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They have a doctrine to defend, which, to them, requires attacking those who refuse to accept it. Good guys and bad guys, just like on teevee.
I would point out that both the Grinch and Ebeneezer Scrooge engaged in the bashing of CHristmas until they saw the Light so to speak. And like all who bash the sacred holiday, they were miserable, unhappy people who could not understand the basic concepts of Peace, Joy and Love.
BUT both characters learned and were happier and better because they finally learned to Embrace the True Spirit of Christmas.

SO, there is hope.
The best answer, is always, to be part of the "Good Guys" who practice love and charity as opposed to the "bad guys" who just attack and complain.
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
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We too, were called out of this world's religious businesses and sects, and their religious doctrines and traditions.
And to make up your own.
The 2 greatest religious high days that exist in the world God placed us in, are Christmas and Halloween, both created by the RCC.
OK, Christ's Mass is the observance of the Incarnation of our Lord Christ, one of the two most important events in the history of the universe. Seems astonishingly weird for any Christian to rail against it as though it was a publicity stunt set up by the Evil Catholic Church. Sorry, that's simply rank absurdity.

But to compare it to Halloween, which is not taken seriously by anyone except LARPing "pagans" or fringie Christian sects, is simple lunacy. One is, as I noted, the observance of one of history's two most important events, and the other is a ridulous excuse to have a bit of fun. Seems like some folks have a very weird idea of what represents a "religious high day".

FWIW, the RCC didn't create Christmas; God did, buy choosing to be born of the Virgin in Bethlehem. Halloween was created by superstitious Christians, who are the only ones, then and now, who consider it of any religious significance of any kind apart from being the day before the Feast of All Saints.
the actual "Feasts of the Lord" are rejected and ignored.
Ah, back to the "follow the Old Covenant" routine again. Unfortunately, most Christians can't trace their lineage back to Abraham, and thus the commandments to keep the Jewish feasts was never given to us, and was never expected of Gentiles.

But you'd have us studiously ignore the coming of our Savior, but religiously keep commandments given to people who, when He came to them, rejected and killed Him. Right.
So stay away from hateful birds and babylonians.
This religious high day has been around for a long, long time, under the name of several different deities.
Here's where you invoke phony history and nonexistent "gods.".
In our time it's under the image of God in the Likness of a handsome long-haired man, that men have placed the name of Jesus on. In Jeremiah's Time it was the same High day, but under a different image of God and a different name.
Are you actually inveighing against the worship of Christ at all here? That's how it sounds. If you want to be a Jew, mate, wear yourself out, no saleman will call.
Jeremiah speaks to this popular ancient high day.
Which one? The one which celebrates a mighty miracle of God, or the one that represents nothing at all? I don't think Jeremiah spoke of Christmas, because Christ hadn't come in his times. Did Jewish children go out collecting candy one day a year?
Sounds like fancy furniture. Bad stuff, that.
I had a wardrobe I hated once, it seemed designed to provide multiple places for me to blunder into in the dark when I was working an early shift. It didn't have any gold or silver on it, thoujgh. Just thin veneer over particle board.
I'm glad for you and your family, that you have found that there is no power in these high days. And that men can escape them to serve God in the manner in which HE instructs. After all, He is God!
Now if you can just find a place to sacrifice those sheep...
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And to make up your own.

Well honestly, I have simply chosen to partake and observe the Feasts of the Lord, not make up my own, or adopt the manmade high days promoted by the religions of this world God placed me in. Not that I am anybody, or that I matter. This thread was started, and I have done a great deal of study in the matter, and I am simply sharing some of what I found in respect to the Topic of the OP. I thought that was the purpose of this forum.

Does it matter? Maybe not. But it is certainly the truth.

OK, Christ's Mass is the observance of the Incarnation of our Lord Christ, one of the two most important events in the history of the universe. Seems astonishingly weird for any Christian to rail against it as though it was a publicity stunt set up by the Evil Catholic Church. Sorry, that's simply rank absurdity.

I am simply pointing out the facts surrounding this manmade high day. I wasn't "railing" against it.

The first ever recorded observance of the high day called "Christmas" was over 3 centuries after the Christ Ascended. 336 years according to my studies. And that by the writings of Roman Bishops. (RCC)

Do these things matter? Maybe not. But they are Truth. And the Jesus of the Bible teaches that "Truth" matters. It is this truth that I am sharing.

Nothing more, nothing less. I'm sorry if this truth offends you.

But to compare it to Halloween, which is not taken seriously by anyone except LARPing "pagans" or fringie Christian sects, is simple lunacy. One is, as I noted, the observance of one of history's two most important events, and the other is a ridulous excuse to have a bit of fun. Seems like some folks have a very weird idea of what represents a "religious high day".

If a man would look into the history of Halloween, they would find it is a Religious High Day incorporated into Christianity by the RCC.

FWIW, the RCC didn't create Christmas; God did, buy choosing to be born of the Virgin in Bethlehem.

Actually this is Factually inaccurate. God didn't create the high day of Christmas. You can look in the Scriptures to confirm this if you want, even as I did.

Halloween was created by superstitious Christians, who are the only ones, then and now, who consider it of any religious significance of any kind apart from being the day before the Feast of All Saints.

Yes, that is what I posted. You first called this understanding " a very weird idea", but now you seem to be agreeing with me. I simply advocate that men consider what is actually written. "And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

Ah, back to the "follow the Old Covenant" routine again. Unfortunately, most Christians can't trace their lineage back to Abraham, and thus the commandments to keep the Jewish feasts was never given to us, and was never expected of Gentiles.

The God of the Bible, who you admitted came to earth as a baby of virgin birth, calls them "HIS Feasts". Not Jewish Feasts. And the God "of the Bible" defined His New Covenant as "I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people."

So it seems your version of God's New Covenant, is not God's version of His New Covenant, but religious man's. Much in the same way that your adopted high days are not God's Holy Days, but religious man's.

It was the same for me all those years ago, but I have been freed from this world's religions, to serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: For our God is a consuming fire.

Does it matter? Perhaps not. But it is truth just the same.

But you'd have us studiously ignore the coming of our Savior, but religiously keep commandments given to people who, when He came to them, rejected and killed Him. Right.

Goodness no. Where did I ever suggest or even imply that men should ignore the Jesus "of the Bible" in any way? Just the opposite. I would be careful not to promote manmade doctrine and Traditions like the mainstream religions of Christ's Time did, who "Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition."

And it is true that the Christ, with no beginning and no end, came to earth and dwelled among men. Will you be offended if HE goes back up "Where He was before"? And what was HE doing before HE became a man in the person of Jesus?? Was HE not creating "ALL" that was created? Would this not also include "HIS Feasts", and "HIS Judgments", and "HIS Righteousness"?

No sir, I would not have you studiously ignore the coming of our Savior "of the Bible", but I would have you beware of an image of this God, created in the likeness of some random, handsome long-haired man, and the high days created by man, in worship of this image.

So stay away from hateful birds and babylonians.

Here's where you invoke phony history and nonexistent "gods.".

Are you actually inveighing against the worship of Christ at all here? That's how it sounds. If you want to be a Jew, mate, wear yourself out, no saleman will call.

Which one? The one which celebrates a mighty miracle of God, or the one that represents nothing at all? I don't think Jeremiah spoke of Christmas, because Christ hadn't come in his times. Did Jewish children go out collecting candy one day a year?

What I advocate for is believing what is actually Written in Scriptures. Jesus said Abraham saw His day and was glad. That before Abraham was, there HE was. Paul said Israel was watered and fed by the Christ. Heb. 4 says Israel was given the gospel of Christ but didn't mix the hearing with faith.

I have learned that it isn't a coincidence that the same religions who promote the man-made high days of this world over the Feasts of the Lord, also promote that the Christ didn't exist in Jeremiah's or Isaiah's Time, as you just did.

I would ask you a question though. In the religion you have adopted, is the Following Quote the Words of the Same Christ who came to earth via a virgin birth?

Is. 48: 16 Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: and now the Lord GOD, and his Spirit, hath sent me.

17 Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go. 18 O that thou hadst hearkened to my commandments! then had thy peace been as a river, and thy righteousness as the waves of the sea:

Are these the Words of the same Christ who became a man?

Does any of this matter? I would say, only if Truth matters.

Sounds like fancy furniture. Bad stuff, that.

I had a wardrobe I hated once, it seemed designed to provide multiple places for me to blunder into in the dark when I was working an early shift. It didn't have any gold or silver on it, thoujgh. Just thin veneer over particle board.

Now if you can just find a place to sacrifice those sheep...

Thank you for this spirit filled reply.
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Christmas is idol worship, and much more serious than Christians realize. I was indoctrinated to believe otherwise, but God has stepped in and has revealed much of what many refuse to see and hear. I will say, ever since my family and I have stopped this nonsense, we've been at much more peace rather than being provoked by unusual noises and crazy activities inside this house. Christmas time in this house was always crazy and NOT in a good sense. God hates idolatry. Jesus says not to do as the Nicolaitans do. Research everything to get the answers! The birth of Jesus was indeed miraculous and quite an event, but we're no where called to remember it, but rather to remember his death.
Please explain how worshiping Jesus on Christmas day, the day we commemorate as the day He was born on earth in the flesh, is idolatry. We worship Jesus because He is our Lord and God. We thank Him for coming to earth 2000 years ago to redeem us.

We do not worship the day He was born.

In our home, we have a nativity scene and some candles. This is how we decorate. Each family must make its own choices.

Romans 14:5-7 One man esteems one day as better than another, while another man esteems all days alike. Let every one be fully convinced in his own mind. 6 He who observes the day, observes it in honor of the Lord. He also who eats, eats in honor of the Lord, since he gives thanks to God; while he who abstains, abstains in honor of the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7 None of us lives to himself, and none of us dies to himself.
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
Franklin, Tennessee
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Well honestly, I have simply chosen to partake and observe the Feasts of the Lord
And to not simply ignore, but rail against, the feasts oif the Church honoring our Lord Christ.
, not make up my own, or adopt the manmade high days
Like that all-important "high day", Halloween <ROFL> My wife, who comes from Korea, where's no custom similar to Halloween, described it as "the stupidest holiday I ever heard of". But in fact it isn't a holiday, officially or otherwise. The only people who even claim to believe it is are the so-called pagans, but even with them it's just an excue for a party. The claim that it's an importamt "High Day" is simply ridiculous.

promoted by the religions of this world
Which ones?

I have done a great deal of study in the matter,
Leaving no youtube video unwatched, I'm sure.

But it is certainly the truth.
Not even close. It's fraudulent "history" and anti-catholic whoop-whoop, unworthy of any serious Christian.
I am simply pointing out the facts surrounding this manmade high day. I wasn't "railing" against it.
No, what you were doing was repeating mendacious rubbish contrived by people who reject most if not all of the core beliefs of the Church, and who follow their own made-up Judaism-and-water pseudo-Christian religion. It's right up there with the stuff peddled by the JWs and Mormons.
The first ever recorded observance of the high day called "Christmas" was over 3 centuries after the Christ Ascended.
Recorded. Right. Does that mean that no one had ever taken though to commemorate the birth of our Lord, as though it was some mundane, everyday event? Hogwash.
Nothing more, nothing less. I'm sorry if this truth offends you.
The piont of your "truth" is to denigrate the celebration of Christian feasts honoring our Lord Christ. How you can possibly believe that to be a good thing is beyond my understanding, unless you actually believe that our Lord's birth and resurrection were really "No Big Things", in which case you have a radically differ "Christanity" than I care to associate with.
If a man would look into the history of Halloween, they would find it is a Religious High Day incorporated into Christianity by the RCC.
That is an altogether absurd belief. But I'm open to persuasion, give me some evidence of such a novel accusation.. In writing, please, and preferably something dating back prior to the invention of Youtube. I say it's false, as is pretty much everything you believe.
Actually this is Factually inaccurate. God didn't create the high day of Christmas.
Actually He did, by being born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bethleham.
You can look in the Scriptures to confirm this if you want, even as I did.
I have. If you have a New Testament, take a look in the Gospel of Luke and see who who celebrated His birth.
Yes, that is what I posted. You first called this understanding " a very weird idea"
I was being charitable.

, but now you seem to be agreeing with me. I simply advocate that men consider what is actually written. "And be not conformed to this world
That means not to post on internet forums. Repent, miscreant!
The God of the Bible, who you admitted came to earth as a baby of virgin birth, calls them "HIS Feasts". Not Jewish Feasts.
When did He invite Gentiles?
Which is why we celebrate His birth, and you choose to ignore it, or worse, forbid believers to celebrate it.
So it seems your version of God's New Covenant, is not God's version of His New Covenant
Seems to me yiou reject the New Covenant altogether, preferring a bowdlerized version of Judaism

Much in the same way that your adopted high days are not God's Holy Days, but religious man's.
False accusation again. We celebrate the coming of our Lord. You pretend it was'n't important. You share the same view as The World. The birth of Christ was No Big Thing, to them, or you. They see it as an occasion to party, you see it as an ocvcasion to ignore. You both refuse to see it as a day to rejoice in our Lord Christ. Their worship of material; things doesn't permit it, and neither does you phony neo-Judaism.

You religion is neither fish nor fowl. It's a chopped down version of Judaism, and a redacted version of Christianity. You can't deal with God Coming in the flesh. So you construct a world in which God was born, said some nice things, was killed by people who misunderstood Him, and may or may not have risen from the dead (which was No Big Deal either).
It was the same for me all those years ago, but I have been freed from this world's religions,
To embrce a made-up-from-whole-cloth less offensive pseudo-Christianity.

That's nice. Just as long as we don't get crazy and think He Himself was made flesh and dwelt among us, right?
Where did I ever suggest or even imply that men should ignore the Jesus "of the Bible" in any way?
Except insofar as He was both, and when He returned from th Dead. No honoring and celebrating those events. "Come and adore Him, born the Kind of Angels1" No proclaiming "He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!" That's just too much, right? I mean, let's not go to extremes, rigjht?
Just the opposite. I would be careful not to promote manmade doctrine
Except the one you follow, and peddle on the net.

and Traditions like the mainstream religions of Christ's Time did, who "Full well ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition."
So make your own tradition. "Christians" Against Christianity. "Sorry, but the Jews didn't do that, so we can't either. Of coiurse, that includes worshipping the Risen Lord, doesn't it?
it is true that the Christ, with no beginning and no end, came to earth and dwelled among men.
KInd of a rash statement coming from you, innit? But I see a "But..." coming...
Will you be offended if HE goes back up "Where He was before"?
If? He did. It;s in the New Testament, so you may have missed it.,
And what was HE doing before HE became a man in the person of Jesus?? Was HE not creating "ALL" that was created?
Stop me if you've heard this:
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Who is "the "WORD"?

Would this not also include "HIS Feasts", and "HIS Judgments", and "HIS Righteousness"?
Who is "the Word" whose birth you'd forbid us to celebrate?
No sir, I would not have you studiously ignore the coming of our Savior "of the Bible"
You have done nothing else. In fact, that's the whole point of this thread, innt?
, but I would have you beware of an image of this God, created in the likeness of some random, handsome long-haired man, and the high days created by man, in worship of this image.
That appears to be something of your own making.

What I advocate for is believing what is actually Written in Scriptures. Jesus said Abraham saw His day and was glad.
But you'd have an end of that gladness at our Lord's coming, wouldn't you?
I have learned that it isn't a coincidence that the same religions who promote the man-made high days
Like Halloween <ROFL>
of this world over the Feasts of the Lord
No feast necessary for our Lord's Resurrection, the single most important day in the history of the universe, right? No Big Deal. Don't you dare celebrate it. No greeting peple with "He is Risen!" or answering "He is Risen indeed!"
High Day. Roman Catholics. Some other rubbish. Can't worshp Christ today. No nononono...

I would ask you a question though. In the religion you have adopted, is the Following Quote the Words of the Same Christ who came to earth via a virgin birth?
I'll chuck that back at you. Do you reckon our Lord Christ did or said anything important while He was here, anything worth remembering and celebrating? If so I'd be keen to hear it. We're not supposed to celebrate His birth, we're not supposed to celebrate His Resurrection. You reckon He did anything important enough to celebrate?
Does any of this matter? I would say, only if Truth matters.
Apparently from the standpoint of your version of quasi-Jewish neo-Christianity, no. No act of God worth noting or celebrating.

Your religion isn't one I find any truth in at all. Lot of heretics have contrived better ones.
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...the feasts of the Church...
Not every Christian church honors Yule. (IIRC, the Puritans did not.)
"The" Church is very telling...
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
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Not every Christian church honors Yule. (IIRC, the Puritans did not.)
"The" Church is very telling...
Ooooh, I might be a rascally Romanist!

Here's the trick: if Christianity as a whole is an invention of the Evil Catholic Church, why have anything to do with it? Become a Jew (or a Buddhist, or Sikh, or Muslim, or whatever) and have done with it. Go find whatever religion you think is the genuine article and join 'em. Or, as some folks do, make up your own and declare it to be real Christianity/Buddhism.Islam/whatever, Or mix and match.

How many Christian churches reject the celebration of our Lord's resurrection? Is that an invention of Emperor Constantine, or the RCC, or both, as well? I mean, that has to be at least as bad as Halloween. (Halloween" Seriously?)

Bottom line, though, is if you don't think out L:ord's birth is important enough to celebrate, don't celebrate it. Spare the rest us the phony pious posturing. Join the unbeliving world, the Jews and Muslins and Hindus and pagans and atheists in not honoring the birth of Christ. No one will care. Just leave it to us religious fanatics.
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if Christianity as a whole is an invention of the Evil Catholic Church, why have anything to do with it?
Christianity predates the RCC. It was founded by a sect of Jews.
How many Christian churches reject the celebration of our Lord's resurrection?
His Resurrection is clearly tied to Passover. There is no need to connect it to anything else.
Bottom line, though, is if you don't think out L:ord's birth is important enough to celebrate, don't celebrate it.
His Incarnation is worthwhile. Yule is not.
Spare the rest us the phony pious posturing.
Objecting is not "phony pious posturing." And the RCC is not the de facto standard for all of Christendom.
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Blood Drinker
Aug 17, 2005
Franklin, Tennessee
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Christianity predates the RCC. It was founded by a sect of Jews.
Wow, now there's a revelation! Who knew?
His Resurrection is clearly tied to Passover. There is no need to connect it to anything else.
Care to expoumd on that. I don't know what it's supposed to mean.

His Incarnation is worthwhile. Yule is not.
Define "Yule". It's what they call Christmas (Jul) in Denmark, but it's a sure enough Christian feast.
Objecting is not "phony pious posturing."
Show looks that way to me. "Thou shalt not keep Christian feasts specifically honoring Christ, thou shalt keep the ancient pre-Christian feasts given to the (now) unbelieving Jews. That's as phony as a $17.328 bill.
And the RCC is not the de facto standard for all of Christendom.
Yeah, the people who despise Christian feasts have a whole mythology built around the the evil Catholic Church. Of course, most of the "history" that cite is a tissue of lies, when it's simply a matter of invincible ignorance (do y'all really nelieve that Halloween is a universally embraced "high day" enacted by the RCC. If so, I have some land in Collier County Floriday to show you. Heckuva deal. Trust me, it's only submerged on days ending in Y., and they're friendly alligators.
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Blood Drinker
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His Resurrection is clearly tied to Passover. There is no need to connect it to anything else.
BTW, y'all don't think we ought have any observance of His Resurrection either, do you? Just wasn't that big a deal right? Just act like it didn't happen, join the unbelivers and keep the Passover instead.

Complete rubbish.
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BTW, y'all don't think we ought have any observance of His Resurrection either, do you? Just wasn't that big a deal right? Just act like it didn't happen, join the unbelivers and keep the Passover instead.
Care to expoumd on that. I don't know what it's supposed to mean.
13 When Pilate therefore heard that saying, he brought Jesus out and sat down in the judgment seat in a place that is called The Pavement, but in Hebrew, Gabbatha. 14 Now it was the Preparation Day of the Passover, and about the sixth hour. And he said to the Jews, “Behold your King!” John 19:13-14 NKJV
Define "Yule".
As if...
"Thou shalt not keep Christian feasts specifically honoring Christ, thou shalt keep the ancient pre-Christian feasts given to the (now) unbelieving Jews. That's as phony as a $17.328 bill.
Define "Christian Feasts" using just your Bible. (I will grant Communion, but it is not very filling as "feasts" go.)

I am all for a good party, but those claiming to be spiritual feasts must have a Biblical justification.
New Year's Day, birthdays, anniversaries, Independence Day do not make any claims of spiritual significance. Even American Thanksgiving & Jewish Hanukah are national commemorations.

Gentiles have no obligation to celebrate Jewish Feasts in a Jewish fashion, but all of them are relevant historically & prophetically. We should be mindful of them.
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And to not simply ignore, but rail against, the feasts oif the Church honoring our Lord Christ.

Like that all-important "high day", Halloween <ROFL> My wife, who comes from Korea, where's no custom similar to Halloween, described it as "the stupidest holiday I ever heard of". But in fact it isn't a holiday, officially or otherwise. The only people who even claim to believe it is are the so-called pagans, but even with them it's just an excue for a party. The claim that it's an importamt "High Day" is simply ridiculous.

Which ones?

Leaving no youtube video unwatched, I'm sure.

Not even close. It's fraudulent "history" and anti-catholic whoop-whoop, unworthy of any serious Christian.

No, what you were doing was repeating mendacious rubbish contrived by people who reject most if not all of the core beliefs of the Church, and who follow their own made-up Judaism-and-water pseudo-Christian religion. It's right up there with the stuff peddled by the JWs and Mormons.

Recorded. Right. Does that mean that no one had ever taken though to commemorate the birth of our Lord, as though it was some mundane, everyday event? Hogwash.

The piont of your "truth" is to denigrate the celebration of Christian feasts honoring our Lord Christ. How you can possibly believe that to be a good thing is beyond my understanding, unless you actually believe that our Lord's birth and resurrection were really "No Big Things", in which case you have a radically differ "Christanity" than I care to associate with.

That is an altogether absurd belief. But I'm open to persuasion, give me some evidence of such a novel accusation.. In writing, please, and preferably something dating back prior to the invention of Youtube. I say it's false, as is pretty much everything you believe.

Actually He did, by being born to the Blessed Virgin Mary in Bethleham.

I have. If you have a New Testament, take a look in the Gospel of Luke and see who who celebrated His birth.

I was being charitable.

That means not to post on internet forums. Repent, miscreant!

When did He invite Gentiles?

Which is why we celebrate His birth, and you choose to ignore it, or worse, forbid believers to celebrate it.

Seems to me yiou reject the New Covenant altogether, preferring a bowdlerized version of Judaism

False accusation again. We celebrate the coming of our Lord. You pretend it was'n't important. You share the same view as The World. The birth of Christ was No Big Thing, to them, or you. They see it as an occasion to party, you see it as an ocvcasion to ignore. You both refuse to see it as a day to rejoice in our Lord Christ. Their worship of material; things doesn't permit it, and neither does you phony neo-Judaism.

You religion is neither fish nor fowl. It's a chopped down version of Judaism, and a redacted version of Christianity. You can't deal with God Coming in the flesh. So you construct a world in which God was born, said some nice things, was killed by people who misunderstood Him, and may or may not have risen from the dead (which was No Big Deal either).

To embrce a made-up-from-whole-cloth less offensive pseudo-Christianity.

That's nice. Just as long as we don't get crazy and think He Himself was made flesh and dwelt among us, right?

Except insofar as He was both, and when He returned from th Dead. No honoring and celebrating those events. "Come and adore Him, born the Kind of Angels1" No proclaiming "He is Risen! He is Risen indeed!" That's just too much, right? I mean, let's not go to extremes, rigjht?

Except the one you follow, and peddle on the net.

So make your own tradition. "Christians" Against Christianity. "Sorry, but the Jews didn't do that, so we can't either. Of coiurse, that includes worshipping the Risen Lord, doesn't it?

KInd of a rash statement coming from you, innit? But I see a "But..." coming...

If? He did. It;s in the New Testament, so you may have missed it.,

Stop me if you've heard this:
1In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
2The same was in the beginning with God.
3All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Who is "the "WORD"?

Who is "the Word" whose birth you'd forbid us to celebrate?

You have done nothing else. In fact, that's the whole point of this thread, innt?

That appears to be something of your own making.

But you'd have an end of that gladness at our Lord's coming, wouldn't you?

Like Halloween <ROFL>

No feast necessary for our Lord's Resurrection, the single most important day in the history of the universe, right? No Big Deal. Don't you dare celebrate it. No greeting peple with "He is Risen!" or answering "He is Risen indeed!"
High Day. Roman Catholics. Some other rubbish. Can't worshp Christ today. No nononono...

I'll chuck that back at you. Do you reckon our Lord Christ did or said anything important while He was here, anything worth remembering and celebrating? If so I'd be keen to hear it. We're not supposed to celebrate His birth, we're not supposed to celebrate His Resurrection. You reckon He did anything important enough to celebrate?

Apparently from the standpoint of your version of quasi-Jewish neo-Christianity, no. No act of God worth noting or celebrating.

Your religion isn't one I find any truth in at all. Lot of heretics have contrived better ones.

Thank you for another spirit filled and enlightening reply.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2015
United States
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Yesterday, I participated in the "Greening of the Church" along with dozens of others. Working together, with busy hands and strong legs, we placed Christmas trees, wreaths, candles, poinsettias and of course our Nativity creche inside the church Our creche took 4 of us to carry in I was one of them

I did not see the work, though taxing as a chore, but rather a pleasure, because the end result is a most beautiful Christmas display and set in time for the Festival of Lessons and Carols which we held yesterday evening.
The decorations will stay up through Epiphany, setting a most beautiful backdrop for our Christmas Celebrations.

I am thankful that I have been led to a congregation which values the beauty and joy of the Christmas season. I would never allow someone to say "Well this book says don;t celebrate Christmas" because I celebrate that which brings peace Joy and Love to me, and therefore, through me, to the world.
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