Is anyone else a disaffected liberal? What is your story?


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Aug 1, 2021
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The culture war has radicalized both Democrats and Republicans to the point where they no longer deal with substantive issues. I used to be a Democrat, now I am Independent. If there was a Labor party in this country that's the one I would join.
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I don’t like either side. I used to be conservative. But one morning I looked out the window and saw a tree. The leaves were gone and all that remained were branches. Different shapes and lengths. But hailing from the same source. And I understood. That was the turning point.
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Oct 22, 2021
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PLEASE NOTE: I am creating this thread NOT for debate, but for discussion, and particularly for those who are or were on the left, but are not happy with the "woke" direction the left has taken, but who also may not be at the point of claiming to be on the right or conservative or perhaps have only recently "gone conservative" even if there are issues considered left that they still agree with.

What I'm interested in is stories. Did you leave the left? Did the left leave you? Are you still on the left and trying very hard to justify it? Are you disaffected meaning that you disagree with the left and can no longer support them even though you are still a liberal and why?

I was inspired for this thread by recently watching this clip of Dave Rubin in which he discusses a segment of a recent discussion between Bill Mahar and Ben Shapiro. I identify a lot with Dave's story because like me, he was progressive, a Bernie supporter, and holds a lot of similar views to mine.

Also for more clarification on what it may mean to be a "disaffected liberal" here is a discussion between Ben Shapiro and Tim Pool concerning Tim's story of what made him disaffected. He was very involved with Occupy Wall Street back in the day (another thing that held a lot of interest and excitement for me at the time.)

Now my own turning point more officially began when the trans-radicals attacked J.K. Rowling for simply making the claim that biology exists and I started looking into what was going on with that and it led me to a lot of questions and discoveries that were revealing, shocking, and even some that just made me angry because of how I felt lied to and duped and manipulated by a left that had in my view been entirely taken over by extreme radicals, not just on the subject that led me to become disaffected but concerning other issues and attitudes as well. I have come to the belief that the left has actually rejected liberalism for the most part.

Once again, this thread is meant for these stories and not for people to disagree and argue with the thoughts and experiences of those who may have them. In a sense, it is meant to be a sort of a "safe space" thread for disaffected liberals who don't really seem to fit in anywhere anymore even if liberal views that they've held practically all of their lives have not changed and may be in any of the political parties or unaffiliated with any of them.

(Also even though my own experience is based from the U.S. and so my words and perhaps some assumptions would be slanted in that direction, the thread is not meant to be limited to the U.S. because being a "disaffected liberal" is probably not just a U.S. phenomenon.)

I hope the woke one day wake up from their wokeness… and not when it’s too late
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I am a former liberal who left the Democrats, but not in the way I'd bet you're thinking. I'm far to the left of the do-nothing, decorum-obsessed Democrats.

A major turning point for me is the Unite the Right rally in 2017 and "good people on both sides". That's when I became a socialist. Watching the Democrats promise the moon and the stars in 2018 and 2020 and barely deliver stardust, as well as their treatment of Bernie in both 2016 and 2020, is what finally turned me off to the party.

That's not to say that I've been delivered into the hands of the GOP (lol to that happening) or that I think "the truth is in the middle". What I think is that the parties - both of them - are monopolies that are more interested in the propagation of their own power and wealth than actually helping anyone. I think it's ridiculous to compress the entirety of the political spectrum into a tiny, binary red/blue dichotomy. I guess the best way to describe my personal politics is 'Independent Anarchist left-winger'.
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