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Forget Jesus!!!! Let's call down the angels!!!!

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No weapons formed against me will prosper.
Aug 15, 2006
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You know what's interesting? Jesus was burnt (more precisely, betrayed) by Judas. And He hardly even took notice.

Perhaps that would make a good topic for a thread...

Ah Mr. Robinson, I'm not talking about "betrayal", I'm talking about being spiritually burnt by supernatural forces of darkness, I'm talking about seducing and deceiving spirits of the occult.

Be blessed in Jesus' Name.
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Aug 16, 2005
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Ah Mr. Robinson, I'm not talking about "betrayal", I'm talking about being spiritually burnt by supernatural forces of darkness, I'm talking about seducing and deceiving spirits of the occult.
So because you were seduced by deceiving spirits of the occult, you think everyone else is too?

And you don't think there was a "supernatural force of darkness" behind Judas? Jesus even called him a devil!
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Feb 18, 2008
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What it often boils down to is that someone has made them uncomfortable. We are happy, we are content, we can cope with where we are and when someone stirs it up we are no longer in control. God doesn't want us to be comfortable. He wants us to have a holy discontent. This means that occasionally we will be moved out of our "comfort zones" into new areas which sometimes we do not understand.

As I said, unfortunately sometimes people cannot cope with this and the way they deal with it is to pull apart the person they disagree with.

Now I will not say that this is always the case or that this is the case with these particular ministers as I do not know them personally. However, I do see a trend all over the net that is to pick and choose areas and push them to the forefront of the issue. They never look at the long term fruit of the person they are "correcting". Nor do they look at all the people who have been blessed by this person, instead claiming that these people have all fallen under the deception of Satan. (Which in itself could be very close to blaspheming the Holy Spirit if the move is from God).

Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, creeps in this petty place from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death.

Here, I'll do something that is a sin in your sight! Todd Bentley is a devil! Todd Bentley is a Demon! Todd Bentley's toenails are uneven! It all just goes on and on, meaninglessness to meaninglessness. Todd is a deceiver, a charlatan, a stage hypnotist with a gimmick that fools the same old gullible people each time the circus comes to town. You talk of fruit. What fruit? This fruit?:

On my way back to my seat I decided to get the lay of the land. To check out the people and see if I could get a better feel for the type of crowd that was present. As I made my way around the floor seats I noticed several wheel chaired individuals, people with various infirmities and some with obvious deformities. Some were old; some were young; like this one little girl with dark hair and angelic smile. Her legs had not formed properly and they hung from the wheelchair motionless but most notable thing about her was the way she brightened up the space around her with her presence. I walked by an old man, slumped over in his chair barely moving. It looked as if he’d had a stroke or something, his wife stood behind him dutifully with rays of hope beaming from her eyes as she looked around expectantly. I saw another man walk by and I caught myself do a double-take as I noticed a large tumor protruding from the right side of his face causing his right eye, nose, and part of his mouth to be distorted by the intrusive mass. As I continued to walk, I noticed more and more chairs and people, all in some need of physical healing, all with the same gleam of hope and air of expectancy. By the time I made it back to my seat I was emotionally exhausted…
The emcee took the stage and delivered a monologue which I would describe as a Bentley promo.
He told a story of how a group of ministers recently said that whenever Bentley came in the room, they could feel the presence of God and that they would often drop to the floor (in typical charismatic type fashion I suppose). My ears perked up at this because I felt he was laying the groundwork for what was to come later. He was literally and blatantly implanting suggestions. I predicted (not prophetically) that Bentley would use these suggestions later to create the desired effect so I quickly jotted down notes. I put myself in Bentley’s shoes and tried to read the crowd. They were not that difficult to read, it was like they were holding up a neon sign that read: “we’ll believe whatever you tell us, but just tell us SOMETHING!” And tell them he did.
A Successful hypnotic induction relies mainly on acceptance by the subconscious mind of the target. “Even under hypnosis this acceptance is not always automatic but rather relies on proper timing, repetition, and delivery. Timing is the single most important element in presenting a suggestion” says the book Mastering Hypnosis.

Snip -----

A few of the testimonies stood out to me, like the woman who claimed she was healed of Fibromyalgia and Rheumatoid arthritis. Or the other woman who said her doctor told her she had cysts in her arms but now they were gone. Another woman insisted that she had a golf ball sized tumor in her neck that disappeared instantly. Still another woman claimed that God healed 18 fibroid cysts in her breasts. The only consistent thing in these testimonies is lack of proof.
I mean, the man I saw earlier with the large facial tumor, wasn’t among those giving testimonials. Why would God only heal occult symptoms and not obvious deformity? I’m calling bs. It may not be these women’s fault either; they were literally hypnotized from the outset. I am quite sure they actually believe they were healed but I am equally sure that an independent physician would not corroborate their claims. I would love to be proven wrong here. That would make me very happy indeed.
A man in a wheelchair with Multiple Sclerosis approached the stage. The staff helped him up and sat him in his chair after he hobbled up the steps. Bentley told him to get up and walk. The man slowly pushed out of his chair and stood. As the man got up he walked toward Bentley and the crowd cheered. But his gait was unsure and his legs weak, typical of MS. He was obviously struggling under the pressure. Bentley told him to remove his back brace and the man did so. It actually made him more unsteady but Bentley told him to walk nonetheless. Again the crowd cheered and Bentley took the opportunity to claim victory for the miracle. But this wasn’t a miracle, it was more likely a simple case of the crowd seeing only what they wanted to see and not questioning the information to the contrary.

snip ----

After that Bentley said that there is an anointing for crippled people in wheelchairs to be healed.
In a bold move Bentley called all those in wheelchairs up to the front of the stage. He said he would pray for them to be healed. Faithfully they came and lined up side by side along the front of the arena.
But they never got prayed for and they never got healed. Bentley left the stage.
I noticed the older man in the wheelchair leaning forward, his wife still behind him, not smiling nearly as much now, but still hanging in there like a faithful companion. I was very close to them and wanted so much to reach down and take the man by the hand and just hang out with them but as the worship band played the crowd grew densely packed and the woman wheeled her husband slowly back to her seat.
I saw the angelic little girl, still lighting the path with her smile, head back to her seat along with all the other wheelchair faithful. They’re the ones that need the miracle. No amount of suggestion can heal them. Hypnosis cannot create body parts or even restore life to them and these folks are the evidence of that. They are also evidence that Bentley’s healing revival is merely a revival of hype with no actual substance. All of the physically impaired individuals with very real and evident medical problems were not healed.
They’re still in their chairs Todd; they’re still in their chairs…..

Ha! They're still in their wheelchairs Todd. They're still in their Wheelchairs, believers!
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Blue Chicken Gives You Horns
May 6, 2005
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Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, creeps in this petty place from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death.

Here, I'll do something that is a sin in your sight! Todd Bentley is a devil! Todd Bentley is a Demon! Todd Bentley's toenails are uneven! It all just goes on and on, meaninglessness to meaninglessness. Todd is a deceiver, a charlatan, a stage hypnotist with a gimmick that fools the same old gullible people each time the circus comes to town. You talk of fruit. What fruit? This fruit?:

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Aug 16, 2005
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Mea Culpa

Regular Member
Mar 18, 2004
Mark 9: 38-39

Jesus Forbids Sectarianism

38 Now John answered Him, saying, “Teacher, we saw someone who does not follow us casting out demons in Your name, and we forbade him because he does not follow us.”
39 But Jesus said, “Do not forbid him, for no one who works a miracle in My name can soon afterward speak evil of Me.
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No weapons formed against me will prosper.
Aug 15, 2006
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So because you were seduced by deceiving spirits of the occult, you think everyone else is too?

And you don't think there was a "supernatural force of darkness" behind Judas? Jesus even called him a devil!

Sorry Mr. Robinson, I forgot I am the only one, and you are not!:thumbsup:

Be blessed in Jesus' Name.
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Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, creeps in this petty place from day to day, to the last syllable of recorded time; and all our yesterdays have lighted fools the way to dusty death.

Here, I'll do something that is a sin in your sight! Todd Bentley is a devil! Todd Bentley is a Demon! Todd Bentley's toenails are uneven! It all just goes on and on, meaninglessness to meaninglessness. Todd is a deceiver, a charlatan, a stage hypnotist with a gimmick that fools the same old gullible people each time the circus comes to town. You talk of fruit. What fruit? This fruit?:

Now, no one said that calling Todd a devil was a sin. You can call him all the silly and imature names you like. What I said was that saying that this "revival" is of the devil could be close to blasphemy of the spirit. Not that it is, just that it could be.


Ok what about the changed lives, people who have been healed. And yes there is proof. Contact their press office they'll be happy to provide you with some. That is one thing they have been meticulous to collect.

What about the hundreds of people brought into the kingdom. The word of God preached to who knows how many countries thanks to the tie up with God TV.

Jesus lifted high, and acknowledged as Lord and King.

I'd call that some pretty good fruit to be honest. Far better than the fruit to be gained sitting on an internet forum sniping at someone who cannot defend themselves.

If you have a problem with Todd, I suggest you talk to one of the members of his ministry. Actually I suggest you watch a few meetings with an open mind, no preconceived ideas. Now I know that that is difficult to do especially when you have already made up your mind that he is of the devil. But pray about it and ask God to open your heart. And actually let him. Don't just sit there fuming about it all the way through. Pray. Spend time with God. You may just learn something.

Ha! They're still in their wheelchairs Todd. They're still in their Wheelchairs, believers!

This is the part of your post that scares me the most. Todd will admit not everyone is healed at every meeting. I don't know why and sometimes we never will, we are not God. But to make jokes, and laugh at people in distress is frankly offensive and you should be ashamed of yourself.

I pray that God will open your eyes, and depen the relationship you have with him. You can disagree with Todd all you like. I just hope that in some way God draws you closer to Him everyday.

God Bless

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