Advice needed about ex girlfriend wanting to stay friends


Oct 20, 2023
United States
Christian Seeker
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Greetings to brothers and sisters,

Having a difficult issue with my former girlfriend. We’d been together nine years this last May 11, it was what I felt an alright relationship. Then when I fully accepted Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit she didn’t like the change in me at all. Got upset when I’d bring up the Bible and sin. I was talking about myself. I know it made her feel guilty as well, she’d been raised a catholic and went to a catholic school through high school. So she dealt with a lot of issues due to sex and what she felt about it.

I was raised in mostly nondenominational churches as I grew up. Also dealt with a long battle with the spirit of jezebel. Unwanted sexual attention at age five through seven. That started a long battle with lust once I was a teenager. Leading to first adult content on HBO and later chat rooms. As I found interaction more enjoyable then simple pictures and video. So from age 16 and on I’d battle chat and growing want for more sexual pleasures. It’s affected all of the nine relationships I’ve had with women in the real world.

I met A on a website for adults seeking other adults that enjoyed strong healthy sexual relationships. No shame or guilt, by first night we’d talked for hours lead to phone sex May of 14. Few months later she asked me to be her boyfriend, I think why not? I didn’t think would go long as I was in WI and she was in OH. My health wasn’t great at the time. Still isn’t now that’s another story. By 15 she wanted to see me but I’d just found out about the depth of my reflex sympathetic dystrophy from Mayo Clinic in the spring. I was working with new medication and that summer she wanted to visit, my grandma almost passed away. We had to put off the trip to that fall. We ended up getting together. I was her first everything. Touch, kiss and so on.

It kept going year after year, then a lot of life changed in spring of 21. My dad suddenly became very sick, after being rushed to the ER May 24th he was admitted. By June 5th mom came home and said dad had terminal liver cancer. He was gone in six weeks. Due to my own illness I hadn’t been out much during covid and A couldn’t come see me. She comes up day before dad’s funeral and suddenly we have sex right away. No comfort or holding me, nope it was sex. Most unwanted sex of my life. I felt so weird after that, it started to form cracks between the two of us.

Last year I needed help here so badly because my mom was showing early symptoms of sundowners syndrome. I am alone with her and stuck on only the lower level. When I called crying and begging for help, A said she needed to think about it. All the time planning and acting like for us it was only a technicality we weren’t married. Only if I moved to her and gave up everything of my own life.

I tried twice after that in 22 to end the relationship. First time was in person and she screamed and cried in a hotel room. I had to calm her down because I said I wanted her to be happy and that didn’t seem like she wanted to be with me. Next time was after I asked for help again and it was close to being over but she cried so bad and I felt awful I called it off within few hours.

It took God coming into my life to see how I’d used so much to fill the emptiness inside with sex, distraction, and keeping busy with stuff. It was always Jesus I needed. After the change through the gift of the Spirit, I didn’t feel the same about A and she didn’t like who I was anymore either. It ended for me June 29 and with her and I talking officially June 30th. Because she didn’t like that she wasn’t involved in my decision to give life to Christ, also that the physical part of our relationship would change.

Since it ended I confessed my cheating and lying. She would go on to admit she was never “brave enough to move.” I started to be lead by the Spirit when God spoke to me, first He said “let her be” it shifted to “let her go.”

We’d have about three more interactions after the breakup. Each one I’d see how much of my day she’d take up with texting from 4 am through the day and into the night ending with a call by 9 pm. Every time we’d also end up having phone sex and felt so convinced in the Spirit when I messed up. Felt it was, since learned how much our sex life meant a lot more to her to the point I’ve felt used in these moments. This was always my days with her, she’d call waking me up. I sleep normally around 4am till 10/11 am when I’m lucky. Due to the RSD body has hard time relaxing and sleeping, and she’d call to talk on her way to work. Asking always “did I wake you up?” She knew she did and at times couldn’t help it I’d fall asleep on her. Then she’d make me feel bad “you’re not listening” and “I will let you sleep.” We’d spend hours talking and it was about her. When I needed advice or encouragement be met with silence or “I don’t know what to say.”

Last week she texted me in middle of the night. I was in a hotel room and been on the road for six days with my mom. Having to keep the room cut in half because mom always loses items she sets down and gets mad if you try to help her. Very long story with that. I was exhausted and when A texted me I wasn’t in the mood to talk or text so I let her have it about all I was feeling and I fell asleep. Waking up to the message “I won’t reach out anymore Bradley.”

I’d been getting stronger and better yet here I was again feeling bad and guilty. I messaged back when on the road saying I was sorry. I didn’t want her to stop reaching out. The woman has been my best and only friend for nine years. Hard to give that up. She asked if she could work through this pain and hurt and be friends and keep our connection. I said I think we can. I send her some pictures on the road we talk a bit. That night we talk on the phone and I blow it again.

I’ve been going through Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend again. Great book and this time make so much more sense then it ever did before matched with the Bible. Also got Safe People and How to Have That Difficult Conversation by these gifted men. I wish I had more hours in the day to get through them.

I’m struggling because she’s reached out twice and I responded once. Because the truth is I am so much happier without A in my life. She controlled so much, I’ve dealt with controlling women a lot in life. It runs in my family from mom to my sister. Trust me should see these two fight! I’ve never been more happy being single ever. Always thought I needed someone to be made whole. I did and that is Jesus.

The struggle is that Sunday nights used be special because I’d cheer her up before she’d go back to a job she hates and has the Monday blues. I made her some stickers out of new feature on new iOS and new phone camera. I was about to send it. When I came here because needed to talk and say it out.

I don’t know if I should say to her I am done, I don’t want to have anymore contact. Or if I should simply disappear from her life. I know she’s not healthy for me, most importantly I’ve heard God say it still let her go.

I need to be a man, responsible and disciplined as the Lord has written on my heart. It feels like I’m being weak and pathetic by simply disappearing from her life. Don’t want to hurt her anymore and it feels I will do that by saying goodbye for good.

(Forgive me for lack of grammar skills as I’m not a very good writer and I don’t know if I caught every autocorrect.)
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The healthiest thing for both of you is to move on. The dynamics of the relationship is unhealthy. A further friendship would not work imo. Sounds very codependent. Never good. It’s time for a clean slate.
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Oct 20, 2023
United States
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The healthiest thing for both of you is to move on. The dynamics of the relationship is unhealthy. A further friendship would not work imo. Sounds very codependent. Never good. It’s time for a clean slate.
Thank you, it’s what I’ve been lead to as well. I don’t feel any want or need to remain within her life. Having two years to process it has helped. Felt it’s also codependent, because at times it’s come across that she wants me to fix her. When it’s not my responsibility to do that.

Understand it’s her first break up, as I was reminded of last week. I didn’t forget it, almost as if no isn’t enough for her. I failed when I said yes we could be friends, when that wasn’t what I felt. I lied because I didn’t have the energy at the time to say no. Being with me so long she knows when I’m at low energy or don’t have it in me to fight with her. That lead to so much trouble between us. If I didn’t agree with her point of view in regard's to life and politics, it was like stepping on an emotional land mine.

Noticed how much even dealing with her back in life has been draining and exhausting. As the Lord has leading me to put Him first in all ways, need to trust and obey.
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Oct 20, 2023
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I second Michie's advice. It is best to move on.
Agreed, was the plan as it is. Was more about how to do it? Believe this is one of those times that facing it head on won’t work.

Think it’s one of those foolish male pride issues, that I should tell her it’s over and done. Am I being smart to let her go and not say a word? Or a coward not strong enough to stand up for myself?

I keep coming back to that if I’d have listened to the leading of the Spirit or God speaking to my heart. To let her go, I’d not be in this position. That’s the answer is the fact I got myself into this mess, feel low not saying I’m done it’s over I’m moving on and you need to also. Tried it that way and hasn’t worked out. With time she’ll move on and be fine.
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Agreed, was the plan as it is. Was more about how to do it? Believe this is one of those times that facing it head on won’t work.

Think it’s one of those foolish male pride issues, that I should tell her it’s over and done. Am I being smart to let her go and not say a word? Or a coward not strong enough to stand up for myself?

I keep coming back to that if I’d have listened to the leading of the Spirit or God speaking to my heart. To let her go, I’d not be in this position. That’s the answer is the fact I got myself into this mess, feel low not saying I’m done it’s over I’m moving on and you need to also. Tried it that way and hasn’t worked out. With time she’ll move on and be fine.
Just do not argue with her. Simply state your intentions to move on and cut it off. If you argue or feel badly, whatever it is, it’s an opportunity for manipulation which seems to have been going on since the beginning. State your decision over the phone. Not in person or in hotel rooms. Just wish her well and do not budge or second guess yourself. Block the texts, etc. It will be tough but it’s been going on far too long from what you described. You are not good for each other. You both just keep repeating the same unhealthy patterns which is not good for her or you. Prayers you have the strength and stick to the decision to move on.
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Oct 20, 2023
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Just do not argue with her. Simply state your intentions to move on and cut it off. If you argue or feel badly, whatever it is, it’s an opportunity for manipulation which seems to have been going on since the beginning. State your decision over the phone. Not in person or in hotel rooms. Just wish her well and do not budge or second guess yourself. Block the texts, etc. It will be tough but it’s been going on far too long from what you described. You are not good for each other. You both just keep repeating the same unhealthy patterns which is not good for her or you. Prayers you have the strength and stick to the decision to move

I know what to do, it was to see what kind of advice I would receive here as a new member. One never knows about online message boards, would I be given truth or trolls? I do appreciate that you gave a well thought out answer to the question I asked. This is the first time ending a relationship as a Christian, I’ve done my part and asked her to forgive me for my errors within the relationship. That’s all I can do and the rest is up to her on that. I forgive her daily for the pain that can come up at times, as we’ve all been through the grief of heartbreak. It comes and goes, all wounds heal and all hearts mend.
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I know what to do, it was to see what kind of advice I would receive here as a new member. One never knows about online message boards, would I be given truth or trolls? I do appreciate that you gave a well thought out answer to the question I asked. This is the first time ending a relationship as a Christian, I’ve done my part and asked her to forgive me for my errors within the relationship. That’s all I can do and the rest is up to her on that. I forgive her daily for the pain that can come up at times, as we’ve all been through the grief of heartbreak. It comes and goes, all wounds heal and all hearts mend.
You’ve grown and she hasn’t.

Continued prayers!
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Jesus I Trust In You
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May 19, 2018
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I agree with Michie. You cant go wrong with any advice given by her.

It can be extremely difficult moving away mentally and physically from someone you have cared about and had a bond with. I understand completely. It can be very difficult to let go.

I find memories creep in and flood ones mind with these past images etc.

The only way is to break off ties completely. Lay all of your concerns at the feet of Jesus.

Its not easy. It can be extremely tough to go through. I speak with past experience in this (past experience that raises its head constantly of which i battle with).

Be strong my friend. Put your trust in God. Continue in prayer asking for strength and guidance.

God bless you..
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Oct 20, 2023
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I thank you all for the honest and true advice. Didn’t mean to come across rude towards anyone. When I married for a short time in my early twenties, it hurt deeply. To the point I knew I needed professional help, I spent two years in counseling due to that pain and other early life trauma.

It was through this experience that I first was given the Boundaries book by Cloud and Townsend and a few more. I return to them in most cases when the break up is difficult and to look back on my own mistakes within the relationship.

I knew what to do in this case as well. Found it was more challenging due the fact I’d never had someone return so many times to want to keep some type of relationship. Each time I pointed this out to her. She did know me well, and I was very tired and when I am like that I don’t think as clearly.

Monday night we had a long and good conversation. I once again went over my faults and she also said due to our now different fundamental beliefs she didn’t think we could work. I told her we couldn’t work as a coupe because I no longer had any interest in pursuing the relationship. She then said the same, and was able to admit that she wanted everything her way all the time. That in our case due to who I am and she is that it won’t work. The best part was that she was able to forgive me as well. I told her I’d forgive her daily if not hourly went it first ended.

It was painful telling her that we had to end contract with each other. One thing no human being alive should ever enjoy is making someone cry. She herself knows she’s a crier, and I knew she could tell it was different for me as I wasn’t crying. Because I’ve been without knowing it and only through the Lord’s gift and wisdom separating from her since the summer of 21.

It felt good to say all I needed to say to her and to give her the chance to say what she needed to say. It will come and go I am sure still, but I’m happy for the freedom and closure.
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May 22, 2013
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One thing I expect in a Christian relationship is >

"submitting to one another in the fear of God." (Ephesians 5:21)

Mutual submission, how God has us relating and sharing.

So, as soon as I am struggling, arguing, forcing, being pressured . . . I would say I need to pray against that and nothing counts unless we both are being prayerful and submissive.

"Do all things without complaining and disputing," (Philippians 2:14)

If someone tries to take me the wrong way, I can just be quiet. Often ones might try to talk what they want and not listen; so I can be still and just not go along with someone. And eventually they might ask me to explain, or they disappear.

"nor as being lords over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock." (1 Peter 5:3)

Do not try to lord myself over anyone, to control or push or force anyone.

But there can be controlling people doing something, and I want to help with it, perhaps in homeless outreach ministry. But I need to be careful not to get isolated with the controlling person. Maybe break things up, by having others around and keep getting others in the middle of our activities and conversations. And if we are alone, talk about God and family members and don't let the talking stay about us.

I had someone who could trick herself into different wrong relationships. And then it seemed I was her target, but I knew she was not mutually submissive. So, I just did not connect with what she was doing, did not even talk about it. Or, I might say something about it while talking with someone else, but not so anyone else would know it had to do with her. But she could get the message without having a chance to argue with me about it without giving herself away.

Don't get isolated with someone you don't trust > this can be a good basic, though it might not always be practical. But we can always be ready to get out of the situation and do not help it to keep going.

And make sure you spend time with Christian people who help you grow in Jesus and knowledge of God's word and discovering how to relate. This can help you not to let your attention get isolated with her. And pray for others. Get on to other relationships with sound and sensible people so you can discover how real intimacy is with God and His people.

Sex is not real intimacy. It can have us intimate only or mainly with the feelings we want.

So, get into all that is obviously better and of love, and it should be a lot easier to stay away from what is obviously inferior. And you then might invite her to join not only you but the ones so good for you.
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Oct 20, 2023
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Its not easy. It can be extremely tough to go through. I speak with past experience in this (past experience that raises its head constantly of which i battle with
Yes, not that I’m proud of this fact I have a few past relationships ending experiences as well. This was very different due to the fact that it was sudden for her, as in overnight. Sunday June 25th we were a couple, Monday afternoon the Lord started His work within me. As she would later put it, I sounded “all formal” and I wasn’t using our past nicknames for each other.

I’d asked God or the Spirit to give me the words. I’ve been raised in this life but I still find it amazing that there is the trinity of God, Christ, and Holy Spirit. The words were given and she caught on right away. That with the fact I no longer had any sexual interest in her, because God wrote that on my heart that first day. To end my sexual sins. Most will think that means adult entertainment, that wasn’t my issue. I’ve always had a strong drive, I’d later find out this was due to early childhood issues from another girl dealing with issues far beyond her control. In the Song of Solomon it’s speaks of “do not awaken love too early.” We were both two kids put together for a reason that didn’t make sense till coming to Christ.

It was due to this that I started to learn why I was made this way. I’ve always been curious and enjoy learning how things work or happen, since I came of age. This lead me down the road of a different relationship lifestyle. A lifestyle that bases relationships heavily upon power dynamics, sex, pleasure, and etc.

I would only date or find women that were also part of this lifestyle and open about it to a degree. In most cases that still means talking and taking time getting to know each other. But with us I’d made the mistake and let an afternoon of a great conversation and chemistry. Turn into a night spent in the bedroom, then next few days of that. To trying to stop because it was way too fast. Also we weren’t as matched as she’d hoped, so I ended up giving up little of myself a piece at a time. Massive boundary issues on my part, it was nice to be with a woman that enjoyed who I am and what I could do with her. Few months turned into a relationship, turned into years of losing myself more and more.

As soon as the sex was out of the picture till I am married, she wasn’t having it. I knew it was important to our relationship. Didn’t know that if I withheld it and said no to her, that it would show all the years of listening to her, supporting her through thick and thin, and being her best friend. It meant nothing, that was one that hurt a lot.

What hurt most, was when she admitted she only wanted everything her way. That I had to move and give up even more to be with her and marry her. I have a few years I have to take care of mom in her decline from vascular dementia, and I asked her to help. No she couldn’t do it. At one point I begged for help, I’m in this alone and I needed a break. No she couldn’t find a job so she could work remotely. Helped her get a masters degree to earn more money, a better life for “our future.” Woke up morning after morning so she could be in a good mood going into work.

It’s that part that makes me feel like a fool! Where did I go? Then I see how the Lord has been working in my mind and heart for a long time. Because as much as it should’ve really hurt badly, it hurt and I didn’t like hurting her in anyway.

This relationship with Christ… No words do it justice.

It’s good to know that this is a place that has real people that have a relationship with Jesus. Message board where other’s understand that many of us have had more then one or two relationships within our lives.
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May 30, 2020
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Greetings to brothers and sisters,

Having a difficult issue with my former girlfriend. We’d been together nine years this last May 11, it was what I felt an alright relationship. Then when I fully accepted Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit she didn’t like the change in me at all. Got upset when I’d bring up the Bible and sin. I was talking about myself. I know it made her feel guilty as well, she’d been raised a catholic and went to a catholic school through high school. So she dealt with a lot of issues due to sex and what she felt about it.

I was raised in mostly nondenominational churches as I grew up. Also dealt with a long battle with the spirit of jezebel. Unwanted sexual attention at age five through seven. That started a long battle with lust once I was a teenager. Leading to first adult content on HBO and later chat rooms. As I found interaction more enjoyable then simple pictures and video. So from age 16 and on I’d battle chat and growing want for more sexual pleasures. It’s affected all of the nine relationships I’ve had with women in the real world.

I met A on a website for adults seeking other adults that enjoyed strong healthy sexual relationships. No shame or guilt, by first night we’d talked for hours lead to phone sex May of 14. Few months later she asked me to be her boyfriend, I think why not? I didn’t think would go long as I was in WI and she was in OH. My health wasn’t great at the time. Still isn’t now that’s another story. By 15 she wanted to see me but I’d just found out about the depth of my reflex sympathetic dystrophy from Mayo Clinic in the spring. I was working with new medication and that summer she wanted to visit, my grandma almost passed away. We had to put off the trip to that fall. We ended up getting together. I was her first everything. Touch, kiss and so on.

It kept going year after year, then a lot of life changed in spring of 21. My dad suddenly became very sick, after being rushed to the ER May 24th he was admitted. By June 5th mom came home and said dad had terminal liver cancer. He was gone in six weeks. Due to my own illness I hadn’t been out much during covid and A couldn’t come see me. She comes up day before dad’s funeral and suddenly we have sex right away. No comfort or holding me, nope it was sex. Most unwanted sex of my life. I felt so weird after that, it started to form cracks between the two of us.

Last year I needed help here so badly because my mom was showing early symptoms of sundowners syndrome. I am alone with her and stuck on only the lower level. When I called crying and begging for help, A said she needed to think about it. All the time planning and acting like for us it was only a technicality we weren’t married. Only if I moved to her and gave up everything of my own life.

I tried twice after that in 22 to end the relationship. First time was in person and she screamed and cried in a hotel room. I had to calm her down because I said I wanted her to be happy and that didn’t seem like she wanted to be with me. Next time was after I asked for help again and it was close to being over but she cried so bad and I felt awful I called it off within few hours.

It took God coming into my life to see how I’d used so much to fill the emptiness inside with sex, distraction, and keeping busy with stuff. It was always Jesus I needed. After the change through the gift of the Spirit, I didn’t feel the same about A and she didn’t like who I was anymore either. It ended for me June 29 and with her and I talking officially June 30th. Because she didn’t like that she wasn’t involved in my decision to give life to Christ, also that the physical part of our relationship would change.

Since it ended I confessed my cheating and lying. She would go on to admit she was never “brave enough to move.” I started to be lead by the Spirit when God spoke to me, first He said “let her be” it shifted to “let her go.”

We’d have about three more interactions after the breakup. Each one I’d see how much of my day she’d take up with texting from 4 am through the day and into the night ending with a call by 9 pm. Every time we’d also end up having phone sex and felt so convinced in the Spirit when I messed up. Felt it was, since learned how much our sex life meant a lot more to her to the point I’ve felt used in these moments. This was always my days with her, she’d call waking me up. I sleep normally around 4am till 10/11 am when I’m lucky. Due to the RSD body has hard time relaxing and sleeping, and she’d call to talk on her way to work. Asking always “did I wake you up?” She knew she did and at times couldn’t help it I’d fall asleep on her. Then she’d make me feel bad “you’re not listening” and “I will let you sleep.” We’d spend hours talking and it was about her. When I needed advice or encouragement be met with silence or “I don’t know what to say.”

Last week she texted me in middle of the night. I was in a hotel room and been on the road for six days with my mom. Having to keep the room cut in half because mom always loses items she sets down and gets mad if you try to help her. Very long story with that. I was exhausted and when A texted me I wasn’t in the mood to talk or text so I let her have it about all I was feeling and I fell asleep. Waking up to the message “I won’t reach out anymore Bradley.”

I’d been getting stronger and better yet here I was again feeling bad and guilty. I messaged back when on the road saying I was sorry. I didn’t want her to stop reaching out. The woman has been my best and only friend for nine years. Hard to give that up. She asked if she could work through this pain and hurt and be friends and keep our connection. I said I think we can. I send her some pictures on the road we talk a bit. That night we talk on the phone and I blow it again.

I’ve been going through Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend again. Great book and this time make so much more sense then it ever did before matched with the Bible. Also got Safe People and How to Have That Difficult Conversation by these gifted men. I wish I had more hours in the day to get through them.

I’m struggling because she’s reached out twice and I responded once. Because the truth is I am so much happier without A in my life. She controlled so much, I’ve dealt with controlling women a lot in life. It runs in my family from mom to my sister. Trust me should see these two fight! I’ve never been more happy being single ever. Always thought I needed someone to be made whole. I did and that is Jesus.

The struggle is that Sunday nights used be special because I’d cheer her up before she’d go back to a job she hates and has the Monday blues. I made her some stickers out of new feature on new iOS and new phone camera. I was about to send it. When I came here because needed to talk and say it out.

I don’t know if I should say to her I am done, I don’t want to have anymore contact. Or if I should simply disappear from her life. I know she’s not healthy for me, most importantly I’ve heard God say it still let her go.

I need to be a man, responsible and disciplined as the Lord has written on my heart. It feels like I’m being weak and pathetic by simply disappearing from her life. Don’t want to hurt her anymore and it feels I will do that by saying goodbye for good.

(Forgive me for lack of grammar skills as I’m not a very good writer and I don’t know if I caught every autocorrect.)
Then again you are a good Christian influence on her. I hope God didn't plant you there.i guess it would depend who is the strongest.
God bless you and guide you in your trial.
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Feb 19, 2023
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2 Corinthians chapter 6 to document. Christian people and heathen are not compadable.

I won't sugar coat Gods word.

John chapter 3 . Heathen don't want to hear about God or sins. They walk in darkness and reject Jesus.

I'm not judging anyone.

I would cut her off. She will impede on your spiritual growth.

God is looking for Christians who will study the bible and plant seeds.

Biblically illiterate people are of no use to God.

Light and darkness have nothing in common.

Emotions and distractions have no place in Christian life in service of God.

It's lonely walk as Christian people. God will reward His servants at the 7th trump.

Its your choice.

Psalm chapter 6 . The wicked and spirtualty dead go to sheol. It's holding place for the spirtualty dead or wicked.
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Greetings to brothers and sisters,

Having a difficult issue with my former girlfriend. We’d been together nine years this last May 11, it was what I felt an alright relationship. Then when I fully accepted Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit she didn’t like the change in me at all. Got upset when I’d bring up the Bible and sin. I was talking about myself. I know it made her feel guilty as well, she’d been raised a catholic and went to a catholic school through high school. So she dealt with a lot of issues due to sex and what she felt about it.

I was raised in mostly nondenominational churches as I grew up. Also dealt with a long battle with the spirit of jezebel. Unwanted sexual attention at age five through seven. That started a long battle with lust once I was a teenager. Leading to first adult content on HBO and later chat rooms. As I found interaction more enjoyable then simple pictures and video. So from age 16 and on I’d battle chat and growing want for more sexual pleasures. It’s affected all of the nine relationships I’ve had with women in the real world.

I met A on a website for adults seeking other adults that enjoyed strong healthy sexual relationships. No shame or guilt, by first night we’d talked for hours lead to phone sex May of 14. Few months later she asked me to be her boyfriend, I think why not? I didn’t think would go long as I was in WI and she was in OH. My health wasn’t great at the time. Still isn’t now that’s another story. By 15 she wanted to see me but I’d just found out about the depth of my reflex sympathetic dystrophy from Mayo Clinic in the spring. I was working with new medication and that summer she wanted to visit, my grandma almost passed away. We had to put off the trip to that fall. We ended up getting together. I was her first everything. Touch, kiss and so on.

It kept going year after year, then a lot of life changed in spring of 21. My dad suddenly became very sick, after being rushed to the ER May 24th he was admitted. By June 5th mom came home and said dad had terminal liver cancer. He was gone in six weeks. Due to my own illness I hadn’t been out much during covid and A couldn’t come see me. She comes up day before dad’s funeral and suddenly we have sex right away. No comfort or holding me, nope it was sex. Most unwanted sex of my life. I felt so weird after that, it started to form cracks between the two of us.

Last year I needed help here so badly because my mom was showing early symptoms of sundowners syndrome. I am alone with her and stuck on only the lower level. When I called crying and begging for help, A said she needed to think about it. All the time planning and acting like for us it was only a technicality we weren’t married. Only if I moved to her and gave up everything of my own life.

I tried twice after that in 22 to end the relationship. First time was in person and she screamed and cried in a hotel room. I had to calm her down because I said I wanted her to be happy and that didn’t seem like she wanted to be with me. Next time was after I asked for help again and it was close to being over but she cried so bad and I felt awful I called it off within few hours.

It took God coming into my life to see how I’d used so much to fill the emptiness inside with sex, distraction, and keeping busy with stuff. It was always Jesus I needed. After the change through the gift of the Spirit, I didn’t feel the same about A and she didn’t like who I was anymore either. It ended for me June 29 and with her and I talking officially June 30th. Because she didn’t like that she wasn’t involved in my decision to give life to Christ, also that the physical part of our relationship would change.

Since it ended I confessed my cheating and lying. She would go on to admit she was never “brave enough to move.” I started to be lead by the Spirit when God spoke to me, first He said “let her be” it shifted to “let her go.”

We’d have about three more interactions after the breakup. Each one I’d see how much of my day she’d take up with texting from 4 am through the day and into the night ending with a call by 9 pm. Every time we’d also end up having phone sex and felt so convinced in the Spirit when I messed up. Felt it was, since learned how much our sex life meant a lot more to her to the point I’ve felt used in these moments. This was always my days with her, she’d call waking me up. I sleep normally around 4am till 10/11 am when I’m lucky. Due to the RSD body has hard time relaxing and sleeping, and she’d call to talk on her way to work. Asking always “did I wake you up?” She knew she did and at times couldn’t help it I’d fall asleep on her. Then she’d make me feel bad “you’re not listening” and “I will let you sleep.” We’d spend hours talking and it was about her. When I needed advice or encouragement be met with silence or “I don’t know what to say.”

Last week she texted me in middle of the night. I was in a hotel room and been on the road for six days with my mom. Having to keep the room cut in half because mom always loses items she sets down and gets mad if you try to help her. Very long story with that. I was exhausted and when A texted me I wasn’t in the mood to talk or text so I let her have it about all I was feeling and I fell asleep. Waking up to the message “I won’t reach out anymore Bradley.”

I’d been getting stronger and better yet here I was again feeling bad and guilty. I messaged back when on the road saying I was sorry. I didn’t want her to stop reaching out. The woman has been my best and only friend for nine years. Hard to give that up. She asked if she could work through this pain and hurt and be friends and keep our connection. I said I think we can. I send her some pictures on the road we talk a bit. That night we talk on the phone and I blow it again.

I’ve been going through Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend again. Great book and this time make so much more sense then it ever did before matched with the Bible. Also got Safe People and How to Have That Difficult Conversation by these gifted men. I wish I had more hours in the day to get through them.

I’m struggling because she’s reached out twice and I responded once. Because the truth is I am so much happier without A in my life. She controlled so much, I’ve dealt with controlling women a lot in life. It runs in my family from mom to my sister. Trust me should see these two fight! I’ve never been more happy being single ever. Always thought I needed someone to be made whole. I did and that is Jesus.

The struggle is that Sunday nights used be special because I’d cheer her up before she’d go back to a job she hates and has the Monday blues. I made her some stickers out of new feature on new iOS and new phone camera. I was about to send it. When I came here because needed to talk and say it out.

I don’t know if I should say to her I am done, I don’t want to have anymore contact. Or if I should simply disappear from her life. I know she’s not healthy for me, most importantly I’ve heard God say it still let her go.

I need to be a man, responsible and disciplined as the Lord has written on my heart. It feels like I’m being weak and pathetic by simply disappearing from her life. Don’t want to hurt her anymore and it feels I will do that by saying goodbye for good.

(Forgive me for lack of grammar skills as I’m not a very good writer and I don’t know if I caught every autocorrect.)
You need to have a clean break from this woman. She will drag you down. If she is not prepared to accept your Christian faith, which obviously she hasn't, because you broke up your relationship because it wasn't working for either you nor her. Don't worry about hurting her. She is an adult. So, say farewell to her, and walk away. Having her being around hanging on to your coat tails will hinder any future relationship with a woman the Lord may lead you to. Your next partner will not want to know about any of your old flames, and she will soon walk away from you if you are hanging on to a friendship with an old flame.

Jesus loves you as you are. Be content with your own company, and choose friends who will walk alongside you and contribute to your Christian faith. Any woman will love and respect any man who knows who he is in the Lord and is content to be the person he should be without being easily led and influenced by others who may manipulate him. You don't need to be associated with female "lame ducks" in order to try and rescue them from their insecurities and unhappiness because some time in their past their horse hated them, giving them psychological trauma that can only be solved by having a relationship with you.
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