
  1. S

    I'm swamped with guilt for nearly hurting my mother twice from negligent stupidity

    When I was in my late teens/early 20's my mother was diagnosed with a possible allergy to wasps/bees. Some time later a wasp nest cropped up under a windowsill in the yard and I was surprised at how well it was hidden. Our dogs were nosing at it and were being ignored. So, I decided to show my...
  2. J

    Uncertainty around deliberate sin

    I have posted about something similar to this before, but just feel really drawn to seek advice around this so thought I would just share. I am a bit confused as to how to feel about something... Last Friday I went to bed later than I knew I should have at the time. I could have set my alarm...
  3. I

    How do Christian's let go of guilt from a "Biblical" perspective?

    Hey everyone, I'm fairly new to the site so I'll make this short. I've been a Christian my whole life, but for pretty much all of it, I've never really felt like the guilt of my sin is lifted off my shoulders. Is there a way to fully understand and accept that God has given us a spirit of...
  4. Pearl7

    Pray for me to get rid of undeserved shame and guilt

    I've been talking to a counsellor for around 4 months and I am starting to see the roles and patterns in my family's system. It's very toxic, and I realised I was/am the scapegoat of the family, programmed to be constantly ashamed or feel guilty. I never knew where that huge amount of guilt came...
  5. SummerMadness

    My 6-year-old just had his first encounter with racism

    My 6-year-old just had his first encounter with racism I know many people go through a cycle of guilt because they question what could they have done to avoid the situation because they believe they can do just the right actions to prevent the problem in the first place. Having faith, resolve...
  6. S

    Need help finding Augustine references

    In the following paragraph (from here: Philip Schaff: ANF03. Latin Christianity: Its Founder, Tertullian - Christian Classics Ethereal Library): "In St. Augustine’s time, when moral theology became systematized in the West, by his mighty genius and influence, the following were...
  7. J


    Can be deleted, thank you so much :) I got delivered from this
  8. J

    Struggles with pornography and alcohol, and mental illness

    I suffer from incredibly debilitating mental illness. I have what are called "intrusive thoughts", that is blasphemous, self harming, or otherwise generally disturbing thoughts that never go away. I feel very alone and trapped in this, it has made me ill and started to affect my life to a point...
  9. SeekingGloryOnThisJourney

    Guilty for wanting new clothes

    As a teenager, my mother still hates when I want to wear something that I’d like. She thinks I want to wear tube tops, etc. when in reality I just want to dress modestly. When I tell her that she says I should appreciate how I look. And continues to make me wear what she thinks is right. I feel...
  10. S

    Unshifting guilt

    Hi I can't stop feeling like I should be rotting in hell because I am a terrible person for what I have done, even though I know that Jesus has forgiven me for my sins. Part of me wants to not be plagued by guilt, the other part thinks I deserve to be hounded.
  11. Christsfreeservant

    Bad Guilt and Good Guilt

    So, I have been going back and forth on what my diet should look like. I don’t want to be under bondage to “don’t touch” and “don’t taste,” with regard to food and drink. And, I want to be able to walk in freedom and not feel as though I have a hand smacking my hand any time I might eat a piece...
  12. B

    Please Help - Is it OCD or is it me?

    Hi, there. This is very long, but please read. I've been a Christian for years (at least I thought) - I remember asking Jesus into my heart and I got baptized as well years later. I've been very devoted and feel like I've had a close relationship with God over my lifetime. I've prayed and read...
  13. questionman

    Sin, guilt, condemnation and the age of innocence

    Assumptions: At the end of the age, God will judge mankind. If man is found guilty, he will be punished. We know that all men will be found guilty because all have sinned. In the gospel, Jesus assumes our guilt to himself and imputes his righteousness to us. It seems like there are at least two...
  14. T

    Hi all! Was wondering if anyone could help?

    Hi, I'm a theology student in England- about to start a study on the appearance of the crucifixion in dreams at university. I want to see if there is guilt left over from the crucifixion which re-emerges in dream form. Possibly sent by God or possibly from the left over guilt of such an...
  15. L

    Need some advice and encouragement. At a loss and feeling hopeless

    Hey so I'm posting this here because I'm at a loss and completely desperate and in need of advice, hoping someone can help. It's a long story but please bear with me. So I first came to know Jesus when I was 16. I was saved, baptized, started witnessing for Christ and knew I was saved beyond a...
  16. K

    A single person's struggles and is it ok to think about sex?

    I am new here and it's my first time posting anything but I have not found a similar thread that answered my specific question yet, so I am creating one. I'm not a person that summarizes things very well, so this is going to be long, I thank in advance to everyone patient enough to read all this...
  17. rosevs

    I feel serious guilt.

    In the past, it's been three years now, and I was much much younger in maturity (I am still a teen), some friends and I committed a crime multiple times and finally got caught then paid the price; this was before I was born again. Now I am born again and the guilt is eating me away because of...
  18. A

    I messed up big time and now I'm dealing with so much guilt and anxiety

    I'm a sixteen year old (soon to be 17) high school girl. Some months back, shortly after I got my license, I was responsible for a car accident that severely injured the driver of the car that I struck. The accident was a result of me texting while driving. I was fortunate enough to walk away...
  19. Daftendirekt

    Moving Forward

    Hello all! About a month and a half ago I truly came to Christ. I've been raised a Christian my entire life, but after my mom miscarried twice a couple years ago I turned away hardcore. During that time I did some things that I'm particularly unproud of. This particular "thing" ruled me for...
  20. N

    PLEASE READ MY STORY, in DIRE need of guidance!!!

    in 2011 I dated a woman in an on and off relationship to 2014. In 2014 during one of our breakup I had relations with her best friend. That year I proposed to her. During that time we sought marriage counseling and was told not to marry instead wait a year. A year later in 2015 we sought...