Failed climate predictions from false prophets


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Oct 16, 2023
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Your link to the very organization you touted as representing the scientific community shows less than four-tenths of one percent of them disagree with position statement they posted:
"Research has found a human influence on the climate of the past several decades. Its manifestation includes the warming of the atmosphere and oceans, intensification of the heaviest precipitation over continental areas, increasing upper-ocean acidity, increasing frequency and intensity of daily temperature extremes, reductions in Northern Hemisphere snow and ice, and rising global sea level. The latitudinal and seasonal observations of the surface warming and the observed warming of the troposphere and cooling of the stratosphere are consistent with theoretical expectations from increased concentrations of greenhouse gases.

The increase in global average surface temperature over the past half-century cannot be fully explained by natural climate variability, e.g., responses to Earth’s orbital changes over thousands of years, or natural climate forcing such as from solar or volcanic variability."

You seem to be making my points for me. Or are you now telling me you no longer want to use them as representative of scientist opinion?
The quote you cite seems to say gasses contribute to it. The link I gave said that in the US, the majority do not support man made causes. Connect the dots. The point you missed or avoided was that there is distention in the ranks. Different claims and opinions from science. A house divided
He took a look at factors that would increase atmospheric warming. Only one of them seemed to fit the existing data.
Seemed. Seemed to him...etc. To others it seems another way.
So he predicted what the future would be, using only carbon dioxide content of the atmosphere.
Since that gas was rising, it was bound to be right if a warming trend happened. Just as if some claimed gases were to blame for cooling and a cooling weather trend happened, they would claim bragging rights.
The organization you touted has 13,000 members in the U.S. Only 50 of them dissented from the conclusion of that organization, supporting anthropogenic carbon dioxide as the cause of warming.
Yet the link said otherwise. Guess we better check the links as well as the prophesies here!
Either you or the link is wrong.
Also in 2021, a team led by Mark Lynas had found 80,000 climate-related studies
You seem to be seeking a popularity argument. As if the most votes win. Sorry, the point is dissension and that many were wrong. That is all that matters in a false prophesy thread! You cannot deny there was differences in prophesies or opinions. So just pick who you choose to believe! Who you pick merely tells us your beliefs!
Your prophets just had it wrong. And by this century, there was no longer any debate. The vast majority of climatologists knew that warming is primarily the function of anthropogenic carbon dioxide.
All sorts of prophets had it wrong and all used science in their arguments. Best to believe God and toss out all the opinions of men, who lie for profit, and are easily influenced by Satan and his vile little anti human agenda. Good thing God already told us the future and overrules them all.
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Jan 1, 2024
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The tornados are doing quite well...
"the Lord hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet." (Nahum 1:3)

Screenshot 2024-04-27 7.15.43 PM.png

Screenshot 2024-04-27 7.19.15 PM.png
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The Barbarian

Crabby Old White Guy
Apr 3, 2003
United States
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The quote you cite seems to say gasses contribute to it. The link I gave said that in the US, the majority do not support man made causes.
But you were touting that group as authoritative, and less than four-tenths of one percent of them agree with you. You cans see what the majority says:
"Research has found a human influence on the climate of the past several decades. Its manifestation includes the warming of the atmosphere and oceans, intensification of the heaviest precipitation over continental areas, increasing upper-ocean acidity, increasing frequency and intensity of daily temperature extremes, reductions in Northern Hemisphere snow and ice, and rising global sea level. The latitudinal and seasonal observations of the surface warming and the observed warming of the troposphere and cooling of the stratosphere are consistent with theoretical expectations from increased concentrations of greenhouse gases.

The increase in global average surface temperature over the past half-century cannot be fully explained by natural climate variability, e.g., responses to Earth’s orbital changes over thousands of years, or natural climate forcing such as from solar or volcanic variability."

Your prophets just had it wrong. And by this century, there was no longer any debate. The vast majority of climatologists knew that warming is primarily the function of anthropogenic carbon dioxide.

Best to believe God and toss out all the opinions of men, who lie for profit
Like your prophets with a payroll agenda?

A prominent academic and climate change denier’s work was funded almost entirely by the energy industry, receiving more than $1.2m from companies, lobby groups and oil billionaires over more than a decade, newly released documents show.

Over the last 14 years Willie Soon, a researcher at the Harvard-Smithsonian Centre for Astrophysics, received a total of $1.25m from Exxon Mobil, Southern Company, the American Petroleum Institute (API) and a foundation run by the ultra-conservative Koch brothers, the documents obtained by Greenpeace through freedom of information filings show.

According to the documents, the biggest single funder was Southern Company, one of the country’s biggest electricity providers that relies heavily on coal.

C'mon. Do you think we didn't notice?

Best to believe God and toss out all the opinions of men, who lie for profit
Like your profitable prophet Willie?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 16, 2023
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But you were touting that group as authoritative, and less than four-tenths of one percent of them agree with you. You cans see what the majority says:
No, I was posting a link that claimed the majority of such scientists in the US disagreed man was the main cause. Not whether the international group thinks man contributed in some way. I think man probably makes a contribution. Nothing that we should worry about though.

The increase in global average surface temperature over the past half-century cannot be fully explained by natural climate variability, e.g., responses to Earth’s orbital changes over thousands of years, or natural climate forcing such as from solar or volcanic variability."
So their ability to know what the problem is has limits. Within those limits, the group (presumably outside the US, since the link I posted says the majority there disagree) they are unable to explain the trend using volcanoes and such.
The vast majority of climatologists knew that warming is primarily the function of anthropogenic carbon dioxide.
The smart ones disagree. Plenty of those around as you have learned. Since there is widespread disagreement, then, will you admit that the sum package of opinions and prophesies are fairly worthless (as well as proven wrong in many cases)?
C'mon. Do you think we didn't notice?
"It is a good time to be in the decarbonization business in the United States. The Inflation Reduction Act—with its $374 billion cornucopia of green incentives, subsidies, and grants—was designed to entice private companies to invest in the transition away from fossil fuels. Initial reports already suggest that the IRA may be working. An analysis by American Clean Power, a lobbying group of renewable-energy companies, indicates that even just the anticipation of its bounty catalyzed $40 billion in investments"

Lots of people are on the payroll of the climate agenda. No doubt some businesses being threatened would also hire some scientists to say what they want! After all, it isn't about science, it is about an appearance of science being on your side. If it were about science obviously we would not have the plethora of false prophets exposed, and the unending din and whine of dissent and difference of opinion from science

Pretending that the only ones making money are the ones questioning the blind rush to embrace and worship climate change is less than ridiculous. Your false prophets are making the big money.
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