
  1. linux.poet

    Love Languages, Loneliness, and self-harm thoughts: a bit of help

    Recently, I’ve had to help a couple of friends with self-harm and suicidal ideation, and after dealing with some self-harm thoughts battering my brain over touch deprivation for the past couple of days, it’s given me a window into loneliness and what causes these thoughts. The thing is, I...
  2. H

    My experience with bipolar disorder

    Hello all. I came here first to see if anyone was suffering here, so that I could contribute something. I have had bipolar disorder since 2011. Originally, it was diagnosed as a psychotic disorder because that's how I presented at my first psychiatric hospitalization. I had suffocating guilt and...
  3. L

    I'm been feeling horrible

    I've been feeling horrible since May. I broke up with my bf on May 13th, and I've been feeling miserable ever since. I was 27 when we started dating, and we dated for a little over a year. My age is relevant because I waited 27 years for a boyfriend. And what did I get? I got a man who, while he...
  4. Chris04

    Is there any biblical evidence that suggests that people who take their own lives go to Hell?

    This has been a question that's been burning in my mind for a while. Really ever since a few years ago. Is there any evidence in the Bible that suggests that God punishes people who take their own lives? My mother told me that it's basically like "slapping God's hand away" since he gifted you...
  5. V

    New Jersey girl, 14, takes her own life after video shows other girls beating her up

    Schools Superintendent Triantafillos Parlapanides told the news outlet police were not called after the attack, citing school policy. “I don’t believe a police report was done. We normally just suspend. If a parent wants to press charges, they can with the police,” he said, adding, “We’re not...
  6. Chris04

    Does God even love certain people who were "mistakes"?

    My mother, who is a spiritual woman, has always talked about God's free will with humanity. One of the things she talks about is how some people have children that they weren't really supposed to have, which is part of God's "free will". So my question is this: Does God even care about the...
  7. Chris04

    Should the son of a deadbeat biological father be put to death?

    I'm the son of a deadbeat father myself, and I'll be 19 in March. I keep thinking back to certain clues and events throughout my life, and I don't know why, but I feel like I should die. I don't feel scared to die, however I do feel sad and excited whenever I think about it. My mother...
  8. Through the Shadow

    Here is My Born Again Christian Testimony

    Hello all! I finally got around to making a testimony video. I am putting it here in case anyone wants to watch! THANK YOU JESUS FOR GIVING MY SOUL REST! Trigger warning: I talk about alcohol, depression and suicidal thoughts.
  9. The Narrow Way

    Did Samson Commit Suicide or Was It an Act of War?

    (Not sure if I put this in the right place, if not, Mods, please move it.) Sometimes people will use the story of Samson to support the teaching that you can commit suicide and not be lost. I don't believe that Samson committed SUICIDE at all. The Israelites and the Philistines were CONSTANTLY...
  10. A

    God healed me of Depression!!!!!

    I cannot tell you how thankful i am. My words cannot express my gratitude to God. I had depression/oppression for over 30 years and cried out, whimpered, sobbed, complained and had so so many pray for me. Yet there seemed to be no answer which made me even more depressed. God was my only hope...
  11. mario1001

    Youtuber commits suicide

    I just found about a Youtuber named ApolloLegend who committed suicide tonight. Unfortunately I don't know his real name , but I wanted to life up his family as I can't even imagine the pain they must be in right now. May the Lord grant them comfort , peace and salvation to the ones who may not...
  12. S


    Recently, someone that I know of has been expressing her problems with depression and self harm. She mentioned that she has contemplated taking her own life. I am not close enough to talk to her and help her see the light, this is why I want to establish this prayer... I want to help people like...
  13. A

    Delivered from Depression/Oppression!

    I went through awful frequent periodic depression and oppression for 30+ years. I would cry out to the Lord, deliver me, help, save me from this over and over, but found no answer. This heaviness made me feel hopeless, fearful, and unable to escape. I didn’t understand what was happening to...
  14. createdtoworship

    Do you struggle with depression as a christian? You are not alone...

    This is posted from a non copy write blog: Nadia (in her mid 20's) tried to commit suicide in December of 2019. She is a viral poster on twitter and has over 20,000 twitter followers. She is a missionary and an on fire Christian. But she has depression. And sometimes it hits out of nowhere...
  15. Zoii

    Conservative commits suicide following backlash for harassing a drag queen

    Before I begin, allow me to exclude elements that we can all accept - That is: This site, and a large proportion of individuals (of all religious persuasions) do not condone homosexuality. Indeed many non-religious people revile homosexuality. Equally, there is an increasing proportion of...
  16. R

    Detroit Diocese Sued Over Funeral Sermon

    Some kid committed suicide and had a funeral in a catholic church. Apparently the priest preached against suicide, indicating that the decedent wasn't in Heaven as a result. His parents have now sued the church claiming emotional distress and such. Here are my thoughts. First of all, the...
  17. SummerMadness

    This football coach disarmed a student with a gun. Then he hugged him

    This football coach disarmed a student with a gun. Then he hugged him
  18. H

    Prayers for those considering suicide

    Heavenly Father, I come before You today to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are finding it hard to hold on in this life. I pray that they feel Your presence and become filled with Your peace -- a peace that passes all understanding. I also pray that sadness and despair...
  19. Ricky M

    What defines suicide/murder?

    My mother in law, God bless her soul, had a major stroke 10 years ago. The doctors said she wouldn't live thru the night, and would for sure be gone by week's end. But here we are, ten years later and she is still with us. Even tho she couldn't talk, she was still well enough to travel and so...
  20. Christsfreeservant

    If Only

    An Original Work / June 8, 2019 They die so young in wars, In suicides and overdoses. The fatalities are many. So many living without hope: They drown their pain in drugs, In alcohol and other addictions. They play video games hours on end, And engross their minds with porn. They are looking...