chinese /english devotions


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Nov 17, 2022
Nanjing, China
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TBL China – The Bottom Line, Ministries


Revelation 5:1 And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

我看见坐宝座的右手中有书卷,里外都写着字,用七印封严了。 (启示录 5:1 和合本)

As John gazed in awe upon the scene revealed to him in Revelation 5 of the Heavenly throne-room, his eyes were drawn to a small scroll or book in God’s hand. This is considered to be the exact replica of the book referred to in Daniel 12:4 ‘But you, Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, until the time of the end.’ Questions abound. What is written in this book? Why does it matter? Can it be added to or subtracted from? What does the seal mean? Who can break the seal and read the contents therein? My interest was piqued as I read about this scroll and its meaning for both the regenerate and unregenerate person.

当约翰看着5章中像他显现如此令人敬畏的画面,天上的宝座。他的眼睛被上帝手中的小书卷吸引了。这也被认为是但以理书12章4节中确切提到的书,但以理啊,你要隐藏这话,封闭这书,直到末时。必有多人来往奔跑(或译:切心研究),知识就必增长。”(但以理书 12:4 和合本)有太多的问题。是谁写了这本书?为什么这样写?他可以被增添或者减少吗?封闭这书又是什么意思?谁可以打开封印并读出来,激起我的兴趣的是,当我读到小书卷发现人既是悔悟的,又是顽固的。

The close parallel with Daniel 12:4 makes it likely that the scroll or book is a Heavenly book containing God’s plan and the destiny of the world to be revealed at the ‘time of the end.’ Historian G.K. Beale writes that the scroll contains ‘all sacred history, especially from the cross to the new creation.’ The scroll has writings on both sides, indicating that the decrees of God are comprehensive and also extensive. What is written on the scroll is exact in detail, with nothing omitted.


The sealing of the book preserves its unaltered state as it awaits fulfillment. The book has been sealed or closed up, which is suggestive of confidentiality and safekeeping. We are left with the impression that no one knows the contents of the pages within. God Himself has sealed it with His own hand and with an unbroken seal in place, nothing can be added to or taken from the scroll, until the appointed time.


Revelation 5:2 And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book and to loose the seals thereof? And no man in Heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon.我又看见一位大力的天使大声宣传说:“有谁配展开那书卷,揭开那七印呢?” 在天上、地上、地底下,没有能展开、能观看那书卷的。 (启示录 5:2-3和合本)

A crisis arises. Who is worthy to open the seal? The unsealing of the book implies the accomplishment of the things God has purposed. But who can do it? Only one who can demonstrate the justice of God against evil as well as the sacrifice of God to accomplish salvation, can bear the responsibility of opening the seal. Someone who is pure and powerful and perfect. Someone who is the mediator between a holy God and a sinful people. Who is worthy?


John’s response was tears of anguish. He longs for God’s purposes to be accomplished, but how is that to happen? Was there no hope for the redeemed after all?


Revelation 5:5 And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

长老中有一位对我说:“不要哭!看哪,犹大支派中的狮子,大卫的根,他已得胜,能以展开那书卷,揭开那七印。”(启示录 5:5 和合本)

But from the silence emerges the Lamb, the crucified and resurrected Lord Jesus in glorified human flesh. The Lamb who was slain, yet conquered death. In Christ, the crucified and resurrected Lord, all God’s purposes are fulfilled. He alone is worthy.


What does all this mean to you and I today as we wait for the return of Christ and the opening of the seals from the Book of Life? God has a predetermined plan put in place for all things. History is the unfolding of this plan. Nothing happens by fate or chance. No event in life is a mistake that catches God off-guard.


Psalm 139:16 Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being imperfect, and in thy book all my days were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

我未成形的体质,你的眼早已看见了;你所定的日子,我尚未度一日(或译:我被造的肢体尚未有其一),你都写在你的册上了。(诗篇 139:16 和合本)

When we envisage that picture in Revelation 5 of John witnessing God on His throne holding the sealed scroll on which is written all the plans for history, we can trust that His plans for this world and for our lives are precise and complete. We don’t have to live with a sense of regret about past failures or missed opportunities. We do not need to wonder what part of God’s plans we have missed out on, because all our days are already established by Him.


Psalm 37:23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and He delighteth in his way.

义人的脚步被耶和华立定;他的道路,耶和华也喜爱。(诗篇 37:23 和合本)

We don’t have to fear that the evils of some disease will ravage our lives, or that natural disaster or worldwide terrorism are going to derail God’s plans for this world or our lives. He has ordered all the days of our lives already, and they are to bring us blessing and a future washed with hope. We can rest knowing that the Sovereign LORD is seated upon His throne and that nothing happens in life that is outside of His control. Hallelujah!


This is all good news for the regenerate man. If you are in Christ, you can be confident that His plans for you are good even when they don’t seem to make sense. He is in absolute control and has loving plans for your future securely in His grasp.


But those who have yet to believe and live their lives surrendered to Christ, there is the prospect of a future not assured of eternal life, but eternal hell. The Lamb who gave Himself for lost sinners calls the unsaved man and woman to repent and be washed clean from sin in His blood given freely and sacrificially for you. ‘Then times of refreshing will come from the presence of the LORD’ (Acts 3:19).

但是那些还没有信,没有顺服基督的人,他们未来的前景不能保证会有永生,却是永远的地狱。羊羔把自己给了迷失的罪人,让没被救赎的男人和女人悔改,被他的宝血洗净他们的罪,自由和牺牲已经给你了,所以,你们当悔改归正,使你们的罪得以涂抹, 这样,那安舒的日子就必从主面前来到。 (使徒行传 3:19和合本)

Thou art worthy, O LORD, to receive glory and honor and power: for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

我们的主,我们的 神,你是配得荣耀、尊贵、权柄的;因为你创造了万物,并且万物是因你的旨意被创造而有的。(启示录 4:11 和合本)

Revelation 4:11


What a Sight!
from Spurgeon's, "LOVE'S LOGIC"
O the beauty of the person of Jesus, when seen with
the eye of faith by the illumination of the Holy Spirit!
As the light of the morning, when the sun arises, "as a
morning without clouds," is our Well-Beloved unto us.
The sight of the burning bush made Moses put off his shoes, but
the transporting vision of Jesus makes us put off all the world!
When once He is seen we can discern no beauties
in all other creatures in the universe.
He, like the sun, has absorbed all other
glories into his own excessive brightness.
This is the pomegranate which love feeds upon,
the flagon wherewith it is comforted.
A sight of Jesus causes such union of heart with him,
such goings' out of the affections after him,
and such meltings of the spirit towards him,
that its expressions often appear to carnal men to
be extravagant and forced; when they are nothing but
the free, unstudied, and honest effusions of its love.
Carnal men are themselves ignorant of the divine passion of love
to Jesus, and therefore the language of the enraptured heart is
unintelligible to them. They are poor translators of love’s
celestial tongue who think it to be at all allied with the amorous
superfluities uttered by carnal passions. Jesus is the only one
upon whom the loving believer has fixed his eye, and in his converse
with his Lord he will often express himself in language which is
meant only for his Master’s ear, and which worldlings would utterly
scorn could they but listen to it. The pious feelings at which
they jeer, are as much beyond their highest thoughts as the
'sonnets of angels' excel the 'gruntings of swine'.



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Rev. Simon Yin


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