Deciding on #2



Hey ladies!

So here's my dilemma...In the last few months I've been feeling a little bit of pressure about having another baby. Everyone around me seems to be ready for another but me LOL. My DH and I have an almost 6 year old girl. Right now we are at the point were she's pretty independent. Just the three of us is pretty fun right now. Ive been getting a lot of questions from friends, that are on their 2nd and 3rd baby, about when we will have another. Even my DH is ready for another baby. He wants his boy of course, but I cant imagine having another baby and it being a girl and then him wanting to keep trying until he gets his boy! I think we probably we have had another one years ago, but we just werent ready, financially, we moved around a lot and there wasnt much stability in our lives. We just recently moved again, but we are in a situation where there is a lot more stability as far as the house we live in, we're able to get regular medical benefits. Our daughter always had medical but my DH and I had to go without for a while. Financially, we are still tight but Ill be working soon and Ill be able to put away.

Seems like everyone around us is either pregnant or just had a baby so theres a lot of baby-talk going around. Dont know if me getting pregnant would be part of the trend or if our family is truly ready for another one.

I dont want to get pregnant just to make others happy but I know my DH is ready for another baby and I know that whatever happens, God will bless our little family and we will be taken care of. Just wondering if any other ladies out there are going through the same thing or have gone through the same thing.

ALSO: our kids would be 6-7 years apart, has anyone had issues with such a big age gap? How did you 1st child handle the new baby?
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