An Analogy

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New Member
May 27, 2004
Do you see two Casinos afar? Do you hear the cash register ringing on your side? You are drawn by the sound of crisp notes, you are eager to put your bets in one of these casinos especially the bigger one. You figure, where the money is, surely there lies my future. So you are ecstatic, thinking that some great light has just hit you and you shared this great vision with everyone. Those who heard you, agreed, and saw huge amount of money to be made there. They drop everything, took everything with them, and left for the two great casinos.

What do you see next? They went there to gamble of course. Well, many lost huge amount of money in the process while some gain. Those who lost great lost their wealth back home too. Families and friends felt betrayed!

The Instigator who thought out this scheme didn’t foresee the great damage it would bring back home. Well, he did sort of, but not to that extent unfortunately. The money obscured him. And since his influence was so great, many believed him and followed him there to gamble.

After they have lost so much back home, they sat down and reflected.

They learnt an invaluable lesson, which were:

1) They should have been loyal to those who have been loyal to them. After all, it was the loyalists who had made them wealthy. It was wrong to abandon these loyalists and because of greed, gamble away their wealth in hope of potential fortune somewhere else.

2) They shouldn’t have been so eager to enter into a casino without first ensuring their first home interests and wealth, protected. It is better to pace your entry, making sure you do not play your loyalists - who are friends and families - out. Then, set aside what you are prepared to lose, make your investment with caution. If these rules are followed, the two Casinos may not have grown so wealthy so soon and its importance, so great and threatening, and maybe, that “Las Vegas” illusion would not have caused so much damage. One must always remembered, no one should do anything that lead others call you an ECONOMIC traitors or an infidel especially in pursue of money!

3) The smell of money, indeed, often becomes a stench for the greedy afterwards. This kind of money does not come about without a great price inflicted on your end. It may not be worth it unless it is your legacy you are trying to preserve at the expense of the interests of your loyalists. Never burn your bridges! Never sacrifice your own people for potential wealth. Wealth acquired in good conscience stays the longest!

The Casinos inevitably will take on the image of “Las Vegas”. Lust Vegas has all the glitter of gold from without for those who are sold to it. A great man once said, “What does it profit a man if he gains that pot of gold, but in the process, losing his own soul”.

The latest, Lust Vegas had to leave with its tail between his legs.

A very grave mistake committed?
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