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Does anyone on here suffer from Fibromyalgia?


I'm His
Jun 13, 2011
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I have it. I was diagnosed last year, but I believe I have had it for at least 3-4 years. Yes, it does suck. I am 38 and stay home now. I am trying a new medicine to see if it helps, savella. I refused lyrica, to many side effects. Well I am not one to take alot of meds too. I have good days and bad days, but something hurts everyday. I am now getting to the point to where my legs crawl and have electric sensations almost everynight. Guess I have the restless leg syndrome too. I am also wondering if I have the myofascial pain, fibro or both. I don't know, the rheumy and neuro said fibro.
I can say since I do not work anymore and that stress has been out of my life and now that I can pace myself I am feeling less pain than last year. Still have the fatigue like crazy though. I also have 3 ruptured discs in my spine, osteoarthritis, bursitis in hips and now I think the bursitis is in my shoulders because they hurt so bad sometimes I can't even pick my arms up. haha, all this at 38. can I say yeehaw. lol
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Nov 23, 2004
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There are several sufferers around the board. I've been diagnosed for about 15 years now. Had full symptoms for a long time before that. Got diagnosed because one doctor decided to not ignore what I said and he said he didn't know what it was but he knew a doctor that would so he sent me to him.

I'm not generally too severe though saying that I have had three times I've been flat on my back for an extended period.
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Aug 8, 2011
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Here's another Fibro friend! I went actually well, until I had a burnout end of last year. That seems to have triggered the FM also and now I defenitely know that I have it, can't forget it for a moment.
But God is Almighty, even though there is no cure, we can keep praying to Him for our healing. I believe he will heal me on His good time!
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BOVGTV - TV For Gamers!
Mar 30, 2002
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I have been told I have Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, and most recently, "100% percent certain that you have Chronic Lyme Disease."

I've really been frustrated with the actual diagnoses Fibromyalgia. I know what it is, but it mirrors the symptoms of so many other illnesses it is ridiculous. Fibro describes widespread MUSCLE pain, but mine is mostly in the entire left side of my head, is CONSTANT (non-stop!) severe pain. However, Fibro lead me to some knowledgeable doctors...

Like I mentioned, the recent diagnoses of Chronic Lyme was interesting. I ended up watching a film, on Netflix, called "Under Our Skin." Naturally, it is depressing, but has some very important information. I know I was bitten by fleas in the past, but ticks? Maybe? I was in Indiana at the time. The antibiotic treatment for Lyme also has a "side effect" called "Herx Reaction," which means the body builds up too much toxins to handle. I've ended up having double the pain, severe fatigue, a terrible sensation of crawling/creeping under my skin, and other things. This meant that I actually DID have something in my system that is possibly a co-infection (I have tested for Lyme and overall was somewhat normal, but it seemed like I have some abnormalities...).

My Mom also has Fibromaylgia. It is both good and bad that I can meet people out here dealing with the same terrible illness; it is bad sense you all even have to suffer from this terrible affliction. I just pray that we can all get some relief.
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I'm His
Jun 13, 2011
Marital Status
I'm frustrated with the diagnosis of fibro too. I don't think they really know what it is. lol. My fibro is getting a little better. I don't wanna talk it up to much, then it will grip me again. I have started savella and so far it takes the edge off. I really don't like taking pills, but I got really tired of the pain. Anything I take for it, just takes the edge off, no full relief. I have alot of problems with joint pain. Feels like every joint aches most of the time. My Rh factor was slightly elevated, and my doctor didn't seem to concerned about it, but how do I know if I am not getting rhuematoid arthritis too. I already have osteoarthritis.
I do pray God will let us find the cause and cure for this. For now, I just have to accept it.

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Dec 5, 2010
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My mother had fibromyalgia, before she died she was always reading this BIG book on what it is and how to deal with it. Im startin to think I have it to. Everything that is wrong with me happens to be a symptom of fibro......my biggest problem is CHRONIC FATIGUE ;(((((((( anyone got any advice on how to deal with chronic fatigue?...
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I'm His
Jun 13, 2011
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Have you had any blood work done lately? I would get your B12 and vitamin D level checked. I found out I was Vit b12 deficient and had to start getting injections which has helped with my fatigue, but hasn't cured it. That's where I would start, and your doctor should check other labs as well just to rule out anything else, just for starters.
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Jul 20, 2009
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I take that back - going to a chiropractor has helped a bit. I cut out gluten hoping that would help but it doesn't. My stomach sure feels better and if I put a bite of gluten in my mouth I am sorry for it later but I wish it would help the aches and fatigue.
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Aug 8, 2011
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Yeah, I hear you all. We hear so many advices, but the big issue with this condition is that one thing or medicine does not necessarily work for all of us!

But - I can tell you, there is one thing that WILL work for all of us!!!!! That is PRAYER...

God Almighty hears and he promised us this in Jeremia 40:31:
" But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk an not faint!"

Let's always wait and put our hope and trust in the Lord!

Take care....
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Dec 5, 2010
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Have you had any blood work done lately? I would get your B12 and vitamin D level checked. I found out I was Vit b12 deficient and had to start getting injections which has helped with my fatigue, but hasn't cured it. That's where I would start, and your doctor should check other labs as well just to rule out anything else, just for starters.

Actually just a few days ago I had some blood drawn but it was just to check my electrolytes...im not sure if that has anything to do with electrolytes. But I will get that checked out! Ill update you..
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Feb 11, 2011
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Hey everyone. I suffer from Fibromyalgia. It really sucks. I was diagnosed in November of 2010. Who else on here has this debilitating disorder?

I do. Ironically out of the three I was diagnosed with it last. I was first diagnosed with Chronic Myofascial Pain, then Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and now Fibromyalgia. Some people think Fibromyalgia and Chronic Myofascial Pain are the same but many think they ar different and so do I. There's some interesting research out there. Yes, there are many things about these illnesses that are difficult. I find that the misnomers concerning them is one of the worst. Because, we already have the illness and all the symptoms to deal with but on top of this we have certain attitudes to contend with and some of these attitudes are among health professionals. If you can find good professionals to work with it makes a significant difference. Hopefully you're able to find some comfort.
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Sep 4, 2011
Issaquah, Washington
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To all...FM/ME/CFS...It is different fo each of us. I have had CFS for a minimum of 24 yrs but not diagnosed until 2003 and then again 2007. I don't know what helps but what doesn't help is lack of sleep, worry and STRESS. I can't seem to rise above the anxiety and continuous stress. My church family doesn't understand and every time I mention my CFS I get told 'don't claim it or you give power to it'. That is why I found this site. I love the Lord with all my heart, but these illnesses exist and interfere with everyday functioning. I am being pushed to be involved in ministries and go to so many different classes at church that I am exhausted. Sorry, needed to vent :( Thanks everyone
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Feb 11, 2011
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To all...FM/ME/CFS...It is different fo each of us. I have had CFS for a minimum of 24 yrs but not diagnosed until 2003 and then again 2007. I don't know what helps but what doesn't help is lack of sleep, worry and STRESS. I can't seem to rise above the anxiety and continuous stress. My church family doesn't understand and every time I mention my CFS I get told 'don't claim it or you give power to it'. That is why I found this site. I love the Lord with all my heart, but these illnesses exist and interfere with everyday functioning. I am being pushed to be involved in ministries and go to so many different classes at church that I am exhausted. Sorry, needed to vent :( Thanks everyone

I've had to be assertive with people concerning different attitudes and misnomers. In my experience, ignoring illness has never made it go away. Some people think these illnesses are psychological and ignoring things is, unfortunately, how some deal with psych. illnesses. Rather ironic. Even if they realize it's not a psych. illness, ignoring illness isn't going to help. If I ignore a dog will it disappear? ... no of course not. Germs, body changes, etc. generally don't just disappear. It's not a cold. Even if it was we need help for colds as well.
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Human Clay

I used to deal with symptoms that were related to Fibromyalgia. I am symptom free, so I do believe we do not have to accept the thought that there is no cure, or hope for that matter. I had to learn a lot to get me to place of healing, but the journey has been so awesome and beautiful seeking out my Father. For me it has been getting to a place of Truth, and the good thing is that Truth has been the same yesterday, today and always.

If you are interested, there is a physician that has had success treating chronic pain as as well as other symptoms. His name is John E Sarno, there is a message board to help as well. TMSHelp Forum - TMSHelp General Forum

He believes, as well as I do that many symptoms can be caused by fear, repressed emotions, thoughts, anger, etc. That was something that I did not want to believe or admit at first. It is amazing what all the bible has to say about health and healing, and I find that to be the most reliable. That living word when it is applied and acted out in our lives and what it does for the mind-body-spirit. Wish you all well and my prayer is that you come to a place of healing. It is not fun being plagued with chronic symptoms. The pain is definitely not all in our our heads, but very real.
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Jul 17, 2005
North Florida
I have statin induced myalgia & nueralgia which began 2 yrs ago. I discontinued statins after 6 mos but pain and lethargy still persist. I take Lyrica and pain rx. Lyrica was hard to handle for a month. I know it works because if I take it an hour or so late, pain starts ramping up in a hurry.

My neurologist says this problem is not uncommon and some folks continue to suffer for many years after ceasing statins. I take hormone replacement treatment which seems to improve my energy and muscle mass, but any vigorous exercise or activity causes muscle soreness within an hour.

Here's a site by a former astronaught/MD who suffered with statins. A lot of info here www.spacedoc.com/ .

I think diet and stress are factors that make it worse. I started juicing vegetables and fruits this past week and I feel significantly better. I am not a vegan but cut out sweets and junk food.
I also receive prayer from church and family.
Will check out the TMSforum site you mentioned.
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Feb 11, 2011
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I have statin induced myalgia & nueralgia which began 2 yrs ago. I discontinued statins after 6 mos but pain and lethargy still persist. I take Lyrica and pain rx. Lyrica was hard to handle for a month. I know it works because if I take it an hour or so late, pain starts ramping up in a hurry.

My neurologist says this problem is not uncommon and some folks continue to suffer for many years after ceasing statins. I take hormone replacement treatment which seems to improve my energy and muscle mass, but any vigorous exercise or activity causes muscle soreness within an hour.

Here's a site by a former astronaught/MD who suffered with statins. A lot of info here www.spacedoc.com/ .

I think diet and stress are factors that make it worse. I started juicing vegetables and fruits this past week and I feel significantly better. I am not a vegan but cut out sweets and junk food.
I also receive prayer from church and family.
Will check out the TMSforum site you mentioned.

Yeah, food and healthy living can make a difference. Healthy physical and emotional living can make a difference ... doesn't make it go away in my experience but it helps with managing balanced living.
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