Only 100,000 protected for the plagues and devestation in Revelation?


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Jul 27, 2009
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Hello - I have been listening to Joel Richardson and Walid Shoebat. I do agree with them that the Bible is describing the Islamic nations as bringing forth the Beast. I do think Islam is just the eastern leg of the statue of Daniel though, and that the RCC (as the "Christianized" ancient Rome) is the western leg.

They seem to have been walking together for a long time. For ex. some say the RCC was started when the RCC sent a nun to marry and "educate" Mohammed. Whatever, we see things like Bibles and the Koran being displayed in Masonic Temples, and Masons wearing red hats that look Islamic. We see a President who is more than a little friendly to Islam. We have seen a former Pope publicly kissing the Koran. In addition we see people like the Queen of Eliabath, Hillary & Bill Clinton, and other heads of state (not all) wearing all black before the Pope, while he wears white. I won't go into the significance it seems there is in the colors but you can, of course, research that if you want.

Anyway, listening to Richardson and Shoebat I decided to go through Revelation again. It seems that only 100,000 people will be protected from experiencing the plagues and general devestation. That's not very many!

I wonder if it means 144,000 all over the earth because sometimes when the Bible says "all the world" it is only referring to Jerusalem and/or nations in that part of the world. For ex. King Nebuchednezzar required "all the world" to bow down to his statue, but that didn't include the Chinese and Hopi Indians, etc.

Any scholarly insight on the 144,000?

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Sep 13, 2011
Florida, USA
Marital Status
Hello - I have been listening to Joel Richardson and Walid Shoebat. I do agree with them that the Bible is describing the Islamic nations as bringing forth the Beast. I do think Islam is just the eastern leg of the statue of Daniel though, and that the RCC (as the "Christianized" ancient Rome) is the western leg.

They seem to have been walking together for a long time. For ex. some say the RCC was started when the RCC sent a nun to marry and "educate" Mohammed. Whatever, we see things like Bibles and the Koran being displayed in Masonic Temples, and Masons wearing red hats that look Islamic. We see a President who is more than a little friendly to Islam. We have seen a former Pope publicly kissing the Koran. In addition we see people like the Queen of Eliabath, Hillary & Bill Clinton, and other heads of state (not all) wearing all black before the Pope, while he wears white. I won't go into the significance it seems there is in the colors but you can, of course, research that if you want.

Anyway, listening to Richardson and Shoebat I decided to go through Revelation again. It seems that only 100,000 people will be protected from experiencing the plagues and general devestation. That's not very many!

I wonder if it means 100,000 all over the earth because sometimes when the Bible says "all the world" it is only referring to Jerusalem and/or nations in that part of the world. For ex. King Nebuchednezzar required "all the world" to bow down to his statue, but that didn't include the Chinese and Hopi Indians, etc.

Any scholarly insight on the 100,000?


First, I don't know where you get the number 100,000. There will be 144,000 Jews saved; 12,000 from each of 12 tribes. These will be the leaders over God's people during the latter part of the tribulation. There will probably be thousands under each of them. But still the vast majority of people will perish from war, disease, natural disasters and famine.
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Jul 27, 2009
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First, I don't know where you get the number 100,000. There will be 144,000 Jews saved; 12,000 from each of 12 tribes. These will be the leaders over God's people during the latter part of the tribulation. There will probably be thousands under each of them. But still the vast majority of people will perish from war, disease, natural disasters and famine.

Oops! Of course you are right about the 144,000. I knew that! lol

But where are you getting the idea that those people will be leaders? Could you give me the verses?

The thing is, one plague causes people to be in such pain that for five months they want to die - though they cannot. How could life even go on like that, I wonder, all over the world. How could they function enough to do the necessary things of life?
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Sep 13, 2011
Florida, USA
Marital Status
Oops! Of course you are right about the 144,000. I knew that! lol

But where are you getting the idea that those people will be leaders? Could you give me the verses?

The thing is, one plague causes people to be in such pain that for five months they want to die - though they cannot. How could life even go on like that, I wonder, all over the world. How could they function enough to do the necessary things of life?

I don't know if it says directly that they will be leaders or witnesses, but that is the only reason I can see for sealing them with God's mark for protection. The anti-Christ will come after them and the two main witnesses to destroy them so they will need supernatural protection. They may be the hunters and fishers of Jeremiah 16:14-21 who bring Israel back to their country.

I don't think it will be like the movies, where they jump off tall buildings and don't die. They will be unable to do anything to kill themselves. It says though that if he does not shorten the days at the end, that nobody would survive. (Matthew 24:22 Mark 13:20)
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Dec 14, 2012
Columbus, Ohio
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I think its also of importance to understand their role. EVANGELISM. The opening of Chapter 7 of Revelation is the discourse of the 144,000. Verse 8 details the last 3 tribes named and the 12000 of each of those tribes.

Verse 9 John is show the great multitude of those who are in white robes. It is described as a crowd so large that " no one could count them" from every nation, tribe, people and language. They were standing in front of the throne and in front of the Lamb, dressed in white robes and holding palm branches in their hands;

Then we see..... One of the elders asked me, “These people dressed in white robes — who are they, and where are they from?” 14 “Sir,” I answered, “you know.” Then he told me, “These are the people who have come out of the Great Persecution. They have washed their robes and made them white with the blood of the Lamb. 15 That is why they are before God’s throne.

So in my estimation the role this 144,000 play is evangelizing the world during the great tribulation
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Jul 27, 2009
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That sounds very plausible. Another thought I've had.... When those who take the mark get the horrible plagues that make them want to die - though they cannot - I wonder if that is partly Yahuah making it possible to give those w/o the mark a break from them, time to escape and get provisions and so on while their enemies are incapacitated. Just a thought.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2012
United States
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Oops! Of course you are right about the 144,000. I knew that! lol

But where are you getting the idea that those people will be leaders? Could you give me the verses?

The thing is, one plague causes people to be in such pain that for five months they want to die - though they cannot. How could life even go on like that, I wonder, all over the world. How could they function enough to do the necessary things of life?
Besides the 144,000 there is a great multitude.

The Great Multitude in White Robes

Rev 7:9 After this I looked, and there before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people and language, standing before the throne and before the Lamb.
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