Do you have a Guardian Angels?


Urban Missionary
Jan 20, 2013
Marital Status
I recently read this blog post about guardian angels. I thought it was really interesting and I guess I wondered what others thought on the subject.
Do you have a guardian angel? If so how do you know?

If you are interested in reading the blog here is the address


Jezebel's bain
May 14, 2012
Marital Status
I recently read this blog post about guardian angels. I thought it was really interesting and I guess I wondered what others thought on the subject.
Do you have a guardian angel? If so how do you know?

If you are interested in reading the blog here is the address

I wouldn't say I have a full time guardian angel but I have had angels appear in times of need.

Here is an example. I was confronting a coven of witches at one of their weekend parties. Many of them had the ability to see into the spiritual realm through a witchcraft ritual they had conducted. Upon leaving, when one of them tried to bless me by her goddess, I rejected any spiritual influences of their 'goddess' or any spirits that served her. I broke out into tongues, prophesied and called on angelic protection for any witchcraft sent against me as well as returning those spirits to the senders 7x. Those that had the form of spiritual vision saw the angel that appeared behind me. I heard it was several stories tall and they were seeing it extend through the roof. They had denied belief in the Christian god but by the time I left acknowledged I just served a different valid deity. Now some of the coven had blessed me upon leaving but some of them had secretly been sending curses. Their own curses rebounded 7x.

Now during the prophecy given it was a warning to following the ways of their goddess and the consequences of doing so. When most of them got arrested for their criminal activities many fell to their knees in repentance. Those that were missed in the arrests attempted to destroy me. I was already across country from their location so they did astral projection to my location to send curses against my life trying to punish me for events. I sensed the spiritual attack and broke out into tongues. An angel appeared and severed their cord back to their bodies and they fled. One of the witches got so scared she went to a Christian friend still at their location and got saved. She then informed her of the two appearances of angels that had come in those times of need. It was the reason she repented. I heard about it 2nd hand from the friend back in California that had led her to the Lord.

Now I did not have any full time angelic protection but apparently had called for that angelic protection directly or via tongues on both those occasions.
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Senior Veteran
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Oct 30, 2006
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yes we do as believers - psa 34:7 "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them."

Psa 91: 11 "For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. 12 They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone."

Heb 1:14 "Are they not all ministering spirits, sent forth to minister for them who shall be heirs of salvation?"

And there are other Scriptures.
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Ariel Gavriel

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Apr 4, 2011
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Oh yes indeed. I have had many encounters with Angelic beings while growing up.

Matthew 18:10 “See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

I cannot count the amount of times I have been saved by their divine intervention. I have also encountered them while in prayer. They are sent forth by God on our behalf.

Bless ya!
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One 4 Him & Him 4 all
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Jun 12, 2009
The land of OZ
United States
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I recently read this blog post about guardian angels. I thought it was really interesting and I guess I wondered what others thought on the subject.
Do you have a guardian angel? If so how do you know?
Though it doesn't actually say "guardian" I think one can assume so.

Matthew 18:10 "See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.

I once went to a deliverance conference and while there the main speaker and I got acquainted. He was an international evangelist and author who spent most of his time ministering and healing in Romania. As we were visiting one morning he asked if I was an 'elder' in our church. I told him no, and that I also figured our pastor would never allow it either. He said it sounds to me like you are doing the 'real work' of an elder, to which I agreed. He then asked if I would want him to anoint me as an elder in 'the church' of God which is International and not just a local gathering. Flabbergasted and honored, I said of course.

We met the next day at his room. When I first got there he told his wife what we were doing. She said I know you, this morning when that small group of men met for 6 AM prayer, I saw a warrior angel beside you. She said I know it was a warrior angel because I'd seen it one time before when I went to the airport to pickup my husband who was returning from Romania. Driving into the airport I met a pickup coming out. And sitting on the fender was 'this' same angel. I was startled and asked the Lord; "What was that?" She said the Lord answered saying; "That was the warrior angel that allowed your husbands plane to land safely." It was an exciting meeting for me.

I have received a number of prophecies in the years since then, and many of them have mentioned being a 'warrior for the Lord' or similar wording with 'warrior' in them. None of these people were from our city or knew me prior. I guess my only question today is whether or not that angel is still around. I see little happening like the years past. Would that also have been the equivalent of 'a guardian angel'...I don't know.
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