far between. For the most part I’m an overly self indulgent moron whose afraid to take things seriously.
Aidene: Billy…
Billy: Why do you think I joke around so much? Cause I like to entertain?
Aidene: Up until recently, I’d say yes. You use to love making people smile dude. Also, I’d say it’s because the Lord gave you the gift of humour.

Guy Incognito

Matt 6:25-34
Sep 27, 2009
Hamilton, Ontario
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Marital Status
Billy: No, what the “good Lord” gave me was pain, heartache, and loss. He took everything away from me, and why? I was faithful to him. Explain that one to me Aidene.
Aidene: Billy, I know you’re hurting, but…
Billy: I’m sorry dude, I just…I’m not up for talking about this…or God at the moment.
Aidene: I’m sorry if I made you feel pressured or…
Billy: Nah dude, it’s all me. I’ll be cool to chill later, I’m just gonna go lay down for awhile.
Aidene: Alright, cool dude. Mark will be here in an a couple of hours.
Billy: And I’ll be down for then love, and I promise, I won’t wear too many of your clothes.
Aidene: I’d ask for you to just wear your own, but, knowing you, that’s just not possible.
Billy: Normally no, but for you I’ll make an exception. See you then.
Aidene: Have a good rest homes.
*Billy heads back upstairs as Aidene starts to get things ready for later that evening*

Perfect Situation; Liz and Billy big discussion/argument scene:
(Note to self: Liz has dropped hints here and there that she is romantically interested in Billy since she reappeared in his life earlier in the story. Remember to fill that stuff in later and to develop the characters in a way that works with this scene, as here, Billy has no idea that this was coming, but the viewer/reader should.)
*Liz and Billy exit the theatre, and are walking along a neighbourhood side walk. It’s roughly 10pm, so there is not much activity going on around them as they walk*
Billy: So that was a pretty alright movie.
Liz: Yeah, it was alright, but I preferred the first one.
Billy: The one with Dolph Lundren?
Liz: Who the heck is Dolph Lundren?
Billy: He was the bad guy in Rocky IV, the big roided up Rusky.
Liz: …Yeah that’s not who I’m talking about. Umm, *snaps fingers* the one with Travolta.
Billy: Ohhhh ok. That was the second one.
Liz: What?
Billy: Yeah, the first one was in ’89 and starred Dolph Lundren.
Liz: Really? I’ve never heard of it.
Billy: Yeah, not many people have. It was really low budget, sucked pretty hard, and had almost nothing to do with the character.
Liz: Ahh I see.
Billy: Yeah, but the one with Travolta was definitely the best Punisher flick. Thomas Jane was a sick Punisher.
Liz: Why’d the replace him anyways?
Billy: Well, apparently he didn’t have much faith in the script of what eventually became the Warzone flick, so he just backed out.
Liz: So was Warzone a sequel?
Billy: Nope, just the 3rd time they’ve tried to launch or re-launch it as a franchise.
Liz: And we just saw the 4th.
Billy: Yep. So if they ever get to six, we should definitely meet up and continue our ‘even only Punisher flick’ pattern.
Liz: Sounds good to me.
Billy: Wicked.
Liz: Awesome.
Billy: Man, it’s been ages since we’ve hung out like this. It’s been even longer since we’ve seen a movie together haha.
Liz: Haha it’s true. Oh man that must’ve been back when we were dating. What movie was that again?
Billy: Phantom of the Opera.
Liz: THAT’S RIGHT haha. Oh man, I remember that night. You tried to put your arm around me during the movie and your hand got all caught up in my hair.
Billy: Oh, I’m glad my misfortunes bring you such pleasure.
Liz: *laughing as she’s talking* And then later that night you tried to put your arm around me again and you smacked me in the face.
Billy: Yep. I remember that night vividly…it haunts me in my nightmares haha.
*As the two are walking they come by a public park*
Liz: Hey! Do you remember this park?
Billy: Do I? Dude, this is one of the first places we all hung out in back in the day.
Liz: Let’s hit the swings.
Billy: What?
Liz: Ah common, the night’s still young, and it’s not like we’re in any rush, are we?
Billy: Nah haha, I guess not.
Liz: Common, for old time’s sake.
Billy: *sighs* Alright haha, let’s do it up.
*Both quickly run to the nearby swings. As they converse, the swinging gradually slows down*
Liz: See, you’re having more fun than you expected.
Billy: Alright, I’ll give you that, but you have to admit, this is a bit trippy my friend.
Liz: How so?
Billy: Think about it madam; the last time we were on these swings we were 15, and we were listening to Violence Fetish by Disturbed while we swung.
Liz: Haha I guess you have a point sir.
Billy: Things were a lot different back then.
Liz: True say, but things don’t have to be *so* different now.
*At this point, Liz and Billy are no longer swinging; they’re sitting on the swings facing each other.*
Billy: How do you mean?
Liz: Well, it could have end how last time should have ended..
Billy: How last time should have ended? What are you talking about?
Liz: Well, like this.
*Liz suddenly leans in and kisses Billy. Billy has a surprised/shocked look on his face, as he was not expecting this turn of events*
Billy: Um…wow.
Liz: Mmm totally. Did you like the new ending?
Billy: Um…uh…it was certainly…trippy.
Liz: Trippy?
Billy: Yes.
Liz: Trippy?!
Billy: …yeah.
Liz: I kiss you, and you say it’s trippy.
Billy: Umm... yeah.
Liz: What exactly about it was “trippy”.
Billy: Dude! You kissed me! Now!
Liz: Yeah.
Billy: How does that make any sense to you?!
Liz: Well, I love you Billy. So with that in mind…kissing you makes a lot of sense.
Billy: You love? You love me?!
Liz: Afraid so.
Billy: Wh..what? Where was this years ago when it would have made sense?!
Liz: Billy..
Billy: Liz…COME ON!
Liz: What?!
Billy: Stop me if you’ve heard this before: First you like me, and we’re best friends. And then we get together…and date for two years. During that time it takes a year and a half before you’ll even kiss me. Then the day you leave for university, you tell me you think you’re falling in love with me, and we’re happy as the dickens. A couple months later, I tell you that I am in love with you. Two weeks later, we break up, because things have faded for you. My heart breaks into thousands of pieces, and during this whole process; I thrust myself back into the best friend role, so I don’t lose you, and so our friends don’t lose each other. Things go somewhat back to the way they were, we’re friends, only this time around, I’m trying to get over you. Around this point, you become a completely different person, and treat me like I’m a two inch tall piece of crap!
Liz: What’s your point in bringing all of this up Billy?
Billy: The point is…we were finally at the point where we were friends again! Where we could be friends again! We were doing good!
Liz: Billy, would you please get over that crap! I’ve apologised for it already!
Billy: And I forgave you Liz.
Liz: Then why does it still bother you?! Why would it have any bearing on the current situation?!
Billy: It’s not that simple Liz! Look…I forgave you then. I didn’t hold it against you when you broke up with me, and I let a lot of crap slide, and forgave you for how you were treating me after we ended things.
Liz: Then why does…
Billy: Some hurts just don’t go away Liz. And while I’ve forgiven you and all that good stuff… it still hurts.
Liz: And you can’t let it go?
Billy: Liz, even if it didn’t hurt, we couldn’t be together. Not now.
Liz: Why?!
Billy: Dude; my fiancé died.
Liz: That was over a month ago Billy.
Billy: And I’m still very much in love with her! Liz, we were going to get married! We were going to have kids together!
Liz: But you need to start moving on Billy… letting go…and I can help you…
Billy: And I’d love to accept your help Liz, but not in that way.
Liz: Why not? Why can’t we be together?
Billy: Well …my fiancé being recently deceased aside…I just don’t feel the same way anymore.
Liz: Oh what, you don’t have feelings for me anymore? I don’t buy that. If you don’t have feelings for me, then why have we been spending so much time together recently?
Billy: Because you’re my friend Liz! That’s what friends do! They hang, they chill, they talk!
Liz: Couples do that too..
Billy: Look, I’m sorry that things are like this, really I am, but I don’t feel the same way.
Liz: I don’t believe you.
Billy: I don’t know how to make it any clearer mum, but I don’t feel that way about you anymore. Like, Liz, I love you, but in a purely friend way. I use to love you in that way, but as we’ve established, things have changed… we’ve changed, our whole dynamic has changed. And again, we can’t be together because I’m still in love with my fiancé. So to sum it up: I just don’t feel that way about you anymore.
Liz: Why are you saying these things?! Are you trying to hurt me?!
Billy: No dude! I’m trying to help you.
Liz: Help me?! Your way of helping me is coldly rejecting me?! What type of bull crap is that Billy?!
Billy: I’m not trying to coldly reject you! I’m being honest and straight up with you! I’m not trying to hurt you. Look, I just don’t want to lead you on in anyway. I’m saying these things so there can be no possible misunderstanding of my words or intentions. Liz I care about as a friend, and I always will. I’m just trying to do what’s right be me, and getting together with you right now wouldn’t be right or fair…for either of us, because it wouldn’t be real. I don’t want to lose you as a friend when we’ve finally gotten to a point where we can be just friends again.
Liz: And that’s all you want?
Billy: Yes dude.
Liz: *softly crying* I’ve just ruined things with us haven’t I? Again.
Billy: Not at all. And you never did in the first place. Things didn’t happen that way with us because they weren’t supposed to. He...he…he… always has a plan… even if it doesn’t make sense to us at the time…he… he knows what he’s doing.
Liz: *sniffs* I don’t suppose you’ll be able to forget this whole thing.
Billy: Well, I might not be able to forget it. But I certainly will be able to forgive it. Why don’t we just pretend this didn’t happen madam?
Liz: *sniffs* Thanks Billy.
Billy: *teasingly* For what?
Liz *lightly chuckles*
Billy: *Hugs Liz and kisses the top of her head*. Listen, I’m gonna take off; I have some thinking to do.
Liz: Yeah. Ok. Sounds good. I think.. I think I should probably do some as well.
Billy: Sounds good to me. Take care love.
Liz: You too Billy.
*Billy and Liz both smile at each other, and wave goodbye as Billy exits the scene.*
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