Could this be of prophetic significance?

Charles YTK

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2002
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I had decided not to come back to this site, but will try to make one more attempt because I know there are a lot of people here who truly love the Lord. This time in a differnt direction, different subject. I have over the years done some extensive studies in Bible chronologies.  There was a change make in the 1600's to synchronize different calendar systems, which resulted in a @240 year shift in the Hebrew calendar. When that adjustment is corrected out, this year becomes year 6003 on the Hebrew calendar. The following I have determined using a multi-interfaced calendar regression program:

The age of Man began when Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden. God made coverings for them from animal skins. (Kosher, Goats I should guess) and that day accordingly seems to have been Tisheri 10 , the day of atonement year 0,  (which was Sabbath Sept 11th to our calendar),(although it was before the law was actually given this is what the date would have been)

Then later on Abraham takes his some Isaac up to Moriah to offer him to God. And a goat is killed instead, and this was on Tisheri 10, the day of atonement. (And was Sabbath Sept 11th on our calendar)

Then Yeshua was born on Tisheri 15, the first day of Tabernacles in year 4000, (And that was a Sabbath Sept 11th on our calendar)

Israel was declared open for the return of the Jews by the league of Nations I believe on Sept 11, 1922 (I have not confirmed this yet, but was told this)

Then a strange thing happen. 6000 years after that sept.11 that Adam was removed from the Garden, and 2000 years after the birth of Messiah on sept 11th. It is Rosh Hashannah, The day of trumpets, Yom Teruah, which took place sept 11th 1999. Just after a full eclipse over Jerusalem on 8-11-99. This is follwed by 6 blood moons visible over Jerusalem, and then another solar eclipse, which will bring the sun to darkness like sackcloth just shortly before Yom Teruah of 2006, which is exactly the end of 6007 years from the expulsion from the garden.

During  the first half of this 7year cycle 1999-2006 two other events took place, Ariel Sharon went to the temple mount and read the passage in Ez. 37 about the restoration of Israel and the healing of the two sticks. He did this on the eve of Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) 2000 This started the Infatada, which lead also to the attack again the US, the capital of the western (Christian) world, on Sept. 11th 2001. Locking us in a war against Islam, the antichrist religion. The attack against the US was on the aniversary of Ariels walk on the temple mount, but was held 5 days earlier because the exact aniversay was a Sunday, and the Islamists wanted a prime business day so as to kill as many people as possible. It seems that a type of Judgement agains America, a Judeo Christian nation and the capital of the western materialist life-stlye took place.

If this means what I believe it might. We may see to witnesses on or about 4-8-03 and before that time about  about 3-13-03 a terrible event in Israel . It seems that the Lord is trying to get our attention by waving 9-11 in front of us. All the fall feast days point to Messiahs return and the establishment of his Millennial Earthly Kingdom. The period of time that began of Sept 11 1999, (Tisheri 1) and runs to Tisheri in 2006, is a 7 year period equating to Hebrew years, 6001-6007, calculated from the expulsion of Adam and Eve from the Garden.

As a side not to bible chronology. Abraham who is the father of the nation Israel was born 1948 years after Adam. Yeshua is the "Last Adam" according to scripture. Modern day Israel, (modern Abraham) was born in 1948 on our calendar.

Charles YTK


Old Timer
Jan 15, 2002
That is a very interesting study Charles. I am wondering about the blood moons. Could you go into a little more detail on that, have there been any yet?

I myself have always wondered about that date and when it happened last year I quickly ran to the calendar to see when Yom Kippur was, I did not check the previous year though. I think that many people miss important things like this as we are so used to the Gregorian calendar that we forget that the Lord himself made a calendar with His prescribed times and also they forget the passage about anti-Christ in Daniel 7:25.

I started a thread about that calendar here in this forum but no one responded. I asked for a mod to move it to the science forum which they did ( thank you) but there seems to be no interest there. Or maybe no one has an answer or ever even gave it a thought?
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Nov 25, 2002
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sonworshipper. If you are interested more on the discussion of what Charles posted here, it is also posted in the Protestant/Catholic/Jewish forum: Start this thread at post #40 (just straightening some things out in the first 39 posts; now the discussion is going strong). Please add something there if you like. It is an interesting topic that I'm still attempting to understand.
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Charles YTK

Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2002
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Originally posted by sonworshipper
That is a very interesting study Charles. I am wondering about the blood moons. Could you go into a little more detail on that, have there been any yet?

I myself have always wondered about that date and when it happened last year I quickly ran to the calendar to see when Yom Kippur was, I did not check the previous year though. I think that many people miss important things like this as we are so used to the Gregorian calendar that we forget that the Lord himself made a calendar with His prescribed times and also they forget the passage about anti-Christ in Daniel 7:25.


Son Worshipper

The blood moon happens when there is a total lunar ecplise during a full monn which causes the moon to be illuminated from scatter light coming through the earths atmosphere, which is intense red as in a sunset. only more so as cast far away on the moon, resulting in a deep blood red color moon.

I believe the total lunar eclipses are on the following dates

1-20-00, 7-25-00, 1-10-01, a break, then: 5-16-03, 11-18-03, 05-04-04, 10-28-04,


The solar total solar eclipses on the outside of this were:

08-11-99, which was on 1 Elul, the beginning of the season of repentence, the 40 days before Yom Kippur,

 and 03-29-06 which is aviv 1 (first day of the year on the sacred calendar) full solar over Jerusalem.

To calculate any other days to or from various calendars use this link.

Remember that when it crosses from AD to BCE it thinks zero is a year and it is not. This is due to an error in the zero calculation. Just add one more digit to the BCE year result which is shown. For example Sept.- 11 -01 you would consider to be Sept. -11-02

I do not think Yom Kippur falls on Sept 11 very often. Have fun with the calendar program.

If you have other questions. let me know and I will try to assist.


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Though not a Darbyist (Pre-millenialist,) your post interests me since it so clearly indicates that roughly 6000 years have passed since Adam. You might really enjoy reading the 2nd or 3rd Century letter called the Epistle of Barnabas in which the writer breaks down human history into 7 days, a week, each day corresponding to 1,000 years (a day is like a 1000 years to God.) Then the writer indicates that 2 days had passed from Adam to Moses and then 2 days from Moses to Jesus.

He then postulates that the Christian era would also last 2 days (2000 years) afterwhich Jesus would return. He knew nothing of the 19th Century notions of pre-millenialism and simply states that after the 6th day, Jesus would return and there would come the Sabbath Day, the Sabbath rest for the people of God prophecied in the Letter to the Hebrews.
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