
  1. I

    Homeless Sex Drive -- What Do I Do???

    As a single man in my early 20s, what am I supposed to do with my high sex drive? -- Fornication is forbidden -- Porn is forbidden -- Masturbation is forbidden (I can't do it without lust) I have attempted to give my desires to God in the form of prayer, but He doesn't seem very interested...
  2. GodJesusAndChocolate

    Why Are You Single?

    Hello! :):):):) I just wanted to make a Thread about "Why Are You Single?".
  3. Andrew_x7398

    Looking for a girl who good in worshipping God and be relationship

    Hello, My name is Andrew. Gonna be 19 soon. I am from Malaysia and willing to be relationship with a girl who near with GOD . I'm a worshipper in church and musician to worshipping GOD. Message me , lets be friends. In GOD Grace, hope it will changed into relationsip
  4. TatiG

    Christian Woman’s Club

    Hello all! I’m interested in either joining a group or creating one (nothing that requires too much from one another as I know we have such busy lives but it would be nice to just have a group of women there for one another). I have copied and pasted the post I made in the Woman’s Only Forums...
  5. bèlla

    Dating is Harder

    Nearly Half of U.S. Adults Say Dating Has Gotten Harder for Most People in the Last 10 Years —Pew Research Center (download report) Among those who are on the dating market – the 15% of American adults who are single and looking for a committed relationship or casual dates – most say they are...
  6. Dr. Duderino

    Hi Everybody!

    Hello everyone, I am new to CF after having discovered it a few months ago, and am truly blessed by the conversations and insights of the esteemed members here! I thought it would be nice to join the community of like minded believers in Christ on the new, especially given this current pandemic...
  7. B

    Singles with few or no family members

    If you are single and have few or no family members, what is your experience of finding your contentment in Jesus and having undivided devotion to the Lord? Regarding loneliness, how has God helped you and what's your experience been with loneliness or not being lonely? Also, what was it like...
  8. A

    Single mum in need of emotional support

    Hi, i'm 28 and a single mum to my 6 year old son. His dad walked out on us years ago and i'm still heartbroken about it and heartbroken for my son. It hurts me that I have to go through parenthood alone. So I would like to talk to others with similar experiences, to comfort each other. I'm new...
  9. bèlla

    The Attraction Game

    Name one quality you'd like in a suitor. Add a blurb to your post. Easy peasy. :-) Rules ABC format You can't choose two Discussion is permitted Have fun! ~bella
  10. Rusty6113

    Just saying hello....yet another difficult phase of my life.

    Living at home, 2 amazing pastors for Uncles. Faith is huge. Christ died for my sins, but I cannot seem to stop. Its been and up and down mess with alcohol, various drugs, and my own prescribed medications. I'm currently single, on probation, and not too happy. I am using the Word as my fuel...
  11. G

    Bit by bit, you become more like Jesus: evolving into Jesus?

    Hi there, So this is from a simple heart to contextualize. The context, is life in Jesus. Life in Jesus, never runs out (He will be returning, shortly). The point is this: Evolution says there is no telos, to Evolution. However, this is because a pattern of degeneration, is adopted (the...
  12. Lybrah

    Stigma on being single after 40

    I read a post on the internet today on the Quora page. Someone wrote "It is rare to find an unmarried woman over 40 who is genuinely happy." I am so upset about this. So I'm supposed to be unhappy? I am the same as when I was twenty. I hate this stigma of if you're not married you're a shrew...
  13. Lybrah

    Struggling with a particular sin

    I’m not having any sex but I do have attraction to males. I do fantasize about having sex outside of marriage but I would never do that in real life. I fantasize about being in love and the person loves me. I cannot find a good partner right now and I have nothing else going for me right now...
  14. Lybrah

    Frustrated at the Dating Pool I’m in

    I’m really not attracted to any of the men who want to date me. It’s pretty much over since I’m 44 and the only guys who will date me are the old guys, the divorced, or the never-married such as myself. At the same time, I’m losing my looks as well. Right now I’m forcing myself to talk to a...
  15. M

    Why do I keep meeting non Christian/ non believer guys

    I am currently in my last year college and I would love to have a godly relationship that will lead somewhere but the guys i have been meeting do not share the same beliefs/faith as me. I am a Christian and I would definitely love to meet Christian men so I am just chilling and waiting on God
  16. M

    I'm new here

    Hello, I'm Jay. I just joined this platform and I hope to meet a new people here. I'm 21, female, single and in last year college. Nice to meet you all
  17. GospelS

    Do You Hurt Your Body?

    While some believers (men and women) unequally yoke with unbelievers, they are starving their fellow other members of the body of Christ from experiencing marital love, who could not find a believer and are left with no choice but to remain single. You are hurting Christ.
  18. GospelS

    Single And Wondering...

    As I was wondering why God has been 'hiding' me for so long, I’m instantly hit with a response- ‘because I want all of you to myself’. Yes, God created me for His pleasure. He engraved me in the palm of His hands. He delights in His creation. He looks intently at the work of His hands. He made...
  19. Lybrah

    Does God want me to be single by not sending any men with whom I can connect?

    Looking back, I realize that I discounted some good men. But at the time, I did not have feelings for them. I wanted to have feelings for them, but the feelings weren't there. I even cried one time because this one guy was great but I just couldn't like him. I am not gay--I have had crushes...
  20. L

    Does he like me does he like me not...
