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    Kristen.NewCreation and FreeinChrist

Eliminating Heart Disease?


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Nov 16, 2011
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I heard a cardiologist on a religious network (famous but I'm not sure it was Crandall or not :( )....

Saying we could all but eliminate heart disease by doing 2 things:

stop eating all wheat products

take vitamin D3

He explained much about the problems with the wheat we are being given and how it's not good for us, GMOs etc., how it was made to be a cheap way to fill the stomachs of starving 3rd world children etc., and he listed some terrible things about today's wheat. (I'm allergic so I used to eat very little anyway.)

I, personally would like to add my thoughts. It's been proven that insulin spikes cause nicks in the arteries, allowing places for plaque build up. Eliminating sugar from your diet...or at best managing it to stay a low even keel... will prevent those nicks.


Soldier of the Lord
Aug 7, 2012
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Think about it. With GMOs and the stripping of the wheat of all nutrients and enriching it in a factory...not so natural sounding is it? I read a study about heart disease and insulin and it talks about how simple carbs like corn syrup (which is in everything) and white bread lack the fiber component found in complex carbs like whole wheat. This causes spikes in insulin which in returns throws the body off balance by requiring more simple carbs to fuel up. The long term effect is insulin resistance which causes fat buildup and as a result, heart problems.

Check out the movie Fathead or research into Keto/Paleo diets for some more info.
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Senior Veteran
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Nov 16, 2011
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Yes corn syrup IS in practically everything... even a can of peaches I bought in "lite syrup" (which I rinse with filtered water anyway) was not peach syrup or juice ... but corn! :doh:

(And now the corn crop fails... so everything will be more expensive. MAYBE God will make them remove the corn from all the products :) )

GMOs are not for human consumption!

I've been checking the "natural" stevia products... and have found only one commercially available (like in your regular supermarket) called sweet leaf. The other stevia products are chemically processed!!! So using them (like using any artificial sweetener) is still bad for your body.

It's a pity that the average person just doesn't have the time to educate themselves on all this...and have to trust what I find to be an unreliable source: FDA.

Also... slightly off topic (but it's my thread!) ... fast food restaurants make sure they put a lot of additives so you crave them
. With all those additives and artificial flavorings, fast food is designed for one thing, to make you crave for more.
7 Reasons to Stop Eating Fast Food Ppt Presentation

But avoiding fast food really is part of the ill-heart.

Makes you wonder if there's any good food "out there" any more eh?
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blah blah blah
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Jul 2, 2006
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I have heard that wheat is good when it is in it's natural form. I just bought some that is 100% whole grain wheat. It is scary to think that every food is bad for us just about. Bought some veggies and fruit today. I hope that is healthy.
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From what I understand there are two well known cardiologist that have found avoiding wheat and other grains, along with taking vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 have resulted in just about the elimination of all cardiac events in their practice.

South Beach diet author, Dr. Agatston has said his patients pretty much have stopped having cardiac events after avoiding grains.

Cardiologist Dr. Davis author of Wheat Belly is another saying the same.

I saw Dr. Davis was on CBS the other day.

"Wheat Belly on CBS This Morning"

Wheat Belly on CBS This Morning | Wheat Belly Blog


I thought Dr. Eades had an interesting historical write up about heart disease and diet. Seems the ancient egyptians, who ate a good deal of bread, had heart disease.

"Books That Changed My Life"

The Blog of Michael R. Eades, M.D.How the Paleo diet helped me validate low-carb dieting
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Aug 31, 2006
Northern Michigan
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Reminds me of Atkins. Also....have any of you seen the movie Fathead? It's a documentary and it goes over heart health, insulin spikes, etc. available on Netflix and Hulu. I just bought a book that was mentioned in the movie, "The heart revolution" by McCully, just started reading it so can't review it yet.
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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2004
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I, personally would like to add my thoughts. It's been proven that insulin spikes cause nicks in the arteries, allowing places for plaque build up. Eliminating sugar from your diet...or at best managing it to stay a low even keel... will prevent those nicks.

Thanks for that information I had not heard about that.

As far as commercial style wheat goes I think it is so far removed from that of biblical days that it is bad for us. Some of the old fashion wheats might be ok like kamut and spelt etc and better if prepared as a well aged sourdough by doing a very long ferment like 24 to 48 hours.

I listen to a lot of articles on wheat and gluten and the harm they cause and get so confused by it all.

I encourage everyone to watch this movie if you have not seen it about GMO's.

It opened my eyes.!!

Genetic Roulette (2012) [Full Documentary] [Video]
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