Cardinal Burke: Pope Francis’ Latin Mass restrictions have had ‘exactly the opposite effect’


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Feb 5, 2002
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Cardinal Burke, who regularly celebrates the Latin Mass, said that congregations at traditional liturgies ‘are getting bigger and bigger,’ with ‘people of all ages,’ including young families with many children.

ROME (LifeSiteNews) — Cardinal Raymond Burke has noted that despite Pope Francis’ restrictions on the traditional liturgy, attendance at the Old Rite is “getting bigger and bigger” as the rite is “integral to the life of the Church.”

“This form of the Roman rite has been an extraordinary blessing through so many centuries,” said the American cardinal about the traditional liturgy, otherwise known as the Latin Mass or Usus Antiquior.

He noted that per Traditionis Custodes, issued by Pope Francis in July 2021, celebration of the Latin Mass “has become more and more difficult due to the new legislation in this matter.” The restriction, said Cardinal Burke “makes so many difficulties for the celebration according to the Usus Antiquior, according to the older use of the Roman rite.”

Speaking to Italian Catholic group Fede e Culturain Easter week, the 75-year-old prelate commented widely about the enduring attraction the traditional Mass has for Catholics of all ages despite the papal restrictions.

“From what I see,” he stated, “directly visiting various parts of the world, also from what I hear, this liturgy, this form of the sacred liturgy, with all its beauty and with its way of reflecting the richness, the profundity of our faith, continues to attract, as it is easy and understandable, so many people.”

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