MRI # 5 completed today (sigh)


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Jun 17, 2004
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After fiver general sedation MRI's, one would think I would be "in a grove" so to speak. That they would no longer bother me. They still do. Very deeply. My sweetie is just four very young years old--yet far wiser about life than anyone should be at this age.

As it always seems, things do not go according to plans. Sweetie had her last solid meal at 11pm last night. MRI to be done at 2PM. Last liquids at 12 pm. One of the MRI machines broke, so we had to shift to a whole different building, with different protocols, and delay the MRI till 5:30pm. Remember sweetie's last meal was 11pm the previous night.

The staff did their best to accomodate us, and make things as "pleasant" for sweetie as they could--but when you have not eaten in 16 hours, it has got to be hard. She did ask for food and milk several times. And I tried to explain that we could not right now. Each time, she gave me a wistful look, and went on with her playing until she again asked. My God, that child has the disposition of an angel. She never spent any amount time fussing about being hungry--she just asked, and accepted our answer. She had a playful spirit about her the whole time. Even the nurses who had meet her only once, three months ago--remebered her by name!! Her chart had not yet arrived--but they knew her, and she hugged them.

Some days, I just pray to have half the gentle spirit my daughter has. I feel I would be the better person for even having half. And her inner strength, and inner light--my God that is a worthly of a book--not just a thread!!

Thank God this day, and another test is over.



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Mayzoo said:
After fiver general sedation MRI's, one would think I would be "in a grove" so to speak. That they would no longer bother me. They still do. Very deeply. My sweetie is just four very young years old--yet far wiser about life than anyone should be at this age.

As it always seems, things do not go according to plans. Sweetie had her last solid meal at 11pm last night. MRI to be done at 2PM. Last liquids at 12 pm. One of the MRI machines broke, so we had to shift to a whole different building, with different protocols, and delay the MRI till 5:30pm. Remember sweetie's last meal was 11pm the previous night.

The staff did their best to accomodate us, and make things as "pleasant" for sweetie as they could--but when you have not eaten in 16 hours, it has got to be hard. She did ask for food and milk several times. And I tried to explain that we could not right now. Each time, she gave me a wistful look, and went on with her playing until she again asked. My God, that child has the disposition of an angel. She never spent any amount time fussing about being hungry--she just asked, and accepted our answer. She had a playful spirit about her the whole time. Even the nurses who had meet her only once, three months ago--remebered her by name!! Her chart had not yet arrived--but they knew her, and she hugged them.

Some days, I just pray to have half the gentle spirit my daughter has. I feel I would be the better person for even having half. And her inner strength, and inner light--my God that is a worthly of a book--not just a thread!!

Thank God this day, and another test is over.

I truly believe that your daughter does have the sweet gentleness you speak about, because even in your posting the mom has the same spirit. You say that the words are worthy of a book. Why not! I just finished writing a book called " A Touch of Peace ". I wrote the book as a collection of poems more like diary entries of my journey as a Christian with a special needs child and as a Christian living with bipolar disorder. I like you felt that many needed to hear and so this book was written with the help of the Holy Spirit.

If you feel led to write I pray that you will do it, you never know who out there can be encouraged by your words of wisdom and it may bring them to Christ!
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