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We now have less than 17 years until the return of Christ. As a Universalist, I believe universalism is at the core of the Gospel. I encourage all people to repent and for universalists to further expand your messaging. Many are now getting meat in due season.
How you come up with that number?
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Apr 9, 2021
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How you come up with that number?

It is based on the understanding of Jubilees. God gave man 120 Jubilees (Gen 6:3) which are 50 years but the 50th year is also the 1st year in the next cycle. Therefore there is 49 years between them (Lev 25). I was able to see patterns that were pointing to this.

Consider the age of Moses. He was 80 years old when he began to lead his congregation out of Egypt and died at 120 years old before going into the promised land. So I asked what should be asked, like why 80? why die at 120? Why not cross the Jordan? etc... You have to think this way and sort stuff out. Why do we count to Pentecost (50). What is the significance of that. Etc... I was able to see that the Jews used to use the week as years. You can see this evidently in the Book of Jubilees. A very important book for understanding this.

I could see that Daniels 70 weeks were 70 weeks of years also - 490 years (70 * 7). That = 10 Jubilees exactly. Since I knew his prophecy was relating to the point of the Cross, I know that year would be a Jubilee. Now Moses was to be the type of that Prophet that came later. This was referring to Christ.

Act 3:22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.

So Moses was a TYPE, I can see the pattern. You see Moses was in the wilderness for 40 years. But Jesus will lead His Congregation for 40 Jubilees. Moses didn't enter the promised land because that is the next dispensation. That was therefore the type that Joshua showed, So Joshua was the type for the 2nd Coming of Jesus. The Book of Jubilees gave us a great reference point in telling us that the 50th Jubilee was the crossing of the Jordan. That was 40 years after the Exodus. So since I knew that Daniels 70 weeks prophecy was 10 Jubilees, I had the 80th Jubilee set to occur in the year that Jesus was resurrected (though that was the sabbatical year still) until the 7th month. Then I knew that Jesus had to be crucified during the 1st of 40 years leading to the destruction of the Temple because that was serving as a type.

But there is way more I have on this. I have mapped out the 24 courses of the Priests, figured out the Jewish calendar as it was during that time, and how to know when Jesus was born. I know when He will return because I have studied the significance of the Candlesticks and how they correlate to the 7 wandering planets (Sun, moon, mercury, mars, venus, saturn, jupiter). Clement of Alexandria referred to that correlation as well as did Philo and Josephus. I then mapped it out and new that the Lord wouldn't return on the 120th Jubilee but on the 121st one because man gets 120 of them. So I could see that the 121st Jubilee would occur when all those wandering stars are coming together towards Virgo in Sept of 2040 precisely at the time of the Fall Festival events such as Trumpets and the Day of Atonement (when the Jubilee is sounded).

It is not a coincidence. To me if far too statistically significant (though I gathered none) in my mind. And now when I go back I can see it being confirmed by the archeological records and more. I have far more data I could prove but ask questions. The time is sure.
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Mar 10, 2021
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It is based on the understanding of Jubilees. God gave man 120 Jubilees (Gen 6:3) which are 50 years but the 50th year is also the 1st year in the next cycle. Therefore there is 49 years between them (Lev 25). I was able to see patterns that were pointing to this.

Consider the age of Moses. He was 80 years old when he began to lead his congregation out of Egypt and died at 120 years old before going into the promised land. So I asked what should be asked, like why 80? why die at 120? Why not cross the Jordan? etc... You have to think this way and sort stuff out. Why do we count to Pentecost (50). What is the significance of that. Etc... I was able to see that the Jews used to use the week as years. You can see this evidently in the Book of Jubilees. A very important book for understanding this.

I could see that Daniels 70 weeks were 70 weeks of years also - 490 years (70 * 7). That = 10 Jubilees exactly. Since I knew his prophecy was relating to the point of the Cross, I know that year would be a Jubilee. Now Moses was to be the type of that Prophet that came later. This was referring to Christ.

Act 3:22 For Moses truly said unto the fathers, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear in all things whatsoever he shall say unto you.

So Moses was a TYPE, I can see the pattern. You see Moses was in the wilderness for 40 years. But Jesus will lead His Congregation for 40 Jubilees. Moses didn't enter the promised land because that is the next dispensation. That was therefore the type that Joshua showed, So Joshua was the type for the 2nd Coming of Jesus. The Book of Jubilees gave us a great reference point in telling us that the 50th Jubilee was the crossing of the Jordan. That was 40 years after the Exodus. So since I knew that Daniels 70 weeks prophecy was 10 Jubilees, I had the 80th Jubilee set to occur in the year that Jesus was resurrected (though that was the sabbatical year still) until the 7th month. Then I knew that Jesus had to be crucified during the 1st of 40 years leading to the destruction of the Temple because that was serving as a type.

But there is way more I have on this. I have mapped out the 24 courses of the Priests, figured out the Jewish calendar as it was during that time, and how to know when Jesus was born. I know when He will return because I have studied the significance of the Candlesticks and how they correlate to the 7 wandering planets (Sun, moon, mercury, mars, venus, saturn, jupiter). Clement of Alexandria referred to that correlation as well as did Philo and Josephus. I then mapped it out and new that the Lord wouldn't return on the 120th Jubilee but on the 121st one because man gets 120 of them. So I could see that the 121st Jubilee would occur when all those wandering stars are coming together towards Virgo in Sept of 2040 precisely at the time of the Fall Festival events such as Trumpets and the Day of Atonement (when the Jubilee is sounded).

It is not a coincidence. To me if far too statistically significant (though I gathered none) in my mind. And now when I go back I can see it being confirmed by the archeological records and more. I have far more data I could prove but ask questions. The time is sure.
You put a lot of work into that but do you really think the mark could be implemented within the next 14 or so yrs? Seems pretty tight
as far as a time window for that. Personally in the US I think the church goers would have a revolution if that took place in the near term.
If the falling away were quite severe then maybe but can't see it as it is now. Either way it don't matter to me for to be gone today or
tomorrow is fine.
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Apr 9, 2021
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You put a lot of work into that but do you really think the mark could be implemented within the next 14 or so yrs? Seems pretty tight
as far as a time window for that. Personally in the US I think the church goers would have a revolution if that took place in the near term.
If the falling away were quite severe then maybe but can't see it as it is now. Either way it don't matter to me for to be gone today or
tomorrow is fine.

The timeline is sure. My problem is getting people to understand it. Most people reject this understanding because of two reasons:

1.) The Bible says we cannot know the day and hour. (which it doesn't say).
2.) So many have made these claims in the past and the time went by without event.

My answer to the point of #1 above is that it never says we CANNOT know which is what many try to claim. In fact, it says that God would give meat in due season which to me is an understanding that this prophetic understanding was to be revealed.

As for #2, that is such failed reasoning. It will happen and as Christians we know He is coming back. So I usually find that remark coming from Atheists or other faiths.

There are others that know about the 120 Jubilees but I have found few that have gotten this right. I'm not the only one that had found it to be Sept of 2040 for the return of Christ. Others have as well. But the timeline is so sure that it gives you a better understanding of PAST events. For example, I can tell you that the Exodus occurred exactly in the year 1479 BC. So was there a Pharaoh that died that year? - yes - Thutmose II. He had no son to take the throne until after his wife served in his place. To me this indicates that a first born mail child was not available upon his death to take the throne. Additionally, (very important finding) is that not only himself, but his wife (Queen) and her main nurse all had scabrous wounds that may be consistent with the boil plague. So consider that 40 years later would be the 50th Jubilee in 1440 BC. I believe that Isaac was born in 1910 BC which would be 430 years before the Exodus. But this is directly a finding from the Book of Jubilees which puts his birth at 430 years before. I then think he was 30 years old when offered for sacrifice and not a young boy like many believe. This means that 400 years before the Exodus he was offered up. The translator (R.H Charles) of the Book of Jubilees puts that age there also. I believe that from that point to the subversion of the lands on the other side of the Jordan by Joshua took 450 years. Meaning it took 10 years after the crossing of the Jordan to subdue the lands. The dedication of Solomon's Temple would be in 950 BC (60th Jubilee). The 70th Jubilee would be in 460 BC. That is also the year I have the Jews returning to their land. I believe that in 530 BC was when the fall of Jerusalem in the 19th year of Nebuchadnezzar took place. That is a departure of 57 years from what most scholars believe. But that timeline was an interesting discovery because that is when the Priestly course aligned with the 1st Course serving on the first week of the 5th month when Jerusalem was being sieged.

I have much more information on all of this. I can tell you that the mystery of Pentecost is really amazing. I don't know of anyone else that teaches us this but it involves an understanding that the Sabbaths were observed by the Jews as only happening on the 8th,15th,22nd, and 29th of the LUNAR month. In other words that Sabbaths occurred with the Phases of the moon. They would always know when they were going to happen because the moon was like a visible clock for everyone. Know this you can understand that in Leviticus when you count to Pentecost you are NOT instructed to count 50 days but rather you are to count 7 complete Sabbath (weeks) and then add one day. So there are 50 days of significance but there is slightly more than 50 days when you count them. And you begin counting them from the 16th day of the First Month (Nisan). So the actual count will always come to the 9th day of the 3rd Lunar Month. So you may be wondering why do we count them? - because it is showing us to count down Jubilees. A Jubilee is sounded on the 10th day of the 7th lunar month. So here is the mystery revealed - there are 120 days from that 9th day of the 3rd month until the 10 day o the 7th month. But there is more. If you count to the 60th day, you land on the 10th of Av (5th month) which is the day that the Temple was destroyed. Recall above that the Temple was dedicated in the 60th Jubilee. Furthermore, if you count to the 80th day you will be at the 1st day of the 6th month. That is significant because in (Hag 1:1) we find that this is the time in which the decree is GOING FORTH to build the 2nd Temple. But this also signifies the 490 years given in Daniel 9 for the 70 weeks of years (490 years) that takes us to the year in which the 80th Jubilee would be declared.

All of this understanding becomes clear when you have the understanding of the Calendar and Jubilee cycle.
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Mar 10, 2021
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The 70th Jubilee would be in 460 BC.
That would line up well with the start of Jesus' ministry being the 80th jubilee 490 yrs later.
So if you took 121 Jubilees as the final time line, and started with the 70th in 460 BC then add 51 forty nine yr periods you get 2039
as the end of the cycle and 2040 as the beginning of the 52nd?
I can see where things are done according to a jubilee cycle no doubt and even have feelings about a great Jubilee cycle concerning
time dispensations of 7,000 yrs each as 6000 yrs of God working, then a rest of 1,000 when the reign belongs to Christ as a body,
then God begins again in the next cycle (second death), second fruits etc.....
Interesting, but not sure I get 121 full cycles.

How did you calculate Jesus' birth month? I have it in September.
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Apr 9, 2021
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That would line up well with the start of Jesus' ministry being the 80th jubilee 490 yrs later.
So if you took 121 Jubilees as the final time line, and started with the 70th in 460 BC then add 51 forty nine yr periods you get 2039
as the end of the cycle and 2040 as the beginning of the 52nd?
I can see where things are done according to a jubilee cycle no doubt and even have feelings about a great Jubilee cycle concerning
time dispensations of 7,000 yrs each as 6000 yrs of God working, then a rest of 1,000 when the reign belongs to Christ as a body,
then God begins again in the next cycle (second death), second fruits etc.....
Interesting, but not sure I get 121 full cycles.

How did you calculate Jesus' birth month? I have it in September.
Remember, there is no year 0. So you have to account for that when calculating.

Jesus was born during Feast of Lights begins the 25th day of the 9th month. Jesus is the Light that came into the World. The Passover is a covenant of Light overcoming Darkness. The prophet Jeremiah gave the fire to the captivity showing to put our hope in that fire. That fire was representative of that Light. So it fits that it was the Feast of Lights.

Clement of Alexandria quoted that Jesus was born 194 years 1 month and 13 days before the death of Commodus. Commodus died Dec 31st of 192 AD. So knowing the calendar, we have to transpose the Jewish calendar over the calendar in 192 AD. Romans have different days in their months but Jews don't which is why you know it was a Jewish calendar reference because Clement didn't mention a specific month or days of the month but did mention days. Therefore, he is using the Jewish calendar. So if you go to Dec 31st of 192 AD in Stellarium or some other astronomy software and then count back 13 days you will be at the 25th day of the 9th Lunar month. The 1 month comes in because you cross a leap month. So going back to 3 BC, this 25th day of the 9th month would be around Dec 2nd.

I know that some claim September because they are basing that on Jupiter. There is some good logic to that since the Wise men were believed to be from the Babylonian area and it is believed they were following Jupiter as the Star of Bethlehem. However, Jupiter was stopped in the sky Dec 2nd as it began to retrograde lending more weight to the fact that a star "stood" over the area.
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