I Cor 12:30


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Oct 30, 2006
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Looking at I Cor 12 - 14 again. "Are all apostles? are all prophets? are all teachers? are all workers of miracles?
30 Have all the gifts of healing? do all speak with tongues? do all interpret? (I Cor 12:29-30).

Do all speak with tongues?

But tongues are a sign - To unbelievers By believers
"Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to them that believe not:" "And these signs shall follow them that believe; ...they shall speak with new tongues; (I Cor 14:22 and Mark 16:17)

Any believer can be given this gift. The question mark in v 30 causes confusion imo. Not every believer will be used in the manifestation of the spiritual gift of tongues with interpretation.

There are numerous purposes for speaking in tongues including magnifying the Lord in worship. But believers can refuse this gift of course. Is that what v 30 means?
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Aug 12, 2007
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That section from Paul is centered around ministries and offices given by The Lord Jesus.

Not everyone will be able to speak corporately with their gift of tongues, but all of us with the filling of The Holy Spirit and the gifts should absolutely be able to pray in tongues.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Definitely agree.

Some against tongues will point out I Cor 12:30.

Using that section of scripture to justify a person not wanting the gift of tongues is foolhardy. Jesus is our perfect example to follow, and if He was filled with The Spirit, as scripture says, then we need to be filled also, and that always includes the gifts.
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Dec 24, 2005
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Definitely agree.

Some against tongues will point out I Cor 12:30.


I was pondering on something last night ...
and I am hoping I am wrong.

But it seems that not so many are pursuing the spiritual gifts these days, as they did in the past.

In this forum alone, we see that most members are mature and have been trained in, and have experience in, the spiritual gifts ...
and for many years now.

... But why does it seem like the desire for these things has dwindled greatly over the years, particularly in America?
(I do get a sense that Christians in places like Africa, China, persecuted countries are still 'on fire'.)

Where is the younger Christian generation today when it comes to these things?
Are they even interested in things like speaking in tongues?

So much of the present Christian programming on tv does not talk about the spiritual gifts.
There are a few ... like the Swaggarts ... but only a few.

I mentally surveyed the churches where I live, and can ony think of one where they may privately talk of the gifts ...
but even there, I don't hear the talk from the pulpit.
("What happened?")

We are living in a time when one would think it would be most advantageous to the Kingdom to be moving in the spiritual gifts.
But there does not seem much interest in it ... is that what you see, too?

Again, maybe it is just what I see where I am.
Least, I am hoping so ...
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"Pray, and prepare ..."
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Dec 24, 2005
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That's what I see also. But was hoping that it was my limited exposure.

I'm hoping that also.

Here in America, I see us moving further and further into a time in history when I believe it will be very important to be available and operating in the spiritual gifts. The trials and tribulations coming ... only God will be the supernatural Provider of the things that we need. Those of us that hear and know His Voice, have faith in Him, He will be able to use to witness and minister to others. The resources of the world will fall away, be taken away; only God will be able to save. And I see many of us potentially being used of God in places like prisons and camps, witnessing to others for Him.

... But we need the Presence and power of God, to do those things effectively.
The spiritual gifts will be essential, necessary.

(Thanks for your response! :blush: )
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But we need the Presence and power of God, to do those things effectively.
The spiritual gifts will be essential, necessary.
Good point.
- I agree.
More focus/emphasis on the spiritual gifts is needed..nowadays..
- learning/experiencing..
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Definitely agree.

Some against tongues will point out I Cor 12:30.
The subtext of what they are saying is that their real interpretation of the verse is that no one speaks in tongues. because they believe the gift ceased at the end of the First Century.

In 1 Corinthians 12:30 Paul says, "Do all speak in tongues?" and then in 1 Corinthians 14:5 he says, "I would that you all speak in tongues." This looks at first glance that Paul is contradicting himself, but when we look at his comment, "I thank God I speak in tongues more than you all" while saying that those who speak in tongues in church should only be two or three with an interpreter, so it is obvious that when he spoke in tongues it wasn't in a public meeting at church. Actually, he makes that clear when he says, "I thank God I speak in tongues more than you all, yet in the church, I would rather speak words that can be understood so that people will be edified" (my paraphrase, but you get his point). So it is quite clear that Paul prayed in tongues when he was alone with God, consistent with what Jesus said: "When you pray, go into your own closet and pray, because when you pray in secret, God will reward you openly." So it is obvious that when Paul prayed in tongues, he never did it in front of others, and when he was with others in church, he either prophesied or taught the Scriptures.

It is interesting that cessationists who teach that tongues were only spoken in church along with interpretation and that private prayer in tongues is not supported in Scripture, seem to get a blind spot when reading "Yet in the church".. etc, when Paul is referring to prophecy being preferable to tongues. The other contradictory thing is that although Paul teaches that of all the spiritual gifts, prophecy is to be preferred and that believers should desire it, cessationists teach that prophecy is no longer relevant in today's church either. They say that they are keeping close to God's Word, but it is obvious that they are not keeping close enough! :)
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