How to spot a false teacher concerning extrabiblical theology?


I can do ALL things through Christ
Mar 14, 2005
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Without using a circular arguement (because its false, or against my beliefs) how do you test false teachings when it cant
Be validated from scripture, being extrabiiblical. I am assuming that many extrabiblical things are not necessarily wrong
Just Because scripture does not mention it, please dont stray onto this as it makes the question meaningless.


Relationship over Religion
Jan 8, 2004
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In one word: relationship.

We are first chosen by God, and called by Him to join with His kingdom. We do not accomplish this with our own strength, but through Him. In the same way, our entire spiritual life with Him is maintained through a covenant with Him, where He does way more than 50% of the work to keep us on track because we have come to Him as little children and can't be expected to do very much.

Biblical-sounding untruths are probably the biggest problem for Christians. If we make allowances for too many of them, we can be shaken off our foundations and live a life of religion instead of relationship. Like when Satan tempted Jesus, false teachers will take the scriptures and use them to convince you not to follow Christ.

I think there is a big difference between a false teacher and someone making an honest mistake. Both teachings can be just as detrimental to our walk, however.
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May 7, 2006
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Without using a circular arguement (because its false, or against my beliefs) how do you test false teachings when it cant
Be validated from scripture, being extrabiiblical. I am assuming that many extrabiblical things are not necessarily wrong
Just Because scripture does not mention it, please dont stray onto this as it makes the question meaningless.

Curious as to what is being taught that is "extrabiblical"

Anything taught that does not line up with what scripture teaches should be seriously avoided.
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Sep 13, 2006
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I remember once teaching about dimensions in space and time and that God has to live in more dimensions or else He is trapped in His own creation. So our God has to exist in more dimensions than we experience on a daily bases. Yet in our spirit when we touch God we touch those extra dimensions. I also talked about string theory that would indicate that God lives in greater than 10 dimensions. I find this model very helpful understand somethings about God and how our physical works.

But to make it clear that I wasn't teaching something that is taught in the Bible I called it speculative theology. I told the congragation they could use it if they wanted to, but if it didn't work for them throw it out. I think it would be great if preachers let people know when they cross from what the Bible says into what they think is consistent with the Bible but yet the Bible doesn't say. =Recent creationism comes to might big time for me on this point.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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But to make it clear that I wasn't teaching something that is taught in the Bible I called it speculative theology. I told the congragation they could use it if they wanted to, but if it didn't work for them throw it out. I think it would be great if preachers let people know when they cross from what the Bible says into what they think is consistent with the Bible but yet the Bible doesn't say. =Recent creationism comes to might big time for me on this point.

A former boss of mine once told me, "We have to make assumptions because we don't always have all the facts. But always keep your assumptions distinct from your facts."

Christians--including pastors--make lots of assumptions from and about scripture, but all too often they preach their assumptions as though they were scriptural facts.

I have a pastor, too, who will state what he thinks is going on in a passage, but make it clear that it's only his thought.
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Junior Member
Mar 29, 2013
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I agree with Optimax. The congregation need to stay focused on the scriptures as there is a lot of stuff out there that will only distract us. There is plenty in the bible to get your teeth into and to challenge your congregation without having to talk about things that are extrabiblical. There are many things that Jesus taught that are rarely preached in churches, for example all of Matthew chapter 25. One day I realised that it was written for people who considered themselves believers and not for non-believers so when you read it in that context its pretty sobering.
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Feb 29, 2012
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I agree that many extrabiblical things are not necessarily wrong. The problem is that when something is extrabiblical then you have to assess its validity by extracting *concepts* from the Bible and applying them. Unfortunately, there are no cut-and-dried rules for accurately extracting concepts. Like the posters above me, whenever I teach I make sure and differentiate between what the Bible says versus what I think. I know that doesn't answer your question, though.
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Alien, Pilgrim, and Sojourner
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Mar 3, 2013
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I agree with Optimax. The congregation need to stay focused on the scriptures as there is a lot of stuff out there that will only distract us. There is plenty in the bible to get your teeth into and to challenge your congregation without having to talk about things that are extrabiblical. There are many things that Jesus taught that are rarely preached in churches, for example all of Matthew chapter 25. One day I realised that it was written for people who considered themselves believers and not for non-believers so when you read it in that context its pretty sobering.

The "problem" is that people expect scripture to answer every possible question on every possible issue--which it does not. There are some things we don't need to know, somethings we should not know. A whole lot of the questions pastors and apologists spend a lot of time on--and make a lot of assumptions about--are simply irrelevant to the mission at hand. They're nice to chat about in idle moments--better than spending those moments watching porn or something--but nothing to assert as hardcord doctrine.

There is a thread going on right now about "soul sleep," which is one of the most stupid subjects ever to come to angry disagreement about. Friendly chat, fine, coming to division...stupid.
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I can do ALL things through Christ
Mar 14, 2005
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let me give some examples.... personal open heaven's, portals, levels, atmospheres. I 'm not going after these, just after advice on how to decide what is good, bad, or harmless. I personally believe in many principles behind it, but I'm cautious when a extrabiblical phrase is overused, it is assumed to be a solid platform that can be built on for even more revelation.
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Jan 1, 2009
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God left certain things as a mystery for very good reason; we really can't handle it all AND God wants certain things to belong to the realm of faith.

Deuto 29:29 says "The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever . . ."

I'm okay when a preacher/teacher introduces some speculation as long as its clear that its just fun to think about some topics and as long as its brief and isn't used for basing decisions or practices on and it quickly returns to the primary job of preaching the known Word of God.

But today, there are too many who seem to only teach on extra-Biblical stuff and they treat it as fact. This is a real problem. The moment you have to discern it, as you say, that means too much emphasis is being placed on something God chose to leave as a mystery. And the moment I hear one of these ministries talking about all the extra-Biblical stuff they've supposedly seen, I know that they are either lying or they are tapping into demonic sources for information and experiences. How can I be sure? Because the secret things belong to the Lord. If He wanted such things revealed, He would have done so in Scripture. When individuals like Paul are given rare insight, its because God trusts them to maintain the humility needed to guard the Lord's secrets.

I think anyone whose ministry seems to focus on the activities of angels, portals and heavenly visitations are in major sin and are getting their info and experiences from demonic sources, not the Lord. The Lord spoke to me in 2005 saying He has turned these ministries over to their sin; since they persist in seeking after signs, He no longer holds back the demonic powers from giving them exactly what they seek.
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I can do ALL things through Christ
Mar 14, 2005
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12“I have many more things to say to you, but you cannot bear them now.13“But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.14“He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you.15“All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said that He takes of Mine and will disclose it to you.

John 16:12

Thanks for your reply Jamadan, but while you have a personal revelation on this, we should have an objective strategy on discerning this. Maybe there is no objective way. I wont judge a ministry for having angelic visitations, or gold dust, or even having a healing portal (which does exist in the gospels, albeit with a different name), and if they emphasise it too much, its not grounds to call it demonic, at all.

Some need balance and correction, but we as the Church shouldn't be quick to call our brothers heretics, unless they defy what is written in scripture.
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now faith

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Jul 31, 2011
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If you have to look at Bible translation,dig and dig,to support a extra biblical thought,you are rewriting the Bible.

All teaching should be in line with scripture,and be quoted in the context the author was intending it for.

God may give you insights that may not be shared,or meant to be shared.

We seek spiritual discernment,but God will never give you anything contrary to his Word
Thats Satan's job description.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Without using a circular arguement (because its false, or against my beliefs) how do you test false teachings when it cant
Be validated from scripture, being extrabiiblical. I am assuming that many extrabiblical things are not necessarily wrong
Just Because scripture does not mention it, please dont stray onto this as it makes the question meaningless.

I adopt the simple approach: If it ain't in the Bible, it ain't true.

The type of extra-Biblical doctrine mainly involves processes introduced into the Church to maintain decency and order. They come under the umbrella, "let all things be done decently and in order". This means that different churches have different forms of church government, and these things are not necessarily wrong, although there are Christians who will argue that any form of government other then their particular church is wrong. But if we read Church history, we see that the Holy Spirit worked powerful in quite a number of church situations.

Even the Roman Catholic Church had moves of the Holy Spirit in spite of its form of church government and "extra-Biblical" doctrines devised by different popes.

Churches have "flat structures", clergy and laity, pyramid structures, there are Calvinist, Arminian, "Oneness", Word of Faith, traditional Pentecostal, Episcopal with appointed bishops calling the shots, etc., etc. In all these we have seen powerful moves of the Holy Spirit where multitudes have come to Christ.

My belief that only the Holy Spirit can cause people to be converted to Christ, so God is not too worried about the "cosmetics", and even if a doctrine is a bit screwball, it may be that although the heart is right, the head may be a bit wonky.

Take William Branham for example. He was a "oneness" believer who did not believe in the Trinity, yet God used him mightily in the prophetic, that he could tell a person their name, where they lived, and what illness they had when he had just met them for the first time. Multitudes came to Christ and were healed through his ministry.

We have the treasure of God in earthen vessels. Man looks on the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart.

But Peter did answer those who asked, "How shall we be saved?" He answer: "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and confess Him as Lord, and you shall be saved." Another Scripture say that believing that Jesus rose from the dead is a requisite for salvation. Paul made that quite clear in 1 Corinthians 15 (I think).

Did you know that there is a website called "Mormons for Christ"! These are ones who have accepted Christ in that church but decided to stay with it to win others to Christ.

Roberts Liardon wrote a book called "Sharpening Our Discernment". This may be a good book to read to sharpen our discernment about what is true or false. The Scripture talks about those "who through wisdom and experience are able to discern between good and evil." Maybe maturity and experience in the faith may be the answer to knowing more clearly what is good doctrine or doctrine of devils.
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I can do ALL things through Christ
Mar 14, 2005
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doesnt using the arguement of silence limit God? The jews in the OT had no idea what God was going to do through the messiah, much less pentecost and the NT.

When things neither contradict scripture, nor are confirmed by it, we still have a problem of discernment, because it may be God and it may be satan.
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Resident Alien
Sep 16, 2010
Word of Faith
Extrabiblical? Outstanding topic!

When the Lord called me out of my long backsliding, I started to glean teachings from all over the Internet.
I used to comb the Net for podcasts of classroom instruction, historical stuff, and music. when I got rid of all of that, I wanted to replace it with God's stuff. MP3s were the rage and I knew the church was going to have a lot of it!

I downloaded over a terrabyte of teachings and testimonies.
I'd find one site and the Lord would heighten my appetite. I could "tell" by the topics stuff the Holy Spirit wanted me to eventually give an ear to.

Then I read about the "civil war" in the Body of Christ. Very sad indeed. The enemy got his foot in the door of the church and some people were quick to completely dismiss certain ministries for their association with certain unnamed parties (Lets leave it that way?). I steered clear of some for a while, but the Lord didn't feel that way at all. He has many servants the enemy would love to dismiss, but many are gifts to the body. To esteem them lightly is to esteem the Lord lightly.

I started gobbling up testimonies of people who had died and seen Heaven and/or Hell (certainly extrabiblical).
Some of them were very intriguing. Some were obvious deceptions given by the enemy to deceive. A few I couldn't tell either way. Some were so anointed an idiot could perceive it. Always strange how certain people are so against some of these!

What I do to discern if it doesn't strike me straightaway as being of God...

I worship the Lord and get in the Spirit.
If you walk closely, you'll hear the voice of the Good Shepherd and He will NEVER let you get carried away. The voice of a stranger you won't follow. (If you don't get renewed, you're already in a position to be deceived.) Pray for discernment.

I compare what is said to the Word of God (What He has already established.) I can't tell you how many times the Lord upended my theology and I've had some very good teachers. You've got to be willing and open for God to do this. For all we know compared to many who aren't Spirit filled, we only know in a small part. The Word is "miles deep". As they say when you get older, you find out how little you really know...

The Holy Spirit builds upon what He has already established within. Some things are really of Him and you're not ready for it yet. It's all about your calling, so don't say something isn't of God just because you didn't get anything out of it.

Look at the fruit you're bearing when you listen to it (assuming you were led to it). You should be at peace. If you're trying to shoot them down, it's the enemy getting riled up. This often happens if the speaker is "threatening" a domain the enemy has in an area. God doesn't shoot His people full of holes and call it love. If something is amiss, you should have an inward witness (in peace) about something being off. Sometimes it will seem like the "wrong size screw in a hole". It won't be a tight fit.

Try to walk in what you're hearing. If it is instructive, you should be able to implement it. When you do, do it prayerfully and watch to see what fruit you start to bear.
Do it with all your heart and look for peace.
It is possible to just be out of timing, so again, hold it up in prayer with the intent that you don't want to just be a hearer but a do'er. Step out if you have a sense of peace. "Try the spirit."

Bring it into the light with people you trust in the spirit. Do it when you're renewed and sharp. I like to do it at church when I know the person I'm speaking with is also renewed. Watch for the fruit of the conversation. Counsel in the heart is like deep waters. You can draw it out. Esteem the other person's anointing and get the reward Jesus spoke of.

Many times people have a valid testimony, and they "add" something to it with deductive reasoning. Roberts Liardon commented on this when he'd listen to people talk about their trips to Heaven. They see one thing and assume it had to be this way all of the time. (Big assumption!). This is why you ALWAYS judge in the Spirit what you hear. Anyone at any time can tack something on that isn't quite formed within you.

If you're still unsure, just put it on the shelf.
Two years ago I found that I had faith to believe God for mysteries. I assembled every scripture I could find about mysteries, knowledge, revelation wisdom, understanding, doctrine, etc. and started declaring them out loud. I believe the Lord built this into my spirit where I would have a more discerning ear for some things He wanted me to know and lay hold of.

When I started coming across the answers the anointing really began to pour out and I knew I was receiving some answers to that prayer.

One huge thing though is to not have a judgmental spirit.
This will completely obscure your "sight". Renounce it out loud and if you've judged anyone, renounce that too and bless the people you've judged. Remove the curse you've spoken over that person and speak blessing.

It' always good to get built up on the scriptures about the voice of the Lord, guidance, understanding, etc. and speak them over you.
Agree with them and declare them as your inheritance. Of course you're coming as a child, not someone who got their Doctorate of Divinity. You're dependent on receiving from Him and light is your portion.

Recognize that when others (especially on the forum as a prime example) will exhibit the enemy when they cut people down.
Although not always, it's often a good indicator that someone DOES have something from God when people start cutting it down with fleshy judgment. Discernment of spirits starts working and you can see them coming out of their holes to "shine the light" and "give guidance and counsel" (of the ungodly). The counsel of the ungodly and seat of the scornful -- never far apart from each other. The polar opposite is often the truth!
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Active Member
May 13, 2015

Without using a circular arguement (because its false, or against my beliefs) how do you test false teachings when it cant
Be validated from scripture, being extrabiiblical. I am assuming that many extrabiblical things are not necessarily wrong
Just Because scripture does not mention it, please dont stray onto this as it makes the question meaningless.
Getting rid of all the flotsam, leaves.
how do you test false teachings when it cant
Be validated from scripture
Q: How can you tell that a Monopoly dollar is not American legal tender?

A: It looks nothing like it.

Or: If it doesn't look like a duck, or walk like a duck, or quack like a duck. It's not a duck.
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I can do ALL things through Christ
Mar 14, 2005
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Juelrei said:
Getting rid of all the flotsam, leaves.
Q: How can you tell that a Monopoly dollar is not American legal tender?

A: It looks nothing like it.

Or: If it doesn't look like a duck, or walk like a duck, or quack like a duck. It's not a duck.

What are you comparing it to? Orthodoxy?

Jesus had this exact problem with the pharisees who wanted a messiah
to fit in with their own religious theology, PLEASE dont make this same mistake with the holy spirit.
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Oct 28, 2004
United Kingdom
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Without using a circular arguement (because its false, or against my beliefs) how do you test false teachings when it cant
Be validated from scripture, being extrabiiblical. I am assuming that many extrabiblical things are not necessarily wrong
Just Because scripture does not mention it, please dont stray onto this as it makes the question meaningless.

Who does the speaker glorify?

A true follower of Jesus will seek to glorify the Lord.

A false teacher will seek to glorify/ promote himself.
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Jezebel's bain
May 14, 2012
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Without using a circular arguement (because its false, or against my beliefs) how do you test false teachings when it cant
Be validated from scripture, being extrabiiblical. I am assuming that many extrabiblical things are not necessarily wrong
Just Because scripture does not mention it, please dont stray onto this as it makes the question meaningless.

Discernment. You have to rely on the Holy Spirit within you to teach you if something is truth or error.

We have to exercise that discernment or you will never be ready for 'strong meat'.

Now some extra biblical doctrines do have things in scripture that help point out their accuracy but it isn't spelled out. You have to do some serious digging to confirm or deny it.

A good example is the 'sons of god' in Gen 6 being actual angels or 'sons of Seth' as Augustine presented. There are scriptural clues that point to them being angels but it requires some indepth study.
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