Ask Me Anything


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Mar 19, 2006
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Go ahead, I dare you. Ask me anything. I might know the answer, I might not. But in any case you are bound to get a response you will enjoy. Come on, you know you want to. Don't be afraid to get too personal...I have pretty thick skin and don't shy away from too many things. DO IT! DOUBLE-DOG DARE!


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Mar 19, 2006
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Hollyoz said:
Why do people sometimes get the taste of metal in their mouth?
In my experience, people most often get the taste of metal in their mouth shortly after or while they actually have metal in their mouth. Some examples of metal things that people put in their mouths, thereby causing the taste, include but are not limited to: bullets, keys, guitar strings, hubcaps, exhaust pipes, bed frames, aluminum foil, those little square security stickers found on many an item at Walgreens, staplers, lead paint chips, and the occasional carbon fiber fork of a Trek bicycle. Hope that answers your question.
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Mar 19, 2006
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Hollyoz said:
IYO, when is the rapture going to happen?
If by your question "When will the rapture happen?" you actually mean, "Do you hope to find the girl of your dreams before the rapture?" Then my answer is "yes." But if you actually do mean to ask when it will happen, I would have to defer to God on that one. Many a man (and woman) have ventured to predict the date of this occurrance with limited success. That is of course assuming you mean the rapture of all Christians by Jesus Christ. Of course I suppose you could me the rapture of my heart by the girl of my dreams. If that is the case, I certainly don't know when that will happen...but I am hoping for maybe sometime tomorrow.

But the Jesus one, the BIG rapture--well I leave the predicting to the only person who knows. God. And on a serious note, I don't think it is important that we know when it will happen. Rather, we know that it will happen and that we ought to be hard at work winning people for Christ until that time comes. IMO, too many Christians spend too much time speculating and predicting and not enough time evangelizing and discipling.

Hope that helps.

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Mar 21, 2006
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That, my brother, was an excellent answer. I was indeed referring to the rapture of the church. I can tell you are seeking a partner, and that is wonderful. I thought recently that I had found mine and it turns out I was mistaken or had the timing wrong. Thanks for the good answer!
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Mar 19, 2006
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Macrina said:
What is your favorite kind of soup?

If you were a mad scientist building your ideal woman, what kind of hair would she have?

Tell us about one movie you saw recently and what you thought of it.
Favorite soup: Broccoli Cheese, preferably frozen and on a stick.

What do you mean "IF I were a mad scientist?"? I suppose that when I take up the task of building the ideal woman (presumably when I am like 89 and still not married) that she will have long, dark brown hair that flows in the wind more freely than a freshly washed sheet out to dry on a hillside. I have a model in mind...but I'm not saying who it is, you'll just have to guess.

A recent movie eh? I'll go with "V for Vendetta." It was really stinking long, the plot was horribly dense and scattered, and there were far too many underlying themes and undertones to keep track of. The acting was frequently and predictably abhorrent and the cinematography made me feel like I had just finished a plate of week old brussel sprouts. I give it an A+.
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Mar 19, 2006
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Hollyoz said:
That, my brother, was an excellent answer. I was indeed referring to the rapture of the church. I can tell you are seeking a partner, and that is wonderful. I thought recently that I had found mine and it turns out I was mistaken or had the timing wrong. Thanks for the good answer!
Looking for a partner? How do you get that? JK of course. Yeah I thought I found one too, but uh, NO. However...I have recently sort of met someone definately worth getting to know. Just that she's gonna be tough to communicate with. So being the one may not be her destiny with me...bummer.
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septemberskies said:
What brought you to CF?

What's the last song you heard?

Have you ever done skateboarding or surfing?
What brought me to CF?: I was actually looking for some support sites for a girl from the youth group at church who has a friend who is a self-injurer. Came across this forum and thought I'd give it a go.

Last song I heard: If I had $1,000,000 by The Barenaked Ladies. I love that song. But if I had a million dollars I wouldn't buy a house or a green dress or a K car. Instead I think I would just have a spree at the Dollar Store around the corner.

Yes I do skateboard. Well actually I longboard. Not exceptionally well, but I get around. I used to surf, but I got into a fight with a bull shark once. It wasn't bloody or anything, but we thought it best to go our separate ways and not see each other anymore. And since she lives in the ocean, I can't really surf, because that's like inviting myself to come over to her house and she is pretty territorial. I'm not bitter, really I wish her the best, we split on decent terms. I just hope she can find the Hammer-head of her dreams.
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Mar 20, 2004
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Arghhhhh shark!!!


Glad it ended peacefully.

What food group could you live on for the rest of your life?

If a movie star asked you out - would you date them?

Whats your favourite brand/flavour of coffee or tea?

Have you ever seen anything on in the demonic realm. (Like something floated past your bed or hasseled you)

Have you ever memorised a poem over a page long (or scripture)

Whats the weirdest thing you've ever tasted?
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Mar 19, 2006
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sherri said:
Arghhhhh shark!!!


Glad it ended peacefully.

What food group could you live on for the rest of your life?

If a movie star asked you out - would you date them?

Whats your favourite brand/flavour of coffee or tea?

Have you ever seen anything on in the demonic realm. (Like something floated past your bed or hasseled you)

Have you ever memorised a poem over a page long (or scripture)

Whats the weirdest thing you've ever tasted?
Wow, Sherri...lots of questions. I got light headed when I saw how many and had to lie with my feet elevated so I wouldn't pass out. Well here goes:

The one food group I could live on for the rest of my life--well let me first say I love food in general so any group would do, but if I had to just pick one I would go with trans fats. That's a food group right? I know they came up with the new pyramid a while ago and I am betting its on there. So things like cake icing, oreo filling topped with crisco, frying grease, alfredo sauce would be my main diet. Sure I'd weigh like a million pounds, but think about how happy you could be eating all those delicious pounds of fat.

Now it would really depend on the movie star that asked me out. There really aren't too very many my age, or of reputable moral standing in my opinion. So I think if one asked me out that I would go on one date, really charm her and sweep her off her feet, and then turn her down for another. Ain't no way I'm letting Angelina Jolie eat my soul...but I will let her buy me dinner.

I don't drink coffee. It stains your teeth and makes your pee smell funny. So I drink tea. Preferably green tea. And if I have my choice, Tazo Zen all the way.

Have I ever seen anything on the demonic realm? Wow what a great question. At first I would be tempted to say no. But on second thought I have seen some pretty creepy things in the men's locker room at the gym. Talk about life altering experiences.

I don't believe in long memorization. It's never done anything for me. Now long division is another matter. I love long division. I could spend entire days doing long division and eating spoonfuls of crisco.

The weirdest thing I have ever tasted (aside from the usuals like toe jam, shoe cleaner, hair spray) would be a bacon flavored jelly bean from Bertie Botts Every Flavor Beans. Last I checked, bacon isn't supposed to be in gelatin form. I almost threw up.

WHEW! Sherri, you are a tough customer. But I think I got them all. Hope that answers your questions. Tell your friends! And read 1 Peter 5:6-7. I got a lot of encouragement from that verse today, given the current things of my life.


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All that I need, is a song in my heart. . .
Feb 5, 2004
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have you ever counted your teeth with your tounge out of boredom or sheer amusment?

Can you say the alphabet backwards?

Do you know what equilibrium means, without looking it up in the dictionary?

What color are your shoelaces?

What's your favourite way to catch a yeti (bigfoot)?

How many magnets are on your fridge?
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Beauty4Ashes said:
have you ever counted your teeth with your tounge out of boredom or sheer amusment?

Can you say the alphabet backwards?

Do you know what equilibrium means, without looking it up in the dictionary?

What color are your shoelaces?

What's your favourite way to catch a yeti (bigfoot)?

How many magnets are on your fridge?
Well, well Beauty. It must make you feel good when people call you by your screenname. Kinda makes me wish I'd called myself something like IrresistableHotness. But anyway, on to the answers.

The teeth counting thing--yes. But not out of amusement. It's more of an OCD thing. I have to do it fifteen times in succession and without being interrupted. Otherwise I have to brush my teeth six times and start counting all over again while washing my hands three times for 30 seconds each time with a new bar of Lava soap.

The alphabet backwards? Beauty, please challenge me. sdrawkcab tebahpla eht

Equilibrium...isn't that what happens when you get so confused about something that your head explodes? No not really. Equilibrium can mean one of a few things. Most often it is meant as a balance between two extremes of existence (i.e. finding equilibrium between love and absolute insanity). Also it refers to the natural way of gauging balance and direction within a person's inner ear. (I shoulda mentioned my undergrad degree is in English, so I kind of know it all). ;)

The "institution" I'm currently in doesn't allow me shoelaces.

Last time I caught a yeti was by inviting it over for tea and scones. Yeti are actually very civilized beasts with quite sophisticated tastes, sometimes moreso than humans. The reason they often shy from people is because they know how comparably unintelligent we are to them. That and they don't like how little hair we have on our bodies. I on the other hand am a little furry, and like I said have a degree in English so they find me somewhat worthy of hanging out with. They like when I read Shakespeare in a Canadian accent, eh.

Well being in the "institution" and all, there is a community fridge. The kitchen lady is really mean and somewhat of a Nazi, so she doesn't let us have magnets. But last night I snuck in and superglued 347 alphabet magnets to the inside of the fridge. She started cursing in German and vowed to not cook until the culprit pried the magnets out of the inside of the fridge. Needless to say, we've been eating cold cereal all day.

Thanks for all the questions. Really, I like typing for an hour and a half to answer them all. JK. It's been fun so far. Tell your friends. And go read Mark 12:30-31 and look for something you haven't noticed before, it's a terribly profound verse if you think about it in the context of the 10 Commandments.


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Starcradle said:
Do you wish to eventually move from ABQ as I do? :p
Say what? You live here too? Sweet! You are the first person I have met here that lives in the Land of Entrapment.

Anyway...I go back and forth about that. I have lived here my whole life and there are some things I really love about it, and some things I hate. Mostly I have a hard time with drastic change and so moving to a whole new place without anyone I know there would be really hard.

Why do you wanna leave so bad?

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All that I need, is a song in my heart. . .
Feb 5, 2004
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Stepheba said:
Well, well Beauty. It must make you feel good when people call you by your screenname. Kinda makes me wish I'd called myself something like IrresistableHotness. But anyway, on to the answers.

actually, it took me a long time to get used to still catches me off guard a bit when people say "Beauty" see I didn't expect people to just use the first part of the name. It definately wasn't meant in the sense that I thought I was beautiful. It was much more that I actually didn't think that but I believed that God had redeemed me from the ashes and is hopefully making something of beauty of it all.

The teeth counting thing--yes. But not out of amusement. It's more of an OCD thing. I have to do it fifteen times in succession and without being interrupted. Otherwise I have to brush my teeth six times and start counting all over again while washing my hands three times for 30 seconds each time with a new bar of Lava soap.

what do you equate to as being inturrupted? ....heh heh... and please send a photo of an arial view of your home, jail cell, whatever....."loads up helichopper" ;) :D

The alphabet backwards? Beauty, please challenge me. sdrawkcab tebahpla eht
great job. you obviously passed the "special program" in school!

Equilibrium...isn't that what happens when you get so confused about something that your head explodes? No not really. Equilibrium can mean one of a few things. Most often it is meant as a balance between two extremes of existence (i.e. finding equilibrium between love and absolute insanity). Also it refers to the natural way of gauging balance and direction within a person's inner ear. (I shoulda mentioned my undergrad degree is in English, so I kind of know it all). ;)

actually you were correct with the former, the head exploding part. And thats something they dont teach in school. You can only learn it from experience!

The "institution" I'm currently in doesn't allow me shoelaces.

velcro it is then.

Last time I caught a yeti was by inviting it over for tea and scones. Yeti are actually very civilized beasts with quite sophisticated tastes, sometimes moreso than humans. The reason they often shy from people is because they know how comparably unintelligent we are to them. That and they don't like how little hair we have on our bodies. I on the other hand am a little furry, and like I said have a degree in English so they find me somewhat worthy of hanging out with. They like when I read Shakespeare in a Canadian accent, eh.


Well being in the "institution" and all, there is a community fridge. The kitchen lady is really mean and somewhat of a Nazi, so she doesn't let us have magnets. But last night I snuck in and superglued 347 alphabet magnets to the inside of the fridge. She started cursing in German and vowed to not cook until the culprit pried the magnets out of the inside of the fridge. Needless to say, we've been eating cold cereal all day.

you should have used the invisible kind.

Thanks for all the questions. Really, I like typing for an hour and a half to answer them all. JK. It's been fun so far. Tell your friends. And go read Mark 12:30-31 and look for something you haven't noticed before, it's a terribly profound verse if you think about it in the context of the 10 Commandments.



Glad to hear you passed typing 101 ;) and thanks for the scripture ref.

God Bless

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