Giant Spiders


the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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Last night, I had a dream that started with me in an underground fight club somewhere in Hong Kong. It turns out, I am one of the fighters and a rookie one at that.

So they paired me with a much more experienced fighter to fight as a team against someone or something. Then they opened this door for the opposing fighter and out came a huge spider the size of an SUV!:oops::sick::sick:. The spider looked like a tarantula or a jumping spider, only gigantic in size. We picked our weapons. My partner had a pair of swords while I took a pair of dining forks!:doh::doh:

I have arachnophobia in real life and somehow remembered it in my dream and yet, I felt calm and relaxed for some strange reason. The spider did not try to attack us right away but proceeded towards a very dimly lit tunnel in the fighting arena. It turns out spiders, prefer to ambush their prey and in order to have the element of surprise, it went somewhere to hide.

But the huge spider didn't just hide. It tried to get out of the arena, and into the spectator area as we would realize later on. We lost sight of the spider so the veteran fighter went ahead of me while I stuck to his back scanning the area behind him so we both have 360 degrees of situational awareness.

We can hear the spider moving around but have totally lost sight of it and realized we are now clearly in a disadvantaged position and in mortal danger so we decide to withdraw and get out of the arena. As soon as we got out, we saw the spider's shadow and already made its way to the spectator area. We hurried to the building exit and as soon as we got out, the door shut itself behind us.

Now out in the street, we saw hundred of giant spiders moving towards the fight club building. Much smaller than the SUV-sized spider we tried to fight earlier, and they were 4 to 6 feet across. Still gigantic size by any means imaginable. So me and the vet fighter went inside one of the parked minivans to hide inside. We chose one with curtains on it so the spiders won't be able to see us.

Unfortunately two of the spiders managed to open the window of car we're hiding in. How they were able to do that, I don't know! They checked to see if we're really dead (we're playing dead at that point).

Surprisingly, I can hear one of the giant spiders speak or at least I can read its thoughts telepathically. It sounded like a little girl and talking to the other spider to check if we're really dead. Then they decided to stay inside the van for a while with us in there playing dead.

The two spiders then proceeded to snack on something that looked like pretzels, smelled like pretzels, and sounded like pretzels when they chewed on it. I was so hungry at that time and couldn't resist the sight of them snacking so got up and I asked them if they have any more of that pretzels. The two spiders freaked out and I tried to calm them down and told them I'm not going to hurt them, I just want some of the pretzels they're eating. It's funny because they look like they can do far more harm to me than I can do them!

And so the spider who speaks like a little girl in thoughts gave me one of her pretzels and then suddenly both spiders transformed into two little children! The little girl began talking to me. She told me the SUV-sized spider we were made to fight earlier is their mom. She told me that she and her hoard of spiders are now heading towards USA. For what reason she didn't tell me but I can only assume the purpose is to cause mayhem and chaos.

We all got out of the minivan including the two spider-children. and found the fight club building and surrounding areas deserted. All the spiders are gone too expect for the two child-spiders in human child form. The girl kept on talking with me and both of them seems quite fond and comfortable with me.

Not soon after, their mom returned alone and in human form as well in the form of a mature lady, who looks 60 years of age and wearing a Kimono. She looked worn out and weak. She took my hand and asked that I walk with her so she can talk to me in private. She told me she is sick. She did not really went to USA but went instead to her doctor in Japan. I presume a real human doctor NOT a spider doctor, nor a veterinarian.

How was she able travel between Hong Kong and Japan at incredible speeds, I don't know!

It appears she lied to her children to conceal the purpose of her trip which is to visit her doctor. She found she had problems with her kidneys and her brain. We didn't get the chance to get into the details but it sounds like she doesn't have a lot of time left and wants to leave her children under my care.

And that everything that happened seemed to be a test. She was testing me. The children clearly possessed supernatural abilities and their mom even more.

It was a very interesting dream nonetheless. Quite an adventure really.

Normally, this dream could have easily turned into a nightmare with all the giant-sized spiders around and the fact I have arachnophobia. But somehow, I remained calm throughout the ordeal. I think my curiosity witnessing an incredible creature drowned all my fears away. But to the dream's credit, the spiders weren't so menacing in appearance. They have plump bodies and looked almost cute like a mangy dog. In fact, they do have mangy hairs covering their whole bodies and kinda looked like this spider except, at least the size of a full grown man!

Glad I didn't let fear get hold of me, otherwise I'd never known they prefer eating pretzels than people!

I think this dream is related to scriptures like John 21:17. Jesus said to Peter, "If you love me, feed my sheep". It's the same thing as "Feed my children" or "Take care of my children".

The actual meaning is "speak to them about the truth" or "preach them the truth". Speak to them about the Kingdom of God. Not just some religious dogmas or doctrines people just keep on mindlessly repeating.
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Surprisingly, I can hear one of the giant spiders speak or at least I can read its thoughts telepathically. It sounded like a little girl and talking to the other spider to check if we're really dead. Then they decided to stay inside the van for a while with us in there playing dead.

I'm glad this had a happy ending! Thank you for sharing!
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
Marital Status
I'm glad this had a happy ending! Thank you for sharing!

Yes, it felt a bit scary at first being hunted down by giant spiders. But everything seemed to turn out to be a test.

And whether these giant spiders are actually people or humanoids who simply have a supernatural ability to transform into animals or they really are giant spiders who have supernatural ability to transform into people. I guess I'll never know!

Overall, it's a good dream. There's not one instance we had the feeling of terror except may be for a very brief period when the child spiders were poking our faces to see if we are really dead! But it was only for a very short moment. The rest of the dream was light hearted fun with a good atmosphere of mystery thrown in. I was beginning to interview the elderly spider lady but the dream was cut short, I woke up!:doh:
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