
Well-Known Member
Jan 1, 2024
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I've noticed people's conversations have descended into the dark abyss over the past 20 years, maybe even since 2000 or so. It was bad before but now it seems the past several years no holds barred. There's foul talk on regular TV, and I don't even watch TV, just catch glimpses of it here and there, and I won't have one in my home.
I'm gonna pick on men a little here, but men have become vile in their language. So many men call women the B word for dog, or the P word for cat. This is completely degrading, and dehumanizing. It relegates women (at least in their minds) to chattel, to barnyard animals, and beasts. I walk away from it, and when they're laughing it's probably at me, but I want no part of their filth. If I say something about Jesus I'm self righteous or holier than thou. No, I was the worst worm in my sin days.
What comes out of the mouth shows what's in the heart, " But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. For out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts, false witness, blasphemies: These are the things which defile a man" (Matthew 15:18-20)
Even so called "Christians" use such language. I realize these mostly are newer believers, but the language is being addressed, and it seems peoples hearts are just cold, callous, vile. Now I've heard women with wicked foul mouths too, but I don't think they call men by words which degrade and relegate them to animals and genitalia.
God says the thought is no different than the action: lust in the heart is adultery; hatred in the heart is murder, etc. Covetousness is idolatry. Covetousness starts in the heart also. Unforgiveness will seal a soul to hell if they don't repent. The scripture is clear In Corinthians, Galatians, and Ephesians that they who do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God, and foul language and filthy communication is also mentioned. Colossians as well.
Don't people realize the flames shall burn and rage upon them: the cinders shall crackle and sting thy flesh, as the pit opens her mouth to receive the disgusting soul that is compared to filthy rags, which really means in todays language a dirty used kotex. You will burn in hell, the raspy teeth of the dreadful Wyrm will eat into your flesh, gnawing and squirming with burning slime, as it tunnels through your body, as a salamander in the fire excreting poison venom, and this shall ye suffer if you do not repent and receive Christ, and lay down your sin, forsaking it completely!
The Screw-wyrm will bore into you, as a drill bit plunging into thy flesh and bone. The Snakewyrm will burrow into you, and when you try to pull it out, its barbed scales will lock fast, their points within thy flesh as it chews at your insides.
The Puffwyrm will get under your skin, and suck up thy soft fleshly parts and the fat, expanding as a bulb, causing a horrific raised boil excreting black pus.
The Thornwyrm will dig its way into thy muscles with pincer jaws: it's thorny body all the while writhing and stinging, causing the burn and the itch from which only cool water would relieve, but there is no water.
For their Worm dieth not, neither shall their fire be quenched, as it is written in Isaiah 66, and spoken again by Jesus.
For when you beg for the hideous wyrms to consume thee to the end that ye might not exist, your body but bloats, and gives them a continual feast: their excrement so absorbed by your body, that you become the awful wyrm that ye are, without the blood purchased salvation of they vile flesh by Jesus Christ on the Cross!
The putrid stench of the sulfurous Salamander accosts thy senses, so that ye doth heave and retch, but to no avail, and no relief.
This is the portion of those whose darkened hearts refuse the way of the Saviour, and think He will save without repentance. Without repentance ye shall all likewise perish, and without holiness no man shall see the LORD.

Note: I used the old Middle English word "Wyrm" which often referred to a serpent like creature or dragon, but 1,000 years ago could also mean a worm. That is because any "worm/Wyrm" in hell would probably be something beyond our worst imaginings, though I think what came to me in my thoughts last night is pretty horrific. "EW" would be an understatement. No one should even want to find out what the Scripture means, "Their worm dieth not..."
I also think I transferred the disgust of the conversations I often hear, that I try to keep out of hearing range, but sometimes can't, and wove it into this hellish description. And who knows, it may well be that people are tormented by the same disgusting things they exuded in life, in such a form as this. A man getting constantly bitten by female dogs would be another just torture in hell?
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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2013
United States
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Already, people are being eaten alive by boredom and loneliness and arguing and complaining and dominating and dictatorial demands and drives for pleasure, and hate and anger and frustration, and unforgiveness, and fear and worry and depression and guilt. These anti-love things are on their way to the flaming sewer which burns with fire and brimstone. So, we need how God is able to get rid of these things.

Get rid of it so we don't go where it is going.

But removing the evil of Sstan's spirit (in Ephesians 2:2) is not enough. We need to be humble and patient and compassionate, so we can share with Jesus.
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