Brain Teaser - Where'd it go?

Three little old ladies were traveling together when they checked into a hotel for the night, and they paid $10 each to share a $30 room.  After they went upstairs, the desk clerk realized that he should have only charged them $25 for the room, so he gave five $1 bills to the bellboy to take to the ladies as a refund.

On his way upstairs, the bellboy decided to keep $2 for himself as a tip.  He then proceeded on to the room and gave each lady a $1 refund.

Each of the three ladies has now paid $9 for the room, for a total of $27.  The bellboy has $2, bringing the total to $29.

What happened to the other dollar?


If you already know this joke, please don't post the answer right away but if you don't, go ahead and give it your best guess.  I'll post the correct answer a little later if no one gets it right. 
Good thinking, LightHearted!  The way the problem is worded sets up a false equation, trying to obscure the fact that the $2 the bellboy kept is already included in the $27 the women paid.  The hotel got $25, the bellboy took $2 and the women got $3 back, which totals up to $30.  So, you were correct in figuring out there is no missing dollar. 

I was afraid this one would be easier to solve when you can see the whole story in writing.  I've always sprung it on people out loud before and they usually have to do some figuring on scratch paper before they finally get it.  Try it on somebody else and see what happens.  Our family had a lot of fun with this one when we got together at Thanksgiving--even my sister, a math teacher, couldn't figure it out!   

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