Is modern secular society headed down the path to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Hans Blaster

Rocket surgeon
Mar 11, 2017
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Never watched it. I had to look up the name lol. So I am not sure what you mean.
Hank Hill (conservative Texas Christian cartoon character): "Can't you see you're not making Christianity better, you're just making rock and roll worse."
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Zaha Torte

Jesus Christ is the Eternal God
May 6, 2024
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Hank Hill (conservative Texas Christian cartoon character): "Can't you see you're not making Christianity better, you're just making rock and roll worse."
Nice reference. Huge fan.

I didn't know the context, so I thought you originally meant, "Dammit Dale!" or "That's just asinine."

Audioslave had a couple good ones - "Like a Stone" - "Show me How to Live"

I don't listen to a lot of Christian music - outside of hymns. Mormon Tabernacle Choir.
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Jan 30, 2024
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You understand that the word "trump" is not a reference to President Trump - right? No need to capitalize it as if it were a proper noun.
Freudian slip. I noticed it but thought it fun not to correct it.
Transgenderism is being pushed on all of us - even our young and impressionable children - and it - like obesity - will destroy everyone it ensnares.
God forbid our children grow up to be tolerant of trans people.
Explain this statement.
In your post you expressed a series of beliefs about trans people which you believe to be objectively true. On the basis of those beliefs you are openly intolerant of trans people and object to being criticized about it. It is reasonable to conclude that you think you have a right to that intolerance, based on your beliefs.

But here is a thought experiment for you: I give you a straight male human being who uses a male name, accepts male pronouns and dresses like a "man" according to your standards. But he is effeminate in his manner and prefers female company. He occupies himself with social and occupational activities traditionally associated in our culture with females. What is your opinion of such a person?
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Oct 12, 2003
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More and more people are identifying as some form of LGHDTV cult nonsense and their ultimate end-goal - whether they are aware of it or not - is the end of our species.
Are you suggesting that before long there will be 8 Billion Trans people on this planet not bringing forth babies?
It looks to me like you have jumped the shark.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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But we should allow subjective identity to Trump your idea of what the subjective identity should be with respect to biology.
The idea of biological reality is a fact and not a subjective determination for 98 to 99 % of people. They are the gender that their biology is.
How can they do that? By encroaching on your belief that there is only one subjective identity appropriate to a particular set of gonads?
Heres the problem. The identity that is associated with gonads is a real identity based on biological fact for the vast majority of people. Its not a subjective determination.

When we apply the subjective determination of gender identity into the lived reality of the majority of people it causes a clash. For example biological women are forced to give up their unique identity as biological women in place of a subjective idea that may allow males to enter their spaces and actually wind back womens rights.

On the other hand denying subjective identity is also seen as wrong. I am not sure how this can be practically applied to lived reality.
Our subjective identities are all different. Each of us is unique in that respect.
But subjective identities should not be a factual basis we measure reality with because as we know subjective identity can be unreal and a delusion.

This has been verified in many situations over the years with various psychological disorders where people have taken on various personalities and identities and were found to be deusional ie people believe they are aliens, Christ, Furries, animals, a different age and race when it was clinically shown they had psychological problems.
You are confounding two different things: Gender dysphoria is a clinical condition, a delusion. The anorexic is suffering from the delusion that he is actually fat. Likewise, the gender dysphoric is suffering from the delusion that he is actually the opposite sex who somehow acquired the wrong gonads. Both of these are clinical conditions requiring clinical diagnosis and intervention. You apparently see the gender dysphoric as an existential threat to society, but not the anorexic. Why is that?
I see the anorexic identity as a problem for society and the individual themselves just like any subjective identity if society claimed the anorexic persons identity was a real identity that trumped phsyical reality and needed protection. I would stand up for sanity, for the truth and fact that this is simply not reality and a dangerous idea for society to take on because if any society believes and promotes such things then they are also open to promote other unrealities which is exactly what is happening today.

We now have such things as people identifying as different races, ages and even as animals and Furries. For example schools are now promoting the idea that Furries are real and kids should be allowed to be furries and protected. This is just pure madness and a a result of making the subjective sense of self a reality that trumps physical reality.

The problem is there is no way to tell between someone deluded with their identity and someone who may genuinely feel they are the opposite sex or someone who feels they are the opposite sex for other reasons like Autogynephilia. If we accept that gender is a subjective determination based on how one feels and believes as to who they really are then we would have to make all these identities real protected identities which is going to cause big problems and conflicts for society.
Then you have a person who believes he has the cognitive and emotional identity usually associated with females even though he possesses the gonads of a man.
You mean even though "she" possesses the gonads of a man. See how hard it is to detach physical reality. You just misgendered someone according to the ideology.

So what happens when a person who feels and believes that your gender is your sex which 99% of people do and they are asked to affirm and go along with the reality of something they don't believe in.

Why should 99% of the female population be forced to go along with this to the point of denying their rights of not having some person with male gonads and genitalia into their private spaces and sports. That is actually winding back womens rights and if we are talking about rights that is not good.
He wants to function socially in the role of a woman. He is not deluded, he knows full well that he is not a biological female. (and vice-versa, of course).
You apparently see these people as an existential threat to society as well. Why is that?
I have every sympathy for people who have gender inconguence. I don't know the answer. I don't want to deny someone to live out their genuine lives.

But at the same time we have this problem of trying to live that out in reality. We have seen the real conflicts of women being denied their rights as unique identities which are actually different to males who believe they are female for one theres a physical difference and deserve not to have to share a space with a male.

By denying that difference we are denying biological women, adult females who have fought long for their rights.

Let me ask you a question that may cut to the core of this issue in how we see it. If we developed a treatment that aligned the persons gender identity to their physical reality say before birth and during pregnancy as we do for other problems would you support this.
Except for Christians, who are to be excused from having to be tolerant and inclusive because of the objective truth of their beliefs. :cool:
Like I said its not just a Christian belief but a objective fact and reality for 99% of people and I would say maybe half of these would not be Christians including scientists, professionals who know what they are talking about.

This is one example of what I mean by Christian beliefs about the world, about the nature of reality is aligned with objective and lived reality.
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The idea of biological reality is a fact and not a subjective determination for 98 to 99 % of people. They are the gender that their biology is.
And almost as high a percentage will actually believe that their biology is the same as their gender and be happy with it. But that's not who we are talking about.
Heres the problem. The identity that is associated with gonads is a real identity based on biological fact for the vast majority of people. Its not a subjective determination.

When we apply the subjective determination of gender identity into the lived reality of the majority of people it causes a clash. For example biological women are forced to give up their unique identity as biological women in place of a subjective idea that may allow males to enter their spaces and actually wind back womens rights.

On the other hand denying subjective identity is also seen as wrong. I am not sure how this can be practically applied to lived reality.

But subjective identities should not be a factual basis we measure reality with because as we know subjective identity can be unreal and a delusion.

This has been verified in many situations over the years with various psychological disorders where people have taken on various personalities and identities and were found to be deusional ie people believe they are aliens, Christ, Furries, animals, a different age and race when it was clinically shown they had psychological problems.

I see the anorexic identity as a problem for society and the individual themselves just like any subjective identity if society claimed the anorexic persons identity was a real identity that trumped phsyical reality and needed protection. I would stand up for sanity, for the truth and fact that this is simply not reality and a dangerous idea for society to take on because if any society believes and promotes such things then they are also open to promote other unrealities which is exactly what is happening today.

We now have such things as people identifying as different races, ages and even as animals and Furries. For example schools are now promoting the idea that Furries are real and kids should be allowed to be furries and protected. This is just pure madness and a a result of making the subjective sense of self a reality that trumps physical reality.

The problem is there is no way to tell between someone deluded with their identity and someone who may genuinely feel they are the opposite sex or someone who feels they are the opposite sex for other reasons like Autogynephilia. If we accept that gender is a subjective determination based on how one feels and believes as to who they really are then we would have to make all these identities real protected identities which is going to cause big problems and conflicts for society.

You mean even though "she" possesses the gonads of a man. See how hard it is to detach physical reality. You just misgendered someone according to the ideology.

So what happens when a person who feels and believes that your gender is your sex which 99% of people do and they are asked to affirm and go along with the reality of something they don't believe in.

Why should 99% of the female population be forced to go along with this to the point of denying their rights of not having some person with male gonads and genitalia into their private spaces and sports. That is actually winding back womens rights and if we are talking about rights that is not good.

I have every sympathy for people who have gender inconguence. I don't know the answer. I don't want to deny someone to live out their genuine lives.

But at the same time we have this problem of trying to live that out in reality. We have seen the real conflicts of women being denied their rights as unique identities which are actually different to males who believe they are female for one theres a physical difference and deserve not to have to share a space with a male.

By denying that difference we are denying biological women, adult females who have fought long for their rights.
Ah, yes, the talking points. You could just write <insert anti-trans talking points> or do you cut and paste them?
Let me ask you a question that may cut to the core of this issue in how we see it. If we developed a treatment that aligned the persons gender identity to their physical reality say before birth and during pregnancy as we do for other problems would you support this.
If it was a treatment for actual gender dysphoria, then OK, but if it merely was intended to prevent gender nonconformity then it shouldn't be necessary.

Let me ask you one: I give you a straight male human being who uses a male name, accepts male pronouns and dresses like a "man" according to your standards. But he is effeminate in his manner and prefers female company to male. He occupies himself with social and occupational activities traditionally associated in our culture with females. What is your opinion of such a person?
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So are we seeing a repeat of the down fall of society like Sodom and Gormorrah or like with how Empires have fallen where sexxual immorality and pleasure and where the created is worshipped and not the Creator.
Obviously. Multitudes are already lost, on the road to destruction arm in arm with almost all in the world / society.
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Hans Blaster

Rocket surgeon
Mar 11, 2017
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Heres the problem. The identity that is associated with gonads is a real identity based on biological fact for the vast majority of people. Its not a subjective determination.
I thought this thread was about sinking towards sexual deviance and lack of religious engagement in western culture and society. Is this going to be another "trans" thread now?
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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And almost as high a percentage will actually believe that their biology is the same as their gender and be happy with it. But that's not who we are talking about.
Actually its exactly who we are talking about. If as you say society must accept and go along with subjective identity being a reality then this will effect the majority who believe that gender and biological reality are linked. They will be forced to accept something they don't believe is a reality in the sense that it trumps their biological reality.

So this is asking the majority of people to believe in and go along with something they don't believe in or want to go along with.

Ah, yes, the talking points. You could just write <insert anti-trans talking points> or do you cut and paste them?
Its not about anti trans talking points. Its a real issue for the majority of people, for health and wellbeing that we need to talk about. You seem to think that anyone who expresses their beliefs about biological reality are somehow talking rubbish and should conform to Trans ideology. How is this fair and inclusive considering that the Woke ideology is all about inclusiveness. They are doing exactly what they accuse the anti trans talk is claimed to be doing.
If it was a treatment for actual gender dysphoria, then OK, but if it merely was intended to prevent gender nonconformity then it shouldn't be necessary.
How do you tell. The very method for telling whether gender incongruence is a real thing (if there is such a real thing in reality) is through investigation into why the person feels that way. Investigating other issues like psychological problems. But the Trans ideologues don't want that. They want laws that automatically affirm anyone who expresses opposite sex feelings and behaviour. You simply just have to declare your the opposite sex and its so. Thats what Affirmative treatment means, affirming the subjective feelinsg and beliefs of the person.

But as we know many have truely believed they were the wrong sex even to the point of having life changing hormone treatments when later they found they were not gender incongruent but either gay or suffering some psychological problem or even autism and other body dysmorphia that can be managed through therapy.
Let me ask you one: I give you a straight male human being who uses a male name, accepts male pronouns and dresses like a "man" according to your standards. But he is effeminate in his manner and prefers female company to male. He occupies himself with social and occupational activities traditionally associated in our culture with females. What is your opinion of such a person?
That person has the right to live how they believe who they are so long as this doesn't infringe on others. This is the same principle we use for all behaviour where people can express themseves through belonging to various identities like Goths, Rockers, Pagans, Bikies, Vikings, animals, Furries, Drag Queens whatever so long as they don't expect everyone else to go along with their subjective identities.

But I noticed you completely avoided my question. Why is that. Does it bring up an ethical dilemma for you.
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Actually its exactly who we are talking about. If as you say society must accept and go along with subjective identity being a reality then this will effect the majority who believe that gender and biological reality are linked. They will be forced to accept something they don't believe is a reality in the sense that it trumps their biological reality.

So this is asking the majority of people to believe in and go along with something they don't believe in or want to go along with.
I'm not sure I follow that at all.
Most people find that their gender traits match their biology satisfactorily. I think you agree with that? Then you seem to be saying that if they find out that gender traits and biology aren't necessarily linked they will be forced to do something they don't want to. What is it? I am largely content with how my gender traits and my biology line up. Still, I don't think that gender traits and biology are linked and it doesn't make me unhappy or force me to do anything I don't like.
Its not about anti trans talking points. Its a real issue for the majority of people, for health and wellbeing that we need to talk about. You seem to think that anyone who expresses their beliefs about biological reality are somehow talking rubbish and should conform to Trans ideology. How is this fair and inclusive considering that the Woke ideology is all about inclusiveness. They are doing exactly what they accuse the anti trans talk is claimed to be doing.
The issue is definitely real, but the talking points are not. Anyway, you need not repeat them every time you answer a question about trans. The just clog up the page and we've all seen them before.
How do you tell. The very method for telling whether gender incongruence is a real thing (if there is such a real thing in reality) is through investigation into why the person feels that way. Investigating other issues like psychological problems. But the Trans ideologues don't want that. They want laws that automatically affirm anyone who expresses opposite sex feelings and behaviour. You simply just have to declare your the opposite sex and its so. Thats what Affirmative treatment means, affirming the subjective feelinsg and beliefs of the person.

But as we know many have truely believed they were the wrong sex even to the point of having life changing hormone treatments when later they found they were not gender incongruent but either gay or suffering some psychological problem or even autism and other body dysmorphia that can be managed through therapy.
More imaginary talking points. Stop already. That kind of crap is pouring out of right-wing media around here all the time. It's boring.
That person has the right to live how they believe who they are so long as this doesn't infringe on others. This is the same principle we use for all behaviour where people can express themseves through belonging to various identities like Goths, Rockers, Pagans, Bikies, Vikings, animals, Furries, Drag Queens whatever so long as they don't expect everyone else to go along with their subjective identities.
Do you believe that the man's effeminacy is authentic, or do you think he's just pretending for some reason?
Do you think it is a mental illness?
Do you think he should be required to suppress his effeminacy in public to avoid giving offence to others?

But I noticed you completely avoided my question. Why is that. Does it bring up an ethical dilemma for you.
I answered your question. "If it was a treatment for actual gender dysphoria, then OK, but if it merely was intended to prevent gender nonconformity then it shouldn't be necessary."
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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I'm not sure I follow that at all.
Most people find that their gender traits match their biology satisfactorily. I think you agree with that? Then you seem to be saying that if they find out that gender traits and biology aren't necessarily linked they will be forced to do something they don't want to. What is it? I am largely content with how my gender traits and my biology line up. Still, I don't think that gender traits and biology are linked and it doesn't make me unhappy or force me to do anything I don't like.
Its not that those who may find that their gender and biological reality don't match as these people will be open to change and not need to be forced for obvious reasons ( they don't believe their gender is linked to their biology).

Its the majority of people who believe their gender and biological reality are linked and don't believe gender identity should trump biological reality who are the ones who will be forced to go along.

You don't believe gender and biology is linked well thats a minority view and in contradiction to reality and the science. You are content that your gender and biology line up. But what if someone demanded that you conform to an idea that your gender and biology don't line up. Force you to conform with something unreal that doesn't conform to your physical reality.
The issue is definitely real, but the talking points are not. Anyway, you need not repeat them every time you answer a question about trans. The just clog up the page and we've all seen them before.
OK thats fair enough but then when you make a claim that gender identity is "definitely real" like its a matter of fact you cannot expect people to just accept that and go along. That is more or less making an unsupported claim and then telling everyone to shut up and not express their opinions and disagreement or question this.
More imaginary talking points. Stop already. That kind of crap is pouring out of right-wing media around here all the time. It's boring.
Their not imaginary talking points but facts, reality. I can show you the factual evidence if you want. This needs to be discussed and not cancelled out. If you want to make claims without any evidence and then ask others to go along you have to be willing to back up your claims and not tell people to shut up. That doesn't achieve anything but to shut down important conversations that others need to also express just like you want to express.
Do you believe that the man's effeminacy is authentic, or do you think he's just pretending for some reason?
Both sexes have a degree of the opposite sex expression especially when young. But this does not make them the opposite sex but rather within the normal range of gender and sex. That is the problem with gender ideology it assumes any deviation from congruent gender behaviour must indicate Trans or some gender incongruency that signifies a gender spectrum which seems to have no end as to different genders.

But there is also evidence that people can have problems with gender incongruence because of emotional or psychological issues where they reject their bodies and therefore this can influence their gender expression. Once they recieve therapy they align back to their nate sex and gender.

Many gays who express more feminine behaviour have been misdiagnosed as Trans but once they have overcome their psychological problems they may still display feminine expression but still identify as male gender. They are just a male with more feminine expression rather than being the opposite sex.
Do you think it is a mental illness?
This is still an ongoing research. We certainly know that the majority of people who suffer gender incongruence have some psychological issues and once addressed seem to realign gender with sex.

But there is also the question of the biological and neurological aspects. Many people who suffer gender incongruuence have been found to have problems with the expression of sex hormones which don't align their physical develop to their sexed brain ie too much or little of testosterone like for females such as congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).

Sexual Differentiation of the Human Brain in Relation to Gender-Identity, Sexual Orientation, and Neuropsychiatric Disorder
During the intrauterine period, a testosterone surge in boys masculinizes the fetal brain, whereas the absence of such a surge in girls results in a feminine brain. Since sexual differentiation of the genitals takes place much earlier in intrauterine life than sexual differentiation of the human brain, these two processes can be influenced independently of each other. Gender identity (the conviction of belonging to the male or female gender), sexual orientation (hetero-, homo-, or bisexuality), pedophilia, and the risks for neuropsychiatric disorders are programmed into our brain during early development.

On average, male embryos are exposed to higher concentrations of testosterone than female embryos, but these concentrations vary around a mean value for various reasons (environmental, genetic, etc.). Male subjects at the lower end of this sex-specific distribution could thus acquire a female-typical orientation (and be gay).
Minireview: Hormones and Human Sexual Orientation

Gender-role behaviour and gender identity in girls with classical congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Prenatal endocrine influences on sexual orientation and on sexually differentiated childhood behavior (2011)
The overwhelming conclusion from these studies is that women with CAH are less likely to be exclusively or almost exclusively heterosexual than are other women.
Prenatal endocrine influences on sexual orientation and on sexually differentiated childhood behavior
Do you think he should be required to suppress his effeminacy in public to avoid giving offence to others?
No of course not. If the person truely believes and feels that and as mentioned above this can have a biological basis then its more or less programmed into them.

That is why I asked if you support interventions that may align the sexed brain with the physical genitals as this may aleviate and avoid these problems. A person ending up with a different sexed brain that is orientated to the opposite of their physical bodies is not normal development just like when say other brain chemical imbalances such as the propensity to be depressive or over active such as ADHD.

Pretending that at least for some its a medical issue rather than a normal human development or a normal third or fouth sex of gender is not really helpful as it denies possible treatments that may align their sex and gender which I would say ultimately would be the best outcome for all.

But in the meantime for others who feel this way I think its important to offer therapy first rather than automatic Affirmation considering the majority also have many psychological and other problems. But certainly we need to accommodate and support these people in society but so long as it doesn't infringe on other peoples rights.

I think by acknowledging that this is also a medical issue we can understand and accommodate better like we do for other issues that need special accommodations. But I think seperate accommodations rather than forcing those accommodations on the majority of people. Like seperate change rooms rather than forcing women to share their private spaces with what may be a male with full male genitalia or the possibility of a male who may prey on women and exploit them.
I answered your question. "If it was a treatment for actual gender dysphoria, then OK, but if it merely was intended to prevent gender nonconformity then it shouldn't be necessary."
Fair enough. But what if we found some way to realign brain sex with the phsyical body which technically should align most people would this be seen as preventing gender non conformity. Some say it does as though humans were meant to exist with conflicting genders and sex.

I don't think generally gender non conformity feeling like your in the wrong body is a healthy state regardless of peoples views on gender non conformity. No matter how you look at it a person will always feel in conflict that they phsyical bodies don't match their sexed brains. It would be a discomforting issue.

I knw many young people naturally have difficulties with accepting their bodies even if they are gender conforming and some people have other types of body dysmorphia such as rejecting their shape and size and its a major issue for adolescents generally.

So I think we should be doing everything to help these people feel comfortable in their own bodies because ultimately that is the best outcome. That is what nature intended I think. I don't think we are meant to be in conflict with our own bodies as its a physical reality and it does have an important purpose in many ways.
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Nov 4, 2013
Brisbane Qld Australia
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I thought this thread was about sinking towards sexual deviance and lack of religious engagement in western culture and society. Is this going to be another "trans" thread now?
No it just came up from another poster. Though it is a good example of the difference in ideology in modern society. How ideological beliefs can change and be underpinned by the assumptions and beliefs people have about reality, about human nature and nature itself and how we should order society and the world. So it was worth some discussion to point that out.
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Zaha Torte

Jesus Christ is the Eternal God
May 6, 2024
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Freudian slip. I noticed it but thought it fun not to correct it.
It was a little fun. I always have a chuckle when I see the "Love Trumps Hate" signs - because I have a split second when I'm like, "What are they trying to say exactly?"
God forbid our children grow up to be tolerant of trans people.
Not so much the people - but the ideology - yes.

Transgenderism - the ideology - is evil and should not be tolerated in any way.
In your post you expressed a series of beliefs about trans people which you believe to be objectively true.
It's more about transgenderism than the people.

And I recall relating facts - not beliefs.

I man can never be a woman or a woman a man.

I man can never know what it is like to be a woman or a woman a man.

A man or woman who wants to be seen and treated like a member of the opposite sex in public is expressing a desire to indulge a sexual fetish.

My opinion is that this desire is caused by mental illness - which began by entertaining inappropriate thoughts and actions - and was spurred on by evil spirits.

They need to come to the Lord Jesus Christ so He can heal them.
On the basis of those beliefs you are openly intolerant of trans people and object to being criticized about it.
I welcome any and all criticism. It is the most efficient way to prove how evil transgenderism is.

I am and will always be intolerant of transgenderism and those people who believe they are experiencing any sort of "transition" are victims of evil spirits and people who benefit from their suffering.

We should love all people - but we cannot be tolerant of inappropriate or sinful behavior.
It is reasonable to conclude that you think you have a right to that intolerance, based on your beliefs.
Everyone has the right to decide what ideals and behaviors they are willing to tolerate and/or accept.
But here is a thought experiment for you: I give you a straight male human being who uses a male name, accepts male pronouns and dresses like a "man" according to your standards.
I have a feeling this experiment is going to be irrelevant.

The standard of dress for men and women was not set by me.

Everyone should use the name that their parents have given them.

Our language and biology determine what pronouns we use.
But he is effeminate in his manner and prefers female company.
The term "effeminate" is rather vague.
He occupies himself with social and occupational activities traditionally associated in our culture with females.
Like what?
What is your opinion of such a person?
Without knowing what you mean by "effeminate" and exactly what he is doing...

I would claim that his preference for female company is inappropriate just as a woman who prefers male company is inappropriate.

The only members of the opposite sex they should be spending time with is their spouse.

I believe it is beneficial for both men and women to learn from their spouse because God designed us a certain way and gave us marriage for this purpose.

The road to perfection is one where a husband and wife become more like each other. Rounding out their edges.
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Zaha Torte

Jesus Christ is the Eternal God
May 6, 2024
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Are you suggesting that before long there will be 8 Billion Trans people on this planet not bringing forth babies?
It looks to me like you have jumped the shark.
I did not say that it was a practical end-goal - only that it was their end-goal.
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Hans Blaster

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Mar 11, 2017
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No it just came up from another poster. Though it is a good example of the difference in ideology in modern society. How ideological beliefs can change and be underpinned by the assumptions and beliefs people have about reality, about human nature and nature itself and how we should order society and the world. So it was worth some discussion to point that out.
If you come back to something else, I might reengage. I have become rather bored with the right's obsession with this small segment of society. It need not take over every discussion.
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Jan 30, 2024
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I did not say that it was a practical end-goal - only that it was their end-goal.
That straight people can be converted to trans? That trans people can't have children? Too bad for the "trans ideology" then, because both of those statements are false.
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If you come back to something else, I might reengage. I have become rather bored with the right's obsession with this small segment of society. It need not take over every discussion.
At least it's a change from talking about how gay marriage destroys the marriages of all the rest of us.
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I man can never be a woman or a woman a man.
But you might have been a man who exhibited the ideas, emotions and social behavior we associate with femininity.
The standard of dress for men and women was not set by me.
Who was it set by?
Everyone should use the name that their parents have given them.

Our language and biology determine what pronouns we use.

The term "effeminate" is rather vague.

Like what?

Without knowing what you mean by "effeminate" and exactly what he is doing...

I would claim that his preference for female company is inappropriate just as a woman who prefers male company is inappropriate.

The only members of the opposite sex they should be spending time with is their spouse.

I believe it is beneficial for both men and women to learn from their spouse because God designed us a certain way and gave us marriage for this purpose.

The road to perfection is one where a husband and wife become more like each other. Rounding out their edges.
Really, speculating on the cause of trans is something of a red herring, as is speculating on the subjective feelings that may accompany it.
Because we can only go by overt, observable behavior. The issue is, that there are people* who, for whatever reason, do not wish to take up the gendered behaviors and social roles you have prescribed for them, and you have offered no good reason that they should.

*Not just trans people, either. Steve has the whole list.
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Coptic Orthodox non-Egyptian
Aug 27, 2014
United States
Oriental Orthodox
Marital Status
I can't believe I read though pages and pages of this thread only to have it turn into another anti-trans thread.

What I don't get about that is that I think most people would agree that the level of prominence that trans issues and gender identity issues in general have been given in mainstream society has massively spiked in the last 20 years or so. That being the case, did the people who are convinced that trans issues are the absolute end of society think everything was going fine before 20 years ago? The answer is obviously no, since back then it was about Teletubbies turning your toddlers gay or something. So it's hard not to see the cyclical nature of the objections. True, "Gay people are doing coded stuff directed at our children!" has largely given way to this narrative where specifically trans people are openly preaching the greatness of transness to school children or something, but that's not much of an evolution, so I don't know why there's all this hue and cry about it now. So the teletubbies have become the transitubbies. Big whoop. In a few years, it will be something else. That's how the game is played. It's like how the 24-hour news cycle is effective by constantly coming out with some new thing that "could hurt your children", or arguably overreporting on an already existing danger as though it is suddenly extra-dangerous when nothing has really changed about the claim (e.g., no, people are not spiking your children's Halloween candy with drugs; it may have happened once somewhere from whence the larger claim came, but it's not really a thing).

I'm conservative as they come on matters of Christian belief and practice, but I'm so tired of this being the issue that I'm being told we have to care about and devote so much time to (not by my own Church, thank God, but by wider 'Christian society' in the western world) that I think it's pushing me to be more liberal on the issue than I might otherwise be. Granted, my own problems with LGBT-ism are the reductionism involved in making any part of the alphabet soup into some kind of primary vehicle for societal liberation or personal actualization or whatever (and, yes, I do have the same problem with people who make being straight into their defining identity, as though it's something they've achieved somehow), so I largely avoid the whole "But men are this and women are that!" aspect of the debate either way, but still...can we move on now, please? How do you all ever have any time to fast or pray or do outreach or whatever it is you do in your churches when somewhere, at some time there are people who self-identify as trans out there doing things? Somewhere in America right now, a 'trans person' is buying a bagel, and it's an insult to every bagel-loving Christian in the entire world and to God, I'll tell you what.
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