Mixing America and God is Controversial for the Two Don't Mix


Well-Known Member
Dec 31, 2018
up there
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Jesus taught the Gospel of the Kingdom , the governance of God that would take away governance of man over man. Two opposing systems. The division is not between nations or silly right/left nonsense designed to keep people hooked in the world and ignoring the Kingdom. The division is between the Kingdom and the world man has made in our own image. Choose one because we cannot have allegiance to both, for they hold opposing values.

People need to wake up to the fact that the religion sold out the Kingdom when it rejoined the world of man 1700 years ago and whored itself to the Roman Empire. Nothing has changed since for all follow those old traditions rather than the Gospel of the Kingdom and they use God for their purposes rather than change mankind to serve His. Throw out what man has taught and demands allegiance to, and read Jesus's only good news. God is coming to destroy what we proclaim to be His will but is all built upon self interest. Self justify it all you want, for in the end you lose.