Dehumanizing Stereotypes


The Artist Formerly Known as RegularGuy
Mar 31, 2007
United States
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In times of war the enemy is often stereotyped in dehumanizing ways. Look at the cartoon depictions of the Japanese from World War II. They were pictured as small, simian, slant-eyed, buck-toothed. They wore little round glasses. They were sneaky. They were called “nips” among other things. The popular media of the day resurrected the old racist fears of the “yellow peril.”

It was a little harder to stereotype the Germans. They were racially similar to the majority of white Americans. But they, too, were depicted in stereotypical ways: loud, stupid, rigid.

And these dehumanizing stereotypes served a purpose. It made the enemy easier to hate, easier to kill.

In the days of the slave trade in America, and in the Jim Crow south, people of African descent were stereotyped . Some of those stereotypes are still in play in some sectors. Child-like, ape-like, slow, stupid, criminal, shiftless, oversexed, dependent. I could probably list a dozen demeaning names for blacks, but I won’t.

These stereotypes also served a purpose. They made it easier to enslave and oppress African-Americans. As the Apostle Paul knew, it is hard to treat a brother as a slave. Creating stereotypes of those who are unlike ourselves allows us to make scapegoats of minorities and allows us to feel better about ourselves. It serves a purpose. A dark, twisted purpose.

I have noticed a lot of dehumanizing stereotypes of gay people at work in some of the posts in this forum. This was particularly brought home to me in the thread about the Sin of Sodom where the mob of men who wanted to “know” the angels lodging at Lot’s house were depicted as typical homosexuals, as if all homosexuals want to have violent group sex in the open streets. I have seen gay people depicted as dirty, depraved, diseased, child molesting and hypersexualized. Gays are depicted as lacking self-control, being morally bankrupt, and incapable of being Christians. Gays are, in other words, are stereotyped as something less than fully human.

My question: what stereotypes of gay people have you seen in this forum and what purposes do you think they serve?


Apr 30, 2008
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In times of war the enemy is often stereotyped in dehumanizing ways. Look at the cartoon depictions of the Japanese from World War II. They were pictured as small, simian, slant-eyed, buck-toothed. They wore little round glasses. They were sneaky. They were called “nips” among other things. The popular media of the day resurrected the old racist fears of the “yellow peril.”

It was a little harder to stereotype the Germans. They were racially similar to the majority of white Americans. But they, too, were depicted in stereotypical ways: loud, stupid, rigid.

And these dehumanizing stereotypes served a purpose. It made the enemy easier to hate, easier to kill.

In the days of the slave trade in America, and in the Jim Crow south, people of African descent were stereotyped . Some of those stereotypes are still in play in some sectors. Child-like, ape-like, slow, stupid, criminal, shiftless, oversexed, dependent. I could probably list a dozen demeaning names for blacks, but I won’t.

These stereotypes also served a purpose. They made it easier to enslave and oppress African-Americans. As the Apostle Paul knew, it is hard to treat a brother as a slave. Creating stereotypes of those who are unlike ourselves allows us to make scapegoats of minorities and allows us to feel better about ourselves. It serves a purpose. A dark, twisted purpose.

I have noticed a lot of dehumanizing stereotypes of gay people at work in some of the posts in this forum. This was particularly brought home to me in the thread about the Sin of Sodom where the mob of men who wanted to “know” the angels lodging at Lot’s house were depicted as typical homosexuals, as if all homosexuals want to have violent group sex in the open streets. I have seen gay people depicted as dirty, depraved, diseased, child molesting and hypersexualized. Gays are depicted as lacking self-control, being morally bankrupt, and incapable of being Christians. Gays are, in other words, are stereotyped as something less than fully human.

My question: what stereotypes of gay people have you seen in this forum and what purposes do you think they serve?

I can't think of one of the top of my head, but they make me so angry! No one should be dehumanized for who they love or what lifestyle they lead. The Christians are afraid, nothing but afraid of things they don't understand.

It makes them feel better to hurt others, makes them feel bigger, more powerful.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
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In times of war the enemy is often stereotyped in dehumanizing ways. Look at the cartoon depictions of the Japanese from World War II. They were pictured as small, simian, slant-eyed, buck-toothed. They wore little round glasses. They were sneaky. They were called “nips” among other things. The popular media of the day resurrected the old racist fears of the “yellow peril.”

It was a little harder to stereotype the Germans. They were racially similar to the majority of white Americans. But they, too, were depicted in stereotypical ways: loud, stupid, rigid.

And these dehumanizing stereotypes served a purpose. It made the enemy easier to hate, easier to kill.

In the days of the slave trade in America, and in the Jim Crow south, people of African descent were stereotyped . Some of those stereotypes are still in play in some sectors. Child-like, ape-like, slow, stupid, criminal, shiftless, oversexed, dependent. I could probably list a dozen demeaning names for blacks, but I won’t.

These stereotypes also served a purpose. They made it easier to enslave and oppress African-Americans. As the Apostle Paul knew, it is hard to treat a brother as a slave. Creating stereotypes of those who are unlike ourselves allows us to make scapegoats of minorities and allows us to feel better about ourselves. It serves a purpose. A dark, twisted purpose.

I have noticed a lot of dehumanizing stereotypes of gay people at work in some of the posts in this forum. This was particularly brought home to me in the thread about the Sin of Sodom where the mob of men who wanted to “know” the angels lodging at Lot’s house were depicted as typical homosexuals, as if all homosexuals want to have violent group sex in the open streets. I have seen gay people depicted as dirty, depraved, diseased, child molesting and hypersexualized. Gays are depicted as lacking self-control, being morally bankrupt, and incapable of being Christians. Gays are, in other words, are stereotyped as something less than fully human.

My question: what stereotypes of gay people have you seen in this forum and what purposes do you think they serve?

Building a strawman should entail making it come alive. You could have just asked the question in your last sentence. Caveat is what the gay agenda is all about.

Homosexuals are just people that engage in homosexuality. PTEIH, what I call "peetee." Nothing more and nothing less.

Why the stereotype that they are not?

Christians should not engage in homosexuality. That is the plain and honest Apostolic position.

From the book of The Acts of the Apostles:

Peter replied,

"Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off—for all whom the Lord our God will call."

With many other words he warned them; and he pleaded with them, "Save yourselves from this corrupt generation."

Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day. (The Fellowship of the Believers)

They devoted themselves to the apostles' teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.

Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common.

Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
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Jun 10, 2008
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I can't think of one of the top of my head, but they make me so angry! No one should be dehumanized for who they love or what lifestyle they lead. The Christians are afraid, nothing but afraid of things they don't understand.

It makes them feel better to hurt others, makes them feel bigger, more powerful.

Prove that. Otherwise, go back in a edit out this incredibly insulting language. Every single instance of dealing with gay life, always breaks down to insults and epithets towards Christians.

Why not just deal with the fact the Christian life and homosexuality are incompatible. Just be respectful to Christians of the 21st century that desire not to alter, subvert and pervert the Gospel for a new Humanist activism called gay rights. You go your way, and let Christians go their's.
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The Artist Formerly Known as RegularGuy
Mar 31, 2007
United States
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Building a strawman should entail making it come alive. You could have just asked the question in your last sentence. Caveat is what the gay agenda is all about.

If it's a strawman, it should be fairly easy for you to take apart. I'm only observing that there are stereotypes in play and asking why?

The "gay agenda" is an empty phrase, and probably a stereotype in its own right.

Homosexuals are just people that engage in homosexuality. PTEIH, what I call "peetee." Nothing more and nothing less.

Why the stereotype that they are not?

Why do you insist on reducing homosexuality to a behavior? Homosexuality is an oritentation. There are celibate people who are attracted to members of the same sex. Are they no longer homosexual? Are heterosexuals only heterosexual during coitus?

It is not a stereotype to say that homosexuality is an orientation.

From the book of The Acts of the Apostles:

Peter replied,

All the people said, "What must we do?" and Peter replied "Quit being gay."

I don't think so.

There are five passages of the Bible that talk about homosexual behavior at all. This isn't one of them.
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The Artist Formerly Known as RegularGuy
Mar 31, 2007
United States
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I can't think of one of the top of my head, but they make me so angry! No one should be dehumanized for who they love or what lifestyle they lead. The Christians are afraid, nothing but afraid of things they don't understand.

It makes them feel better to hurt others, makes them feel bigger, more powerful.

In spite of Polycarp_fan's demands, you do not need to retract anything. You are entitled to your opinion and, as long as you state it politely, you are welcome to post here.

I do want to say, however, that I am a Christian. Stereotypes cut both ways.
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Jun 10, 2008
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If it's a strawman, it should be fairly easy for you to take apart. I'm only observing that there are stereotypes in play and asking why?

I dismantle gay theology as easy as pointing out "mipselled" words that need to be corrected too. Gays are demading that Christians submit to their authority. That will never happen. Never. You people can have the buildings. The Church is a group of people. Repenting sinners every single one of them.

The "gay agenda" is an empty phrase, and probably a stereotype in its own right.

It is a fact. From the 60's onward, we have seen a relentless agenda at work. Now it is at the " gay marriage" phase. That is not the worst of it yet though. It will get darker for the Church as the gay agenda takes in more political power. As we have seen already, Gays and the Church do not mix.

Why do you insist on reducing homosexuality to a behavior? Homosexuality is an oritentation.

Original sin. It needs to be repented of. Why be critical of Christians for just desiring to follow Christ the way it has been laid out to do so?

There are celibate people who are attracted to members of the same sex. Are they no longer homosexual? Are heterosexuals only heterosexual during coitus?

Spin will not get homosexuality into the Church.

It is not a stereotype to say that homosexuality is an orientation.

It is part of the gay agenda to get homosexuality from perversion to every classroom in the world. There is a very concerted gay agenda. The enlightenment just lit the current fire we are suffering from it. Christians will survive this gay activism. I wish Christians wouldn't even mention the words gay or homosexuality. Just leave these people alone to their own lives and their own demise.

All the people said, "What must we do?" and Peter replied "Quit being gay."

Repent and be baptised. That includes homosexuality.

I don't think so.

You should start. There is no compatibility of the gay agenda and the Church. The two are opposites.

There are five passages of the Bible that talk about homosexual behavior at all. This isn't one of them.

There is actually not even ONE place in all of scripture that supports and promotes "homosexuality." Not even one. But I could present dozens that oppose it. DOZENS . . . and more.

You could start with the letter of Jude to fellow Christians and work back from there. Jude includes more than a few scriptures that apply to gay religiosity and its proponents. Then of course there is many many scriptures in Peter's writings that apply to gay behavior. And so on and so on.

Why can't homosexuals and their non and anti Christian supporters (which are legion even on 'this' webiste) respect the beliefs and liives of Christians that can not approve of homosexuality as a matter of choice? I thought liberalism was all about choice? But then again, I know many liberals too. Choice to them means THEIR choices.
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Jun 10, 2008
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In spite of Polycarp_fan's demands, you do not need to retract anything. You are entitled to your opinion and, as long as you state it politely, you are welcome to post here.

It is oh-so typical that the gay proponent goes to accusation, epithet and insults towards Christians that will not submit to their authority. It is not an insult to preach repentance excpet for those that will not repent.

"Simul Iustus et Peccator"

Without repentance, you are dead in your sins. If we claim to be without sin . . . what does that say to Christ Jesus? I'm thinking you know the deal.

Yet, that is exactly the demands of the gay group that demand that we Christians shut-up, are saying, that they are guilty of nothing at all in their innappropriate sexual activities.

No where, not one place in all of scripture is gay sex promoted or supported. Not one. That fact does not make me a mean guy for believing it. The APA does not trump the Gospel. Not in Apostolic truth anyway.

I do want to say, however, that I am a Christian. Stereotypes cut both ways.

Not really. Gays and their supporters can abuse Christians even in a place like this and feel all cozy and warm about themselves. If we Christians dare to call them what they are, they report our posts and demand they be removed.

I just want equity. You know "tolerance and diversity."

Many of these people do not have any desire to repent, see that as idiocy and/or worse, and are here to lead Christians into sin once again. How is saying that not correct and indeed honesty? The fruit is there for all to see.
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Jun 10, 2008
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I am not anti Chrisitan, but I am pro gay.

Why? How? Why even get involved in other people's sexual tastes? It just seems odd to me.

I want to know how you can base all of your opinions off of a book that no one can prove right or wrong?

Biology is a good book. I'm thinking that biology can indeed be proven right. Why do you "assume" Christians have not worked out this gay thing and found it wrong beyond all measure? It is. Using science and the religious writings of the Apostles, and a Christian should not engage in homosexuality, nor promote or support those that do. I'm just agreeing that what is in the New testament, for whatever reasons it is in there, shows that same-gender sex acts are unacceptable for believers. You are free to follow other beliefs all you want to. Just don't label we Christians as mean or intolerant or worse for opposing homosexuals and homosexuality be apporved of. I couldn't care less what a person does sexually as long as they don't force it on the Church. Gays and lesbians are forcing thier sexual tastes be condoned in the Church. That is beyond rude.

PS-this is in response to Polycarp Fan's post.

At least you were decent.
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Apr 30, 2008
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Why? How? Why even get involved in other people's sexual tastes? It just seems odd to me.

Well, my cousin is gay, and I have quite a few bisexual friends, and many of my friend participated in the "Day of Silence", in support for the family of a gay boy who was killed for his lifestyle.

Biology is a good book. I'm thinking that biology can indeed be proven right. Why do you "assume" Christians have not worked out this gay thing and found it wrong beyond all measure? It is. Using science and the religious writings of the Apostles, and a Christian should not engage in homosexuality, nor promote or support those that do. I'm just agreeing that what is in the New testament, for whatever reasons it is in there, shows that same-gender sex acts are unacceptable for believers. You are free to follow other beliefs all you want to. just don;t label we Christians as mean or intoelrant or worse for opposing homosexuals and homsoexuality be apporved of. I couldn't care less what a person does sexually as long as they don;t force it on the Church. Gays and lesbians are forcing thier sexual tastes be condoned in the Church. That is beyond rude.

Use biology to tell me that being gay is unnatural.

Gays and Lesbians are fighting for their right to be recognized as humans, and have the right to marry the men and women they love, just like the rest of us. They are not running in the streets yelling "HEY EVERYONE BE GAY LIKE US!"
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Well-Known Member
Jun 10, 2008
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Well, my cousin is gay, and I have quite a few bisexual friends, and many of my friend participated in the "Day of Silence", in support for the family of a gay boy who was killed for his lifestyle.

Why not just oppose violent people? Why the need to promote sex acts of individual people. Highly unethical for a school to allow.

Use biology to tell me that being gay is unnatural.

Eat a hot dog through your eye socket and you'll have a good answer about natural design of the anatomy and proper behaviors for and of it. We get into the icky when we talk about gay sex violating the biological makeup of the human anatomy. I don't want to cloud the emotionalism of the gay supporters with sceintific facts.

Gays and Lesbians are fighting for their right to be recognized as humans, and have the right to marry the men and women they love, just like the rest of us.

I couldn't care less about what gays and lesbians do with their private lives. Last time I looked at a "lesbian" she was a recognizeable human being. No matter the hair cut, she couldn't hide natural fact. I've noticed that may gay men look just like every other male human being too. So much for your canard. Or rather, the typical caveat that precedes all things gay agenda. I wish I could see just a bit more honesty in then gay thing, in that I wish they would just say (openly): "Hey, we dig this kind of sex and if you don't like it we'll go elsewhere with it." Then, we Christians could breathe a bit easier about what is happeing to our children out there "in the world."

They are not running in the streets yelling "HEY EVERYONE BE GAY LIKE US!"

Actually they are. Why do you think decent parents do not want gay pride parades in their cities?

There is a reason so many people move to the suburbs and beyond. And has nothing to do with "ignorance" about gay life, I can tell you that honestly.

You live your lives and let those that do not like gay sex proclaimed by legislation to live theirs.

What ever happened to tolerating diversity with you lefties?
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Apr 30, 2008
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Why not just oppose violent people? Why the need to promote sex acts of individual people. Highly unethical for a school to allow.

No, it's not. Is being hetero all about sex? Most people I know who are in relationships don't have them revolve around sex. Why would a gay couple's relationship be any different?

Eat a hot dog through your eye socket and you'll have a good answer about natural design of the anatomy and proper behaviors for and of it. We get into the icky when we talk about gay sex violating the biological makeup of the human anatomy. I don't want to cloud the emotionalism of the gay supporters with sceintific facts.

The mouth and the eye are completely different body parts.

The anus is just as much an erogenous zone for straight men as it is for gay men.

Actually they are. Why do you think decent parents do not want gay pride parades in their cities?

There is a reason so many people move to the suburbs and beyond. And has nothing to do with "ignorance" about gay life, I can tell you that honestly.

You live your lives and let those that do not like gay sex proclaimed by legislation to live theirs.

What ever happened to tolerating diversity with you lefties?

You do realize that if we stop the gay pride parade, we can stop Christmas parades? Or Christians having youth rallies in public places? Why should one group of people be allowed to do something in public, but another not?
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Jun 10, 2008
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No, it's not. Is being hetero all about sex? Most people I know who are in relationships don't have them revolve around sex. Why would a gay couple's relationship be any different?

Gay denotes sexual practice. The hype and myth that it doesn't it silly in the attempt. It is recruitment and we all know it. That is why the lefties do not Christians in public schools. Isn't it interesting God was replaced with sexually explicit behavior? Hmm, I wonder why.

The mouth and the eye are completely different body parts.

And let's see where you take that?????

here we go:

The anus is just as much an erogenous zone for straight men as it is for gay men.

The anus is not part of the sexual organs. No matter how you present your data.

Sex and the waste eliminating parts of the body are different body parts. Designed for different reasons.

You do realize that if we stop the gay pride parade, we can stop Christmas parades?

AND? Your point is what? Christmas is not a biblical celebration. It is a pagan one. How many people commit suicide during the "holidays?" Yet, within the Church, mental illness and suicides are low.

Or Christians having youth rallies in public places? Why should one group of people be allowed to do something in public, but another not?

You're joking right? Christian groups do not cause STD's. For starters.

Christianity is communicable, but it spreads no life threatening diseases. Except of course persecution of the believer. But that means a blessing and not a cursed thing.

If you would, please list all of the homosexual promoting scriptures "in" the Bible.

I look forward to your endeavor to enlighten me.
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When given the option, choose love and compassion
Jan 30, 2008
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I think there is another thread out there that goes over this already. Off the top of my head, things I have heard/read on this site

-gays will cause the downfall of society
-gays spread disease
-gays cause disease
-gays caused aids
-gays can't be good christians
-gays persecute christians
-gays can't actually have real love for a partner (or anyone)
-gay marriages causes the decrease in value of other marriages
-gays aren't real, they are just actively defying God
-gays are child molesters
-gays are on the same level as child molesters and rapists
-gays have the power to convert people at will (this one is just funny)
-gays are possessed by the devil/demons
-gays deserve violence against them or at the very least should expect it for being different (that poor boy that was shot for cross dressing)
-being gay is a choice..

(some of these aren't stereotypes, just things people have said that I find dehumanizing)
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Uphill Battle

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Apr 25, 2005
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I'd have to agree with the OP... to a degree.

But in making their point, the used their own sword on themselves. Christians, in this thread, have been stereotyped as hateful. And inasmuch there are hateful Christians, (a contradiction in terms, I might add) there are "oversexed" black people, rigid germans, sneaky Japenese, and morally bankrupt homosexuals. (I'm just preempting the "but there ARE hateful christians!" argument.) I myself disagree that Homosexual activity is biblically acceptable. I believe the bible speaks against it. HOWEVER, I don't assume that other people are going to follow what I believe. People can do whatever floats their boat. I don't agree with Catholics on a whole bunch either.

It isn't my place to say what God does and doesn't consider sinful... I just have my convictions, and I stick to it.

The fly in the oinment in the whole thing, is that the Gays will point at a Christian, or Christian organization that teaches homosexuality as sin, and condemn them for being "hateful and exclusionary." That is where the "agenda" comes in... because I can't forsee a good reason for a homosexual who professes Christianity wanting any part of a Christian organization that teaches homesexuality as sin... so the hubub is an unneccesary action in public spectacle and nothing more. If it were about finding an accepting place to worship, you can find many pro-gay churches out there nowadays... the approval of the "right" isn't required at all.
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Uphill Battle

Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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I think there is another thread out there that goes over this already. Off the top of my head, things I have heard/read on this site
perhaps you should fill up the inbox at

but tongue in cheek...

-gays will cause the downfall of society (well, maybe perhaps the antichrist will be Gay. Who knows? :D)
-gays spread disease (sure they do. So do straight people.)
-gays cause disease (that one is funny, I think it's probably an aliteration of "spread disease.")
-gays caused aids (again, probaby an aliteration of "spread.")
-gay marriages causes the decrease in value of other marriages (nah. "living in sin" does that. :D)
-gays aren't real, they are just actively defying God (sure their real. Did you mean not real christians? (if they profess to be christian, that is.)
-gays are child molesters (I'm sure some are. Just like some straight people.)
-gays are on the same level as child molesters and rapists (wholeheartedly agree with this statement. we are ALL on the same level as child molesters and rapists. And theives. and.... so on and so forth. We are none innocent.
-gays have the power to convert people at will (this one is just funny) (agreed. funny indeed.)
-gays are possessed by the devil/demons (some may be. Just like some straight people. I don't EVER try and state who may or may not be "possessed.)
-gays deserve violence against them or at the very least should expect it for being different (that poor boy that was shot for cross dressing) (never. never. never. wrong.)
-being gay is a choice.. (the debate of the ages.)
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When given the option, choose love and compassion
Jan 30, 2008
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The thing is... gay people have to accept that many christians seem them as an abomination... which, fine, this is their religious view. People have a right to their opinion. (they, however, cannot make this into any kind of law)

I have the right to think that some religious people are hateful bigots. I don't think that christianity is necessarily hateful and bigoted, but there certainly are many christians that are.
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When given the option, choose love and compassion
Jan 30, 2008
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perhaps you should fill up the inbox at

but tongue in cheek...

-gays will cause the downfall of society (well, maybe perhaps the antichrist will be Gay. Who knows? :D)
-gays spread disease (sure they do. So do straight people.)
-gays cause disease (that one is funny, I think it's probably an aliteration of "spread disease.")
-gays caused aids (again, probaby an aliteration of "spread.")
-gay marriages causes the decrease in value of other marriages (nah. "living in sin" does that. :D)
-gays aren't real, they are just actively defying God (sure their real. Did you mean not real christians? (if they profess to be christian, that is.)
-gays are child molesters (I'm sure some are. Just like some straight people.)
-gays are on the same level as child molesters and rapists (wholeheartedly agree with this statement. we are ALL on the same level as child molesters and rapists. And theives. and.... so on and so forth. We are none innocent.
-gays have the power to convert people at will (this one is just funny) (agreed. funny indeed.)
-gays are possessed by the devil/demons (some may be. Just like some straight people. I don't EVER try and state who may or may not be "possessed.)
-gays deserve violence against them or at the very least should expect it for being different (that poor boy that was shot for cross dressing) (never. never. never. wrong.)
-being gay is a choice.. (the debate of the ages.)

there are always going to be some people for which a statement is true, but to say it is true of an entire group is incorrect (not factual)
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