Discernment of Spirits Question


Jul 19, 2017
United States
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I have been in great spiritual warfare for the past few weeks. I have just recently began exhibiting the spiritual gift of discernment of spirits. I keep seeing one that I call Dog Face that is black with a, well, dog-like face. I first saw it sitting on the steps of a local church that is close to our house. Then I would see it in our house sometimes. We had manifestations like bed shaking and noises throughout the house.

So then something cool happened to me at an extremely spirit-filled revival I attended. I felt led to the altar, and when the preacher asked me what was wrong, I started crying.
He was like, "Why are you crying?"
I said, "I don't know!!"
Preacher: "Well, are you saved?"
Me: "Yes."
Preacher: "Are you feeling conviction?"
Me: "No."
Preacher: "Ok, so why the tears?"
Me:"I don't know!"
Preacher and the others who were now wondering why I was crying so profusely: "Are you sure you're saved?"
Me: "Yes!"
Preacher: "Do you need to forgive anybody?"
Me: "...probably."

So I realized that I have been harboring unforgiveness in my heart for nine years following an abusive relationship from which I had places bruised so often that I can still see it. I developed major depressive disorder and bulimia. God delivered me from the bulimia after a while (my then fiance, now husband found out and begged me to stop, so I did, and like the Bible says, resist the devil and he will flee). Then I developed trichotillomania which is an obsessive compulsive disorder where the sufferer compulsively pulls their hair out.
And there I was for nine years suffering depression and trichotillomania. I had to quit college twice, and I have been fired from jobs because of my severe depression. I wouldn't go places because I couldn't handle it (and because I had so many bald spots that made me self conscious).

So at revival on July 9th, I went to the altar and forgave that man who hurt me so deeply. That was also the last day I needed my antidepressants. I haven't taken one or needed one since.
No more depression.
No more anxiety.
No more panic attacks.
No more compulsive hair pulling.

I am healed.

And that's when my spiritual gifts really began to wake up. I have always known I was sensitive to things of a spiritual nature, and months ago I realized I was beginning to see them. I didn't see angels until after my healing from depression, but how beautiful they are!

Anyway, I am mainly just wondering if anybody else has seen this dag-faced demon and what's his assignment?

He seems to be common, and he goes when commanded, but he returns after a while even when commanded not to. Since my healing, it is no longer pursuing me, but it has been after my husband. I saw it behind my husband the other night when he was being affected also by a spirit of rage. It sure was enjoying seeing him so angry.
For the record, when I was healed, my husband suddenly started to come under great attacks from the enemy. He was so grumpy, and it was emotionally draining to be near him. Last night we had a big talk and cleared everything up and prayed together.

Who is Dog Face and what does he want?


Acts 2:38
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Feb 7, 2017
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Who is Dog Face and what does he want?
You need to pray in tongues - to pray in the Holy Spirit
only the spiritual power of the indwelling Spirit of God can counteract and renounce the presence
and influence of an evil agent.
Remember the signs that shall follow true believers -
in my name they shall cast out demons, they shall speak with new tongues...
Mark 16:15-20
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I've seen those before, but it's been a long time ago.
Those are unclean spirits that are looking for someone to inhabit and torment. Were I in your shoes I would call a pastor and ask him to bring holy water, to pray a blessing over your house, and to anoint the door posts of your house to keep them out.
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Zoey <3

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Mar 21, 2017
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As Waggles and Pdudgeon have covered my thoughts nearly completely, there is not much to add. Please be careful. I cannot stress this enough. Sometimes things that we want to know are things we really Don't want to know. This, I believe, is one of those cases. Do not dwell on them. Do not acknowledge their existence. Do not try to figure out more about them. These are things that will draw them closer to you. Do not be paranoid either. It will do no good to fear. God is near. All you must do is pray. He will take care of the rest. Stay safe! If you ever need anything feel free to message me. I would love to help!
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
Christian Seeker
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I keep seeing one that I call Dog Face that is black with a, well, dog-like face....

Who is Dog Face and what does he want?


- Protector of tombs
- Embalmer
- Guide of souls
- Weighing of the heart (were you keeping something heavy on the heart?)

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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
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What she is actually seeing the Egyptian god Set, the equivalent of Anubis in Egyptian mythology. Set was the Egyptian version of Satan to the Egyptian priesthood, and associated with violence.

From Wikipedia:

Set /sɛt/ or Seth (/sɛθ/; also spelled Setesh, Sutekh,[1] Setekh, or Suty) is a god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence... In Egyptian mythology, Set is portrayed as the usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris.... Set has also been classed as a trickster deity who, as a god of disorder, resorts to deception to achieve bad ends.

The worship of Set in modern times is virtually synonymous with Satanism:

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Lily of Valleys

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Jun 30, 2017
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Anyway, I am mainly just wondering if anybody else has seen this dag-faced demon and what's his assignment?

He seems to be common, and he goes when commanded, but he returns after a while even when commanded not to. Since my healing, it is no longer pursuing me, but it has been after my husband. I saw it behind my husband the other night when he was being affected also by a spirit of rage. It sure was enjoying seeing him so angry.
For the record, when I was healed, my husband suddenly started to come under great attacks from the enemy. He was so grumpy, and it was emotionally draining to be near him. Last night we had a big talk and cleared everything up and prayed together.

Who is Dog Face and what does he want?

Demons always try to find someone to devour, since you no longer have any grounds for them to attack, they turned to your husband. As long as your whole family submit to God and stand firm in faith, confess to God and repent of any sin that any of you may have, and resist the demons, they will eventually flee from you. I would also suggest you to pray for Jesus Christ's blood to cover your house and your whole family.

“When an impure spirit comes out of a person, it goes through arid places seeking rest and does not find it. Then it says, ‘I will return to the house I left.’ When it arrives, it finds the house unoccupied, swept clean and put in order. Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there." (Matthew 12:43-45)

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

"Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Resist him, standing firm in the faith" (1 Peter 5:8-9)
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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Good work, timewerx. :oldthumbsup: Actually, technically she is probably seeing the Egyptian god Set, the equivalent of Anubis in Egyptian mythology. Set was the Egyptian version of Satan to the Egyptian priesthood, and associated with violence.

From Wikipedia:

Set /sɛt/ or Seth (/sɛθ/; also spelled Setesh, Sutekh,[1] Setekh, or Suty) is a god of the desert, storms, disorder, violence... In Egyptian mythology, Set is portrayed as the usurper who killed and mutilated his own brother Osiris.... Set has also been classed as a trickster deity who, as a god of disorder, resorts to deception to achieve bad ends.

The worship of Set in modern times is virtually synonymous with Satanism:


I think what you mean is that she simply saw the Devil or Satan.

However, Anubis and Set only look similar in drawings but their roles are actually quite different. It's like comparing Charlie Chaplin to Adolf Hitler.

Visions or seeing actual ghosts are often cryptic. They are sometimes the message itself. It's just a matter of interpreting it. As the OP said, she had unforgiveness, a heaviness in the heart which Anubis could represent.
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I think the reasons of anger or unforgiveness are only a symptom of a particular apparition/vision spiritual attack. You can be in complete wholeness of mind and body, storng in your spirit, and still be attacked in your dreams, or as you wake to set the day into a mess, or as you back out of your driveway.

It doesn't make a difference why a spirit attacks, because we are unable to live without giving them cause if we are acting in our own strength. Demons attack without provocation, even without particular purpose in most cases except to make those they attack miserable, which then allows them further ability to oppress the Believer.

None of us are sufficiently righteous to stand alone against them, and we are vulnerable to them except in Yeshua, and through the Ruach haKodesh. No matter the problem, we have to put on the full armour of G-d in every way on a daily basis. Grace is sufficient for us only for each single day, and we have to ask for aid and protection daily, and then live in thankfulness constantly as we receive it.

The way to fight against spirits is given in scripture, though no one uses it consistantly...but I don't think any of us were taught to.

Ephesians 6:14-18 (CJB)
14 Therefore, stand! Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist, put on righteousness for a breastplate,
15 and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom.
16 Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One.
17 And take the helmet of deliverance; along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God;
18 as you pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people.

This description is from GotQuestions.Org:

The first element of our armor is truth (verse 14). This is easy to understand, since Satan is said to be the “father of lies” (John 8:44). Deception is high on the list of things God considers to be an abomination. A “lying tongue” is one of the things He describes as “detestable to Him” (Proverbs 6:16-17). We are therefore exhorted to put on truth for our own sanctification and deliverance, as well as for the benefit of those to whom we witness.

Also in verse 14, we are told to put on the breastplate of righteousness. A breastplate shielded a warrior’s vital organs from blows that would otherwise be fatal. This righteousness is not works of righteousness done by men. Rather, this is the righteousness of Christ, imputed by God and received by faith, which guards our hearts against the accusations and charges of Satan and secures our innermost being from his attacks.

Verse 15 speaks of the preparation of the feet for spiritual conflict. In warfare, sometimes an enemy places dangerous obstacles in the path of advancing soldiers. The idea of the preparation of the gospel of peace as footwear suggests what we need to advance into Satan's territory, aware that there will be traps, with the message of grace so essential to winning souls to Christ. Satan has many obstacles placed in the path to halt the propagation of the gospel.

The shield of faith spoken of in verse 16 makes Satan's sowing of doubt about the faithfulness of God and His Word ineffective. Our faith—of which Christ is “the author and perfecter” (Hebrews 12:2)— is like a golden shield, precious, solid, and substantial.

The helmet of salvation in verse 17 is protection for the head, keeping viable a critical part of the body. We could say that our way of thinking needs preservation. The head is the seat of the mind, which, when it has laid hold of the sure gospel hope of eternal life, will not receive false doctrine or give way to Satan’s temptations. The unsaved person has no hope of warding off the blows of false doctrine because he is without the helmet of salvation and his mind is incapable of discerning between spiritual truth and spiritual deception.

Verse 17 interprets itself as to the meaning of the sword of the Spirit—it is the Word of God. While all the other pieces of spiritual armor are defensive in nature, the sword of the Spirit is the only offensive weapon in the armor of God. It speaks of the holiness and power of the Word of God. A greater spiritual weapon is not conceivable. In Jesus' temptations in the desert, the Word of God was always His overpowering response to Satan. What a blessing that the same Word is available to us!

In verse 18, we are told to pray in the Spirit (that is, with the mind of Christ, with His heart and His priorities) in addition to wearing the full armor of God. We cannot neglect prayer, as it is the means by which we draw spiritual strength from God. Without prayer, without reliance upon God, our efforts at spiritual warfare are empty and futile. The full armor of God—truth, righteousness, the gospel, faith, salvation, the Word of God, and prayer—are the tools God has given us, through which we can be spiritually victorious, overcoming Satan’s attacks and temptations.

Casting out demons is helpful, as is casting out a house, praying against evil of all kinds, but in reality, until we start walking as Yeshua wanted us to...in truth of thought and word, and acting to the best of our ability in obedience we will be wide open to attack. We need to walk under the covering of Yeshua's righteousness by being in obedience to G-d. We need to prepare ourselves for constant battle by doing battle, and bringing some light into the darkness all around us at the very least by our conduct.

We need to spend time washing our minds in the Word by reading and studying the Scriptures with every help available. We need to spend our free moments singing, memorizing Scriptures that are defensive and offensive, just as if we are about to raise the sword of our tongue against the enemy. And we need to spend the moments regularly asking not merely for deliverance, but for the strength to speak and act against the mountains that stand in the way of all of us.

Visions and dreams are going to become commonplace for most of us, because it is getting darker by the day, and the divide between ourselves and the spirits of evil is under attack constantly around us, and gives way more and more readily to those that wish to do us harm. We will be under growing, repetitive attack as these times go forward to the day of Yeshua's return. We cannot haphazardly guess at how to understand what is going on, even though it is fascinating to see all of the past legends and mythology on the planet step forth into daylight, no longer hesitant to be seen.

Just like anything else...make a plan, and follow it. Decide to speak the truth of G-d in gentleness, to be honest with yourself and others in kindness about what is going on around us. Resolve to pray, study, sing, and then speak out against everything that is negative in your lives. The demons are only a part of this. In the increasing chaos around us we have to keep our eyes on the narrow path, and then walk out our day in gladness, by faith, and not by sight.
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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
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I think what you mean is that she simply saw the Devil or Satan.

No. I was mentioning Set worship as Satanism to draw a connection to the demonic.
However, Anubis and Set only look similar in drawings but their roles are actually quite different. It's like comparing Charlie Chaplin to Adolf Hitler.


From The Gods of the Egyptians, by E.A. Wallis Budge.
"The fusion of Horus with Anubis was a political expedient on the part of the priesthood who, finding no room in their system for the old god of the dead, identified him with a form of Horus, just as they had done with his father Set, and then mingled the attributes of the two gods." (Volume 2, P.265)

Egypt had a long history, and the two gods were eventually fused into one.
Visions or seeing actual ghosts are often cryptic. They are sometimes the message itself. It's just a matter of interpreting it. As the OP said, she had unforgiveness, a heaviness in the heart which Anubis could represent.

The Op is being confronted by a strong presence, and what she needs is accuracy in defining what that presence is. And the nature of a spirit is in how it manifests itself:
Since my healing, it is no longer pursuing me, but it has been after my husband. I saw it behind my husband the other night when he was being affected also by a spirit of rage. It sure was enjoying seeing him so angry. ... Who is Dog Face and what does he want?

Set is a spirit of violence, and the roots of violence are anger and rage.
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the village i--o--t--
Aug 31, 2012
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The Op is being confronted by a strong presence, and what she needs is accuracy in defining what that presence is. And the nature of a spirit is in how it manifests itself:

Not every "otherworldly" thing is a separate, independent entity.

I have lots of experience with the matter. Sometimes, it is simply a message, nothing more.

Anubis has been associated with a weighing scale which signifies the spiritual condition of the heart. The OP mentioned having a problem with unforgiveness and that's pretty much it.
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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
Lafayette, LA
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Not every "otherworldly" thing is a separate, independent entity.

I have lots of experience with the matter. Sometimes, it is simply a message, nothing more.

Anubis has been associated with a weighing scale which signifies the spiritual condition of the heart. The OP mentioned having a problem with unforgiveness and that's pretty much it.

Then we disagree, and very strongly.
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Jul 19, 2017
United States
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Thank you all for the answers. I am still praying and asking the Lord for wisdom and guidance.
I woke up this morning and felt peace about the whole situation.

A few days ago, I felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit to do like Joshua did to overtake Jericho.
The first night we took oil and poured it around our house. As we walked, I could see the demons getting upset. They did not like it at all.
That night is when my husband and I talked it all out and prayed. I told him about the instructions to walk around the house, and asked if he would like to join. So the second night we all walked together as a family.
He feels like we should fast during this time as well, so we are doing that.
We are cleansing this place!!

I still would like to figure out what exactly dog face is though. If I ever see it again in another battle, I want to know how he plays, lol.

Thank you all!
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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
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He feels like we should fast during this time as well, so we are doing that.

Amen. :oldthumbsup:

I am fasting and praying right now also (finally), so I'll include in some prayers for you and your family as well.

God bless, Misty Misty. And thanks for bringing this issue to CF so we could pray for you. :wave:
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Hidden In Him

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Jan 7, 2017
Lafayette, LA
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I still would like to figure out what exactly dog face is though. If I ever see it again in another battle, I want to know how he plays, lol.

Misty, the Lord just showed the rest of the picture just now, and I thought you might want to know.
Let me first quote your words again, and then explain:
I keep seeing one that I call Dog Face that is black with a, well, dog-like face. I first saw it sitting on the steps of a local church that is close to our house. Then I would see it in our house sometimes. We had manifestations like bed shaking and noises throughout the house....

So I realized that I have been harboring unforgiveness in my heart for nine years following an abusive relationship from which I had places bruised so often that I can still see it....

So at revival on July 9th, I went to the altar and forgave that man who hurt me so deeply. That was also the last day I needed my antidepressants. I haven't taken one or needed one since.

... Since my healing, it is no longer pursuing me, but (now) it has been after my husband. I saw it behind my husband the other night when he was being affected also by a spirit of rage. It sure was enjoying seeing him so angry ...Who is Dog Face and what does he want?

You see the progression here? This spirit is a spirit of violence, and it was operating through your former partner in the previous years to attack you physically, so badly that you still have the bruises to show for it. But when you forgave him in your heart at the altar, suddenly its purposes were defeated in trying to keep you bound by fear and depression. So now the spirit has switched to your new husband, and is trying to incite him to violence and rage now. God allowed you to see this spirit outside the church on the steps because it is now looking for a new home, so your husband needs to resist the same spirit of anger and violence that came upon your former partner in the past.

Does that witness to you?
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Oct 28, 2010
United States
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I have been in great spiritual warfare for the past few weeks. I have just recently began exhibiting the spiritual gift of discernment of spirits. I keep seeing one that I call Dog Face that is black with a, well, dog-like face. seen this dag-faced demon and what's his assignment?
Who is Dog Face and what does he want?
Your own immagination rought on by maniac depression. A devil does not exist. Read the Bible. Your fault lies within you and you must forgive yourself first, then others and the dog will disappear. The Bible says the unfolding of God's word gives light and it give understanding to the simple. Ps. 119:130 NIV
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Jun 18, 2012
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I have been in great spiritual warfare for the past few weeks. I have just recently began exhibiting the spiritual gift of discernment of spirits. I keep seeing one that I call Dog Face that is black with a, well, dog-like face. I first saw it sitting on the steps of a local church that is close to our house. Then I would see it in our house sometimes. We had manifestations like bed shaking and noises throughout the house.

So then something cool happened to me at an extremely spirit-filled revival I attended. I felt led to the altar, and when the preacher asked me what was wrong, I started crying.
He was like, "Why are you crying?"
I said, "I don't know!!"
Preacher: "Well, are you saved?"
Me: "Yes."
Preacher: "Are you feeling conviction?"
Me: "No."
Preacher: "Ok, so why the tears?"
Me:"I don't know!"
Preacher and the others who were now wondering why I was crying so profusely: "Are you sure you're saved?"
Me: "Yes!"
Preacher: "Do you need to forgive anybody?"
Me: "...probably."

So I realized that I have been harboring unforgiveness in my heart for nine years following an abusive relationship from which I had places bruised so often that I can still see it. I developed major depressive disorder and bulimia. God delivered me from the bulimia after a while (my then fiance, now husband found out and begged me to stop, so I did, and like the Bible says, resist the devil and he will flee). Then I developed trichotillomania which is an obsessive compulsive disorder where the sufferer compulsively pulls their hair out.
And there I was for nine years suffering depression and trichotillomania. I had to quit college twice, and I have been fired from jobs because of my severe depression. I wouldn't go places because I couldn't handle it (and because I had so many bald spots that made me self conscious).

So at revival on July 9th, I went to the altar and forgave that man who hurt me so deeply. That was also the last day I needed my antidepressants. I haven't taken one or needed one since.
No more depression.
No more anxiety.
No more panic attacks.
No more compulsive hair pulling.

I am healed.

And that's when my spiritual gifts really began to wake up. I have always known I was sensitive to things of a spiritual nature, and months ago I realized I was beginning to see them. I didn't see angels until after my healing from depression, but how beautiful they are!

Anyway, I am mainly just wondering if anybody else has seen this dag-faced demon and what's his assignment?

He seems to be common, and he goes when commanded, but he returns after a while even when commanded not to. Since my healing, it is no longer pursuing me, but it has been after my husband. I saw it behind my husband the other night when he was being affected also by a spirit of rage. It sure was enjoying seeing him so angry.
For the record, when I was healed, my husband suddenly started to come under great attacks from the enemy. He was so grumpy, and it was emotionally draining to be near him. Last night we had a big talk and cleared everything up and prayed together.

Who is Dog Face and what does he want?

on the one hand, there should be no unfounded anger, on the other hand, the cry should not be the foundation of faith, because the devil looks for/seeks weaknesses in the character of man (if the true Holy Spirit makes you cry, then i can't/don't say it is unnatural or bad, but i know even from experience there has been some trick of the devil to entangle people in weaknesses, i found such a phenomenon in some protestant churches - worshipers were spiritually entangled in blindness and delusion through weakness of weeping/sorrow), so the discernment of spirits must not be based on judgment according to outward signs, because we have rather to know what is the real cause or even the cause of the causes, why?!, for example, let's say, God forbid, someone suffers from schizophrenia, and psychiatrists say the problem is caused by physical(environmental or genetic) factors and that person must be treated with antipsychotic medication or electroshock, but the patient doesn't get (much) better even after years of such therapy, and at some point Jesus Himself appears somehow(He/God knows exactly how) and says that the problem is spiritual and He casts the spirit that causes schizophrenia in that person out of them and they are completely and permanently cured of schizophrenia, so the cause of the causes has always been spiritual since the day of the Fall, but people have sought the causes of the problems somehow outwardly... - or what if we expel the spirits of all forms of sexuality from humans, but don't expel the spirits of all kinds of evilness from them?!, or what if humans become asexual but remain actuated by haughtiness, avarice, arrogance, hatred, violence, malice, aggression, etc.?!

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Sep 22, 2011
United Kingdom
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I have been in great spiritual warfare for the past few weeks. I have just recently began exhibiting the spiritual gift of discernment of spirits. I keep seeing one that I call Dog Face that is black with a, well, dog-like face. I first saw it sitting on the steps of a local church that is close to our house. Then I would see it in our house sometimes. We had manifestations like bed shaking and noises throughout the house.

So then something cool happened to me at an extremely spirit-filled revival I attended. I felt led to the altar, and when the preacher asked me what was wrong, I started crying.
He was like, "Why are you crying?"
I said, "I don't know!!"
Preacher: "Well, are you saved?"
Me: "Yes."
Preacher: "Are you feeling conviction?"
Me: "No."
Preacher: "Ok, so why the tears?"
Me:"I don't know!"
Preacher and the others who were now wondering why I was crying so profusely: "Are you sure you're saved?"
Me: "Yes!"
Preacher: "Do you need to forgive anybody?"
Me: "...probably."

So I realized that I have been harboring unforgiveness in my heart for nine years following an abusive relationship from which I had places bruised so often that I can still see it. I developed major depressive disorder and bulimia. God delivered me from the bulimia after a while (my then fiance, now husband found out and begged me to stop, so I did, and like the Bible says, resist the devil and he will flee). Then I developed trichotillomania which is an obsessive compulsive disorder where the sufferer compulsively pulls their hair out.
And there I was for nine years suffering depression and trichotillomania. I had to quit college twice, and I have been fired from jobs because of my severe depression. I wouldn't go places because I couldn't handle it (and because I had so many bald spots that made me self conscious).

So at revival on July 9th, I went to the altar and forgave that man who hurt me so deeply. That was also the last day I needed my antidepressants. I haven't taken one or needed one since.
No more depression.
No more anxiety.
No more panic attacks.
No more compulsive hair pulling.

I am healed.

And that's when my spiritual gifts really began to wake up. I have always known I was sensitive to things of a spiritual nature, and months ago I realized I was beginning to see them. I didn't see angels until after my healing from depression, but how beautiful they are!

Anyway, I am mainly just wondering if anybody else has seen this dag-faced demon and what's his assignment?

He seems to be common, and he goes when commanded, but he returns after a while even when commanded not to. Since my healing, it is no longer pursuing me, but it has been after my husband. I saw it behind my husband the other night when he was being affected also by a spirit of rage. It sure was enjoying seeing him so angry.
For the record, when I was healed, my husband suddenly started to come under great attacks from the enemy. He was so grumpy, and it was emotionally draining to be near him. Last night we had a big talk and cleared everything up and prayed together.

Who is Dog Face and what does he want?

I have been in great spiritual warfare for the past few weeks. I have just recently began exhibiting the spiritual gift of discernment of spirits. I keep seeing one that I call Dog Face that is black with a, well, dog-like face. I first saw it sitting on the steps of a local church that is close to our house. Then I would see it in our house sometimes. We had manifestations like bed shaking and noises throughout the house.

So then something cool happened to me at an extremely spirit-filled revival I attended. I felt led to the altar, and when the preacher asked me what was wrong, I started crying.
He was like, "Why are you crying?"
I said, "I don't know!!"
Preacher: "Well, are you saved?"
Me: "Yes."
Preacher: "Are you feeling conviction?"
Me: "No."
Preacher: "Ok, so why the tears?"
Me:"I don't know!"
Preacher and the others who were now wondering why I was crying so profusely: "Are you sure you're saved?"
Me: "Yes!"
Preacher: "Do you need to forgive anybody?"
Me: "...probably."

So I realized that I have been harboring unforgiveness in my heart for nine years following an abusive relationship from which I had places bruised so often that I can still see it. I developed major depressive disorder and bulimia. God delivered me from the bulimia after a while (my then fiance, now husband found out and begged me to stop, so I did, and like the Bible says, resist the devil and he will flee). Then I developed trichotillomania which is an obsessive compulsive disorder where the sufferer compulsively pulls their hair out.
And there I was for nine years suffering depression and trichotillomania. I had to quit college twice, and I have been fired from jobs because of my severe depression. I wouldn't go places because I couldn't handle it (and because I had so many bald spots that made me self conscious).

So at revival on July 9th, I went to the altar and forgave that man who hurt me so deeply. That was also the last day I needed my antidepressants. I haven't taken one or needed one since.
No more depression.
No more anxiety.
No more panic attacks.
No more compulsive hair pulling.

I am healed.

And that's when my spiritual gifts really began to wake up. I have always known I was sensitive to things of a spiritual nature, and months ago I realized I was beginning to see them. I didn't see angels until after my healing from depression, but how beautiful they are!

Anyway, I am mainly just wondering if anybody else has seen this dag-faced demon and what's his assignment?

He seems to be common, and he goes when commanded, but he returns after a while even when commanded not to. Since my healing, it is no longer pursuing me, but it has been after my husband. I saw it behind my husband the other night when he was being affected also by a spirit of rage. It sure was enjoying seeing him so angry.
For the record, when I was healed, my husband suddenly started to come under great attacks from the enemy. He was so grumpy, and it was emotionally draining to be near him. Last night we had a big talk and cleared everything up and prayed together.

Who is Dog Face and what does he want?
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Sep 22, 2011
United Kingdom
Marital Status
quote Preacher: "Do you need to forgive anybody?"
Me: "...probably."

My beloved brother in Jesus Christ, if you find it hard to forgive, pray to God and ask for his Grace so you can forgive others. Pray for the people who caused you to feel pain and hurt. always Pray for these people.

The Vital Importance Of Forgiving Others
Importance Of Forgiving UNforgiveness Forgive To Be Forgiven
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