Dehumanizing Stereotypes


The Artist Formerly Known as RegularGuy
Mar 31, 2007
United States
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Please truth is always helpful. Typos are just zeal in print. You'll never prove gay sex is for Christians.

Typos are actually signs of human fallibility.

Gay sex is for gay people. Christian gay people should exercise ethical responsibility before God.

By the way, you called my original post a straw man. I've asked you to show your work. I'm asking again. If you have forgotten the points I made I will reiterate them in concise form:

1. Stereotyping dehumanizes the other, making it easier to hate, enslave and even kill him.

2. I have seen stereotypes of gays in this forum. I gave one example.

3. I ask what other stereotypes are at play here and why.

Secular, humanistic and pagan and godless. Notice "who" supports gays even here. Pagans, Atheists, Liberals, Progressives, and fellow homosexuals. Not one Apostle though. And Jesus, we know His immutable stance on what (or rather, who) constitutes a marriage.

When you paint with such a broad brush, you are bound to spatter your self. In a discussion about divorce, Jesus invoked a verse from Genesis which described a norm of marriage. Neither Jesus nor Genesis prescribe that norm as Scriptures describe other forms of marriage without prescribing them.

It's not two guys OR, two girls. "God" didn't design it that way.

I wonder why you found it necessary to put the word God in quotes.

Of course it appears the Jesus said that not everyone has to agree with Him. But I'm thinking the Apostles did. And, it's clear from their writings, they did.

What say ye?

I say that the Apostles were spiritual giants and that you do well to agree with them in matters of the spirit. I also say that they lived in a distant, pre-scientific time. Their understanding of sexuality (as well as things like cosmology, geography and medicine) was limited compared to ours.

Only in Churches that alter the ruth and preach "another Gospel." Not one Apostle presented anything even remotely gay affirming. And Jesus, His view on marriage as a man and a woman is immutable. That "gay marriage "will "enter the world" is no surprise at all.

My church teaches a gospel of justification by grace through faith apart from works of the law. What've you got?

Not in Liberal Churches. Pretty buildings yes, but repenting sinners? Especialy Gay ones? That isn;t happening. Affirmation and appoval of sin is what is happening. Believe me, the buildings you guys can have. Rust and moths and all.

I assume that you also worship in a building. I know that the building is only a building, that the church is an assembly. I am sure that you do not know my heart, or the hearts of anyone else you brand as 'liberal Christian.' You have my witness concerning my repentance. You may accept it or not. Either way is of no consequence to me.

Churches are targeted as were the public schools. It is a very well laid out agenda. Powers and principalities run. Ever read Michaal Swift's little joke? Someone in the Gay anti-Christian world took it seriously.

I think, rather, that Swift's "little joke" has been taken seriously by the anti-Gay Christians. Parody and sarcasm are a dangerous form. They are too easily taken amiss.

If you recommend it to the "Gay Christians" over at Soulforce, they will ban you from the website.

Interesting folks over at Soulforce. I think they have good reason to be a bit gunshy about those who bash them for their inborn orientation, demand that they "repent" of it, and then blame then when their repentance does not lead to a change of that orientation.

On the other hand, if you talk to them about sin and repentance without invoking their orientation it might make an interesting conversation.

It seems to suggest that a different approach, one that is open and respectful, might work better.

Well I'll take YOUR authority under consideration. Geez, thanks. I just agree with the Apostles. As did the original converts to the faith delivered only once to the Saints.

Just as I take your authority under consideration. Everything you say, including your appeals to authority, are based, finally, in your reason, your opinion and your worldview. See my comment above concerning cosmology and medicine. Do you agree with the Apostles that the sun revolves around the earth?

Only repentance and the forgiveness of sins gets one into the kingdom. I have never condemned anyone in any thread I have posted in. I do however, judge words and deeds.

I'd say that only Christ can get one into the kingdom. I would also say that God is judge.

You mean like before nuclear and smart bombs?

If you will. It was also before antibiotics, computers, automobiles, electricity, water treatment facilities, indoor plumbing...

All blessings are mixed blessings.

The Agenda has gone from Neitzsche to Elton John. From the hippy sixties to the Hippies now being our Judges making new laws. From a "gay lifestyle" to gay marriage. From we just don't want to get beat up, to forcing every single person on earth to affirm gay sex or suffering legal consequences. The Gay Agenda in action. Or rather, activism.

All I can say is that I do not share your world view. What you call "forcing every single person on earth to affirm gay sex" I see as having legal protection to prevent needless discrimination against those who have an innate attraction to the same sex.

Potato. Po-tah-to.

Yet, if you ask "Gays" to go and sin no more, you could face criminal charges. There is nothing contrite in the gay culture.

Let's see, saying that gay sex is a sin, is still protected free speech. Denying gay people equal opportunities for housing and employment, is illegal discrimination.

Of course. It means following the Christian agenda to do that. There is most definately a Gay Agenda. It is verifiable every single day. Especially in our school system. It has "progressed" past just rights and into (of course) indoctrination and recruitment.

Recruitment. There's one of those stereotypes. Let me ask, would recruitment work on you? Do you think you could be recruited into homosexuality? I'm quite sure I couldn't.

Far more than dozens. Judes letter and Peters could be used just about from begining to end. Gay sex is antithetical to Christian life. No matter the neologism.

Jude is a tract against heretical teachers. I think the best we can say concerning them is that they were enthusiasts and antinomians. To read Jude and Peter as being directed against "gay religiosity" is eisegesis.

About that neologism...who first applied the word "gay" to homosexuals?

Start a new thread and we'll go at it there. So many places in the New Testament can be used to show gay sex as incompatible with a Christian life, that I would need much more space to post them. I started a thread in morality and ethics to deal with gay theology of five places they use. I usually leave Paul alone. His "clobber passages" against gay sex are too easy to use. paul knew all about same-gender sex acts, and he was no wimp about detailing its inappropriateness for Christians to engage in.

I'll consider starting that thread, though I have a feeling that I know how it would go. You'd post some passage that I consider irrelavent to the topic. I'd say so. You'd deny it. And we'd go through dozens of passages that way. As it is, this thread is taking more of my time than I like.

The entire New Testament is far more than five fingers. Not one place where gay sex is supported and many places where it is opposed.

The entire NT contains three passages dealing directly with same-sex activity. Two are ambiguous. One is quoted out of context. Any other passages you may cite are at best tangential to the subject and probably involve eisegesis.

Hmm, you think that is going to work on me and Christians that know what's up? Jude talks about "Gay religious leaders," quite vividly. You know it and I know it.

There is a reason why the Gay Agenda desires the word "marriage." Peter talks very much to and against what we call now: gay sex. Leaving the world and its ways. Notice he mentions old freinds mocking the convert?

I don't think anything is going to work on you except the Holy Spirit. I don't post here to change your mind, only to present an opposing viewpoint. I suspext that you don't really expect to change my mind either. Jude says nothing about "gay religious leaders." It would be surprising if he did, since "gay religious leaders" is a neologism.

You make a stand like you are here to correct me, and you put words in my mouth? (I am not straw.) I just agree with the Apostles. They (also) disagree with the4 Gay Agenda. Now, as they did then.

I am a Christian. I disagree with you. If I have put words in your mouth, I apologize. But I will press this point: have you ever once refered to someone who disagrees with you on the subject of homosexuality as a Christian without some qualifier?

You agree with your interpretation of the Apostles. I have spoken to this above.

And you are free to follow gay heresy wherever it is comfortable to practice it. But, it will never be in "the" Christian Church. No matter your political proclamation above. You may have an address or two to affirm gay sex and its practioners, but it will be in buildings with people that alter and devalue the scriptures. You have not one Apostolic voice supporting gay sex for Christians. You may have Spong and Crossan, and many atheists and pagans on your side (as evidenced here at this site), but the New Testament witness is not on your side.

You do not speak for "the" Christian Church. You speak for a subsect of it at best, as do Spong and Crossan. I am not interested in devaluing or altering the Scriptures, only in understanding them as well as the tools at my disposal allow.

Your interpretation of the New Testament witness is not on my side. Oddly enough, my interpretation of the New Testament witness is not on your side.

Hmm, I'm sorry, what was it you wrote above?

"The Christians among them are asking for full inclusion in the life of the Church. Both of these things seem to stand a pretty good chance of happening."

It will never happen. You have to use a "different Gospel," for gay sex and "gay marriage" to be approved of in a so-called Church.

Not in your church, maybe. That's OK. We'll let Jesus sort it out in the end. I have a feeling we're both in for some surprises.

There is nothing straw like at all in liberals. They disregard Biblical truth every time it disagrees with their anti-Christian statements and beliefs. Like say "gay marriage."

There's a great deal of straw in your depiction of liberals.

That doesn't look likely for Christians that dare oppose the Gay Agenda.

Then my peace will return to me. Thank you.
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I will fear no evil for You are with me
Mar 27, 2007
On the bus to Heaven
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Homosexuality is a irrefutable fact of life. It's not a free choice, ever. It can be a choice, but not a free one. Those of you who accept evolution due to the evidence, consider this, there is just as much evidence that there are no free decisions.

Funny how there is quite a rift in the scientific world regarding homosexuality. It is also funny that evolution is just a theory since it is yet to be proven. I would say that the use of 'irrefutable" is premature.
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Aug 20, 2008
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Funny how there is quite a rift in the scientific world regarding homosexuality. It is also funny that evolution is just a theory since it is yet to be proven. I would say that the use of 'irrefutable" is premature.

The disagreement in the scientific community about homosexuality is the degree to which environment and genes determine sexuality. Science never considers magical theories like "Free-will" as valid variables.

A scientific theory is not a colloquial "theory".
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Aug 20, 2008
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Funny how there is quite a rift in the scientific world regarding homosexuality. It is also funny that evolution is just a theory since it is yet to be proven. I would say that the use of 'irrefutable" is premature.

The disagreement in the scientific community about homosexuality is the degree to which environment and genes determine sexuality. Science never considers magical theories like "Free-will" as valid variables.

A scientific theory is not a colloquial "theory".
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When given the option, choose love and compassion
Jan 30, 2008
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In Relationship
Funny how there is quite a rift in the scientific world regarding homosexuality. It is also funny that evolution is just a theory since it is yet to be proven. I would say that the use of 'irrefutable" is premature.

...citation needed...
Do you work in the scientific community? Where is it that you've seen this rift within scientists that study the subject?
As neuron stated, there is disagreement about when and how it happens, but 'choice by the individual' or 'coddling by the parents' aren't anywhere close to it. It is more like
-biological effects in the womb
-genetically inherited trait
-interaction between genes

It is all happening at a biological level well beyond the perception of control of any parent or individual.

The issue is further complicated by the psychology of sexuality which is incredibly complex. Though this is more about how sexuality is expressed, rather than what your sexuality is in general. This is where 'Ex-Gays' come in. There are people that have chosen to not act on their sexuality or even act contrary to their sexuality. This does not CHANGE their sexuality, only their behavior.
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Funny how there is quite a rift in the scientific world regarding homosexuality. It is also funny that evolution is just a theory since it is yet to be proven. I would say that the use of 'irrefutable" is premature.
The idea that sickness and disease is caused by living organisms to tiny to be seen with the naked eye is just a theory.
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Senior Member
Jul 2, 2007
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<Warning Off-topic. Replying to a de-railled portion of the thread>

That is why I prefer the word model to the word theory. A model is useful in understanding the thing modeled, as long as the limitations of the model are understood. It also allows for the acceptance of things that do not fit the model.

For example, the classic theories about flight cannot account for the bumblebee. The bumblebee is accepted as a real, observable phenomenon, but it is outside the model of the classic theories.

Likewise classic Newtonian physics have limitations when you get to extremely high velocities or extremely small distances. The models of relativity and quantum mechanics have superceded it in those areas, respectively. But within the range in which Newton developed his model, the results you get from relativity compared to Newton are closer than the margin of error in the measuring devices, and since the math involved is easier, Newto is still the rule, rather than Einstein.

All scientific models (or theories if you insist) are attempts to understand the laws of nature. So, just as the bumblebee is set aside until a newer model can include it, the supernatural and especially miracles are put aside, albeit permanently. This is in no way a statement of disbelief in miracles or in the supernatural, but by it's very nature the supernatural is outside (or "above") nature, and not a part of the natural laws being modeled.

Evolution is a model of taxonomy* over time. Nothing more, nothing less.

While some of the views of individual scientists may approach the straw man that "Darwinism" has become in some Christian circles, that is a reflection of their personal beliefs, not an aspect of science, or of any scientific models (including evolution).

*Taxonomy is the scientific model where you look at the similarities among dogs, wolves and foxes, and between lions, tigers, and panthers, and the differences between them and label the one group canines and the other felines. When I say that evolution is taxonomy over time, I mean that we see that there was a time when there were canines and felines that no longer exist, and an even earlier time when there were neither canines nor felines as we know them , but there were creatures with canine-like features and others with feline-like features, but which did not bdiffer from one another as much as modern canines and felines do. Fitting these creatures into the model which is taxonomy is the whole purpose and existence of evolution. Nothing more.
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