Chosen before the foundation of the World


Active Member
Jan 18, 2024
Korea, Republic Of
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I'm wondering how many verses clearly discuss being chosen or predestined or foreknown before the foundation of the world.
I can only find two (outside of Revelation)

Eph 1:4 For he chose us in him before the foundation of the world to be holy and blameless ...
1 Peter 1:20 He was foreknown before the foundation of the world but was made manifest ...

The second verse, 1 Peter 1:20 is clearly referring to Jesus, right?
If so, and there are no other NT verses which clearly express this idea, then the whole of Calvin's soteriology was based on 1 verse?

I guess the other question is, 'How important is the idea of predestination being before the foundation of the world'?

(Do we agree that within the term predestination, this idea is not implicit - proorizo - predestine, pre determine, decide beforehand.
So it could be hours or days before hand, it doesn't need to be before the beginning of the world, right?



Active Member
Mar 10, 2021
United States
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Actually since the verse says before the foundation of the world we can't assume otherwise.
Add Tit 1:2 In hope of eternal life; which God that cannot lie, promised before the world began.

Now if you were predestined to eternal life before..........and eternal life was promised before by God.............How could it not come to pass, as God keeps His promises, and God cannot lie? We see the first of this resurrection now, Jesus, the next group will follow shortly, according
to Gods election. And all will have life in themselves just as Jesus does now. The fulfilling of the promise, but maybe not as a man would

Psa 82:6 I have said ye are gods; and ALL of you are children of the most High. But(for now) ye shall die like men and fall as one of the princes.

So what was the promise according to predestination? eternal life. In what capacity? As children of the Most High and as the verse used is
a prophetic one-gods.
We see that we as men are dying as men so that part is what comes first, but the end of it all is resurrection unto sons with power, and
self sustaining life inside us. Which is the thing God had intended to do Rom 8:29
This is exactly what happened to Jesus, He came to earth as a spirit within a man, exactly as we did, was spiritually begotten of the Spirit of God at Jordan, and we who are the elect have the same spiritual begetting but not as powerful for not the full measure,then when resurrected was declared to be the Son of God with Power, according to the Spirit of Holiness, BY the resurrection of the dead.

This is exactly what He fulfills in Psa 82:6-7 We die as men now, but some are elected in this dispensation to become the sons of God
at this time, others are considered the mountain of Esau(not chosen currently) Oba 1:21
The resurrection is of ALL mankind through the body of Christ, with Jesus being the first one resurrected and with life within Himself, as
it was given Him by the Father, He then gives us that same life when the Father draws us individually to Him. Thus He is the resurrection
for all will come to life though Him. Peek at Jas 1:18
This cycle will continue until everyone ever born or made on the planet will have been born spiritually into the body of Christ.
Each will have self sustaining life in them. And this fulfills the original promise and predestination we are speaking of.
Eph 2:15-16 explains the reconciliation of ALL(Jews and Gentiles), by them becoming a part of the body of Christ.

There is what appears to be an enormous, to men, amount of time involved in the fulfillment of the promise.
each dispensation appears to be 6,000 yrs with a culmination of raising each group selected and perfected, through resurrection, or if alive at that time gathering. Then there will be a Sabbath of 1,000yrs. Then it starts over to bring the next elect group to perfection.
With the start of each new dispensation of time there will be more sons in the body of Christ to help judge(perfect) those that the Father
gives to each in the body. This is how they are fruitful some 30, some 60, some 100 fold. remember to be fruitful in this way one must
receive the word(plan) and understand it.
Your salvation is free, it is a gift, but your becoming a son of this magnitude will require you to lay down your earthly life in order to
garner the high Honor of becoming a son with power. Jesus gave those that received Him the POWER TO BECOME SONS OF GOD.
As each dispensation or great week passes those who are deemed worthy(overcomers) will take their place in the throne of Jesus who took
His place in His Fathers throne (Authority, all power in heaven and Earth).

If you can see it the true Gospel of your salvation, in plain English, was just given to you. Albeit quickly done.
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