Biblical Tithing is about Food - not money.


Jesus loves you friend
Mar 9, 2009
Dunbar, West Virginia
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I agree with the original post, it is about giving out of love like Christ did, not a fixed percentage.

Ask a waitor or waitress which day of the week they hate working. 90% say Sunday because Church people are rude and dont tip. lol. It is because they just had tithe 10% and they hated it. But once you give because you love, you will give to other people as well. The lady who have one mite in the plate is because she loved much. Those who love little give little. No wonder waitress's hate Sunday, church people just got condemned all morning for not giving enough and not praying enough, reading enough, or fasting enough, not living holy enough, then are expected to be loving to people after the preacher just laid their head on a chopping block, killing the sheep and not feeding the sheep.
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robert skynner

I respect the Bible but religion is damaging
Jun 29, 2016
Plymouth, UK
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I agree with the original post, it is about giving out of love like Christ did, not a fixed percentage.

Ask a waitor or waitress which day of the week they hate working. 90% say Sunday because Church people are rude and dont tip. lol. It is because they just had tithe 10% and they hated it. But once you give because you love, you will give to other people as well. The lady who have one mite in the plate is because she loved much. Those who love little give little. No wonder waitress's hate Sunday, church people just got condemned all morning for not giving enough and not praying enough, reading enough, or fasting enough, not living holy enough, then are expected to be loving to people after the preacher just laid their head on a chopping block, killing the sheep and not feeding the sheep.

But tithing is not giving, tithing was a fixed rate tax, you cannot choose to give tithes, it was the law. Giving money is not tithing, and new covenant Christians are not under the Mosaic law or Mosaic tithe laws or any form of the Abrahamic covenant, no matter how TV preachers choose to misquote Genesis 14. Tithing is not, and never was giving!
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P.C. Awari

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Jun 10, 2022
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I beg to disagree with "Biblical Tithing is about Food - not money"
Genesis 14:11 told us that when Lot was captured, they took all the goods of Sodom and Gomorrah, and all their victuals, and went their way.
I like to believe that by goods, it meant all kinds of merchandise including golds, clothings, etc, and verse 20 told us how of all they took, Abram gave not just a tenth of the victuals, but of 'all' to Melchizedek.
Secondly, in Matthew 23:23 and Luke 11:42, Jesus mentioned anise and cummin as some of the things the Pharisees would tithe, while they omitted other weightier matters of the law. These are herbs. But that is not my question. In the later part of these verses, Jesus, haven talked about two things, one of which he called a more weightier matter of the law, said "these ought ye to have done, and and not to leave the other undone."
Is this not an admonition from Jesus on the subject of tithe, as against the fact there is no other verse of scripture that mentions the word tithe and says we shouldn't pay it?
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Sow good and only good with the right perspective and/or attitude (and expectation) (from a pure heart) and reap only good in return (though it may not always be or always come in the exact way (or timing) in which you always expect, etc) and, then, of course, sow evil and only evil, and then the expected return should always be very obvious, etc...

It does a lot of people absolutely no good at all to give money, when they are not just naturally natural givers in a lot of other ways, because they turn it into something that is evil when they are not, or when they don't, or when it is not, etc, and even if they do happen to get riches in the form of money and/or material wealth/possessions in return for it (their tithe) when they are not, or don't, or aren't, etc, God will actually make it a curse that comes upon them, when they don't, or they are not, etc, and they may not even be realizing it until it is just way, way "too late" for them, etc...

Without the right perspective on money and/or material wealth and possessions, it can be the root of all kinds of evil, etc, and this can be if you have little or a lot of it right now regardless, etc...

So very many people, even very many "tithers", make it into their God, etc... and this is whether they have seen a return on it currently right now or not, etc... The Bible calls this entire category "mammon", etc... Which is best described as "all kinds of any kinds of great wealth and/or riches", etc, most especially money-wise or material-wise, but that also includes "possession-wise" also, etc...

If God gives you a lot of it when you are not yet ready for it yet, He is actually cursing you, and putting a very great heavy weight and great curse upon you, etc, and this can be whether or not if you always tithe it studiously or not, etc...

Tithing it does not free you from the curse of it if your heart is not right with God and you are not yet ready for more of it yet, etc...

"Mammon", etc...

You have to view, and see, and use mammon very much wisely, and very much perfectly correctly, in order for it to not be cursing you, or be laying/bringing a very heavy curse upon you, etc...

And many people who do actually tithe, have not even begun to escape this yet, etc, because it doesn't discriminate in and/or between either group ever at all ever, etc...

Also "mammon" is not just restricted to money, and neither is the tithe, etc, just take a look at the OT, etc...

I find it very funny that many people seem to think that it only just means just only money only nowadays, etc...

But, that is today's world I guess...

After all, it makes the world go round, right...

They think that if they just give just only their 10% of just only their money only, then they're covered, etc...

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but it means so very much more than just only that only, etc...

But if your heart is not right (with God) to ever at all begin with anyway, then it doesn't really matter anyway, as I have been trying to say, etc...

Because that's only what God was after only in the very first place anyway, etc...

God Bless!
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Let me begin by saying that I believe we should indeed give "gifts and offerings" to the Church - it is our duty to support the Church financially. This is not about not giving or stinginess. This is about the word "tithe" and a fixed obligated compulsion - the 10%.
Tithing was under the Mosaic covenant, and not for Christians. Churches that are teaching and demanding tithing are scamming people who don't know their Bible, and the motivation is to make money. It is common for Word-Faith mega churches that enforce tithing for their principal leader to be very wealthy from the resulting income. Unsuspecting people thinking they are giving to the work of the Lord are instead lining the leader's pockets with their tithes.
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Tithing was under the Mosaic covenant, and not for Christians. Churches that are teaching and demanding tithing are scamming people who don't know their Bible, and the motivation is to make money. It is common for Word-Faith mega churches that enforce tithing for their principal leader to be very wealthy from the resulting income. Unsuspecting people thinking they are giving to the work of the Lord are instead lining the leader's pockets with their tithes.
Yes, there are those "wolves" also, etc...

So much so, that I'd even much rather give to a non-religious, secular outreach of some kind or type, etc...

God Bless!
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Old Soul
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Oct 10, 2011
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Sow good and only good with the right perspective and/or attitude (and expectation) (from a pure heart) and reap only good in return (though it may not always be or always come in the exact way (or timing) in which you always expect, etc) and, then, of course, sow evil and only evil, and then the expected return should always be very obvious, etc...

It does a lot of people absolutely no good at all to give money, when they are not just naturally natural givers in a lot of other ways, because they turn it into something that is evil when they are not, or when they don't, or when it is not, etc, and even if they do happen to get riches in the form of money and/or material wealth/possessions in return for it (their tithe) when they are not, or don't, or aren't, etc, God will actually make it a curse that comes upon them, when they don't, or they are not, etc, and they may not even be realizing it until it is just way, way "too late" for them, etc...

Without the right perspective on money and/or material wealth and possessions, it can be the root of all kinds of evil, etc, and this can be if you have little or a lot of it right now regardless, etc...

So very many people, even very many "tithers", make it into their God, etc... and this is whether they have seen a return on it currently right now or not, etc... The Bible calls this entire category "mammon", etc... Which is best described as "all kinds of any kinds of great wealth and/or riches", etc, most especially money-wise or material-wise, but that also includes "possession-wise" also, etc...

If God gives you a lot of it when you are not yet ready for it yet, He is actually cursing you, and putting a very great heavy weight and great curse upon you, etc, and this can be whether or not if you always tithe it studiously or not, etc...

Tithing it does not free you from the curse of it if your heart is not right with God and you are not yet ready for more of it yet, etc...

"Mammon", etc...

You have to view, and see, and use mammon very much wisely, and very much perfectly correctly, in order for it to not be cursing you, or be laying/bringing a very heavy curse upon you, etc...

And many people who do actually tithe, have not even begun to escape this yet, etc, because it doesn't discriminate in and/or between either group ever at all ever, etc...

Also "mammon" is not just restricted to money, and neither is the tithe, etc, just take a look at the OT, etc...

I find it very funny that many people seem to think that it only just means just only money only nowadays, etc...

But, that is today's world I guess...

After all, it makes the world go round, right...

They think that if they just give just only their 10% of just only their money only, then they're covered, etc...

Well, I hate to burst your bubble, but it means so very much more than just only that only, etc...

But if your heart is not right (with God) to ever at all begin with anyway, then it doesn't really matter anyway, as I have been trying to say, etc...

Because that's only what God was after only in the very first place anyway, etc...

God Bless!
The sacrifices were a "tithe" as well, I believe...

But that's a whole other subject for another time, etc...

God Bless!
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P.C. Awari

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Jun 10, 2022
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That God gives His children what they are not ready for, is anti scripture. 'God is faithful,' 1 Corinthians 10:13 tells us, 'who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.'
Many Christians for example, are praying and fasting 'God anoint me'. But what's anointing? Power, and power is ability to do work. The reason God will never anoint them is that they're not working, and God hates waste. Kingdom wealth is given by God only to those who will first use it for the kingdom and for the sufferings of humanity. God blesses us primarily so we can be a blessing to others. Scriptures never told us money is evil. It is the love of it that is evil. The conversation in Mathew 19:16-26 and Mark 10:17-22 would seem to support the teaching that when wealth becomes so great, it's impossible to gain enternal life. But contrary to that, the passage teaches us that whatever we places value on above God has become an idol. And so Christ was saying to the young rich man 'drop your idol and follow me.' This can be anything; to some, it's something simple like a TV programme they are addicted to they will not miss it for anything. To some, it's something small like their mobile phones and apps they are addicted to that even while in God's presence, they're still checking on it. Some is their work, etc.
Now, in terms of giving, it has to be acceptable before we talk about receiving, and I think we're in agreement on this. Church is not a bank where any money you bring is acceptable. It might be received by the ministry, yet not accepted by God the Rewarder. From 2 Corinthians 8:5, we understand that the first thing we must give is ourselves. That is how we open our account with heaven. Other things are included which makes our seeds acceptable like you can't talk poverty and expect riches because as a man thinks, so is he. Maintaining an atmosphere of joy at all time is another facilitator because the harvest perishes where there's no joy, and the greatest is, seek first the kingdom and its righteousness with your resources, time and energy. And lets not forget that he that helps the poor lends to God.
No amount of wealth is too much. It's the limit of our willingness to distribute that is the problem. That is what Christ was talking about when he said it's easier for the head of a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for the rich to enter heaven. Many actually needs less than 10% of their total wealth to live and enjoy all that life has to offer, but will only feed the beggar under their table with crumbs and see themselves as demigods upon which other people's lives depends.
God blesses us first, for His kingdom's sake, secondly, for our families (not just our immediate family alone, but ensuring that every man or woman in our lineage is equipped with required skills and education to be independent on their own), and thirdly for the world around us. Many people, including Christians, spend more on their pets than they spend for their parents or any human being. So we see that when 1 Timothy 6:10 says the love of money is the root of all evil, it is fact that how use money will send many to hell because heaven's wealth is entrusted and not an achievement (has nothing to do with how skillful or intelligent we are), so we will someday give proper account on how we spent it. If a pastor takes tithe and chooses not to see Deuteronomy 14:28 which talks about how it ought to be distributed every third year, or a child of God refuse to notice the friend's, or neighbour's children are out of school because of bills he or she can handle, or becomes so busy so as not to notice those in hardship in and around the neighbourhood, workplace, and church, etc, this is what he says in Mathew 25:42-43 'I was hungry and you gave me nothing to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me nothing to drink, I was a stranger and you did not invite me in, I needed clothes and you did not clothe me, I was sick and in prison and you did not look after me.’
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Oct 28, 2004
United Kingdom
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'Eat the tithe' (Deuteronomy 14:23) does indeed provide a clue. God Bless :)

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Feb 24, 2023
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Have we missed the first reference to the 'tithe' or the idea of giving a tenth to the priesthood? Or doesn't this apply?

Gen 14:18 And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine: and he was priest of God Most High.
Gen 14:19 And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth:
Gen 14:20 and blessed be God Most High, who hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him a tenth of all.

This was well before Moses and the Levitical priesthood.

Lev 27 may be relevant as it is basically about giving monetary value to offerings. I seem to recall some mention of selling produce and bring the money to the Temple when the travel distance was excessive. Though it probably related to offerings the idea is there.

There is a lot to take in from the OP's post and I cannot examine all the points within it in detail at this time but there are a couple of things I would mention. One who is in the service of the Lord has the right to expect support for that work.

1Co 9:6 Or is it only Barnabas and I who have no authority whether not to work?
1Co 9:7 Who serves as a soldier at his own wages at any time? Who plants a vineyard and does not eat of its fruit? Or who feeds a flock and does not partake of the milk of the flock?
1Co 9:8 Do I say these things according to man? Or does not the Law say the same also?
1Co 9:9 For it is written in the Law of Moses, "You shall not muzzle an ox threshing grain." Does God take care for oxen?
1Co 9:10 Or does He say it altogether for our sakes? It was written for us, so that he who plows should plow in hope, and so that he who threshes in hope should be partaker of his hope.
1Ti 5:17 Let the elders who rule well be counted worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in Word and doctrine.
1Ti 5:18 For the Scripture says, "You shall not muzzle the ox treading out grain," and, "The laborer is worthy of his reward."

Tithing is something the Israelites would quite familiar about. The idea of supporting the elders like this would not be unusual.

Tithing from a legal stance does rather defeat the purpose of it within God's working in our lives though. Abraham had nothing compelling him to give a tenth but it was just a natural response to God for His blessings towards Abraham. I can understand the questioning when a ministry makes a big deal about the need to tithe. It can sound a bit like greed.

For myself I have always given a tenth of whatever I received. I have never been in need. After Bible School when I had when I had nothing left in my savings the Lord brought along a job that meant I then had what I needed to survive. My wife, when she was a young mother caring for young children, was living from hand to mouth. She was taught early in her Christian walk the need to give a tenth of what she received. There were times she had no food to feed herself or her children. No money to pay bills. No where to move to when her rent was terminated. God always met her needs. At times this took a miracle from God. Out of her poverty she was able to raise her children and, at times, feed others who were better off than herself. None of us have to give our tenth but... as from what has happened in my family these past 50 years... it would be unwise to not bring all the tithes into the storehouse. What is done with it is for God to sort out.
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Optimus Fortis

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Dec 31, 2011
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Self hypocrisy check: I don't tithe but I have been mulling things over.

How different would this world be if Christians devested from media subscriptions, alcohol, processed food, investments in the military-industrial complex and loans at usury or any other institution which hates Christianity and tithed instead?

The billions of tithes don't necessarily need to go into organised religion or ministries but to anything that helps the Lord gather. Financial power is probably the greatest temporal power that we have but we are not using it and we wonder why Christian influence on society is in decline.
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Feb 24, 2023
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Tithing is a major subject. There is a lot of details within scripture as to what it is, why it is done and who should be the recipient of them. If it is not given to the appropriate recipient for the correct purpose then it is not a tithe and falls into a different category such as free will offering, heave offering or some such other offering. It may even be an invalid offering... not one that is acceptable in God's economy. Just another offering in the manner of Cain's offering.
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Presbyterian Continuist

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Tithing is a major subject. There is a lot of details within scripture as to what it is, why it is done and who should be the recipient of them. If it is not given to the appropriate recipient for the correct purpose then it is not a tithe and falls into a different category such as free will offering, heave offering or some such other offering. It may even be an invalid offering... not one that is acceptable in God's economy. Just another offering in the manner of Cain's offering.
Tithing is a non-issue for Christian believers. Those who teach and demand tithing as imposing obsolete Jewish law. The Jewish tithe was the giving of produce to support the priests and Levites who were given no land of their own to give them an income. Because there are no Jewish priests and Levites in the Christian church, the teaching of tithing is nonsense, and some churches impose it as a way to increasing revenue.

Therefore it is up to the individual believer to determine whether he or she wants to give a free will offering, and where that offering should be directed. There is no such thing as an inappropriate offering. If the offering is given from the heart and after consulting the Lord for His will on the matter, then no matter where it is directed, it is always appropriate.
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Aug 12, 2007
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Tithing is obviously OT, but I don't tithe, I give 10% because that is what Abraham did. I follow his example because we are children of Abraham.

If I don't always give 10%, I don't worry about it, I still gave an amount or I make up for it next time in my giving. It's not really a hard fast rule with me, but one that can be easily followed by myself.
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Sir, this is a Wendy's...
Jun 20, 2004
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Finally, there is no "tithing principle" but Creflo Dollar invented that term in order to milk congregants like cows out of their money.
Oh, the "tithing principle" was formulated about a century before ol' Creflo (Gimme A) Dollar promoted it. Thomas Kane, a Chicago businessman, began publishing pamphlets in the 1870s promoting the system of tithing as popularly practiced today. His writings also used many of the same defenses as today: anecdotal tales of "I started tithing and now I'm RICH...", the use of Malachi 3:9-11 as the prooftext, the redefining of offerings as above and beyond the 10% tithe, etc.
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Feb 24, 2023
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Sigh, I told myself I would make no more comment in this strip but, perhaps, I must.

New Testament is clear. Those who proclaim the gospel should live of the Gospel. Perhaps I should have included the subsequent verses as well.

1Co 9:9 For it is written in the law of Moses, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn. Is it for the oxen that God careth,
1Co 9:10 or saith he it assuredly for our sake? Yea, for our sake it was written: because he that ploweth ought to plow in hope, and he that thresheth, to thresh in hope of partaking.
1Co 9:11 If we sowed unto you spiritual things, is it a great matter if we shall reap your carnal things?
1Co 9:12 If others partake of this right over you, do not we yet more? Nevertheless we did not use this right; but we bear all things, that we may cause no hindrance to the gospel of Christ.
1Co 9:13 Know ye not that they that minister about sacred things eat of the things of the temple, and they that wait upon the altar have their portion with the altar?
1Co 9:14 Even so did the Lord ordain that they that proclaim the gospel should live of the gospel.

Granted some preach the gospel for motives that are not of God (e.g. Phi 1:15-17) but that does not invalidate the principles established within the Word of God. Obviously, the motivation for giving, or tithing, is important. When Cain offered God did not accept the offering. Probably it was not what God required of him. He, like we do so often, did what he thought was best. Giving your tenth to some other 'pet' project is, in my opinion, no different to Cain's offering. To give a tenth out of fear, or the expectation of much more in return, or even because 'that's just what we do' might mean (probably will mean) that God is not pleased with it (Heb 10:6-7 quoted from Psalm 40:6-7). To give our tenth, from each pay, means that those of our brethren who rely upon our support have less concern about receiving what they need to live on each week. We'd not appreciate it if our employer decided to give us only part of our wage one week and then, maybe, make it up a week, a fortnight or a month later (if ever). If our Pastor has to 'live on faith' then I suspect that God will send him somewhere that 'faith' is more present within the congregation.

Over forty years ago my fellowship was privileged to hear an accountant, Malcolm MacGregor speak about how a Christian should manage their money. He produced a book called 'Your Money Matters' that came out of his intense study of what is written in scripture. Tithing was only one small part of that study but many within the fellowship, if they were not already doing so, began to tithe. As a result we are able to support many individuals within the congregations nationally to study and document the Word of God, manage the church offices, produce new music and, at times, assist in construction of new buildings both in this country and in our near neighbour. None of those people get any more than a regular wage. Some may only get a part wage to supplement a part time job within secular employment. We will not put ourselves out there as being some sort of super church or try to be popular by any of the world's standards but we do have, even down to the primary school age children, a grasp of some of the Biblical principles that may not be preached in any of the more popular churches. We sing these concepts in the songs our people write. The tithe has provided this within our Church. Malcolm stated that (using Jericho as an example) in God's economy the first tenth is 'cherem' (accursed, devoted to destruction). His point was that you do not have to tithe. That is your choice. You'll find that a tenth of your income is wasted anyway. It may as well be given for the work of the Lord.

In 1Co 9:13 (above) we have a tie back to the principle of tithing with the Old Testament. Those things which are written in the Old Testament are for us, in the New Covenant, to be seen as types and shadows, as examples or patterns of how it is for us to conduct ourselves as the people of God. (1Co 10:11, Heb 8:4-5, Col 2:16-17). It is not, for us, law but rather an example of how we may express God's love to another. If this is to be the pattern then the tithe would not be used solely to support one man but all those who are called to the work of the Lord just as it was for the priests and Levites. For every ten people who tithe then there should be one set aside for the ministry in whatever area God as called them (pastor and teacher, music, administration, evangelism, etc, missionary? perhaps, also). (Operating expenses for the church building should come from a separated offering. A separate study on the Old Testament offerings is worthwhile). If your minister lives in a million dollar mansion, drives a Lamborghini and holidays at a condo in the south of France then perhaps you need to review the place where you worship and the reasons for being there.

It saddens me that we, who have died and now live in Christ, who should be giving our life and everything we have into God's hand, are so carnal as to hold onto a mere portion of what He has given us. We should be more inclined to emulate the widow who offered to God all of her money (Mar 12:41-44). This is the one that Jesus respects.

Act 2:43 And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.
Act 2:44 And all that believed were together, and had all things common;
Act 2:45 and they sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all, according as any man had need.

What has happened to this attitude in the Church today? Why would we begrudge giving a tenth (call it what you like) of what God has blessed us with? What spirit is now within us? If (or is it when) all is taken from us what good is our wealth going to be then?

If you want to purchase a farm, grow enough to feed your family, plus some more to support one who proclaims the gospel them perhaps you can justify tithing food but it would speak poorly of your love and concern for them if, in doing so, they are forced to live in the street because they are unable to pay their rent.

I hope to have provided a little more insight on the matter but... perhaps it's best if I go silent on this subject again.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2017
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Unless you want to disregard the 10 commandments.
Go ahead and disregard them.

How far from the WILL OF GOD can you get while just obeying Jesus’ command to “love the LORD your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind” and “Love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:37-39)?
  • which of the 10 commandments can you violate while keeping those two?
  • then is it really a commandment for us?
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