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  1. issa

    is there a homeschool forum here?

    I cant seem to find it
  2. issa

    Writing Scripture

    I am wanting to copy the Bible like King David was commanded. I have tried writing by hand but it hurts lol. I know I will get used to it but aside from that, I just know im going to lose the notebook coz I lose everything and I dont want my work to go to waste so Im thinking to type it. Now...
  3. issa

    Meet us at a free virtual tour of Biblical Israel on zoom :)

    Hi guys! For my birthday, my fiancee granted my wish to go to Israel by setting up a zoom video call so we can watch together. We are doing an episode every week with the discovery guide and you can join us for free :) Virtual Tour of Biblical Israel (That the World May Know vol.4)
  4. issa

    MJ Only Online triennial cycle Torah study

    Hi, I am looking for people to study with online. I like the triennial cycle as it is the one that Yeshua followed. Shalom :) Here's the link to this year's readings from Torah Resource...
  5. issa

    Any Messianic singles here?

    It has been a very long time since my last post and visit to CF. And this is my very first post as a "mature" single (having just turned 35) :wave:
  6. issa

    compare daniel juster's 2 books

    "that they may be one" and "one tribe many peoples" ive read the latter and the description of the former sounds exactly like the contents of the second. can someone tell me how they are different, which they like better and why? thanks a lot for whatever input!
  7. issa

    anybody from guelph, ontario?

    if you know someone who lives here, pls let me know. thanks!
  8. issa

    confused about subforums

    im not sure if i got this right but the subforum for orthodox messianics are meant for the jews who are believers and the messianic hebrew christian is for the gentile believers who are messianic?
  9. issa

    free ADD teleclasses

    at next week!
  10. issa

    a really great resource! has lots of nice articles and downloadable stuff. check it out and share what you have found helpful i like the poll about how we felt after diagnosis....was surprised that most felt ashamed to tell their loved-ones. there's also a printable...25 things to love about ADD
  11. issa


    i think it would be good for ADD people to marry coz we need coaches. but i think it would be better to marry a non-ADD person coz the house would be a total mess to have a whole family of ADD guys. and there would be no balance. but i read that there are ADD people marrying each other...i...
  12. issa

    guys wacha think of this link?
  13. issa

    peer coaching

    i think this would be nice...but dont know much about it. share what you know, or think or what-not.
  14. issa

    im hyperfocusing on my ADD and i cant sleep! thread

    so instead im searching the net for stuff on ADD but i know i gotta go to bed... hehe, just expressing myself. it helps a bit. thanks for listening.
  15. issa

    talk about being single and satisfied!

    i find this singles forum unusual coz its usually asking somebody questions... i was really looking for a topic like this and since i didnt find one. i thought i'd post it and see what you guys have to say about it! by the way, there is a couple of books out there on this topic too but i...
  16. issa

    i highly recommend this website. it has a program that will help you hide God's Word in your heart! this will help you a lot in your growth because this is an important spiritual discipline. im starting with the new testament one year challenge. 1...
  17. issa

    help! im researching how different churches (ecumenism) do missions together

    any resources will be much appreciated :)
  18. issa

    thanks for the free stuff ruth!!

    i love em :thumbsup:
  19. issa

    help!!!!! i cant uninstall quicktime and itunes!

    using add/remove programs, it says it is uninstalled but it doesnt disappear from the menu....i tried many times already even tried to remove stuff in the registry...still in the list of programs oh yeah...i tried to uninstall thru 'all prorams', same result. if no one can help me here, just...
  20. issa

    sharing on genesis chapters in bible verses subforum

    just shared some insights on a few genesis chapters, if you are reading through genesis...share your verses and reflections, questions too :)