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  1. Hazelelponi

    Masking and the KKK laws in Ohio

    Here is an interview with the attorney general for the state of Ohio: If you don't want to watch the interview with the AG here's an article on the topic: (I have been listening to news more due to...
  2. Hazelelponi

    Columbia's Rot on Display as Deported Terrorist Professor Praises Wife Joining Mob Sami Al-Arian, a former University of South Florida professor who admitted to conspiring to aid the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terror group in 2006, shared a photo of his spouse at Columbia's...
  3. Hazelelponi

    University Professor Shot - good ending though Report: Claflin University administrator was shot in the head, drove himself to hospital "According to an incident report from the Orangeburg County Sheriff’s...
  4. Hazelelponi

    What are we doing?

    The video was taken Saturday night at Columbia University, less than 24 hours ago, of woman below holding a sign pointing to the Jewish students and their friends who were holding Israeli and American flags and singing songs religious. It was their attempt at a small counter protest on campus...
  5. Hazelelponi

    Question - Can America be saved?

    I really don't know where this belongs but I want to ask people a question. I follow politics, one of the relatively few in this country who do, so this question stems from what is happening surrounding politics. I am Amil, I don't believe in any rapture, and I recognize through history the...
  6. Hazelelponi

    Online Dialogue and Debate - Question ❓

    How are we to talk online to others we don't know? I can fall into the trap of skimming for fault and play offensive two moves ahead. It's not a very congenial way of discussion but it's good at winning - at least in it's own mind. The above is more than common all across the internet and it's...
  7. Hazelelponi

    Super Tuesday Today is Super Tuesday and my state is one that is voting today, though I may end up unable to make it to the polls. Is your state voting? If so have you voted or are you planning on it? I thought this would be a fun...
  8. Hazelelponi

    Super Tuesday There's 16 states voting today, and mine is one of them but I may not be able to make it to the voting booth today. My pain level is really high and I'm trying to take enough pain medicine to get myself in the shower...
  9. Hazelelponi

    Christians must convert or be killed

    In Northern Mozambique there was a surge (Islamic State) and they have blocked off a main road. Anyone driving is being stopped - as of yesterday - and if they are Muslim they are being ordered to pay a road tax and allowed to continue on. If the driver is Christian they are being forced to...
  10. Hazelelponi

    Top Biden adviser to visit Egypt and Qatar to discuss hostage talks They are keeping this quiet, which I'm unsure as to why because of the level of importance this work is. Or, maybe that's exactly why it's being kept more low key.. I think it's something we should keep an eye...
  11. Hazelelponi

    Merry Christmas!

    I just want to wish everyone here a Merry Christmas on this Christmas Eve Sunday!
  12. Hazelelponi

    The Black Flag Raised in Khorasan - Multiple Embassies Attacked

    For the first time in History, the Iranians have placed the black flag over the Imam Reza Shrine. From the article: "This is not a standard flag; it resonates deeply with...
  13. Hazelelponi

    Intercession Please

    Hate having to ask, but my husband has been sick for over a week and a half, and yesterday I was starting to become worried he won't get better. He's got an infection and the antibiotics he's been on for a week aren't doing as much good as I hoped, and we had to have an ER visit for heart...
  14. Hazelelponi

    Pray for American Christians

    As America falls apart at the seams I feel a need to pray for all American Christians. I pray that God guides us through this evil time, and that His Hand remains upon us, especially now when we need it most. I pray that our thoughts remain firmly fixed on God and His perfect Will, and that...
  15. Hazelelponi

    Gen-X Attitudes And the Results

    I was reading an article on UpWorthy this morning which got me to thinking specifically about my generation - Gen X - and our general political attitudes of that day (the 90's generally) and how it's affecting our society and culture today. One of the points the article made about my...
  16. Hazelelponi

    Glorify God - Christmas Testimony Personal

    Since this testimony is coming out of my personal faith as well as a testimony of that I thought I would put this here, in Semper Reformative forum as well as the testimony forum - my brothers in the faith might appreciate reading this in particular. This is not my testimony of how I came to...
  17. Hazelelponi

    Glorify God!

    This is not my testimony of how I came to Christ. Everyone on this forum knows the basics of that - and I've never known how to write that down cohesively, nor do I yet know. But this - this thread is because what God does for each of us He does to bring Glory and Honor and Praise to His Name -...
  18. Hazelelponi

    1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith - Particular Baptist

    This is a sermon from a conference so it's a nearly 3 hour long talk from Pastor J. Ryan Davidson concerning the London Baptist Confession of Faith. Link to Sermon ^^ Sermon is located on the external website Sermon Audio. The Pastor touches on many aspects of the confession, including...
  19. Hazelelponi

    Who is praying for our enemies?

    Right now the western world, led by the United States, has stolen Russian money that wasn't theirs to take, removed [*select] Russian banks from SWFT [*select so the west can still buy energy if needed] left many Russians penniless when they were overseas on vacation and who are now unable to...
  20. Hazelelponi

    God's Law And Unbelievers

    I'm posting in the debate section so that I have a little more freedom in how I word any questions I have. To start: what is the Biblical defense of having Covenant laws be national - e.g. over believers and unbelievers alike? I see verses like 1 Corinthians 5:12-13 to be against trying to...