Jesus's Ministry

Carl Emerson

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Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
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Dear Friends,

I am really puzzled about the almost complete absence of a central aspect of Jesus ministry in the Christian world today.

When Jesus broke into the world He immediately demonstrated spiritual authority over powers and principalities that were binding peoples lives with sickness, disease, mental illness, physical deformity, etc. in fact He made a point of sending a message to John the Baptist that these things were happening as evidence that the Kingdom of God was being manifest with Him the awaited Messiah.

These signs were also present in the early church and believers were expectant to see even greater things than those evidenced in the ministry of Jesus.

Today the prevailing world view is that these conditions should not be considered to have a spiritual aspect, a clear denial of the Word of Jesus.

This is not only a position held outside Christian circles, but inside as well.

Some folks have even invented a theology to account of the absence of the ministry of Jesus in their midst.

My journey has been quite different. Jesus was my 'childhood hero' and I longed to do what he did. This led to a radical wilderness walk and He allowed me to go down - down - into depravity, in order that I might see first hand His Saving power and authority in my own life.

Being a rebuilt prodigal son, captive for a time by the demonic, I can now clearly see the true nature of the battle.

After seven years of prayer and restoration, and more than five years of constantly reading Scripture I was finally ready to step out with His presence and simply obey His Word to pray for others.

My testimony is to Honour Him alone as without Him there is nothing.

I prayed for a complete stranger in a park who had been in the RCMP drug squad was shot in the legs 11 years back and couldn't walk flat on his feet. Jesus healed this man in a few moments and as he walked up and down praising God and trying out his new walk. I was literally jumping for joy.

I prayed for a boy at a Church meeting who was having grand mal seizures. His parents met me 18 years later to confirm he was fully delivered and healed from that day.

I made a cold call on a Pastor who I had never met - as a complete stranger. As we prayed he slipped to the floor holding his throat pleading for prayer. Jesus showed me how to pray and deal with the spiritual root of his problem. His ministry was transformed as a result.

His spirit urged me to drive urgently to a house in Jerusalem, where I prayed for a lady having a heart attack, her auntie had died of the same symptoms at the same age. She was crying out not to be taken as her children were still young. She was healed in about two minutes. Again her condition had a spiritual root. We followed her progress for some years and there was no relapse.

These are a few of many wonderful incidents of being called to partner with Him that His Glory be seen.

These events do not happen every day - reading Paul one might think he was experiencing such things regularly when in fact his story spans many years.

So I simply want to say that His intent is that our lives have the excitement of seeing Him move. It starts with being completely sold out to Him - not fearing total commitment - but through obedience seeing His order established in our lives. Simply obeying His word, praying for the sick and leaving the results up to Him.

I don't see it as being a special gift - He is the special gift. Where He is, the Kingdom signs are manifest.

With me, these wonderful experiences are generally happening in the world, not in the church.

I am largely unknown but at 72, I need to encourage others that we can partake in His work, it is more than a dream.

Lastly, I am not a flake, my day job is associated with the aerospace industry, I am happily married with 5 children, my wife is special partner with deep faith in Him.

Bless you all,

Carl Emerson.
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Mar 17, 2003
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Dear Friends,

I am really puzzled about the almost complete absence of a central aspect of Jesus ministry in the Christian world today.

When Jesus broke into the world He immediately demonstrated spiritual authority over powers and principalities that were binding peoples lives with sickness, disease, mental illness, physical deformity, etc. in fact He made a point of sending a message to John the Baptist that these things were happening as evidence that the Kingdom of God was being manifest with Him the awaited Messiah.

These signs were also present in the early church and believers were expectant to see even greater things than those evidenced in the ministry of Jesus.

Today the prevailing world view is that these conditions should not be considered to have a spiritual aspect, a clear denial of the Word of Jesus.

This is not just a position held outside Christian circles but inside as well.

Some folks have even invented a theology to account of the absence of the ministry of Jesus in their midst.

My journey has been quite different. Jesus was my 'childhood hero' and I longed to do what he did. This led to a radical wilderness walk and He allowed me to go down - down - into depravity, in order that I might see first hand His Saving power and authority in my own life.

Being a rebuilt prodigal son, captive for a time by the demonic, I can now clearly see the true nature of the battle.

After seven years of prayer and restoration, and more than five years of constantly reading Scripture I was finally ready to step out with His presence and simply obey His Word to pray for others.

My testimony is to Honour Him alone as without Him there is nothing.

I prayed for a complete stranger in a park who had been in the RCMP drug squad was shot in the legs 11 years back and couldn't walk flat on his feet. Jesus healed this man in a few moments and as he walked up and down praising God and trying out his new walk. I was literally jumping for joy.

I prayed for a boy at a Church meeting who was having grand mal seizures. His parents met me 18 years later to confirm he was fully delivered and healed from that day.

I made a cold call on a Pastor who I had never met - as a complete stranger. As we prayed he slipped to the floor holding his throat pleading for prayer. Jesus showed me how to pray and deal with the spiritual root of his problem. His ministry was transformed as a result.

His spirit urged me to drive urgently to a house in Jerusalem, where I prayed for a lady having a heart attack, her auntie had died of the same symptoms at the same age. She was crying out not to be taken as her children were still young. She was healed in about two minutes. Again her condition had a spiritual root. We followed her progress for some years and there was no relapse.

These are a few of many wonderful incidents of being called to partner with Him that His Glory be seen.

These events do not happen every day - reading Paul one might think he was experiencing such things regularly when in fact his story spans many years.

So I simply want to say that His intent is that our lives have the excitement of seeing Him move. It starts with being completely sold out to Him - not fearing total commitment - but through obedience seeing His order established in our lives. Simply obeying His word, praying for the sick and leaving the results up to Him.

I don't see it as being a special gift - He is the special gift. Where He is the Kingdom signs are manifest.

With me, these wonderful experiences are generally happening in the world, not in the church.

I am largely unknown but at 72, I need to encourage others that we can partake in His work, it is more than a dream.

Lastly, I am not a flake, my day job is associated with the aerospace industry, I am happily married with 5 children, my wife is special partner with deep faith in Him.

Bless you all,

Carl Emerson.
While I'm not a cessationalist but to be noted over the past two millenia, we don't see the kind of miracles typically of Jesus' and his apostles. When I study what the NT says about miracles, their primary purpose was to affirm the Word of God. The Word of God having been establish as that of Jesus and his apostles, that purpose has been accomplished.

Note the issue of "proof". Acts 17:31 "For he has set a day when he will judge the world with justice by the man he has appointed. He has given proof of this to all men by raising him from the dead." Acts 2:22 "Men of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know." 2Cor 12:12 "Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds."

We don't actually need miracles in the present to accomplish the mission. And doesn't Jesus say,"Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed." John 20:29 But we have the written record, the testimony of eyewitnesses to the miracles of Jesus and his apostles as part of our message.
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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I agree that most of the signs were to establish the messianic role that Jesus fulfilled while the wonders have never ceased to exist for those who love to be near Him. The beginning of your story is very much like my own but I've not witnessed the miracles that you have. The closest I've come to that is an OD'ed person behind me in a cafe that the paramedics couldn't get to respond. I turned and said Walk him! He opened his eyes and looked at me and I knew he was going to be ok. But I have had some pretty exciting times street preaching in my 67 yrs. and have had the not so pleasant experience of being able to discern what is the hand of God and what is from satan. Keep up the good work!
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Brotherly Spirit

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I don't believe miracles are common else it wouldn't have the same effect. Also not all miracles I think are for all to witness, they're meant for certain people. Another is who's to say what's a miracle, it could be something much simpler and plain but means something to someone. My opinion is we shouldn't expect miracles, but I agree we should personally seek God's spirit. In the spirit naturally certain things and situations will come.
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Citizen of the Kingdom

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I have to add that I was 55 when I first came to this forum and I have seen some miracles take place so I no longer wonder Who is in control :)
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Jul 21, 2015
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Dear Friends,

I am really puzzled about the almost complete absence of a central aspect of Jesus ministry in the Christian world today.

When Jesus broke into the world He immediately demonstrated spiritual authority over powers and principalities that were binding peoples lives with sickness, disease, mental illness, physical deformity, etc. in fact He made a point of sending a message to John the Baptist that these things were happening as evidence that the Kingdom of God was being manifest with Him the awaited Messiah.

These signs were also present in the early church and believers were expectant to see even greater things than those evidenced in the ministry of Jesus.

Today the prevailing world view is that these conditions should not be considered to have a spiritual aspect, a clear denial of the Word of Jesus.

This is not just a position held outside Christian circles but inside as well.

Some folks have even invented a theology to account of the absence of the ministry of Jesus in their midst.

My journey has been quite different. Jesus was my 'childhood hero' and I longed to do what he did. This led to a radical wilderness walk and He allowed me to go down - down - into depravity, in order that I might see first hand His Saving power and authority in my own life.

Being a rebuilt prodigal son, captive for a time by the demonic, I can now clearly see the true nature of the battle.

After seven years of prayer and restoration, and more than five years of constantly reading Scripture I was finally ready to step out with His presence and simply obey His Word to pray for others.

My testimony is to Honour Him alone as without Him there is nothing.

I prayed for a complete stranger in a park who had been in the RCMP drug squad was shot in the legs 11 years back and couldn't walk flat on his feet. Jesus healed this man in a few moments and as he walked up and down praising God and trying out his new walk. I was literally jumping for joy.

I prayed for a boy at a Church meeting who was having grand mal seizures. His parents met me 18 years later to confirm he was fully delivered and healed from that day.

I made a cold call on a Pastor who I had never met - as a complete stranger. As we prayed he slipped to the floor holding his throat pleading for prayer. Jesus showed me how to pray and deal with the spiritual root of his problem. His ministry was transformed as a result.

His spirit urged me to drive urgently to a house in Jerusalem, where I prayed for a lady having a heart attack, her auntie had died of the same symptoms at the same age. She was crying out not to be taken as her children were still young. She was healed in about two minutes. Again her condition had a spiritual root. We followed her progress for some years and there was no relapse.

These are a few of many wonderful incidents of being called to partner with Him that His Glory be seen.

These events do not happen every day - reading Paul one might think he was experiencing such things regularly when in fact his story spans many years.

So I simply want to say that His intent is that our lives have the excitement of seeing Him move. It starts with being completely sold out to Him - not fearing total commitment - but through obedience seeing His order established in our lives. Simply obeying His word, praying for the sick and leaving the results up to Him.

I don't see it as being a special gift - He is the special gift. Where He is the Kingdom signs are manifest.

With me, these wonderful experiences are generally happening in the world, not in the church.

I am largely unknown but at 72, I need to encourage others that we can partake in His work, it is more than a dream.

Lastly, I am not a flake, my day job is associated with the aerospace industry, I am happily married with 5 children, my wife is special partner with deep faith in Him.

Bless you all,

Carl Emerson.
Jesus is involved in people's lives. This is not always apparent to the untrained eye. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. People's life expectancy has increased due God increasing knowledge. You do not have as much malaria, polio, small pox, TB, VD etc. Gains have been made in treating blood cancers and solid tumors. Causes of diseases have been identified aiding people in taking preventative actions. Some senility in the elderly could be reduced by dietary supplementation with B-12 cobalamin. Some of the elderly do not absorb the B-12 as well in old age. Many things could be done, if people would only have faith.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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Dear Friends,

I am really puzzled about the almost complete absence of a central aspect of Jesus ministry in the Christian world today.

When Jesus broke into the world He immediately demonstrated spiritual authority over powers and principalities that were binding peoples lives with sickness, disease, mental illness, physical deformity, etc. in fact He made a point of sending a message to John the Baptist that these things were happening as evidence that the Kingdom of God was being manifest with Him the awaited Messiah.

These signs were also present in the early church and believers were expectant to see even greater things than those evidenced in the ministry of Jesus.

Today the prevailing world view is that these conditions should not be considered to have a spiritual aspect, a clear denial of the Word of Jesus.

This is not just a position held outside Christian circles but inside as well.

Some folks have even invented a theology to account of the absence of the ministry of Jesus in their midst.

My journey has been quite different. Jesus was my 'childhood hero' and I longed to do what he did. This led to a radical wilderness walk and He allowed me to go down - down - into depravity, in order that I might see first hand His Saving power and authority in my own life.

Being a rebuilt prodigal son, captive for a time by the demonic, I can now clearly see the true nature of the battle.

After seven years of prayer and restoration, and more than five years of constantly reading Scripture I was finally ready to step out with His presence and simply obey His Word to pray for others.

My testimony is to Honour Him alone as without Him there is nothing.

I prayed for a complete stranger in a park who had been in the RCMP drug squad was shot in the legs 11 years back and couldn't walk flat on his feet. Jesus healed this man in a few moments and as he walked up and down praising God and trying out his new walk. I was literally jumping for joy.

I prayed for a boy at a Church meeting who was having grand mal seizures. His parents met me 18 years later to confirm he was fully delivered and healed from that day.

I made a cold call on a Pastor who I had never met - as a complete stranger. As we prayed he slipped to the floor holding his throat pleading for prayer. Jesus showed me how to pray and deal with the spiritual root of his problem. His ministry was transformed as a result.

His spirit urged me to drive urgently to a house in Jerusalem, where I prayed for a lady having a heart attack, her auntie had died of the same symptoms at the same age. She was crying out not to be taken as her children were still young. She was healed in about two minutes. Again her condition had a spiritual root. We followed her progress for some years and there was no relapse.

These are a few of many wonderful incidents of being called to partner with Him that His Glory be seen.

These events do not happen every day - reading Paul one might think he was experiencing such things regularly when in fact his story spans many years.

So I simply want to say that His intent is that our lives have the excitement of seeing Him move. It starts with being completely sold out to Him - not fearing total commitment - but through obedience seeing His order established in our lives. Simply obeying His word, praying for the sick and leaving the results up to Him.

I don't see it as being a special gift - He is the special gift. Where He is the Kingdom signs are manifest.

With me, these wonderful experiences are generally happening in the world, not in the church.

I am largely unknown but at 72, I need to encourage others that we can partake in His work, it is more than a dream.

Lastly, I am not a flake, my day job is associated with the aerospace industry, I am happily married with 5 children, my wife is special partner with deep faith in Him.

Bless you all,

Carl Emerson.

The gift you have been given is the faith to see God's plans
a bit sooner than most of us. All that you saw was on schedule,
but through prayer, God allows us the faith to expect his plans
to carry through. And they do, with or without our understanding.
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The Librarian
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Jan 10, 2010
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Dear Friends,

I am really puzzled about the almost complete absence of a central aspect of Jesus ministry in the Christian world today.

When Jesus broke into the world He immediately demonstrated spiritual authority over powers and principalities that were binding peoples lives with sickness, disease, mental illness, physical deformity, etc.

If that was God's goal then Jesus would have stayed and we would all have been healed. But physical healing is very far from God's primary intentions for this world. The purpose of Jesus's healings was to tell the non-literate world that Jesus really was from God.
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Carl Emerson

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Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
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Dear Friends,

Thanks for all the responses, sorry for the delay in my response.

I guess I am not needing to debate the matter of whether He is at work in this way in this age - I have seen too much to doubt that.

I would however like to ask comment on the spiritual nature of common conditions that Jesus dealt with by addressing the spiritual root of the condition directly as an entity.

In the physical and mental health area for example we have well documented instances of Jesus telling the spirit involved to depart from the sick individual. Such instances are recorded in Mark 1,5 and 9 and with Paul in Acts.

Yet somehow the Christian world has largely bought into the lie that either such spiritual entities do not exist or we don't have the authority to deal with them.

If we believe that He has watched over the process of bringing to us dependable scripture then the end of Mark 16 clearly instructs us to do just this.

Lastly one more testimonial.

My wife prayed for a close friend that fell off a roof and had broken bones in his foot. He went to hospital and they did X-rays, confirmed the breakage and he was sent home with crutches.

There my young children and my wife prayed for him and he was instantly healed.

The next day he went to church and gave thanks to God for the healing. To his surprise the Hospital Registrar who happened to be in the congregation and stood up and confirmed that his bones had been broken and gave thanks to Jesus for the obvious healing.

Blessings to you all,

Carl Emerson.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
I am really puzzled about the almost complete absence of a central aspect of Jesus ministry in the Christian world today.
The apostasy happened (the falling away from Jesus) long ago. It still is happening the last few decades more and more, as "other things" are taking the place of Jesus Himself....
"instead of Jesus" has more prominence - "central aspect"
and "Jesus" is often absent !
"Instead of Jesus" can be 'spiritual' (supposedly), or physical, or religious, or political, or pharmakeia (deceived the whole world already), or social/ society/ anything in society, or education, or technology (exponentially growing "instead of" Jesus) .....

Millions of other things "instead of" Jesus..... and people en mass (multitudes) flocking after other things "instead of" Jesus. They don't even talk to Jesus , nor about Jesus, nor about what Jesus does in their lives --- rather "instead of" Jesus
almost anything takes His Place in the 'church(es)' ......
there is only the "form of religion but denying the power" "instead of" Jesus every day, for multitudes. (and 'fake'/ counterfeit demonic power is sometimes / often? / the "instead of" !!!!!!!!!
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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
Marital Status
Dear Friends,

Thanks for all the responses, sorry for the delay in my response.

I guess I am not needing to debate the matter of whether He is at work in this way in this age - I have seen too much to doubt that.

I would however like to ask comment on the spiritual nature of common conditions that Jesus dealt with by addressing the spiritual root of the condition directly as an entity.

In the physical and mental health area for example we have well documented instances of Jesus telling the spirit involved to depart from the sick individual. Such instances are recorded in Mark 1,5 and 9 and with Paul in Acts.

Yet somehow the Christian world has largely bought into the lie that either such spiritual entities do not exist or we don't have the authority to deal with them.

If we believe that He has watched over the process of bringing to us dependable scripture then the end of Mark 16 clearly instructs us to do just this.

Lastly one more testimonial.

My wife prayed for a close friend that fell off a roof and had broken bones in his foot. He went to hospital and they did X-rays, confirmed the breakage and he was sent home with crutches.

There my young children and my wife prayed for him and he was instantly healed.

The next day he went to church and gave thanks to God for the healing. To his surprise the Hospital Registrar who happened to be in the congregation and stood up and confirmed that his bones had been broken and gave thanks to Jesus for the obvious healing.

Blessings to you all,

Carl Emerson.

I am surprised that no one has responded to my observation above -
Are we now so far from being a Body exercising the Authority associated with His Name that such matters are no longer dealt with as Jesus did, but we have abdicated our role to secular agencies with human wisdom that have no way of setting folks free of such things? This is a sad day when the world hungry for the truth and power of the gospel sees the shell of a former real church holding a form of Godliness but denying it's power?

Surely pockets of light and truth remain - can someone attest to this?

I have no doubt that Jesus is working on a broad front bringing advances to medical science but this is no substitute for the healing and deliverance that He wants to achieve through us to His Glory.

Blessings to all,

Carl Emerson.
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One 4 Him & Him 4 all
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Jun 12, 2009
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I am surprised that no one has responded to my observation above -
Are we now so far from being a Body exercising the Authority associated with His Name that such matters are no longer dealt with as Jesus did, but we have abdicated our role to secular agencies with human wisdom that have no way of setting folks free of such things? This is a sad day when the world hungry for the truth and power of the gospel sees the shell of a former real church holding a form of Godliness but denying it's power?

Surely pockets of light and truth remain - can someone attest to this?

I have no doubt that Jesus is working on a broad front bringing advances to medical science but this is no substitute for the healing and deliverance that He wants to achieve through us to His Glory.

Blessings to all,

Carl Emerson.
I think that when the church as a whole, has largely replaced the Father, Son, Holy Spirit with the Father, Son, Holy Bible, it takes the wind out of the spiritual sails and the miraculous. I heard an international preacher speak one time and he said; "I'd rather teach and minister in Africa than in the United States. Over there they don't know where the next meal is often coming from, they don't have cars to even drive the 10 miles it would be to get to the hospital in an emergency...they have faith in God because they don't have faith in anything else. We see lots of miracles when we minister over there. But when we come home, and preach the very same message....nothing."

We have grocery stores and welfare if you're broke and practically immediate health care with ambulances and helicopters...even if you have no money. American Christians don't need faith, they can hire doctors and "Christian" counselors. That's why so much of church is sitting around arguing theology and involving themselves in all the same things their local lions club or any other service organization does. And the Unorthodox forum is probably the epitome of talking heads doing nothing spiritually. So I'm not surprised at the lack of responses you've received Carl. But keep racking up the testimonies brother, I think it's great.
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simple truth, martyr, disciple of Yahshua
Jan 6, 2005
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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
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OK... let's consider another testimony concerning a dear brother now with Jesus.

This man left for Colombia with his wife and family from New Zealand in the early eighties. I have never forgotten this message that I heard from him first hand.

His ministry was substantial, working in districts where the police would not venture in a country with a higher murder rate than anywhere on the globe at the time - he established hospitals and schools - his influence was said to have resulted in more than a million folks coming to faith in Jesus. He is largely unknown and he wouldn't want it any other way.

This was his message...

He spoke of his daughter who I will call 'Elizabeth' who at the age of about 12 ran away from home quite un-expectantly. This is not a good call in that part of the world and is unlikely to end well...

The parents were shocked, but had a very close relationship with other pastors in the area who immediately committed to fasting and prayer. It was not just that the child had disappeared, but he Christian leaders there took the scripture very seriously and would not allow a brother to continue in Christian leadership with a child in rebellion.

I need to mention also that the pastors had been getting the same dream - of angels leaning on their swords. When they discovered this was happening to them all and prayed about it, the Lord spoke and simply said that the angels were doing this because you were not giving them anything to do...

After three days of constant prayer and fasting a particular scripture kept coming to mind from Hosea 2:6/7 which records how the Lord dealt with Hosea's unfaithful wife.
'Therefore, behold, I will hedge up thy way with thorns, and make a wall, that she shall not find her paths... then shall she say, I will go and return to my first husband; for then was it better with me than now."

The Pastors agreed that this was an important message from God for the circumstance and so the father prayed and proclaimed a proverbial hedge of thorns to come into immediate effect in Elizabeth's situation.
I no time flat - Elizabeth was back home with little more than a few proverbial scratches and bruises. The family embraced her with loving acceptance and the matter was resolved.

But the story did not end there...

A year or two later, Elizabeth flew to New Zealand for her high school education. The rest of the family stayed in Colombia. After the four years of study was completed, mother flew to NZ to bring daughter home. She was surprised to be greeted by a radical feminist with no evident Christian faith. They flew back together and on the way through Singapore airport Elizabeth had a conversation with a man and nothing more was thought of it.

Back in Colombia the family embraced the daughter, insisted that she attend church, and in a few months things seemed to be settling down. Then a letter arrived from a bible school in the U.S. - they had been praying and felt to offer Elizabeth a placement. The parents were delighted and even more so when Elizabeth expressed enthusiasm for the opportunity. So it happened that she flew North for Christian study.

After just a day or two, she completely disappeared.

Everyone was shocked.

Back to prayer and fasting for several days... Then eventually different pastors were getting the same Word - Soul Tied...

Well the Pastors were in agreement that some strong soulish force was blinding Elizabeth, so the father knew what had to be done. He stood up in the prayer room and even though he was a naturally conservative and quiet man, he felt to act out a prayer/proclaimation. Having some clear space he started praying along these lines "Lord, thank you for your love for Elizabeth and for showing us what we need to deal with. (then he holds up his hands as if grasping a pair of invisible scissors.) ...and in Jesus name I cut this soul tie and bind Elizabeth to the pillar of opportunity you Lord created for her..."

Well this prayer had a radical effect in Elizabeths world.

The man she met in Singapore was extremely wealthy with his own private aircraft. They had been communicating and planned to elope. He had flown her to a city she did not know, lavished gifts on her and was going out to buy her a car when the scissors snipped.

In that instant she suddenly realised she had made a serious mistake - she ran out of the apartment - down strange streets - running, running until a man jumped out of an alleyway in front of her, loudly and firmly saying - pointing to her - "You have got to go back..."

Not surprisingly she was back in bible school very soon, and last I heard she was strong in the faith serving on the mission field.

The Pastors back in Colombia, when told of her experience, remembered the dreams of the angels with nothing to do.

God is Good.

In summary, the father pulled a piece of grass out of his bible. He said something like this...

"I don't understand how it all works but this I know... - and he blew the piece of grass - the world and the enemy try to blow our children in a wrong direction and the prayers of the parents combined with God's Spirit and His angels - and he blew the grass back the other way - are more powerful and enduring..."

Blessings to you all.

Carl Emerson.
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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
Marital Status
Mmmm... silence was the response...

OK then consider this...

I haven't a clue who is the audience here, but I trust that there are some who need the word I bring.

When Jesus sent out the 12 and the 72 he particularly selected untrained folk who followed Him in simple obedience.

In His name they saw Satans strongholds broken over folk - they has no formal training. They had no theological bias to get in the way of His Word.

Among the Apostles there was only Paul who was a teacher and he had to have such an encounter with Him including blindness for a period - to break down the structures in his mind planted by the traditional Pharisaical teachers. After a period he was also able to walk in the Power of His Word.

We have a similar situation today that we read in Matt 23, that the Scribes and Pharisees have seated themselves in the chair of Moses. This applies today in most traditional Christian institutions - we are told what to believe and what we cant believe.

Brothers and sisters, the Word should be coming from Him. The bible was given to be understood with His help by the simple. If this were not so He would favour the intellectually gifted which is clearly not so. He has chosen the foolish things of this world and the weak to show up the humanly wise and strong.

John on Patmos understood this and wrote in his first letter chapter 2 that we should be careful to be taught only by His anointing.

So I appeal to those who simply Love Jesus to step out into the realm that I have enjoyed with Him. As we let His word through our personal, prayerful, devotional reading of the scriptures, be a searchlight into our soul - as we are honest with Him and accept His gentle correction, He will, in time, lift us up to walk in His glorious ways in this age and confirm His word with evidence of His glorious power to heal and set free - with the same anointing He received, mentioned in Luke 4.

And to those who think I am looking for a following - you are dead right - a company of folks simply walking in obedience to His word - proclaiming His Glory and truth in this dark late hour at a time when His word is largely muted by traditional thinking.

Lastly another testimony - my late mother was riddled with arthritis - I held her hand - she had lumps on her fingers the size of peas. I said do you want to serve Him to the fullest in these remaining years? Do you think this condition is a hinderance to serving Him to the full? She was unable to lift her arms above shoulder height.
Having said 'yes' to these questions I prayed for her and next time I visited she was cutting the hedge above head height with hedge clippers. All the arthritis was gone and a blood test confirmed this as well. She was a strong light for Jesus for many years, departing at 98 having touched many lives for Him.

So arise common folk...

Dry bones - hear the Word of the Lord.

He wants to use you.

Carl Emerson
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Carl Emerson

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Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
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Hullo again,

Well since I started this thread, the issue I raised has become even more serious.

I have tried to encourage folks to continue the work that Jesus started, learn to walk as He walked hearing the Father, praying for the sick, give an account for your faith when asked, bring the Love of Jesus into the marketplace.

I have tried to ask why we have abdicated our responsibility to deal with spiritual bondage in lives - to secular agencies - who are not equiped to deal with such things.

Now we hear that a brother in Denmark is facing the prospect of legal charges for seeing folks healed through prayer because he doesn't have a medical degree and a licence to practice.

Have we travelled so far away from what Jesus asked us to do that we will willingly let praying for the sick to become illegal?

Are we happy to allow prevailing Godless philosophies - which deny that there is a spiritual realm that can bind up our lives - to legally dictate how we practice our faith and frustrate our calling to set the captives free?

You have to see the irony in all of this - Satan binding up lives, convincing folks that he's not real and making it illegal to do anything about it !!!

The link below gives more detail of what I am talking about.

I have no personal connection with his outreach but believe we need to take very seriously this development and let our voices be heard.

Lastly a testimony... from someone who has been healed through his ministry.

I live in South Denmark and 5 years ago i had a lot of pain in my right knee, the best doctors in Denmark recommended that i should go for a knee change to get a plastic knee. the pain was horrible. day and night.. and i met Torben he prayed for my knee. and in the name of JESUS i was healed. I am healed in the name of JESUS: and i will always testify.JESUS IS ALIVE:

Blessings to you all,

Carl Emerson.
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Carl Emerson

Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2017
New Zealand
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I will add one more testimony...

About 33 years ago I was engaged to my Wife Sandi and we attended church one evening together. At the end of the service I got a call from a friend - he sounded excited and invited us to share in fellowship with him and a few friends at his home. immediately I felt uneasy for a reason I did not understand. So I mentioned to one of the elders that I was going into a situation that may be problematic and could he pray...

As we drove towards the house I heard the words repeatedly in my mind 'controlling spirit'.
Then I had a clear 'word of knowledge' and said to Sandi - "if we arrive at the house and someone says 'I'm so glad you came... I would really love to pray for you' you will know by this, that the fellowship in the house is under the control of a controlling spirit.

Sure enough we parked the car and we could hear the worship and praise going on inside. So we knocked on the door, the door opened the greeting was 'I'm so glad you came... I would really love to pray for you' By this we knew what was going on - there were brothers and sisters worshiping and falling down - they had 'discerned' that the baby's crib was spiritually unclean and has burned it - all manner of 'ministry' was happening.

So I watched what was happening for a while until the lady who opened the door wanted to 'lay hands' on me. So I gently declined and decided it was time to let the host of the house know what was going on.

I had lent him the book called 'War on the Saints' by Roberts and Penn-Lewis in which they looked back on the Welsh Revival and recorded the ways in which false spirits tried to infiltrate God's work. In the book they mentioned there was a young lady who was a false prophet but no one knew at the time.

So I said to the host - "remember in the book the young lady who was prophetic? I am giving you a choice - come out to the car now and pray with us off the property or I will leave."

So the host came out and sat in the car with us and I said to him that everything happening in there is under the control of a false controlling spirit... To my astonishment the Holy Spirit came upon him and he broke down into weeping repentance.

He was distraught and asked me what shall we do?

Well the Spirit was showing me how to unravel the situation by dealing with the authority structure so I said that he must ask his wife to come out to the car. His wife came out and I said exactly the same words about the controlling spirit. Amazingly she also was strongly touched by the Holy Spirit and was reduced to repentant weeping. What shall we do they asked again and the Lord showed me we needed to ask the husband of the woman who greeted us at the door to come out also.

Well exactly the same result - as I explained the problem - deep weeping repentance.

At this point the next step was to deal with the problem direct and pray for the mans wife. I remember thinking whether or not I should do this but the Lord indicated that the Host and the Husband should simply ask her permission to be prayed for. So they went back inside and prayed and the whole atmosphere changed immediately and peace and order was restored.

Subsequently we learned that the lady had just attended a meeting run by a well known Christian Celebrity in which the attendees were asked to practice deliverance on each-other.

I was very disturbed about this and I am sorry to say it took me two years to have the courage to inform His eldership about what had happened.

Bear in mind I am an unknown entity with no standing in Christian circles.

Thanks for you patience in reading about this. What we know is that He sees all, and cares deeply about our lives. He gives us insight and the gifts to deal with the infiltrations that occur within our fellowship.


Carl Emerson.
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Saint Steven

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Jul 2, 2018
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We don't actually need miracles in the present to accomplish the mission.

So, if you have a terminal illness, too bad, no miracles for you.
If you are tormented in your spirit, too bad, no miracles for you.
If you have a life-threatening fever, too bad, no miracles for you.
If you are in financial crisis, too bad, no miracles for you.
If your child is dying, too bad, no miracles for you.

Is that what you are saying?
Have we seen this day as of yet?

John 14:12
Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.
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Saint Steven

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Jul 2, 2018
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I don't believe miracles are common else it wouldn't have the same effect. Also not all miracles I think are for all to witness, they're meant for certain people. Another is who's to say what's a miracle, it could be something much simpler and plain but means something to someone. My opinion is we shouldn't expect miracles, but I agree we should personally seek God's spirit. In the spirit naturally certain things and situations will come.
Mark 6:4-6
Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” 5 He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. 6 He was amazed at their lack of faith. ...
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Saint Steven

You can call me Steve
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Jul 2, 2018
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Jesus is involved in people's lives. This is not always apparent to the untrained eye. The right hand does not know what the left hand is doing. People's life expectancy has increased due God increasing knowledge. You do not have as much malaria, polio, small pox, TB, VD etc. Gains have been made in treating blood cancers and solid tumors. Causes of diseases have been identified aiding people in taking preventative actions. Some senility in the elderly could be reduced by dietary supplementation with B-12 cobalamin. Some of the elderly do not absorb the B-12 as well in old age. Many things could be done, if people would only have faith.
Faith in what? The Medical industry? Big Pharma?
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